42 mins ago

DEA’s Airport Search SCAM Caught on Video | HELP Fund the Lawsuit!


#DEA #TSA #WarOnDrugs #WarOnCash #PoliceMisconduct #FourthAmendment #SearchAndSeizure #CivilAssetForfeiture #CivilForfeiture #CivilRights #UnitedStatesVPlace #Lawsuit #ConstitutionalLaw #Law

Even though it's perfectly legal to board an airline in the United States with any amount of cash, the TSA and the DEA are running a scam where they will attempt to seize that cash, even where you are not suspected of having committed any crime. Then they make you fight to regain your cash, which can take years and thousands of dollars in legal fees. The government makes a lot of money this way and it has nothing to do with investigating or fighting crime. This is rare footage of exactly how they run this scam. Continue reading →


Rasmussen Poll Reveals Non-Citizens Voting In US Elections As Part Of Military Style Operation https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=66a2c819394c6f7d66f04ab6


Ultimate Compilation Of Media Hailing Kamala Harris As Border Czar https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=66a2c18d2a93c2c1afe31ceb


#AlexJonesShow Thursday EMERGENCY LIVE BROADCAST: Deep State Planning To Consolidate Control By Triggering Civil Unrest / Civil War! Alex Jones Has Their Battle Plan & Knows How To Stop Them! TUNE IN NOW https://www.infowars.com/show/the-alex-jones-show/ https://www.infowars.com/posts/live-show-senile-bidens-dropout-address-signals-deep-state-coup-complete/ » SUPPORT: https://drjonesnaturals.com https://infowarsstore.com


On the last two episodes of "Zelenskyy Unmasked", we’ve exposed Ukraine’s repression of independent media and oppositional politics. But this tyranny isn’t limited to the secular world. The Orthodox Church of Ukraine is also falling victim to Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s despotism. The US government tells us that it's helping a democratic ally defend itself from a tyrannical neighbor, but from the perspective of Ukraine’s millions of faithful, this is just a fairytale. Episode 9 of "Zelenskyy Unmasked" starts now.
