
8 hrs ago

Here's how to prepare a food storage starter kit

Building your own food storage starter kit is one of the most basic things you need to learn if you want to be prepared for a food emergency or survival situation. Making a food storage starter kit is not as simple as going to your local grocery store and stocking up on whatever food options […]


Need more items for your survival stockpile? Learn about different food preservation techniques like canning and freeze-drying

Different traditional ways of preserving food have been around since ancient times and other modern methods have emerged as technology evolves. If you want to prepare for an emergency, it’s worth knowing a food preservation method or two so you can keep your stockpile full of supplies. (h/t to Food preservation ensures a reliable food […]


Study suggests eating flavonoid-rich superfoods can help you live longer

Over the years, numerous observational studies have reported a strong link between higher intakes of flavonoid-rich foods and a lower risk of chronic disease and mortality. Flavonoids, sometimes called vitamin P, are polyphenolic compounds commonly found in colorful fruits and vegetables, as well as in plant-based food products like cocoa, tea and wine. These naturally occurring […]


In this episode of The Cost of Everything, host Christy Ai teams up with author Marion Nestle to uncover the hidden costs lurking on our plates, particularly in the realm of fast food – an area often overlooked in terms of its health ramifications. Together, they delve into how what may seem like a convenient and satisfying meal option can actually harbor a multitude of hidden costs for our wellbeing. By unraveling the complexities of fast-food ingredients – from preservatives and additives designed to enhance flavor and prolong shelf life to chemicals that may pose risks to human health – Christy and Marion shed light on the true impact of fast-food consumption. They also examine the stark differences in food regulations between the US and Europe, highlighting banned substances in other countries that continue to find their way into American fast-food products.

On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at how important access to clean water is to a community. Host Christy Ai and the director of the Climate and Water Program at the Middle East Institute, Mohammed Mahmoud, analyze ways countries can achieve clean water and sanitation to underserved communities with inexpensive but efficient technology, and how water infrastructure and sanitation lead to better food and a healthy life for its inhabitants.

In 2009, a large-scale food poisoning incident affected 300,000 babies in China, 13 of whom died. This was after eating Nestle baby biscuits. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with the one woman behind ousting Nestle, Yasmine Motarjemi, and how she tried to prevent this tragedy and other incidents of neglect at the company.


In this episode of The Cost of Everything, host Christy Ai teams up with author Marion Nestle to uncover the hidden costs lurking on our plates, particularly in the realm of fast food – an area often overlooked in terms of its health ramifications. Together, they delve into how what may seem like a convenient and satisfying meal option can actually harbor a multitude of hidden costs for our wellbeing. By unraveling the complexities of fast-food ingredients – from preservatives and additives designed to enhance flavor and prolong shelf life to chemicals that may pose risks to human health – Christy and Marion shed light on the true impact of fast-food consumption. They also examine the stark differences in food regulations between the US and Europe, highlighting banned substances in other countries that continue to find their way into American fast-food products.

On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at how important access to clean water is to a community. Host Christy Ai and the director of the Climate and Water Program at the Middle East Institute, Mohammed Mahmoud, analyze ways countries can achieve clean water and sanitation to underserved communities with inexpensive but efficient technology, and how water infrastructure and sanitation lead to better food and a healthy life for its inhabitants.

In 2009, a large-scale food poisoning incident affected 300,000 babies in China, 13 of whom died. This was after eating Nestle baby biscuits. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with the one woman behind ousting Nestle, Yasmine Motarjemi, and how she tried to prevent this tragedy and other incidents of neglect at the company.


When people think about mass destruction in war they typically think about chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons. But there is something that could easily have a similar body count with potentially longer lasting results. A cyber attack could shut down our infrastructure, prevent basic services and cripple our just in time food and grocery system. In many respects a serious cyber attack would be similar to a an EMP attack or a solar flair. It would cut us off from the luxuries, resources, and support we have become accustomed to. If you have ever heard a prepper talk about the results of an electromagnetic pulse then this video will sound familiar to you.
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“This is all part of this public control over your private property,” Elze van Hamelen warned #CHDTV viewers. “Instead of just directly taking land from people, they do it through administrative controls.

“They decide, based on these controls, where people can live and where they cannot live.”

Across the globe, governments have been building “smart cities” and “15-minute zones” as well as “nature-protected areas,” such as the EU’s Natura 2000, which covers more than 25% of the total EU territory.

These programs are laying the groundwork for what Elze called the “big remodeling” — a project which widens the door to greater control: “They want to remodel the whole country.”

While the Dutch farmers suffer now, we will be the ones to pay the price later on.

“It’s destroying civilization.”

Listen to the FULL #CHDTV interview?


8 hrs ago

Here's how to prepare a food storage starter kit

Building your own food storage starter kit is one of the most basic things you need to learn if you want to be prepared for a food emergency or survival situation. Making a food storage starter kit is not as simple as going to your local grocery store and stocking up on whatever food options […]


Need more items for your survival stockpile? Learn about different food preservation techniques like canning and freeze-drying

Different traditional ways of preserving food have been around since ancient times and other modern methods have emerged as technology evolves. If you want to prepare for an emergency, it’s worth knowing a food preservation method or two so you can keep your stockpile full of supplies. (h/t to Food preservation ensures a reliable food […]


Study suggests eating flavonoid-rich superfoods can help you live longer

Over the years, numerous observational studies have reported a strong link between higher intakes of flavonoid-rich foods and a lower risk of chronic disease and mortality. Flavonoids, sometimes called vitamin P, are polyphenolic compounds commonly found in colorful fruits and vegetables, as well as in plant-based food products like cocoa, tea and wine. These naturally occurring […]


Worried about not having enough food when disaster strikes? Learn about useful food preservation methods like canning

Knowing several food preservation methods ensures that you can prolong the shelf life of fruits and vegetables from your home garden. These techniques can also add more items to your food stockpile, which is important if you want to prepare for a long-term survival scenario. (h/t to Before you get started, invest in an informative canning […]


Prepare before SHTF and stock up on survival essentials like food, water and sanitation supplies

When SHTF, your family will need food, a lot of water and other preparedness items. Preparedness items are supplies that you may need during a survival scenario, like a long-term power outage. If you stockpile these items before SHTF, you can be better prepared to handle most situations. Before SHTF, you should already have various essential supplies […]