
Like Warrior Angel Michael (Paul Bettany), likewise can I also agree similarly, "Frankly I don't care what U 2 date 8 billion Plus ALL connected adult USA-global, whole NECLEUS species-humanity BELIEVE", my trust, my confidence is in SOLELY ALONE Jesus, NOT U humanity -

Enhance the conversation!Any wishes for movie quotes?

Abraham Lincoln
“The one victory we can ever call complete will be that one which proclaims that there is not one slave or one drunkard on the face of God’s green earth.”

Paul M. Angle
"At forty-five he had been inactive in politics for several years.

But in the year in which he attained that age—1854—the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed. The effect of the bill was to open federal territories, not yet organized as states, to slavery.

Lincoln, aroused as never before, re-entered politics and did all that was within his power to repeal the new legislation.

Out of the opposition of thousands like him the Republican Party came into existence. Within two years he was its acknowledged leader in Illinois."


Wod Musculation est un programme dentraînement intensif basé sur les principes du CrossFit. Il sagit dun mélange de musculation, dentraînement cardiovasculaire et de mouvements fonctionnels, conçu pour améliorer la force, lendurance, la flexibilité et la condition physique générale.
Le programme Wod Musculation se concentre sur des séances dentraînement variées et intenses, combinant des exercices de poids corporel tels que les pompes, les tractions et les squats avec des exercices dhaltérophilie tels que les soulevés de terre, les arrachés et les épaulés-jetés. Les entraînements sont également axés sur des mouvements fonctionnels tels que les burpees, les box jumps et les kettlebell swings.
En pratiquant régulièrement le Wod Musculation, on peut sattendre à des résultats impressionnants en termes de renforcement musculaire, de perte de poids, damélioration de la condition physique et de développement de la résistance mentale. Les séances dentraînement sont généralement courtes mais intenses, ce qui permet de maximiser les bénéfices en un minimum de temps.
En tant quadepte du Wod Musculation, je me sens constamment défié et motivé à repousser mes limites physiques. Chaque séance dentraînement est une occasion de me surpasser et de progresser vers mes objectifs. La communauté Wod Musculation est également très encourageante et solidaire, ce qui crée une ambiance positive et stimulante lors des entraînements.
Je recommande vivement le Wod Musculation à tous ceux qui recherchent un programme dentraînement complet et intense pour améliorer leur condition physique globale. Cest une excellente façon de se mettre au défi, de se sentir fort et de se sentir bien dans son corps. Alors préparez-vous à transpirer, à vous dépasser et à obtenir des résultats incroyables avec le Wod Musculation !
Wod Musculation -



On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez dives into the new deal reached by US lawmakers to send additional aid to Israel, Ukraine, and even Taiwan. Also, how will the West respond to reports that Russia’s economy is growing? Rick digs into all this with the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute, Daniel McAdams.

The unprecedented and unrelenting rise in stocks has an ominous feeling to it. Like the legendary crack-up booms of bubble past. Also, we discuss the CBO’s projections of the next ten years of US deficits, that only grow and grow hitting an eye-watering $2.7 trillion/yr in 2034. Obviously something breaks along that path. Are you ready?

Want a free no obligation review with Paul and his team? Click here

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For more information on our amazing new webinar series - Prospering With Integrity with Bret Weinstein, Ed Dowd and Peter St Onge, click here:

First and second episodes available now!. Use PWI25 today for 25% off the series, or join under an annual subscription to with Peak30 and get access to the webinar series FREE!

? NOTE: Annual members to get all episodes of Prospering with Integrity (and much more!) as a perk of the subscription. Watch more of our videos here to find hidden codes to use on our membership! ?️‍♂️?


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FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER. PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC, AND PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, TAX, OR FINANCIAL ADVICE OR SERVICES VIA THIS WEBSITE. NEITHER PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC NOT PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE FINANCIAL PLANNERS, BROKERS, OR TAX ADVISORS. Their websites are intended only to assist you in your financial education. Your personal financial situation is unique, and any information and advice obtained through this website may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, you should consider obtaining additional information and advice from your accountant or other financial advisers who are fully aware of your individual circumstances. All information in this video is as accurate as we believe them to be based on current market conditions at the time of recording.



Gettr: @PeakProsperity (NEW!)

Truth Social: @PeakProsperity (NEW!)

Instagram: peak.prosperity

Several indicators are screaming “recession!” But the “”markets”” are happily rising higher all over the globe on an obvious wall of central bank liquidity. Can ‘they’ print us out of the nose-dive? What if they don’t? What should investors be considering? Tune in to find out.

Want a free no obligation review with Paul and his team? Click here

Join the conversation here:

For more information on our amazing new webinar series - Prospering With Integrity with Bret Weinstein, Ed Dowd and Peter St Onge, click here:

First and second episodes available now!. Use PWI25 today for 25% off the series, or join under an annual subscription to with Peak30 and get access to the webinar series FREE!

? NOTE: Annual members to get all episodes of Prospering with Integrity (and much more!) as a perk of the subscription. Watch more of our videos here to find hidden codes to use on our membership! ?️‍♂️?


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Join the #1 resilience community today!

FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER. PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC, AND PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, TAX, OR FINANCIAL ADVICE OR SERVICES VIA THIS WEBSITE. NEITHER PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC NOT PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE FINANCIAL PLANNERS, BROKERS, OR TAX ADVISORS. Their websites are intended only to assist you in your financial education. Your personal financial situation is unique, and any information and advice obtained through this website may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, you should consider obtaining additional information and advice from your accountant or other financial advisers who are fully aware of your individual circumstances. All information in this video is as accurate as we believe them to be based on current market conditions at the time of recording.


Twitter: @Chris_martenson



On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez dives into the new deal reached by US lawmakers to send additional aid to Israel, Ukraine, and even Taiwan. Also, how will the West respond to reports that Russia’s economy is growing? Rick digs into all this with the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute, Daniel McAdams.

The unprecedented and unrelenting rise in stocks has an ominous feeling to it. Like the legendary crack-up booms of bubble past. Also, we discuss the CBO’s projections of the next ten years of US deficits, that only grow and grow hitting an eye-watering $2.7 trillion/yr in 2034. Obviously something breaks along that path. Are you ready?

Want a free no obligation review with Paul and his team? Click here

Join the conversation here:

For more information on our amazing new webinar series - Prospering With Integrity with Bret Weinstein, Ed Dowd and Peter St Onge, click here:

First and second episodes available now!. Use PWI25 today for 25% off the series, or join under an annual subscription to with Peak30 and get access to the webinar series FREE!

? NOTE: Annual members to get all episodes of Prospering with Integrity (and much more!) as a perk of the subscription. Watch more of our videos here to find hidden codes to use on our membership! ?️‍♂️?


Wanna buy me a coffee?

Join the #1 resilience community today!

FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER. PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC, AND PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, TAX, OR FINANCIAL ADVICE OR SERVICES VIA THIS WEBSITE. NEITHER PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC NOT PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE FINANCIAL PLANNERS, BROKERS, OR TAX ADVISORS. Their websites are intended only to assist you in your financial education. Your personal financial situation is unique, and any information and advice obtained through this website may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, you should consider obtaining additional information and advice from your accountant or other financial advisers who are fully aware of your individual circumstances. All information in this video is as accurate as we believe them to be based on current market conditions at the time of recording.



Gettr: @PeakProsperity (NEW!)

Truth Social: @PeakProsperity (NEW!)

Instagram: peak.prosperity

Several indicators are screaming “recession!” But the “”markets”” are happily rising higher all over the globe on an obvious wall of central bank liquidity. Can ‘they’ print us out of the nose-dive? What if they don’t? What should investors be considering? Tune in to find out.

Want a free no obligation review with Paul and his team? Click here

Join the conversation here:

For more information on our amazing new webinar series - Prospering With Integrity with Bret Weinstein, Ed Dowd and Peter St Onge, click here:

First and second episodes available now!. Use PWI25 today for 25% off the series, or join under an annual subscription to with Peak30 and get access to the webinar series FREE!

? NOTE: Annual members to get all episodes of Prospering with Integrity (and much more!) as a perk of the subscription. Watch more of our videos here to find hidden codes to use on our membership! ?️‍♂️?


Wanna buy me a coffee?

Join the #1 resilience community today!

FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER. PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC, AND PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, TAX, OR FINANCIAL ADVICE OR SERVICES VIA THIS WEBSITE. NEITHER PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC NOT PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE FINANCIAL PLANNERS, BROKERS, OR TAX ADVISORS. Their websites are intended only to assist you in your financial education. Your personal financial situation is unique, and any information and advice obtained through this website may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, you should consider obtaining additional information and advice from your accountant or other financial advisers who are fully aware of your individual circumstances. All information in this video is as accurate as we believe them to be based on current market conditions at the time of recording.


Twitter: @Chris_martenson

In our talk today, Paul and I discuss the fascinating yet alarming surge in market valuations, a trend unseen since the seven weeks of 1929. We delve into John Hussman’s recent market commentary and how these high valuations contrast with the longest anticipated, yet unrealized, recession.
Want a free no obligation review with Paul and his team? Click here

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Wanna buy me a coffee?

Join the #1 resilience community today!

FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER. PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC, AND PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, TAX, OR FINANCIAL ADVICE OR SERVICES VIA THIS WEBSITE. NEITHER PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC NOT PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE FINANCIAL PLANNERS, BROKERS, OR TAX ADVISORS. Their websites are intended only to assist you in your financial education. Your personal financial situation is unique, and any information and advice obtained through this website may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, you should consider obtaining additional information and advice from your accountant or other financial advisers who are fully aware of your individual circumstances. All information in this video is as accurate as we believe them to be based on current market conditions at the time of recording.


Twitter: @Chris_martenson


I understand why American Libertarians are skeptical of Javier Milei, I support that skepticism. But will he actually be able to implement his Libertarian economic order? Here are a few factors to consider.

Full Episode:


Like Warrior Angel Michael (Paul Bettany), likewise can I also agree similarly, "Frankly I don't care what U 2 date 8 billion Plus ALL connected adult USA-global, whole NECLEUS species-humanity BELIEVE", my trust, my confidence is in SOLELY ALONE Jesus, NOT U humanity -

Enhance the conversation!Any wishes for movie quotes?

Abraham Lincoln
“The one victory we can ever call complete will be that one which proclaims that there is not one slave or one drunkard on the face of God’s green earth.”

Paul M. Angle
"At forty-five he had been inactive in politics for several years.

But in the year in which he attained that age—1854—the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed. The effect of the bill was to open federal territories, not yet organized as states, to slavery.

Lincoln, aroused as never before, re-entered politics and did all that was within his power to repeal the new legislation.

Out of the opposition of thousands like him the Republican Party came into existence. Within two years he was its acknowledged leader in Illinois."


Wod Musculation est un programme dentraînement intensif basé sur les principes du CrossFit. Il sagit dun mélange de musculation, dentraînement cardiovasculaire et de mouvements fonctionnels, conçu pour améliorer la force, lendurance, la flexibilité et la condition physique générale.
Le programme Wod Musculation se concentre sur des séances dentraînement variées et intenses, combinant des exercices de poids corporel tels que les pompes, les tractions et les squats avec des exercices dhaltérophilie tels que les soulevés de terre, les arrachés et les épaulés-jetés. Les entraînements sont également axés sur des mouvements fonctionnels tels que les burpees, les box jumps et les kettlebell swings.
En pratiquant régulièrement le Wod Musculation, on peut sattendre à des résultats impressionnants en termes de renforcement musculaire, de perte de poids, damélioration de la condition physique et de développement de la résistance mentale. Les séances dentraînement sont généralement courtes mais intenses, ce qui permet de maximiser les bénéfices en un minimum de temps.
En tant quadepte du Wod Musculation, je me sens constamment défié et motivé à repousser mes limites physiques. Chaque séance dentraînement est une occasion de me surpasser et de progresser vers mes objectifs. La communauté Wod Musculation est également très encourageante et solidaire, ce qui crée une ambiance positive et stimulante lors des entraînements.
Je recommande vivement le Wod Musculation à tous ceux qui recherchent un programme dentraînement complet et intense pour améliorer leur condition physique globale. Cest une excellente façon de se mettre au défi, de se sentir fort et de se sentir bien dans son corps. Alors préparez-vous à transpirer, à vous dépasser et à obtenir des résultats incroyables avec le Wod Musculation !
Wod Musculation -


What has happened to Paul Laidlaw
website :


Monday, May 20th, 2024

The Myth of Good and Bad Nations
Lew Rockwell

How To Recognize If Bird Flu Is Real Disease and Its Kayfabe Reality
Wayne Lusvardi

The Palestinian People Two Years After the Beginning of the State of Israel & Today
Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy

Western Liars Aggressively Promote WWIII in Europe
Joachim Hagopian

The Shooting of Prime Minister Robert Fico
Emanuel Pastreich

The Fallout From a Nuclear War Cannot Be Discounted
Madge Waggy

Beware the Philanthropaths!
Jim Quinn

The House-Endorsed Definition of Antisemitism Provokes a Rift with Christianity
Carina Benton

Why Israel Is in Deep Trouble
John Mearsheimer and Tom Switzer

Javier Milei, the Beginning of the End of Socialist World Domination?
Thomas Jacob

Globalists Plot Worldwide Genocide Via WHO Pandemic Treaty
Richard C. Cook

White Ethnicities Are Being Replaced
Paul Craig Roberts