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End bird flu porn! Ebola, H5N1, SARSCoV2 were injected!

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:, Clay, if we could get off the bird flu porn, I'd be a whole lot better. Robert Redfield and Deborah Birx injected the military and the veterans with an HIV vaccine containing Ebola! Containing Ebola in the 1990s. All of those vaccines, including MMR, and every single viral vaccine, had the sequences of H5N1 let's not call it bird flu. A sequence is not our virus any more than our DNA is a human being.So there is no bird flu. I didn't see one of those chickens sneezing, I think they were squealing as they were going to be murdered for having a sequence in their body. Just like 10 million Americans were murdered when they called it COVID, when SARSCoV2 sequence was injected in every single polio vaccine since 2004.So it's time Robert Redfield be criminally charged, along with Birx and every other member of Congress who continues to perpetrate this fraud against the American people. As David Martin just said on Alex Jones, we're at war people and we are being killed and murdered by our government.Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 06/19/2024Full episode with Clay Clark on X:


#ClassifiedDocs prove #SARSCoV2 came from a lab #CovidOrigins

Classified documents published by a government transparency watchdog in the United States have found strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), “never existed in the natural world.” Worse yet, it appears that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has known about this since March 2020. The documents were obtained by […]


#ClassifiedDocs prove #SARSCoV2 came from a lab #CovidOrigins

Classified documents published by a government transparency watchdog in the United States have found strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), “never existed in the natural world.” Worse yet, it appears that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has known about this since March 2020. The documents were obtained by […]


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End bird flu porn! Ebola, H5N1, SARSCoV2 were injected!

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:, Clay, if we could get off the bird flu porn, I'd be a whole lot better. Robert Redfield and Deborah Birx injected the military and the veterans with an HIV vaccine containing Ebola! Containing Ebola in the 1990s. All of those vaccines, including MMR, and every single viral vaccine, had the sequences of H5N1 let's not call it bird flu. A sequence is not our virus any more than our DNA is a human being.So there is no bird flu. I didn't see one of those chickens sneezing, I think they were squealing as they were going to be murdered for having a sequence in their body. Just like 10 million Americans were murdered when they called it COVID, when SARSCoV2 sequence was injected in every single polio vaccine since 2004.So it's time Robert Redfield be criminally charged, along with Birx and every other member of Congress who continues to perpetrate this fraud against the American people. As David Martin just said on Alex Jones, we're at war people and we are being killed and murdered by our government.Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 06/19/2024Full episode with Clay Clark on X:


#ClassifiedDocs prove #SARSCoV2 came from a lab #CovidOrigins

Classified documents published by a government transparency watchdog in the United States have found strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), “never existed in the natural world.” Worse yet, it appears that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has known about this since March 2020. The documents were obtained by […]


#ClassifiedDocs prove #SARSCoV2 came from a lab #CovidOrigins

Classified documents published by a government transparency watchdog in the United States have found strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), “never existed in the natural world.” Worse yet, it appears that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has known about this since March 2020. The documents were obtained by […]

It has now become apparent that nature has the upper hand over the vaccine manufacturers as #SARSCoV2 has far greater alacrity.

#boosters #vaccinefailure #TheDefender

Research published in ACS Infectious Diseases shows mass vaccination against COVID-19 is backfiring as SARS-CoV-2 readily mutates and thrives in the vaccinated.

Did the NIH, NIAID, Fauci, et al CREATE SarsCoV2 via GoF Research? | The Hagmann Report (FULL SHOW) 8/5/2022