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1 hr ago

Bienfaits De La Musculation -
La musculation est une activité physique qui consiste à développer et renforcer les muscles de notre corps. Les bienfaits de la musculation sont nombreux et variés, tant sur le plan physique que mental.
Dun point de vue physique, la musculation permet de tonifier et de sculpter notre corps, en nous aidant à perdre des graisses et à gagner de la masse musculaire. Elle améliore également notre posture, notre équilibre et notre coordination, ce qui réduit les risques de blessures.
Sur le plan mental, la musculation a un effet bénéfique sur notre confiance en soi et notre estime de soi. Elle nous permet de mieux gérer le stress et lanxiété en augmentant la production dendorphines, les hormones du bien-être.
Pour ma part, la musculation fait partie de mon quotidien depuis plusieurs années. Jaime sentir mes muscles travailler et voir les résultats de mes efforts à travers des changements physiques concrets. Cette activité me permet également de me vider lesprit et de me concentrer sur mon corps et mes sensations. En somme, la musculation est pour moi un véritable mode de vie qui mapporte à la fois des bénéfices physiques et mentaux.

2 hrs ago

The health benefits of cardamom, an antioxidant-rich spice

Cardamom is a potent spice used in cooking and traditional medicine. It is a staple ingredient in Middle Eastern, Indian and Swedish cuisines, where it’s used in both sweet and savory dishes for its distinctive flavor. People commonly add cardamom to curries, desserts and meat dishes, as well as beverages like chai tea and coffee. This spice comes […]

12 hrs ago

A small serving of dried goji berries a day may prevent or delay age-related macular degeneration, according to a study

A study has found that a small serving of dried goji berries (Lycium barbarum) a day may prevent or delay age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in older individuals and is estimated to affect over 170 million globally. It usually affects people in their 50s and 60s, targeting their central […]


In this episode of The Cost of Everything, host Christy Ai delves into the intricate world of waste management, highlighting the transformative advancements in purification technologies. Joined by scientist Dr. Maulin Shah, they explore how these innovations facilitate the swift conversion of wastewater into drinkable water, offering solutions to the pressing issues of water scarcity and environmental degradation. From discussing the critical role of effective wastewater management in ensuring public health and economic resilience in communities worldwide, to examining specific cases like the Middle East, where investments in desalination and cutting-edge treatment methods are imperative for sustainable water practices, this episode sheds light on the multifaceted challenges and promising opportunities in the realm of water resource management.

? For decades, children who developed autism after receiving routine vaccines have been denied justice.

Their parents have been ridiculed, gaslighted + left to cope on their own. Kids suffered.

Will you help fund our critical work? ⬇️


Republicans are facing another political headache in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, this time involving in vitro fertilization procedures, that could spell disaster for the party heading into the 2024 election. The latest hurdle comes out of Alabama after the state Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are legally children and the destruction of embryos constitutes a crime under the state’s “wrongful death of a minor” law. In response to the significant backlash, lawmakers in both chambers of the Alabama legislature have filed bills to clarify the state law related to embryos created via IVF. In this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes debate with her panel (Steve Abramowicz, Host, Mill Creek View; Desi K Robinson, Health Professor, Doula, Media Analyst) about the ruling and the morality of deciding when does life begin?


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In this episode of The Cost of Everything, host Christy Ai delves into the intricate world of waste management, highlighting the transformative advancements in purification technologies. Joined by scientist Dr. Maulin Shah, they explore how these innovations facilitate the swift conversion of wastewater into drinkable water, offering solutions to the pressing issues of water scarcity and environmental degradation. From discussing the critical role of effective wastewater management in ensuring public health and economic resilience in communities worldwide, to examining specific cases like the Middle East, where investments in desalination and cutting-edge treatment methods are imperative for sustainable water practices, this episode sheds light on the multifaceted challenges and promising opportunities in the realm of water resource management.

? For decades, children who developed autism after receiving routine vaccines have been denied justice.

Their parents have been ridiculed, gaslighted + left to cope on their own. Kids suffered.

Will you help fund our critical work? ⬇️


Republicans are facing another political headache in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, this time involving in vitro fertilization procedures, that could spell disaster for the party heading into the 2024 election. The latest hurdle comes out of Alabama after the state Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are legally children and the destruction of embryos constitutes a crime under the state’s “wrongful death of a minor” law. In response to the significant backlash, lawmakers in both chambers of the Alabama legislature have filed bills to clarify the state law related to embryos created via IVF. In this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes debate with her panel (Steve Abramowicz, Host, Mill Creek View; Desi K Robinson, Health Professor, Doula, Media Analyst) about the ruling and the morality of deciding when does life begin?

In this episode of The Cost of Everything, host Christy Ai teams up with author Marion Nestle to uncover the hidden costs lurking on our plates, particularly in the realm of fast food – an area often overlooked in terms of its health ramifications. Together, they delve into how what may seem like a convenient and satisfying meal option can actually harbor a multitude of hidden costs for our wellbeing. By unraveling the complexities of fast-food ingredients – from preservatives and additives designed to enhance flavor and prolong shelf life to chemicals that may pose risks to human health – Christy and Marion shed light on the true impact of fast-food consumption. They also examine the stark differences in food regulations between the US and Europe, highlighting banned substances in other countries that continue to find their way into American fast-food products.

In this episode of The Cost of Everything, host Christy Ai and author Robert Mack delve into the profound impact of depression and anxiety on individuals and society. They analyze staggering statistics, such as the 280 million people globally affected by depression, including 21 million in the US alone, along with the economic consequences, like lost productivity and rising healthcare costs. The discussion navigates through the multifaceted nature of mental health challenges, touching on cultural attitudes that stigmatize mental health issues in some societies. Despite these hurdles, there’s an encouraging trend of decreasing stigma, paving the way for more open discussions and enhanced support, including tailored mental health programs in workplaces and communities.


1 hr ago

Bienfaits De La Musculation -
La musculation est une activité physique qui consiste à développer et renforcer les muscles de notre corps. Les bienfaits de la musculation sont nombreux et variés, tant sur le plan physique que mental.
Dun point de vue physique, la musculation permet de tonifier et de sculpter notre corps, en nous aidant à perdre des graisses et à gagner de la masse musculaire. Elle améliore également notre posture, notre équilibre et notre coordination, ce qui réduit les risques de blessures.
Sur le plan mental, la musculation a un effet bénéfique sur notre confiance en soi et notre estime de soi. Elle nous permet de mieux gérer le stress et lanxiété en augmentant la production dendorphines, les hormones du bien-être.
Pour ma part, la musculation fait partie de mon quotidien depuis plusieurs années. Jaime sentir mes muscles travailler et voir les résultats de mes efforts à travers des changements physiques concrets. Cette activité me permet également de me vider lesprit et de me concentrer sur mon corps et mes sensations. En somme, la musculation est pour moi un véritable mode de vie qui mapporte à la fois des bénéfices physiques et mentaux.

2 hrs ago

The health benefits of cardamom, an antioxidant-rich spice

Cardamom is a potent spice used in cooking and traditional medicine. It is a staple ingredient in Middle Eastern, Indian and Swedish cuisines, where it’s used in both sweet and savory dishes for its distinctive flavor. People commonly add cardamom to curries, desserts and meat dishes, as well as beverages like chai tea and coffee. This spice comes […]

12 hrs ago

A small serving of dried goji berries a day may prevent or delay age-related macular degeneration, according to a study

A study has found that a small serving of dried goji berries (Lycium barbarum) a day may prevent or delay age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in older individuals and is estimated to affect over 170 million globally. It usually affects people in their 50s and 60s, targeting their central […]

18 hrs ago

Musculation Force est un programme dentraînement révolutionnaire conçu pour aider les passionnés de fitness à atteindre leurs objectifs de renforcement musculaire et de développement physique. Ce programme innovant combine des techniques dentraînement avancées, des plans de nutrition personnalisés et un soutien mental pour maximiser les résultats.
En suivant Musculation Force, jai pu repousser mes limites et atteindre des niveaux de force et de forme physique que je naurais jamais cru possibles. Les séances dentraînement sont intenses mais incroyablement gratifiantes, et le programme ma permis de sculpter mon corps de manière spectaculaire.
Grâce à des conseils dexperts et à une communauté de soutien motivante, jai pu rester concentré sur mes objectifs et surmonter les obstacles qui se dressaient sur mon chemin. Musculation Force a véritablement transformé ma vie et ma perception de ce dont mon corps est capable. Je le recommande vivement à tous ceux qui aspirent à repousser leurs limites physiques et à transformer leur corps en une machine de force.
Musculation Force -