Larry Yudowitz
Help me catch the U.S. security agents who killed my baby during assaination atempts on me
Solve this crime. Contact me, Larry, on how. I watched my baby murdered at 8 months prenatal head crushed and also poisoned, which must have caused her great pain. Also during assassination attempts, one of which happened in a room of several witnesses. I called the FBI and State Department many times to prevent that from happening. I found out afterward that the American soldiers threatening my girlfriend and me were there sanctioned by the State Department by way of a national security letter to their NBI requesting their support. I can explain that. For ten years I called the FBI and got no help. Some Americans visited my home and told me they were going to kill me, and then some people threatened my pregnant girlfriend and asked her for help to kill me. Our baby looked to have been poisoned and her head was crushed in half. I can explain how I know our baby was poisoned. A woman came and told me they were going to kill me, and last I heard they killed her also. These people spoke of a Boston trust account that I was unaware of. They interfered with our pregnancy likely poisoning the baby. These people also came at me in other countries. Later I found out family either swatted me or had State Department liaisons get involved. The same family used malicious lies to set me up and were communicating with those bad people. Please join the investigation. We need your help to solve this case! With pieces of information, you can solve the biggest and most complex case of Evelyn Yudowitz's murder for hire and government liaisons. Listen to my girlferiend's statement no strings attached at for reference.