
& if U ALL out there who CLAIM 2 B in-of Holy Trinity, R not SELF prepared or R afraid 2 (humanly) die 4 Holy Trinity (though U will eternally live via Soul in Heaven 4 standing up 4 HIM), THEN U R NOT in-of HIM & U only lie 2 YO selves & only further humor Devil! & THOSE like Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) ie: any & all SELF $ selling out 2 highest $ paying bidder police law enforcement-military TOP-down (locally) wherever U live USA-globally have literally-clearly NO exhibited care NOR regard 2 B right-proper 4 Holy Trinity, which regardless of THEIR endless volume of gun magazine's & etc weapon's R - even like U ALL coward's = SELF committing eternal suicide-signing YO own eternal death warrant via YO own WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record, GET it? WE CLEAR?!

& huh, ALL the evil-unholy attack's against Jesus-God-Holy Trinity & humanity (itself, all of us USA-globally & even those amidst THEM of TOP Power Elite's, fill in blank's, name THEM), huh WHO R THEY seriously kidding - thinking THEIR gonna actually TRY & pull this & that ALL off & as 2 even try & GET those of any & all SELF $ selling out 2 highest $ paying bidder police law enforcement-military TOP-down (locally) wherever U live USA-globally 2 carry out given Order's of upon us ALL or otherwise reap kill-death reaping upon themselves & their families 4 not do such upon us all = overall eventually Coming when majority of USA-global humanity is DEAD only then THEY'LL do SAME 2 THEMSELVES, point - "EH" (THEY don't care either way CEASE THEM 1st or THEM ceasing us all THEN THEMSELVES) = END GAME whether 2 humor devil or not but is nevertheless attack's against God-Holy Trinity!

DEA’s Airport Search SCAM Caught on Video | HELP Fund the Lawsuit!

#DEA #TSA #WarOnDrugs #WarOnCash #PoliceMisconduct #FourthAmendment #SearchAndSeizure #CivilAssetForfeiture #CivilForfeiture #CivilRights #UnitedStatesVPlace #Lawsuit #ConstitutionalLaw #Law

Even though it's perfectly legal to board an airline in the United States with any amount of cash, the TSA and the DEA are running a scam where they will attempt to seize that cash, even where you are not suspected of having committed any crime. Then they make you fight to regain your cash, which can take years and thousands of dollars in legal fees. The government makes a lot of money this way and it has nothing to do with investigating or fighting crime. This is rare footage of exactly how they run this scam. Continue reading →


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& if U ALL out there who CLAIM 2 B in-of Holy Trinity, R not SELF prepared or R afraid 2 (humanly) die 4 Holy Trinity (though U will eternally live via Soul in Heaven 4 standing up 4 HIM), THEN U R NOT in-of HIM & U only lie 2 YO selves & only further humor Devil! & THOSE like Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) ie: any & all SELF $ selling out 2 highest $ paying bidder police law enforcement-military TOP-down (locally) wherever U live USA-globally have literally-clearly NO exhibited care NOR regard 2 B right-proper 4 Holy Trinity, which regardless of THEIR endless volume of gun magazine's & etc weapon's R - even like U ALL coward's = SELF committing eternal suicide-signing YO own eternal death warrant via YO own WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record, GET it? WE CLEAR?!

& huh, ALL the evil-unholy attack's against Jesus-God-Holy Trinity & humanity (itself, all of us USA-globally & even those amidst THEM of TOP Power Elite's, fill in blank's, name THEM), huh WHO R THEY seriously kidding - thinking THEIR gonna actually TRY & pull this & that ALL off & as 2 even try & GET those of any & all SELF $ selling out 2 highest $ paying bidder police law enforcement-military TOP-down (locally) wherever U live USA-globally 2 carry out given Order's of upon us ALL or otherwise reap kill-death reaping upon themselves & their families 4 not do such upon us all = overall eventually Coming when majority of USA-global humanity is DEAD only then THEY'LL do SAME 2 THEMSELVES, point - "EH" (THEY don't care either way CEASE THEM 1st or THEM ceasing us all THEN THEMSELVES) = END GAME whether 2 humor devil or not but is nevertheless attack's against God-Holy Trinity!

DEA’s Airport Search SCAM Caught on Video | HELP Fund the Lawsuit!

#DEA #TSA #WarOnDrugs #WarOnCash #PoliceMisconduct #FourthAmendment #SearchAndSeizure #CivilAssetForfeiture #CivilForfeiture #CivilRights #UnitedStatesVPlace #Lawsuit #ConstitutionalLaw #Law

Even though it's perfectly legal to board an airline in the United States with any amount of cash, the TSA and the DEA are running a scam where they will attempt to seize that cash, even where you are not suspected of having committed any crime. Then they make you fight to regain your cash, which can take years and thousands of dollars in legal fees. The government makes a lot of money this way and it has nothing to do with investigating or fighting crime. This is rare footage of exactly how they run this scam. Continue reading →

& ANY TOP-down FAILED judicial-legal industry-system ie: whether USA's Supreme Court, International Criminal Court, misc-etc (fill in blank's) is literally NOTHING more than 2 date understatement a 'crap shoot' ie: rolling the dice at a casino, misc 4 getting ANY true, wishful justice on-of literally ANYTHING aside from carelessly-senselessly-purposefully-deliberately-with intent (ie: THAT'S THE POINT ALL THEM DO IT STUPID, GET A CLUE), '!' misc disgracing, twisting, making a mockery of, misc of ALL USA's Founding Father's did & R SUPPOSE 2 stand 4! THEY (fill in blank's) AIN'T about caring about - EVER-NEVER what some-ANY stinking law's, misc says ie: (I don't need no stinking badge's), huh SO NOT FUNNY BUT hey, worse is Coming!

& huh, U majority USA-global 8 billion plus of all connected whole FAILED idea (unless U CAN prove otherwise 2 Holy Trinity & Heaven) NECLEUS species-humanity want this all exhibited out there 2 STOP? Then U LITERALLY STOP IT (via ALL God's embedded internally within U individually & as a 1 above)! Cuz if U ALL R waiting on God 2 'call it' (via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations), U AIN'T gonna like it! It's-this ALL is NOT God's job-responsibility, it's ALWAYS been OUR'S past historically tense-2 date tick tock 'Time' (day & night, 24/7) USA-globally (NO court's-NO man's law's-NO prison's) but solely literally CEASE immediately onsite currently-presently the NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, dust & ash corpse weed's of garden & send THEM ALL (fill in blank's) on knees B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing!