& huh, U majority USA-global 8 billion plus of all connected whole FAILED idea (unless U CAN prove otherwise 2 Holy Trinity & Heaven) NECLEUS species-humanity want this all exhibited out there 2 STOP? Then U LITERALLY STOP IT (via ALL God's embedded internally within U individually & as a 1 above)! Cuz if U ALL R waiting on God 2 'call it' (via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations), U AIN'T gonna like it! It's-this ALL is NOT God's job-responsibility, it's ALWAYS been OUR'S past historically tense-2 date tick tock 'Time' (day & night, 24/7) USA-globally (NO court's-NO man's law's-NO prison's) but solely literally CEASE immediately onsite currently-presently the NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, dust & ash corpse weed's of garden & send THEM ALL (fill in blank's) on knees B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing!