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18 hrs ago

ABC Study Links: Your Trusted Partner for Studying Abroad

Are you dreaming of studying overseas but unsure where to start? Look no further than ABC Study Links, a premier study abroad consultants in Kerala, with branches spanning across India.

At ABC Study Links, we understand that pursuing education abroad is a significant and life-changing decision. Our team of experienced consultants is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the process, ensuring that you make informed decisions tailored to your academic and career goals.

Why Choose ABC Study Links?

Expert Guidance: Our consultants are well-versed in the nuances of international education, offering personalized advice to help you choose the right course and institution that aligns with your aspirations.

Comprehensive Services: From selecting the best universities and colleges to assisting with application processes, visa procedures, and pre-departure orientations, we provide a holistic approach to make your study abroad experience seamless.

Wide Network: With our extensive network of partner institutions and educational bodies across the globe, we have access to a broad range of opportunities and programs to suit your needs.

Proven Success: We take pride in our track record of helping students achieve their dreams of studying abroad. Our clients have successfully gained admission to top universities and programs worldwide.

Personalized Support: Every student is unique, and so is our approach. We offer tailored support and counseling to address your specific requirements and preferences.

Whether you are looking to enhance your academic qualifications, explore new cultures, or broaden your career prospects, ABC Study Links is here to make your study abroad journey as smooth and successful as possible.

Contact us today to begin your exciting adventure with a trusted partner by your side. Your future awaits—let us help you take the first step towards global education excellence!


Time Management and Stress Reduction through Nurse Writing Assistance

Nursing education is a demanding field that requires students to integrate complex theoretical knowledge with practical skills. As part of their academic journey, nursing students are frequently required to complete various writing assignments, including research papers, care plans, and reflective essays. To support students in meeting these academic requirements, nurse writing services have emerged as a popular resource. These services provide critical assistance, from editing and proofreading to custom writing and tutoring. However, the use of nurse writing services raises important ethical considerations that must be addressed to ensure that academic integrity is maintained and that students are genuinely supported in their learning. This essay offers a comprehensive analysis of the ethical dimensions of nurse writing services, examining issues such as academic integrity, responsible use, and the impact on student learning and professional development.

Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a foundational principle in education, encompassing honesty, fairness, and responsibility in academic work. The use of nurse writing services introduces several ethical concerns related to academic integrity.

Plagiarism and Originality
One of the primary ethical concerns associated with nurse writing services is the potential for plagiarism. Plagiarism involves presenting someone else's work, ideas, or words as one's own, and it is a serious violation of academic standards.

Original Work: It is crucial that students submit original work and properly attribute any ideas or content obtained from nurse writing services. When using these services, students must ensure that their submissions are genuinely their own and that any assistance received is used ethically.

Proper Attribution: Students should properly attribute any contributions from nurse writing services to avoid plagiarism. This includes acknowledging any sources or ideas that were provided by the service. Proper citation and referencing are essential for maintaining academic integrity.

Authorship and Ownership
The question of authorship and ownership is central to the ethical use of nurse writing services. If a nurse writing service produces a significant portion of a student's assignment, the authorship of the work becomes contentious.

Student Ownership: Students must take ownership of their assignments, incorporating feedback and revisions provided by nurse writing services while ensuring that the final work reflects their understanding and capabilities. Relying too heavily on external services may undermine the student's own learning and development.

Transparency: Transparency in the use of nurse writing services is essential. Students should be clear about the extent of assistance they have received and ensure that their work reflects their own understanding and analysis.

Responsible Use
Responsible use of nurse writing services involves engaging with these resources in a manner that supports learning rather than circumventing it. Ethical considerations in responsible use include:

Learning vs. Evasion
Nurse writing services should be used as tools for learning and improvement rather than as shortcuts to bypass academic challenges.

Learning Support: Professional writing assistance should be viewed as a means to enhance one's writing skills, develop a deeper understanding of nursing concepts, and improve academic performance. Students should actively engage with the feedback provided and use it to learn and grow.

Avoiding Evasion: Relying solely on nurse writing services to complete assignments may result in students evading the academic challenges they are meant to address. This approach can hinder the development of critical thinking, research proficiency, and writing skills.

Academic Development
The ethical use of nurse writing services involves leveraging these resources to support academic development and professional growth.

Skill Enhancement: Nurse writing services can help students develop essential skills such as critical thinking, academic writing, and research proficiency. Students should use these services to enhance their abilities rather than to bypass the learning process.

Building Confidence: Effective use of nurse writing services can build student confidence by providing constructive feedback and support. This confidence can positively impact other areas of academic and professional development.

Impact on Student Learning
The use of nursing writing services can have significant implications for student learning and professional development. It is important to consider how these services impact students' educational experiences and future careers.

Skill Development
One of the primary goals of nurse writing services should be to support skill development. These services can have both positive and negative effects on students' learning outcomes.

Positive Impact: Professional writing assistance can provide valuable guidance on academic writing, research methodologies, and critical analysis. This support can enhance students' writing skills and help them produce high-quality work, ultimately contributing to their academic success and professional competence.

Negative Impact: Over-reliance on nurse writing services may result in a lack of skill development, as students may not fully engage with the writing process or develop their own abilities. This can lead to deficiencies in critical thinking, research skills, and academic writing proficiency.

Professional Development
The ethical use of nurse writing services also affects students' professional development and preparedness for their future roles in healthcare.

Professional Communication: Effective writing is essential for professional communication in nursing, including documentation, reporting, and collaboration with colleagues. Nurse writing services can help students develop these communication skills, preparing them for their future roles.

Ethical Practice: Understanding and adhering to ethical standards is crucial for professional practice. By using nurse writing services responsibly, students learn to navigate ethical considerations and maintain integrity in their work.

Institutional Policies and Support
Educational institutions play a key role in addressing the ethical dimensions of nurse writing services by establishing policies and providing support for students.

Institutional Policies
Institutions should develop clear policies regarding the use of writing assistance services to guide students and ensure academic integrity.

Guidelines: Institutions should provide guidelines on acceptable use of nurse writing services, including how to properly attribute assistance and avoid plagiarism. These guidelines should be communicated to students and incorporated into academic integrity policies.

Monitoring and Enforcement: Institutions should monitor and enforce policies related to academic integrity and the use of writing assistance services. This includes addressing any instances of plagiarism or unethical behavior and providing support for students who may be struggling with academic writing.

Support and Resources
Educational institutions should offer support and resources to help students develop their writing skills and academic competencies.

Writing Centers: cheap nursing writing services offer tutoring, workshops, and resources to support students in improving their writing skills. These centers can provide an alternative to external writing services and help students build their abilities.

Academic Advising: Academic advisors can provide guidance on how to effectively use writing assistance services and support students in developing their academic skills. Advisors can also help students identify resources and strategies for overcoming writing challenges.

Case Studies and Examples
Examining real-world examples and case studies can provide insights into the ethical considerations of nurse writing services.

Case Study 1: Ethical Use of Writing Assistance
In one case, a nursing student used a writing service to receive feedback on their research paper. The service provided detailed comments and suggestions, which the student incorporated into their revision. The final paper reflected the student's understanding of the topic and was well-received by the instructor.

Outcome: The student used the writing assistance ethically, benefiting from the feedback while maintaining ownership of their work. This approach supported the student's learning and development.
Case Study 2: Over-Reliance on Writing Services
In another case, a nursing student relied heavily on a writing service to complete multiple assignments. The student's papers were well-written but did not demonstrate the student's own understanding of the material. The student struggled with subsequent assignments that required independent writing and analysis.

Outcome: The over-reliance on writing services hindered the student's development of critical thinking and writing skills. This case highlights the importance of using writing assistance responsibly and engaging with the learning process.
The ethical dimensions of nurse writing services are multifaceted and require careful consideration to ensure that academic integrity is maintained and that students are genuinely supported in their learning. While professional writing assistance can enhance academic performance, support skill development, and prepare students for their professional careers, it is essential to use these services responsibly. Academic integrity, responsible use, and the impact on student learning and professional development are critical factors to consider. Educational institutions have a key role in establishing policies, providing support, and guiding students in the ethical use of writing services. By addressing these ethical considerations, nurse writing services can contribute positively to nursing education and support the development of competent, ethical, and effective healthcare professionals.

NURSE Writing Services Are You Looking For Nursing Writing Help? Get Access to Free Available study materials or talk directly to our Nursing tutors Hire Experts Hire a subject expert to get better results faster Hire Experts Get Free Assignment Use our free assignment samples  to write an assignment by yourself Free Samples Students From […]


Join Dr. Kathryn Murray's free Masterclass to unlock emotional intelligence in your classroom. Learn practical strategies to connect with students, foster a positive environment, and enhance your teaching. Transform your educational approach today with SELIN Academy!



During police week the house GOP announced new bills to support police and allow them to actually do their job. The George floyd riots brought about police reform and defund the police movements. But since the implementation of these rules, that allow criminals to break the law, crime has skyrocketed across the nation. Americans are fed up and the campus protests breaking out across college campuses was the final straw. Students and professional protesters who joined the ranks, destroyed university campuses, terrorized students who actually go there, and even interrupted or caused graduations to be canceled. UNC completely did away with their DEI programs and is transferring the $2.3 million funding to campus police and public safely. Motivated by recent pro-Palestinian campus protests, the board reasoned that more funds were needed for law enforcement on campus. States and companies are also reversing laws allowing shoplifters to get away scot free. On this episode of 360 View Scottie Nell Hughes discusses with her panel ("Dominick Izzo, Former Chicago area police officer; Ronald Hampton, Author & retired DC Metropolitan police officer; Steve Abramowicz, CEO, Heartland Journal) about the absolute 180 on police and crime.


On this episode of Direct Impact Rick Sanchez looks at a recent address by House Speaker Mike Johnson at Columbia University. In his speech, Johnson lambasted student protestors gathering against what they call a genocide in Gaza, calling the students lazy, and arguing that they support the slaughter of Israelis. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in China in a push to sever Sino-Russian ties, as Ukraine and the West struggle to come to terms with Russia’s overwhelming military superiority in the conflict. Rick is joined by academic and author George Szamuely.

? ATTN CA: AB-659 seeks to mandate HPV vaccine for college students w/ essentially no exemptions‼️

It will ALSO notify all 6th graders that the HPV vaccine is now "expected" for them to advance to 8th grade. This will lead to confusion: IT IS NOT MANDATORY



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During police week the house GOP announced new bills to support police and allow them to actually do their job. The George floyd riots brought about police reform and defund the police movements. But since the implementation of these rules, that allow criminals to break the law, crime has skyrocketed across the nation. Americans are fed up and the campus protests breaking out across college campuses was the final straw. Students and professional protesters who joined the ranks, destroyed university campuses, terrorized students who actually go there, and even interrupted or caused graduations to be canceled. UNC completely did away with their DEI programs and is transferring the $2.3 million funding to campus police and public safely. Motivated by recent pro-Palestinian campus protests, the board reasoned that more funds were needed for law enforcement on campus. States and companies are also reversing laws allowing shoplifters to get away scot free. On this episode of 360 View Scottie Nell Hughes discusses with her panel ("Dominick Izzo, Former Chicago area police officer; Ronald Hampton, Author & retired DC Metropolitan police officer; Steve Abramowicz, CEO, Heartland Journal) about the absolute 180 on police and crime.


On this episode of Direct Impact Rick Sanchez looks at a recent address by House Speaker Mike Johnson at Columbia University. In his speech, Johnson lambasted student protestors gathering against what they call a genocide in Gaza, calling the students lazy, and arguing that they support the slaughter of Israelis. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in China in a push to sever Sino-Russian ties, as Ukraine and the West struggle to come to terms with Russia’s overwhelming military superiority in the conflict. Rick is joined by academic and author George Szamuely.

? ATTN CA: AB-659 seeks to mandate HPV vaccine for college students w/ essentially no exemptions‼️

It will ALSO notify all 6th graders that the HPV vaccine is now "expected" for them to advance to 8th grade. This will lead to confusion: IT IS NOT MANDATORY



"You might ask: Why in the world would a black person speak against ethnic studies? Because not everything that sounds good is good," said Minnesota mother of three Kofi Montzka.

Montzka joined other testifiers this week in speaking out against Gov. Tim Walz’s education policy, saying its focus on “ethnic studies” will teach black students “they can’t succeed.”

If passed, the bill would require schools to provide ethnic studies curriculum and direct the commissioner of education to “embed ethnic studies into state academic standards.” A separate bill would require all public school graduates to complete an ethnic studies course.


18 hrs ago

ABC Study Links: Your Trusted Partner for Studying Abroad

Are you dreaming of studying overseas but unsure where to start? Look no further than ABC Study Links, a premier study abroad consultants in Kerala, with branches spanning across India.

At ABC Study Links, we understand that pursuing education abroad is a significant and life-changing decision. Our team of experienced consultants is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the process, ensuring that you make informed decisions tailored to your academic and career goals.

Why Choose ABC Study Links?

Expert Guidance: Our consultants are well-versed in the nuances of international education, offering personalized advice to help you choose the right course and institution that aligns with your aspirations.

Comprehensive Services: From selecting the best universities and colleges to assisting with application processes, visa procedures, and pre-departure orientations, we provide a holistic approach to make your study abroad experience seamless.

Wide Network: With our extensive network of partner institutions and educational bodies across the globe, we have access to a broad range of opportunities and programs to suit your needs.

Proven Success: We take pride in our track record of helping students achieve their dreams of studying abroad. Our clients have successfully gained admission to top universities and programs worldwide.

Personalized Support: Every student is unique, and so is our approach. We offer tailored support and counseling to address your specific requirements and preferences.

Whether you are looking to enhance your academic qualifications, explore new cultures, or broaden your career prospects, ABC Study Links is here to make your study abroad journey as smooth and successful as possible.

Contact us today to begin your exciting adventure with a trusted partner by your side. Your future awaits—let us help you take the first step towards global education excellence!


Time Management and Stress Reduction through Nurse Writing Assistance

Nursing education is a demanding field that requires students to integrate complex theoretical knowledge with practical skills. As part of their academic journey, nursing students are frequently required to complete various writing assignments, including research papers, care plans, and reflective essays. To support students in meeting these academic requirements, nurse writing services have emerged as a popular resource. These services provide critical assistance, from editing and proofreading to custom writing and tutoring. However, the use of nurse writing services raises important ethical considerations that must be addressed to ensure that academic integrity is maintained and that students are genuinely supported in their learning. This essay offers a comprehensive analysis of the ethical dimensions of nurse writing services, examining issues such as academic integrity, responsible use, and the impact on student learning and professional development.

Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a foundational principle in education, encompassing honesty, fairness, and responsibility in academic work. The use of nurse writing services introduces several ethical concerns related to academic integrity.

Plagiarism and Originality
One of the primary ethical concerns associated with nurse writing services is the potential for plagiarism. Plagiarism involves presenting someone else's work, ideas, or words as one's own, and it is a serious violation of academic standards.

Original Work: It is crucial that students submit original work and properly attribute any ideas or content obtained from nurse writing services. When using these services, students must ensure that their submissions are genuinely their own and that any assistance received is used ethically.

Proper Attribution: Students should properly attribute any contributions from nurse writing services to avoid plagiarism. This includes acknowledging any sources or ideas that were provided by the service. Proper citation and referencing are essential for maintaining academic integrity.

Authorship and Ownership
The question of authorship and ownership is central to the ethical use of nurse writing services. If a nurse writing service produces a significant portion of a student's assignment, the authorship of the work becomes contentious.

Student Ownership: Students must take ownership of their assignments, incorporating feedback and revisions provided by nurse writing services while ensuring that the final work reflects their understanding and capabilities. Relying too heavily on external services may undermine the student's own learning and development.

Transparency: Transparency in the use of nurse writing services is essential. Students should be clear about the extent of assistance they have received and ensure that their work reflects their own understanding and analysis.

Responsible Use
Responsible use of nurse writing services involves engaging with these resources in a manner that supports learning rather than circumventing it. Ethical considerations in responsible use include:

Learning vs. Evasion
Nurse writing services should be used as tools for learning and improvement rather than as shortcuts to bypass academic challenges.

Learning Support: Professional writing assistance should be viewed as a means to enhance one's writing skills, develop a deeper understanding of nursing concepts, and improve academic performance. Students should actively engage with the feedback provided and use it to learn and grow.

Avoiding Evasion: Relying solely on nurse writing services to complete assignments may result in students evading the academic challenges they are meant to address. This approach can hinder the development of critical thinking, research proficiency, and writing skills.

Academic Development
The ethical use of nurse writing services involves leveraging these resources to support academic development and professional growth.

Skill Enhancement: Nurse writing services can help students develop essential skills such as critical thinking, academic writing, and research proficiency. Students should use these services to enhance their abilities rather than to bypass the learning process.

Building Confidence: Effective use of nurse writing services can build student confidence by providing constructive feedback and support. This confidence can positively impact other areas of academic and professional development.

Impact on Student Learning
The use of nursing writing services can have significant implications for student learning and professional development. It is important to consider how these services impact students' educational experiences and future careers.

Skill Development
One of the primary goals of nurse writing services should be to support skill development. These services can have both positive and negative effects on students' learning outcomes.

Positive Impact: Professional writing assistance can provide valuable guidance on academic writing, research methodologies, and critical analysis. This support can enhance students' writing skills and help them produce high-quality work, ultimately contributing to their academic success and professional competence.

Negative Impact: Over-reliance on nurse writing services may result in a lack of skill development, as students may not fully engage with the writing process or develop their own abilities. This can lead to deficiencies in critical thinking, research skills, and academic writing proficiency.

Professional Development
The ethical use of nurse writing services also affects students' professional development and preparedness for their future roles in healthcare.

Professional Communication: Effective writing is essential for professional communication in nursing, including documentation, reporting, and collaboration with colleagues. Nurse writing services can help students develop these communication skills, preparing them for their future roles.

Ethical Practice: Understanding and adhering to ethical standards is crucial for professional practice. By using nurse writing services responsibly, students learn to navigate ethical considerations and maintain integrity in their work.

Institutional Policies and Support
Educational institutions play a key role in addressing the ethical dimensions of nurse writing services by establishing policies and providing support for students.

Institutional Policies
Institutions should develop clear policies regarding the use of writing assistance services to guide students and ensure academic integrity.

Guidelines: Institutions should provide guidelines on acceptable use of nurse writing services, including how to properly attribute assistance and avoid plagiarism. These guidelines should be communicated to students and incorporated into academic integrity policies.

Monitoring and Enforcement: Institutions should monitor and enforce policies related to academic integrity and the use of writing assistance services. This includes addressing any instances of plagiarism or unethical behavior and providing support for students who may be struggling with academic writing.

Support and Resources
Educational institutions should offer support and resources to help students develop their writing skills and academic competencies.

Writing Centers: cheap nursing writing services offer tutoring, workshops, and resources to support students in improving their writing skills. These centers can provide an alternative to external writing services and help students build their abilities.

Academic Advising: Academic advisors can provide guidance on how to effectively use writing assistance services and support students in developing their academic skills. Advisors can also help students identify resources and strategies for overcoming writing challenges.

Case Studies and Examples
Examining real-world examples and case studies can provide insights into the ethical considerations of nurse writing services.

Case Study 1: Ethical Use of Writing Assistance
In one case, a nursing student used a writing service to receive feedback on their research paper. The service provided detailed comments and suggestions, which the student incorporated into their revision. The final paper reflected the student's understanding of the topic and was well-received by the instructor.

Outcome: The student used the writing assistance ethically, benefiting from the feedback while maintaining ownership of their work. This approach supported the student's learning and development.
Case Study 2: Over-Reliance on Writing Services
In another case, a nursing student relied heavily on a writing service to complete multiple assignments. The student's papers were well-written but did not demonstrate the student's own understanding of the material. The student struggled with subsequent assignments that required independent writing and analysis.

Outcome: The over-reliance on writing services hindered the student's development of critical thinking and writing skills. This case highlights the importance of using writing assistance responsibly and engaging with the learning process.
The ethical dimensions of nurse writing services are multifaceted and require careful consideration to ensure that academic integrity is maintained and that students are genuinely supported in their learning. While professional writing assistance can enhance academic performance, support skill development, and prepare students for their professional careers, it is essential to use these services responsibly. Academic integrity, responsible use, and the impact on student learning and professional development are critical factors to consider. Educational institutions have a key role in establishing policies, providing support, and guiding students in the ethical use of writing services. By addressing these ethical considerations, nurse writing services can contribute positively to nursing education and support the development of competent, ethical, and effective healthcare professionals.

NURSE Writing Services Are You Looking For Nursing Writing Help? Get Access to Free Available study materials or talk directly to our Nursing tutors Hire Experts Hire a subject expert to get better results faster Hire Experts Get Free Assignment Use our free assignment samples  to write an assignment by yourself Free Samples Students From […]


Join Dr. Kathryn Murray's free Masterclass to unlock emotional intelligence in your classroom. Learn practical strategies to connect with students, foster a positive environment, and enhance your teaching. Transform your educational approach today with SELIN Academy!


12 Common Ways God Leads You into Your Destiny
Original blog with all hyperlinks here:

I have recently enjoyed reading two books by Tony Stoltzfus: The Invitation and The Encounter Coach's Cheat Sheet. In another of Tony's books, I discovered the innovative list below of 12 ways God leads us.

I see God has used all twelve of these methods to reveal and confirm His will and destiny for my life. With permission from the author, I am sharing this helpful list with you for your edification and for you to share with others, helping them discern God’s gifting, leading, call, and destiny God has for them. Pursuing one’s God-ordained destiny is the KEY to an effective, fun, fulfilling, and abundant life!

12 Common Ways People Experience Hearing a Call from God - by Tony Stoltzfus

Drawing to a Need – I see a person, group, or need my heart is drawn to serve, and through that feel a larger sense of calling to meet those needs long-term (Moses).
Personal Suffering – My call grows out of a personal experience of suffering and what is birthed in my heart through it (Job).
Personal Success – God speaks to me through my success or overcoming something with a realization of what I can do on behalf of others (David with Goliath).
Demonstration of Gifting – My calling is demonstrated (and often recognized by others) through unusual or early manifestations of gifting or ability (Joseph).
Childhood Dreams – God implants significant insights about the future in the hearts of children (Samuel).
Holy Discontent – I can’t stand something that is going on, and in the process of working against that injustice I discover my calling (Nehemiah).
Inheritance/Community – My call comes through being part of my family, tribe or community, and embracing that group’s sense of collective call (Isaac, Jacob, Ruth).
Affirmation/Confirmation – God uses others to name, confirm, or prophetically reveal my calling to me (David).
Scripture – God reveals my call through a Scripture that is brought to life for me (Josiah).
Circumstances – I find myself in a place of destiny where circumstances force me to respond (Esther).
Direct Revelation – God speaks directly through an inner witness, dreams, visions or other supernatural means (Paul, Mary).
Progressive Revelation – God uses many events, circumstances and insights to progressively unfold my call over a period of years (Abraham).

Stoltzfus, Tony. A Leader's Life Purpose Workbook: Calling and Destiny Discovery Tools for Christian Life Coaching. Pegasus Creative Arts. Kindle Edition.

Testimony: How I (Mark Virkler) have experienced these twelve ways God guides

Drawing to a Need – I got saved in a church that didn’t believe God spoke today. Even churches that do believe God speaks have many in their congregations who did not know how to clearly and easily hear His voice as no one had ever mentioned to them that God’s voice is experienced as flowing thoughts which light upon your mind, while your eyes are fixed on Jesus.
Personal Suffering – I was devastated with sadness and regret that I didn’t live when Jesus was alive on the earth, so I could walk and talk with Him. Now He was far away in heaven.
Personal Success – I realized the final words of Jesus were: “Behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the world.” (Matt. 28:20 Modern KJV) Yay! Also see #11 below concerning direct revelation.
Demonstration of Gifting – Once God revealed to me the four keys to hearing His voice, I discovered as I shared them, others could hear God’s voice too.
Childhood Dreams – God put in my heart as a child the passion to LIVE the Bible.
Holy Discontent – I could not accept that God no longer allowed His sheep to hear His voice.
Inheritance/Community – My call came based on a family heritage of parents who loved the Lord and sought to serve Him with all their lives.
Affirmation/Confirmation – Rev. Tommy Reid, John Arnott, and Randy Clark all confirmed the 4 Keys and had me teach them continuously in their ministries. Shawn Bolz, Sid Roth, Patricia King, and many others have video interviews with me on the 4 Keys. The 4 Keys have been translated into 56 languages. Nearly 100 other authors have added the 4 Keys to their books. I have traveled for 40 years on six continents teaching How to Hear God’s Voice. Now we have students in 127 nations who have taken our training on communion with God and provided hundreds of testimonies of transformed lives. (See also Trustpilot Reviews.)
Scripture – God showed me His guarantee: “My sheep hear My voice!” (Jn. 10:27)
Circumstances – I found myself kicked out of my church when I first taught the 4 Keys. This opened the door for me to become a co-pastor in a church of 3,000. When let go from that church, God used that to fulfill His ultimate destiny for my life: He led me to the nations to teach communion with God.
Direct Revelation – As I honored the inner leading to set aside a year of my life to learn God’s voice, He woke me halfway through that year with a booming bass voice, saying “Get up, I am going to teach you how to hear My voice.” That morning He taught me 1) stillness, 2) vision, 3) flow, 4) journaling. God’s voice is as simple as quieting down, fixing my eyes on Jesus, tuning to flow, and journaling out the flowing thoughts (God’s voice), and flowing pictures (God’s vision). See:
Progressive Revelation – I have been a Christian since age 15. I learned the 4 Keys at age 25. Now at age 72, I have over 50 books that bring the voice of God to 50 areas of one’s life. We have 100 university courses that bring the voice of God to your university education and a School of the Spirit which brings the voice of God to over 25 e-learning training modules. We also have a website committed to communion with God ( God has confirmed that I am living out my destiny. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Now It's Your Turn: Personal Journaling Application

Ask God for direction for your life’s ministry by asking Him for revelation in these 12 areas.

Drawing to a Need – Lord, what need do I feel drawn to meet?
Personal Suffering – Lord, where have I personally suffered?
Personal Success – Lord, where has Your comfort granted me the grace to overcome this suffering so I can minister this same healing to others who have experienced similar suffering?
Demonstration of Gifting – Lord, what gifts and strengths have I expressed so far in my life?
Childhood Dreams – Lord, what dreams did You place in my heart as a child?
Holy Discontent – Lord, what is it that I can’t stand and believe needs fixing?
Inheritance/Community – Lord, what are the gifts in my family's heritage which I see are now present in my life also?
Affirmation/Confirmation – What do others tell me my gifts and calling are?
Scripture – Lord, what Scripture supports my gifts and calling?
Circumstances – Lord, what circumstances are pushing me in the direction of my calling?
Direct Revelation – Lord, what would You say to me about my gifts and calling?
Progressive Revelation – Lord, what ongoing revelation confirms and expands my gifts and calling?

Dig Deeper: Personality Profiles, 4 Keys Training, & More Journaling Questions

As I completed a dozen personality profiles in the book, Gifted to Succeed, I noted that God had placed within my DNA specific and unique gifts which I can now see were the building blocks to assist me in coming to the place of fulfilling my destiny. I was uniquely designed, equipped, and anointed to fulfill my destiny. The same is true for you, so why not check out the profiles in Gifted to Succeed?

A free Jesus Encounter prayer app will be released later in 2024 from Communion With God Ministries. It will contain key journaling questions for 30 specific prayer topics. If you are signed up for the CWG monthly newsletter, you will be informed when this app is available for download.


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