13 hrs ago

Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Finances? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my finances? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

Jesus and I are in a field and I see sunflowers. Jesus is holding a bubble wand and starts blowing it and the bubbles start flowing into the air. I see Jesus relaxed and smiling and enjoying His time. Suddenly, I see myself as a little girl and Jesus is carrying me and holding me while we stand in the field. He reassuringly pats my back, as if I am concerned.

Jesus: Cathy, My beloved, do not worry. Look at the field around you. It is mostly empty, but the grass is green and growing. The whole land has room and potential for growth to occur. You both are still at the beginning of your marriage. I know there are financial concerns and debts, but just like the field, green and ready to receive the harvest, so is your financial state. There is still time and potential for financial blessings. You just have to trust My timings and ways. I have a plan and I see all your plans. Surrender them to Me and enjoy and relax in the process. Take it easy and enjoy. I have blessed you enough, financially, to provide for your needs and debts, along with some room for enjoyment. Receive it. Do not look at the tasks. Do not let your present moments of enjoyment be robbed because of debt. From this debt, you have a home, along with other things. So, continue to look at it with appreciation and not burden. Enjoy what I have given. And in My ways and time, you will see gradually My blessings pour out. You will not be in need. There is no poverty, there are blessings because I see your hearts.

Guard your hearts, for the enemy will try to distract you with materialistic things or discontentment, but refuse. Keep your hearts connected to Me. I am Your true source of provision. Learn to be content in little and much. For that is the power and secret of godliness, to be content in all situations. For you are not of this world, you are just living in it for a moment, until eternity’s call. Keep your eyes and hearts on Me and My kingdom and I will bring forth blessings. And even in trials, do not let your hearts be burdened or troubled. For I will bring peace, contentment, and provision in its time. In the meantime, know that I am preparing your hearts and refining you both. Receive My blessings, be grateful, be content, and I will work in your lives.

Cathy: Amen, Lord we receive. Continue to keep our hearts free from greed. We want to rely on You for our source of provision and be faithful and generous in what You have blessed us with. Thank You, Lord, for Your provision. We cast our concerns unto You, and receive Your peace and joy.

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Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice! www.CWGministries.org/4keys


12 Common Ways God Leads You into Your Destiny
Original blog with all hyperlinks here:https://www.cwgministries.org/blogs/12-common-ways-god-leads-you-your-destiny

I have recently enjoyed reading two books by Tony Stoltzfus: The Invitation and The Encounter Coach's Cheat Sheet. In another of Tony's books, I discovered the innovative list below of 12 ways God leads us.

I see God has used all twelve of these methods to reveal and confirm His will and destiny for my life. With permission from the author, I am sharing this helpful list with you for your edification and for you to share with others, helping them discern God’s gifting, leading, call, and destiny God has for them. Pursuing one’s God-ordained destiny is the KEY to an effective, fun, fulfilling, and abundant life!

12 Common Ways People Experience Hearing a Call from God - by Tony Stoltzfus

Drawing to a Need – I see a person, group, or need my heart is drawn to serve, and through that feel a larger sense of calling to meet those needs long-term (Moses).
Personal Suffering – My call grows out of a personal experience of suffering and what is birthed in my heart through it (Job).
Personal Success – God speaks to me through my success or overcoming something with a realization of what I can do on behalf of others (David with Goliath).
Demonstration of Gifting – My calling is demonstrated (and often recognized by others) through unusual or early manifestations of gifting or ability (Joseph).
Childhood Dreams – God implants significant insights about the future in the hearts of children (Samuel).
Holy Discontent – I can’t stand something that is going on, and in the process of working against that injustice I discover my calling (Nehemiah).
Inheritance/Community – My call comes through being part of my family, tribe or community, and embracing that group’s sense of collective call (Isaac, Jacob, Ruth).
Affirmation/Confirmation – God uses others to name, confirm, or prophetically reveal my calling to me (David).
Scripture – God reveals my call through a Scripture that is brought to life for me (Josiah).
Circumstances – I find myself in a place of destiny where circumstances force me to respond (Esther).
Direct Revelation – God speaks directly through an inner witness, dreams, visions or other supernatural means (Paul, Mary).
Progressive Revelation – God uses many events, circumstances and insights to progressively unfold my call over a period of years (Abraham).

Stoltzfus, Tony. A Leader's Life Purpose Workbook: Calling and Destiny Discovery Tools for Christian Life Coaching. Pegasus Creative Arts. Kindle Edition.

Testimony: How I (Mark Virkler) have experienced these twelve ways God guides

Drawing to a Need – I got saved in a church that didn’t believe God spoke today. Even churches that do believe God speaks have many in their congregations who did not know how to clearly and easily hear His voice as no one had ever mentioned to them that God’s voice is experienced as flowing thoughts which light upon your mind, while your eyes are fixed on Jesus.
Personal Suffering – I was devastated with sadness and regret that I didn’t live when Jesus was alive on the earth, so I could walk and talk with Him. Now He was far away in heaven.
Personal Success – I realized the final words of Jesus were: “Behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the world.” (Matt. 28:20 Modern KJV) Yay! Also see #11 below concerning direct revelation.
Demonstration of Gifting – Once God revealed to me the four keys to hearing His voice, I discovered as I shared them, others could hear God’s voice too.
Childhood Dreams – God put in my heart as a child the passion to LIVE the Bible.
Holy Discontent – I could not accept that God no longer allowed His sheep to hear His voice.
Inheritance/Community – My call came based on a family heritage of parents who loved the Lord and sought to serve Him with all their lives.
Affirmation/Confirmation – Rev. Tommy Reid, John Arnott, and Randy Clark all confirmed the 4 Keys and had me teach them continuously in their ministries. Shawn Bolz, Sid Roth, Patricia King, and many others have video interviews with me on the 4 Keys. The 4 Keys have been translated into 56 languages. Nearly 100 other authors have added the 4 Keys to their books. I have traveled for 40 years on six continents teaching How to Hear God’s Voice. Now we have students in 127 nations who have taken our training on communion with God and provided hundreds of testimonies of transformed lives. (See also Trustpilot Reviews.)
Scripture – God showed me His guarantee: “My sheep hear My voice!” (Jn. 10:27)
Circumstances – I found myself kicked out of my church when I first taught the 4 Keys. This opened the door for me to become a co-pastor in a church of 3,000. When let go from that church, God used that to fulfill His ultimate destiny for my life: He led me to the nations to teach communion with God.
Direct Revelation – As I honored the inner leading to set aside a year of my life to learn God’s voice, He woke me halfway through that year with a booming bass voice, saying “Get up, I am going to teach you how to hear My voice.” That morning He taught me 1) stillness, 2) vision, 3) flow, 4) journaling. God’s voice is as simple as quieting down, fixing my eyes on Jesus, tuning to flow, and journaling out the flowing thoughts (God’s voice), and flowing pictures (God’s vision). See: www.CWGministries.org/4keys
Progressive Revelation – I have been a Christian since age 15. I learned the 4 Keys at age 25. Now at age 72, I have over 50 books that bring the voice of God to 50 areas of one’s life. We have 100 university courses that bring the voice of God to your university education and a School of the Spirit which brings the voice of God to over 25 e-learning training modules. We also have a website committed to communion with God (www.CWGministries.org/4keys). God has confirmed that I am living out my destiny. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Now It's Your Turn: Personal Journaling Application

Ask God for direction for your life’s ministry by asking Him for revelation in these 12 areas.

Drawing to a Need – Lord, what need do I feel drawn to meet?
Personal Suffering – Lord, where have I personally suffered?
Personal Success – Lord, where has Your comfort granted me the grace to overcome this suffering so I can minister this same healing to others who have experienced similar suffering?
Demonstration of Gifting – Lord, what gifts and strengths have I expressed so far in my life?
Childhood Dreams – Lord, what dreams did You place in my heart as a child?
Holy Discontent – Lord, what is it that I can’t stand and believe needs fixing?
Inheritance/Community – Lord, what are the gifts in my family's heritage which I see are now present in my life also?
Affirmation/Confirmation – What do others tell me my gifts and calling are?
Scripture – Lord, what Scripture supports my gifts and calling?
Circumstances – Lord, what circumstances are pushing me in the direction of my calling?
Direct Revelation – Lord, what would You say to me about my gifts and calling?
Progressive Revelation – Lord, what ongoing revelation confirms and expands my gifts and calling?

Dig Deeper: Personality Profiles, 4 Keys Training, & More Journaling Questions

As I completed a dozen personality profiles in the book, Gifted to Succeed, I noted that God had placed within my DNA specific and unique gifts which I can now see were the building blocks to assist me in coming to the place of fulfilling my destiny. I was uniquely designed, equipped, and anointed to fulfill my destiny. The same is true for you, so why not check out the profiles in Gifted to Succeed?

A free Jesus Encounter prayer app will be released later in 2024 from Communion With God Ministries. It will contain key journaling questions for 30 specific prayer topics. If you are signed up for the CWG monthly newsletter, you will be informed when this app is available for download.


Kindness Strengthens the Immune System

A strong immune system is what keeps you healthy. Science has confirmed in numerous studies that kindness builds your immune system. Below are summaries from some of these studies, found and reprinted from various sources cited.

"There is actual scientific research out there that says our health is positively impacted just by witnessing acts of kindness.

"An interesting study that highlights this point was performed in the 1980’s when Harvard students watched a film of Mother Teresa caring for the poor in Calcutta. The researchers took swab samples of the students’ saliva before and after the film. [They] showed significant increases in the protective antibody salivary immunoglobulin A (S-IgA) over those watching a neutral film. McClelland termed this the “Mother Teresa Effect.” Moreover, S-IgA remained high for an hour after the film in those subjects who were asked to focus their minds on times when they had loved or been loved” (Post, 2009).

"Based on the data, they concluded that there are significant positive physiological changes, including benefits to one’s immune system, overall health and well-being from simply watching or thinking about a person treating another with kindness, love and compassion" (from https://teamchoosinggrace.com/2016/09/04/the-mother-teresa-effect/).


"A lot happens inside us too when we witness the kindness of others. Not only does it inspire kindness in us and spark kindness contagion, but it can even impact the immune system.
"Why does witnessing kindness have such a profound effect in the body?

"There’s two reasons for it. The first is that we’re genetically wired for kindness. Our species has survived for as long as it has because we helped each other, cared for our young, and we have loved. Over time, human biology simply evolved so that love, compassion, and kindness were reflected in healthy physiological states because they kept us alive in the long term.

"The second reason is more subtle and reflects why it doesn’t matter whether you’re the giver, receiver, or even witness to kindness, even if the latter is not live, but on video or via a clip shared via social media.

"It’s because it’s not in being kind itself that brings about most of the effects of kindness. It’s how kindness feels that matters. I’ve written about this in other blogs when justifying why kindness is the opposite of stress.

"It’s not a seemingly stressful event that produces any physiological effects of stress, but how the event feels to you that does it. The event is simply the scene. The physiological effects come from how stress feels within that scene.

"It’s why two people can experience the same event or happening and only one of them feels stressed by it. That person will have elevated stress hormone levels as a consequence, but the person who was unaffected won’t.

"Similarly, whether you give, receive, or witness kindness is the scene, the backdrop, the context. It’s how kindness feels within that context that has physiological effects" (from https://drdavidhamilton.com/the-mother-theresa-effect/).

Do you use God’s approach to making wise decisions which will change the course of your life?
How Do YOU Know? Free Video Event - July 23-31

Plus: 10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024
Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

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This morning as we watched the news about Mother Teresa being declared a saint, I turned to our daughter, Kate, and asked her the following question: “If kindness were a color, what color wou…



Obedience Increases Your Faith - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Lord, Jesus, you are calling Me to come close to you using obedience as the key, the way to get there. O Lord, help Me to listen to you, to trust you and then to immediately obey you. This is my heart’s desire, Lord, not because of what it will do for Me but because I want to honor you. You have said that you want obedience more than sacrifice. I know our works will never take the place of being obedient to your word, Lord, so please help me to obey.

I see you, Lord, in this very moment standing behind me as I write. You have placed your hands on my shoulders and are just letting your love flow into me. You are smiling as you see what I am writing for you know that obedience IS the key to it all. Even as I feel your love flowing through me, Lord, you are increasing my desire for you, my desire to be obedient to you, to honor you in all that I do.

Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, My precious one, My Be-loved. I love it when you allow my love to fill you, when you allow yourself to “Be-Loved” by Me. Precious one, there is nothing greater that you can do to honor Me than to obey My word. Obedience does a lot of things, LaWanda. It shows respect. It gives honor. It builds confidence. It increases faith. It motivates to continue to obey. I could go on, LaWanda, but you get the idea. Obedience is good for you. And as all things that you give to Me, even your obedience, I will bless and multiply it. The benefit to you cannot really be calculated. Through obedience you actually come to love Me more. After the fact you may see why you needed to obey or you may not, but when you do, it will increase your faith exponentially – like nothing else can.

O my precious one, listen to my voice, trust that what I am saying is true and then obey Me. It really is as simple as that. And when you find that you have not obeyed, stop and repent. Change the way you see it and then keep on obeying. If you do, you will reap the blessings of obedience, all of them, again and again. And remember, with Me, every “again” is A…Gain.

“So Samuel said: Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice…” I Samuel 15:22

Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice!

Do you use God’s approach to making wise decisions which will change the course of your life?
How Do YOU Know? Free Video Event - July 23-31

Plus: 10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024. www.cluschoolofthespirit.com Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used eleven different methods for discovering truth including: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so. I have discarded them all and adopted a twelfth method, which is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. We teach you this method in this series.



Five Newly Published Copies of 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice - Chinese

A publisher in China has just produced 1000 copies of the Chinese-translated book "4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice." Praise God for carrying this message to the ends of the earth!

They have shipped us several copies, and we are keeping one, but want to make 5 others available to someone living in the U.S. for a donation to cover shipping. it is a 245 page book, 7.5 inches by 10 inches.

If you would like these to share with your friends, please provide a donation of a minimum of $30 and we will ship the five to you: https://www.cwgministries.org/store/donate-communion-god-ministries-one-...

If you know of Chinese-speaking people whom you could distribute these to we would appreciate you helping us get them into their hands.

NOTE: Contact Mark at Mark@CLUonline.com before you make this donation, so you can be assured they are still available.

Thank you for helping spread revival!

Do you use God’s approach to making wise decisions which will change the course of your life?
How Do YOU Know? Free Video Event - July 23-31

Plus: 10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024.
Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used eleven different methods for discovering truth including: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so. I have discarded them all and adopted a twelfth method, which is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. We teach you this method in this series.
