
Sorry, no results were found.


What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - 2ndly U must believe (via Hebrews 11:1 = what faith is) & further more that we ALL individually deserve eternal Hell: Romans 5:12. 3rdly U must repent (feel or express sincere regret or remorse about YO wrongdoing or sin); as God has-takes NO pleasure in the death of the bad-wicked, misc BUT hope that they'd SELF choose with their given Free Will 2 turn away from ALL that is opposite of solely God's desire as the saying goes, 'Father knows best': Ezekiel 33:11.


Obedience Increases Your Faith - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Lord, Jesus, you are calling Me to come close to you using obedience as the key, the way to get there. O Lord, help Me to listen to you, to trust you and then to immediately obey you. This is my heart’s desire, Lord, not because of what it will do for Me but because I want to honor you. You have said that you want obedience more than sacrifice. I know our works will never take the place of being obedient to your word, Lord, so please help me to obey.

I see you, Lord, in this very moment standing behind me as I write. You have placed your hands on my shoulders and are just letting your love flow into me. You are smiling as you see what I am writing for you know that obedience IS the key to it all. Even as I feel your love flowing through me, Lord, you are increasing my desire for you, my desire to be obedient to you, to honor you in all that I do.

Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, My precious one, My Be-loved. I love it when you allow my love to fill you, when you allow yourself to “Be-Loved” by Me. Precious one, there is nothing greater that you can do to honor Me than to obey My word. Obedience does a lot of things, LaWanda. It shows respect. It gives honor. It builds confidence. It increases faith. It motivates to continue to obey. I could go on, LaWanda, but you get the idea. Obedience is good for you. And as all things that you give to Me, even your obedience, I will bless and multiply it. The benefit to you cannot really be calculated. Through obedience you actually come to love Me more. After the fact you may see why you needed to obey or you may not, but when you do, it will increase your faith exponentially – like nothing else can.

O my precious one, listen to my voice, trust that what I am saying is true and then obey Me. It really is as simple as that. And when you find that you have not obeyed, stop and repent. Change the way you see it and then keep on obeying. If you do, you will reap the blessings of obedience, all of them, again and again. And remember, with Me, every “again” is A…Gain.

“So Samuel said: Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice…” I Samuel 15:22

Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice!

Do you use God’s approach to making wise decisions which will change the course of your life?
How Do YOU Know? Free Video Event - July 23-31

Plus: 10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024. Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used eleven different methods for discovering truth including: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so. I have discarded them all and adopted a twelfth method, which is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. We teach you this method in this series.


"These bankers really have no shame; their greed knows no bounds. The value of life will have no meaning for them until and unless they are hung upside down and given a chance to repent. "
REMEMBER that Creature from Jekyll Island when JEWS planned the take over of America though BANKING!!!


International Public Notice: Regarding "Gold Revaluation Accounts"
By Anna Von Reitz

Also called "off ledger accounts" the "gold revaluation accounts" being held by banks are their hedge funds against the day when the delusion of the Federal Reserve Notes and EUROs can no longer be maintained.

This is the "back end" of the Federal Reserve scheme, the means they intended to ultimately profit from, ever since their first meeting at Jekyll Island.

The idea, part of a "Hundred Year Plan" that included multiple government corporation bankruptcies, is simple.

Take everyone off the gold standard and the silver standard, hoard the bullion and coinage in "off ledger accounts" that the banks can see as "private holdings" ---pretend that these "holdings" belong to unknown depositors, claim them via claims on abandonment benefiting the banks, wait for deflation and inflation to eat away the fiat currencies and run up the "value" of gold, then cash in.

That is, they used a simple hedge-fund approach on a macro-economic scale, and are counting on the increase in the perceived value of "their" gold and silver hedge fund holdings, to more than compensate for the loss of value of the fiat currencies.

Only it's not their gold and not their silver in these "revaluation accounts". A good portion of it belongs to the actual land and soil jurisdiction governments, and far more belongs to private trusts and mining companies and others who have been bypassed, conveniently side-stepped, and attacked by turns.

The bankers anticipate being able to sell the gold and silver back to the grandsons and granddaughters of the people they stole it from, at anywhere between $2500 and $10,000 "dollars" per ounce of gold, and eventually anywhere between $1800 and $6500 per ounce of silver, once the gold market plays out.

We are just now entering the "target range" for the "collapse" of these investments and the beginning sell-offs of profit-taking related to these plans put in place over 100 years ago.

This early profit-taking is what makes the "prime indicators" like the M1 and M2 go up and down like a yo-yo. Both the banks and the "undetermined private investors" are darting back and forth into the cash pool and selling gold for cash of various kinds to improve their short term liquidity.

This is leading to cash crunches of various severity on a temporary but gathering long-term basis, which is exactly what the banks ultimately want --- the cash being drained out of the economy and gold stores increasing prior to the Big Crash.

They will milk this along as long as they reasonably can, luring more gold out of the hidden private investment pools, "ingesting" each spike in the gold supply before each new spike in cash value inflation.

Remember that they are still operating on non-negotiable I.O.U.s (FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES) and getting away with it; so they are selling nothing for something and have no motive to stop.

Because these gold accounts have been managed and traded on an off-ledger basis, nobody knows for sure how much gold and silver is held outside the banking system worldwide, but extensive efforts have been made by the pirates to identify and cashier over 5,000 private family trusts and their assets which have been cashiered in the banking system for the benefit of the dishonest bankers and their scheming corporations "functioning as" governments.

The banks, if they are allowed to get away with it, will sing the public a song and dance and avoid the truth about all the precious metals accounts they have been collecting and cashiering and trading upon on an off-ledger basis for all these many years.

The identities of the actual owners of all this wealth, unincorporated governments, private family trusts, unincorporated mining operations, and so on, will be avoided and ignored if at all possible -- because otherwise the banks would have to explain to the world why these nice people with their history and court cases and receipts and deposit tickets are being ignored.

The bankers will pretend that these and other "global collateral accounts" were just left in their banks by unknown depositors whose heirs never showed up to collect.

They will lie and pretend that it has been so long that they no longer know who the gold and silver belongs to, or who the heirs and intended beneficiaries of all these precious metals accounts are.

They will find every excuse in the book to refuse to acknowledge the rightful donors, the rightful heirs, and the rightful trustees/owners so that they and their banks can continue to benefit from vast holdings that don't belong to them.

If they really get pressed to the ropes, they will accuse the lawful heirs of these physical assets of being crooks, fraud artists, or "enemies of state" and try to weasel out of paying them back by pretending that the rightful heirs or rightful donors or rightful trustees are criminals or communists or whatever else they can drum up --- when, in fact, the bankers who have engineered this mess and obtained possession of the assets under False Pretenses are the crooks.

They will even have the brass cajones to allege that the heirs owe them storage fees in excess of everything they've gained by surreptitiously using these gold and silver asset accounts as collateral to make other Third Party loans and blocking these accounts for periods of time as "sure bets" on casino-like trading platforms.

These bankers really have no shame; their greed knows no bounds. The value of life will have no meaning for them until and unless they are hung upside down and given a chance to repent.

We are watching the markets and indicators being wound up and wound down, wound up and wound down like a mechanical mouse. The price of gold per ounce will edge upward through this step-step-step dance between hedge fund holders and cash asset "producers" and the only way we can hurry this along is by making arrests. Lots of them.

The owners of the gold and silver deposits in all these banks are still here, still know who they are, still have the receipts.

(They tried to destroy the gold transfer records kept by the U.S. Navy Fiscal Agents during their 9/11 attack, but failed. They also stole the gold backing the Brady Bonds and just recently unlawfully seized $30 B in Russian assets trapped within the infinitely corrupt and despicable SWIFT transfer monopoly.)

Instead of the actual heirs and owners being held suspect and disrespected by banks that have acted against the actual law and in breach of public trust, we say it's time these banks were asked what their purported interest is in all these "legacy trusts"?

Do they hold signature authority? No. Do they have receipts for the deposits? No. Do they have any Power of Attorney? No. Do they have a contract stipulating service fees that aren't already paid for via private trading profits? No.

So what is to keep us from presuming the obvious? That these banks bilked their depositors and knowingly and willingly set up a constructive fraud scheme to obtain possession of these asset accounts so as to unjustly enrich and empower and protect themselves at the expense of their depositors?

The Gold Revaluation Account assets don't belong to these banks nor to these bankers; the assets belong to other parties who are being deprived of Due Process and rightful possession of their own property using the same old tired and dishonest excuses pertaining to a non-existent "war" and amounting to deliberate entrapment and constructive fraud and illegal "military" confiscation of private American civilian assets under color of law.

We are waiting to hear a new answer and new findings about the operations of all these banks and all these governmental services corporations that have been occupying our country under False Pretenses and which have embezzled us blind for164 years.

We want to know how it is that your Department of the Federal Reserve sat down with a man and got him to extend you another ten years to use his gold, silver, and other assets in 1995, yet in 2005 when that loan extension was due, you all pretend not to know who he is?

It's an astonishing lack of institutional memory, even when we name the names of the agents responsible and show the documents of this loan extension supporting the asset accounts underlying every central bank member of the Bank for International Settlements?

You all think you are going to get away with this theft and embezzlement and the whole impersonation and identity theft fraud underlying it?

Like Donald Rumsfeld muttering about trillions of dollars misplaced by the Department of Defense just minutes before the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center?

Think again.

Those assets were not misplaced. Those assets were deliberately trafficked offshore to the Philippines and Indonesia and then placed under a trust administered by the Government of the Philippines in 1934.

We know who we are, too.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 7th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - 2ndly U must believe (via Hebrews 11:1 = what faith is) & further more that we ALL individually deserve eternal Hell: Romans 5:12. 3rdly U must repent (feel or express sincere regret or remorse about YO wrongdoing or sin); as God has-takes NO pleasure in the death of the bad-wicked, misc BUT hope that they'd SELF choose with their given Free Will 2 turn away from ALL that is opposite of solely God's desire as the saying goes, 'Father knows best': Ezekiel 33:11.


Obedience Increases Your Faith - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Lord, Jesus, you are calling Me to come close to you using obedience as the key, the way to get there. O Lord, help Me to listen to you, to trust you and then to immediately obey you. This is my heart’s desire, Lord, not because of what it will do for Me but because I want to honor you. You have said that you want obedience more than sacrifice. I know our works will never take the place of being obedient to your word, Lord, so please help me to obey.

I see you, Lord, in this very moment standing behind me as I write. You have placed your hands on my shoulders and are just letting your love flow into me. You are smiling as you see what I am writing for you know that obedience IS the key to it all. Even as I feel your love flowing through me, Lord, you are increasing my desire for you, my desire to be obedient to you, to honor you in all that I do.

Jesus – LaWanda, My dear one, My precious one, My Be-loved. I love it when you allow my love to fill you, when you allow yourself to “Be-Loved” by Me. Precious one, there is nothing greater that you can do to honor Me than to obey My word. Obedience does a lot of things, LaWanda. It shows respect. It gives honor. It builds confidence. It increases faith. It motivates to continue to obey. I could go on, LaWanda, but you get the idea. Obedience is good for you. And as all things that you give to Me, even your obedience, I will bless and multiply it. The benefit to you cannot really be calculated. Through obedience you actually come to love Me more. After the fact you may see why you needed to obey or you may not, but when you do, it will increase your faith exponentially – like nothing else can.

O my precious one, listen to my voice, trust that what I am saying is true and then obey Me. It really is as simple as that. And when you find that you have not obeyed, stop and repent. Change the way you see it and then keep on obeying. If you do, you will reap the blessings of obedience, all of them, again and again. And remember, with Me, every “again” is A…Gain.

“So Samuel said: Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice…” I Samuel 15:22

Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice!

Do you use God’s approach to making wise decisions which will change the course of your life?
How Do YOU Know? Free Video Event - July 23-31

Plus: 10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024. Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used eleven different methods for discovering truth including: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so. I have discarded them all and adopted a twelfth method, which is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. We teach you this method in this series.


"These bankers really have no shame; their greed knows no bounds. The value of life will have no meaning for them until and unless they are hung upside down and given a chance to repent. "
REMEMBER that Creature from Jekyll Island when JEWS planned the take over of America though BANKING!!!


International Public Notice: Regarding "Gold Revaluation Accounts"
By Anna Von Reitz

Also called "off ledger accounts" the "gold revaluation accounts" being held by banks are their hedge funds against the day when the delusion of the Federal Reserve Notes and EUROs can no longer be maintained.

This is the "back end" of the Federal Reserve scheme, the means they intended to ultimately profit from, ever since their first meeting at Jekyll Island.

The idea, part of a "Hundred Year Plan" that included multiple government corporation bankruptcies, is simple.

Take everyone off the gold standard and the silver standard, hoard the bullion and coinage in "off ledger accounts" that the banks can see as "private holdings" ---pretend that these "holdings" belong to unknown depositors, claim them via claims on abandonment benefiting the banks, wait for deflation and inflation to eat away the fiat currencies and run up the "value" of gold, then cash in.

That is, they used a simple hedge-fund approach on a macro-economic scale, and are counting on the increase in the perceived value of "their" gold and silver hedge fund holdings, to more than compensate for the loss of value of the fiat currencies.

Only it's not their gold and not their silver in these "revaluation accounts". A good portion of it belongs to the actual land and soil jurisdiction governments, and far more belongs to private trusts and mining companies and others who have been bypassed, conveniently side-stepped, and attacked by turns.

The bankers anticipate being able to sell the gold and silver back to the grandsons and granddaughters of the people they stole it from, at anywhere between $2500 and $10,000 "dollars" per ounce of gold, and eventually anywhere between $1800 and $6500 per ounce of silver, once the gold market plays out.

We are just now entering the "target range" for the "collapse" of these investments and the beginning sell-offs of profit-taking related to these plans put in place over 100 years ago.

This early profit-taking is what makes the "prime indicators" like the M1 and M2 go up and down like a yo-yo. Both the banks and the "undetermined private investors" are darting back and forth into the cash pool and selling gold for cash of various kinds to improve their short term liquidity.

This is leading to cash crunches of various severity on a temporary but gathering long-term basis, which is exactly what the banks ultimately want --- the cash being drained out of the economy and gold stores increasing prior to the Big Crash.

They will milk this along as long as they reasonably can, luring more gold out of the hidden private investment pools, "ingesting" each spike in the gold supply before each new spike in cash value inflation.

Remember that they are still operating on non-negotiable I.O.U.s (FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES) and getting away with it; so they are selling nothing for something and have no motive to stop.

Because these gold accounts have been managed and traded on an off-ledger basis, nobody knows for sure how much gold and silver is held outside the banking system worldwide, but extensive efforts have been made by the pirates to identify and cashier over 5,000 private family trusts and their assets which have been cashiered in the banking system for the benefit of the dishonest bankers and their scheming corporations "functioning as" governments.

The banks, if they are allowed to get away with it, will sing the public a song and dance and avoid the truth about all the precious metals accounts they have been collecting and cashiering and trading upon on an off-ledger basis for all these many years.

The identities of the actual owners of all this wealth, unincorporated governments, private family trusts, unincorporated mining operations, and so on, will be avoided and ignored if at all possible -- because otherwise the banks would have to explain to the world why these nice people with their history and court cases and receipts and deposit tickets are being ignored.

The bankers will pretend that these and other "global collateral accounts" were just left in their banks by unknown depositors whose heirs never showed up to collect.

They will lie and pretend that it has been so long that they no longer know who the gold and silver belongs to, or who the heirs and intended beneficiaries of all these precious metals accounts are.

They will find every excuse in the book to refuse to acknowledge the rightful donors, the rightful heirs, and the rightful trustees/owners so that they and their banks can continue to benefit from vast holdings that don't belong to them.

If they really get pressed to the ropes, they will accuse the lawful heirs of these physical assets of being crooks, fraud artists, or "enemies of state" and try to weasel out of paying them back by pretending that the rightful heirs or rightful donors or rightful trustees are criminals or communists or whatever else they can drum up --- when, in fact, the bankers who have engineered this mess and obtained possession of the assets under False Pretenses are the crooks.

They will even have the brass cajones to allege that the heirs owe them storage fees in excess of everything they've gained by surreptitiously using these gold and silver asset accounts as collateral to make other Third Party loans and blocking these accounts for periods of time as "sure bets" on casino-like trading platforms.

These bankers really have no shame; their greed knows no bounds. The value of life will have no meaning for them until and unless they are hung upside down and given a chance to repent.

We are watching the markets and indicators being wound up and wound down, wound up and wound down like a mechanical mouse. The price of gold per ounce will edge upward through this step-step-step dance between hedge fund holders and cash asset "producers" and the only way we can hurry this along is by making arrests. Lots of them.

The owners of the gold and silver deposits in all these banks are still here, still know who they are, still have the receipts.

(They tried to destroy the gold transfer records kept by the U.S. Navy Fiscal Agents during their 9/11 attack, but failed. They also stole the gold backing the Brady Bonds and just recently unlawfully seized $30 B in Russian assets trapped within the infinitely corrupt and despicable SWIFT transfer monopoly.)

Instead of the actual heirs and owners being held suspect and disrespected by banks that have acted against the actual law and in breach of public trust, we say it's time these banks were asked what their purported interest is in all these "legacy trusts"?

Do they hold signature authority? No. Do they have receipts for the deposits? No. Do they have any Power of Attorney? No. Do they have a contract stipulating service fees that aren't already paid for via private trading profits? No.

So what is to keep us from presuming the obvious? That these banks bilked their depositors and knowingly and willingly set up a constructive fraud scheme to obtain possession of these asset accounts so as to unjustly enrich and empower and protect themselves at the expense of their depositors?

The Gold Revaluation Account assets don't belong to these banks nor to these bankers; the assets belong to other parties who are being deprived of Due Process and rightful possession of their own property using the same old tired and dishonest excuses pertaining to a non-existent "war" and amounting to deliberate entrapment and constructive fraud and illegal "military" confiscation of private American civilian assets under color of law.

We are waiting to hear a new answer and new findings about the operations of all these banks and all these governmental services corporations that have been occupying our country under False Pretenses and which have embezzled us blind for164 years.

We want to know how it is that your Department of the Federal Reserve sat down with a man and got him to extend you another ten years to use his gold, silver, and other assets in 1995, yet in 2005 when that loan extension was due, you all pretend not to know who he is?

It's an astonishing lack of institutional memory, even when we name the names of the agents responsible and show the documents of this loan extension supporting the asset accounts underlying every central bank member of the Bank for International Settlements?

You all think you are going to get away with this theft and embezzlement and the whole impersonation and identity theft fraud underlying it?

Like Donald Rumsfeld muttering about trillions of dollars misplaced by the Department of Defense just minutes before the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center?

Think again.

Those assets were not misplaced. Those assets were deliberately trafficked offshore to the Philippines and Indonesia and then placed under a trust administered by the Government of the Philippines in 1934.

We know who we are, too.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 7th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


Video: 7 Step Bible Meditation Process Explored
Original blog with many hyperlinks, video and pictures, and great formatting is here:

Meditation: “God’s Spirit utilizing every faculty of my heart and mind, bringing forth revelation which ushers in transformation.”

Seven Steps in Biblical Meditation

Available as a free downloadable bookmark (shown at right).

Write: I copy the verse I am meditating on onto a piece of paper or 3X5 card, as instructed to in Deut. 17:18, and keep it with me to meditate on, memorize and mutter throughout the day(s). I also record this verse in my meditation/journal (which can be written, typed or verbally recorded).
Quiet Down: I become still in God’s presence, loving Him through soft soaking music (2 Kings 3:15,16) and/or praying in tongues (1 Cor. 14:14), or putting a smile on my face and picturing Jesus with me (Acts 2:25). I tune to His flowing thoughts, pictures and emotions (Jn. 7:37-39).
Reason: Come let us reason together (Isa. 1:18), meaning the Spirit guides my reasoning process. I ask, “Lord, what do You want to show me from this verse?” I tune to flow and revelation from the Holy Spirit bubbles up within me.
Speak & Imagine: I ponder the Scripture, personalizing and speaking it to myself softy over and over again until I can say it with my eyes closed. As I repeat the Scripture, I allow myself to see it with the eyes of my heart. I note what the picture is in my mind’s eye as I repeat the Scripture.
Feel God’s Heart: While seeing the above picture, I ask, “Lord, what does this Scripture reveal about Your heart toward me?” I feel His heart and journal it out.
Hear God’s Rhema: I put myself in the picture of this Scripture in my mind. I ask, “Lord, what are You speaking to me through this Scripture?” I tune to flowing thoughts and flowing pictures (God’s voice and vision) and I record this dialogue in my two-way journaling.
Act: I accept this revelation, repenting of any sin that is opposite of it and roaring at any obstacle that stands in the way of implementing it. I then speak it forth and act on it.

Our hearts burn within as He walks with us opening Scriptures to us (Lk. 24:32).

We are transformed as we look, and see what Jesus is doing (2 Cor. 3:18).

The Holy Spirit guides the above process, leading to more or less emphasis on any of the various steps, according to God’s wishes for the present moment and the personal needs one has. So we remain dependent upon Him throughout. For example, I may need more or less time to quiet myself in His presence or more or less time in Spirit-led “reasoning,” or more or less time in speaking it, or feeling God’s heart in it, or doing two-way journaling about it, or roaring at the enemy to get his lies out of my head and his hands off my being. So I allow the flow of the Holy Spirit to guide me through the steps of this meditation process.
A beautiful example of meditating upon Luke 2:25-38 (the story of Simeon and Anna in the temple).

Linda - What an amazing experience, Lord. I am still overwhelmed with what I felt. I saw Simeon holding Jesus as an infant, worshipping God for the fulfillment of a promise that God had given him. While he’s holding baby Jesus, his old friend Anna walks up and sees him holding Jesus, weeping and worshipping, and Anna knows immediately that this is what she had been praying and fasting for all her life. Anna goes and wraps her right arm around baby Jesus as Simeon is still holding him then her left hand is extended toward heaven as she worships too. I am a bystander but I walk over and ask permission to hold Jesus. Mary and Joseph nod and I sob as the most wonderful gift ever is placed in my arms. Thank You, Lord. I love You.

Jesus - You are welcome, beloved. I said the same thing when I held you in My arms when you were born anew!
How to Meditate on a Topic (Utilize the free software, e-Sword)

Be led by God to the topic: God will show you the topic He wants you to explore, by bringing it to your consciousness through thoughts, the comment of a friend or a book, or a presenting need in your life which demands the revelation and power of God to overcome (Jn. 16:13).
Be cleansed by His blood: Approach your meditation time by drawing near to the Lord, repenting of all sins and asking for and receiving the cleansing of His blood (Heb. 10:22).
Be humble and teachable: Ask for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you (Eph. 1:17,18). Be willing to discover and embrace His truth, no matter what it costs (reputation, pride, ego, job, financial security, etc.).
Be fearless: Some churches will excommunicate, fire or shun a person who disagrees with the church’s belief. Thus fear hinders many from pursuing truth. Put your whole trust in God to sustain you, even if you are shunned or rejected by organized religion.
Be whole-hearted in your search: Seek the Lord with your whole heart (i.e. presenting all your faculties to the Lord to fill and to use) and you will find Him (Jer. 29:13). Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and fill your heart and then tune to flowing thoughts, flowing pictures, flowing emotions.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you in the use of the following Bible tools:

A good concordance such as Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and the King James Concordance (gives you every verse where a specific Hebrew or Greek word is used).
Some good Bible dictionaries such as Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, Brown – Driver – Briggs Dictionary, Vines Complete Bible Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vines Complete Dictionary of Old Testament Words.
Miscellaneous analytical tools such as Nave’s Topical Bible, and Manners and Customs of the Bible, etc.
Interpretive tools such as exegetical commentaries, expository commentaries and devotional commentaries.

Receive counsel: Wisdom and safety come from receiving counsel, input and confirmation from the 5-fold team God has given to you (Prov. 11:14; Eph. 4:11; 2 Cor. 13:1).

Most of the above tools (plus many more) are available electronically in the free software, e-Sword. Our online college course, BIB390 Biblical Research Methods from Christian Leadership University provides excellent training on how to research a topic using these tools.
An Example of the 7 Step Meditation Process

Meditation: “God’s Spirit utilizing every faculty of my heart and mind,
bringing forth revelation which ushers in transformation.”

Write: I copy the verse by hand onto a piece of paper or 3X5 card (Deut. 17:18) and keep it with me to meditate on, memorize and mutter throughout the day(s). I also record this verse in my meditation/journal (which can be written, typed or verbally recorded).

Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening (Gen. 24:63).

Quiet Down: I become still in God’s presence, loving Him through soft soaking music (2 Kings 3:15,16) and/or praying in tongues (1 Cor. 14:14), or putting a smile on my face and picturing Jesus with me (Acts 2:25). I tune to His flowing thoughts, pictures and emotions (Jn. 7:37-39).

Used the Sea of Galilee Quieting Exercise, picturing myself together with Jesus and tuned to flow.

Reason: I reason together with God (Isa. 1:18), meaning the Spirit guides my reasoning process (i.e. through flow). “Lord, what do You want to show me about any of the following: the context of the verse, the Hebrew/Greek definitions of the key words in the verse, any cultural understandings?” (“How to Meditate on a Topic” above details these steps.)

Meditation is a lifestyle that I have ordained. Do it in the evening. It is better than watching TV. As you do it, I can and will bring the choicest provisions of life to you. In this case, Isaac lifted up his eyes and saw the gift of his future wife who was being brought to him by his servant. His servant had discovered her in a distant land through a divine appointment. I also bring good gifts to you from distant places while you honor Me by making meditation your lifestyle. For when you honor Me by inviting Me into your everyday life, I honor you by bringing to you divine appointments. Honor Me with your lifestyle. Let your lifestyle be one of ongoing meditation.

Speak & Imagine: I ponder the Scripture speaking it to myself softy over and over again until I can say it with my eyes closed. As I repeat the Scripture, I allow myself to see it with the eyes of my heart. I note what the picture is in my mind’s eye as I repeat the Scripture.

I see Isaac walking in a field in the evening and pondering as he walks along. I see Jesus at his side, speaking with him.

Feel God’s Heart: While seeing the above picture, I ask, “Lord, what does this Scripture reveal about Your heart toward me?” I feel His heart and journal it out.

Mark, I love to walk with you in the cool of the day. This was My original design. This allows you to hear My thoughts and receive My wisdom, My counsel and My blessing. It is My desire to love you and care for you and provide for you and this is one key way I can do that if you allow Me to. Come experience My heart toward you in the cool of the day. Come meditate in the cool of the day.

Hear God’s Rhema: I put myself in the picture of this Scripture in my mind. I ask, “Lord, what are You speaking to me through this Scripture?” I tune to flowing thoughts and flowing pictures (God’s voice and vision) and I record this dialogue in my two-way journaling.

Mark, there is SO much I want to reveal to you and I do it as we take these walks together in the cool of the day. You see, this was My pattern in the Garden of Eden. I chose for it to be our pattern also, that we walk together down the road of life. Will you come to Me in the cool of the day and meditate in My presence, allowing Me to minister grace to you on a daily basis? You can ponder the specific needs and situations you are surrounded by and present them to Me and I will give you revelation and insight as to how to best handle them and respond to them. I will do this daily if you will walk with Me daily. You will experience ideas and understanding beyond your natural ability. You will accomplish beyond your natural giftings.

Act: I accept this revelation, repenting of any sin that is opposite of it and roaring at any obstacle that stands in the way of implementing it. I then speak it forth and act on it.

Lord, I accept this awesome invitation from You, my Lord and my Redeemer. What a gracious gift You have offered me, and all I have to do is say yes, and we walk together. I receive Your life and fullness into my heart and life. Lord, what an amazing offer You are making. I roar at every false belief that I can do it on my own. That is a lie from satan. I renounce humanism and rationalism. Get out of my life, now! I choose to die daily and come alive only to Jesus, who is my life.

Lord, I will walk with You and talk with You in the cool of the day and I will present to You the issues I am facing and ask for Your wisdom and insight on them. I thank You, Lord, for Your gracious wisdom, revelation and strength which flow so freely!!!

Our hearts burn within as He walks with us opening Scriptures to us (Lk. 24:32).
We are transformed as we look, and see what Jesus is doing (2 Cor. 3:18).
Let’s Begin Meditating and Enjoying Life-transforming Revelation & Empowerment

Select one verse a day to meditate on. (It could be that some days you want to continue to meditate on the verse from the previous day.) Copy the above “7 Step Meditation Process” into your word processor and insert into it the Scripture you are meditating on for the day along with the revelation God gives you.

You could begin with the verses on meditation listed below and then move on to verses or topics which interest you. If you want more verses on the topic of meditation, refer to the Scriptures in the file “Meditation – Hebrew and Greek Definitions” for an additional 40+ verses. For topical lists of verses to meditate on, use the “Bible search” feature, available as part of the free software, e-Sword, and search for words that deal with the topic(s) you want to explore in-depth.

Since revelation promotes transformation, I recommend meditating in areas where you are seeking change. If I desire to move into God’s miracle-working power, I would meditate on the words for power and healing, and compassion. If I need to discover the many ways He heals, I will meditate on all the verses in the Bible which speak of health, heal, healed, healing. If I need improved interpersonal relationships, I will meditate on the “one another” commands in the New Testament. Additional meditation topics and resources are suggested at the end of this file. (Note: you can explore my meditations on the above keywords by typing them in the search bar at

I will stay with a topic until the revelation is complete, the enemy has been roared at and is defeated, and I am a living testimony of God’s grace in that area. Then the Holy Spirit will move me on to the next area where I need revelation, transformation, and breakthrough. This is the process of life. This is the way we are called to live, so do not miss out on life! Since I am a teacher, I consolidate each year of God’s revelation and transformation to me into a training book in order to easily pass it on.
Blogs On Meditation and Using the Eyes of Your Heart as You Approach God

How to Meditate on Scripture & Receive Life-Transforming Revelation
Hebrew and Greek Definitions of Meditation
Does the Bible REALLY Say “Study to Show Yourself Approved”?
Western Study Versus Biblical Meditation
7 Step Meditation Process Explored
7 Step Meditation Bookmark (shown at right)
Healing Scriptures for Meditation
4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice
What Does the Bible Teach about Visualization?
You Can See Visions! They Are a Pathway to God
Poised Before Almighty God
Lord, When Is “Priming The Pump” Acceptable and Unacceptable?
Initiative - Should I Take It? by Charity Kayembe
Help! I Have Trouble Seeing Vision!
Protestantism's 500-Year-Old Bitter Root Judgment and Inner Vow (a chance to repent)
Training Your Child to Encounter Jesus - Godly Imagination & Visions
How to Receive Revelation Knowledge

Books And Courses On Meditation And Spiritual Formation

Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation book
Meditation: How to Study the Bible in the Presence of God ebook
The Art of Biblical Meditation Interactive Online Course from School of the Spirit
Training Package - 4 Keys To Hearing God's Voice (One key is to use vision)
Training Package - Hear God Through Your Dreams (Dreams utilize imagery)
Book - Am I Being Deceived? (Difference between New Agers and Christians)
Book - Secret Place (Examples of God painting beautiful scenes during prayer times)
Divine Healing Toolbox CD/DVD Set (using vision while praying for healing)
Training Package - Prayers That Heal the Heart (Inner healing prayer utilizes vision)
Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge by Mark and Patti Virkler – an alternative to traditional hermeneutics.
The Great Mystery – Christ in You by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores all New Testament verses that describe what Jesus provides for you through His indwelling Spirit.
How to Walk by the Spirit by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores Scriptures concerning the heart
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit by Mark and Patti Virkler– Explores Scriptures concerning the Holy Spirit
How Do You Know? by Mark and Patti Virkler – Explores hundreds of verses which reveal God’s prescribed methodology for discovering truth.

© 2013 Mark & Patti Virkler – Original source can be found at
Permission given to freely distribute in its entirety, provided all hyperlinks remain intact.


Counseled by the Wonderful Counselor - Journaling by Catherine Ghaleb Kawar

Catherine is taking the Counseled By God course from Christian Leadership University. Below is journaling from one of the lesson assignments, which she has graciously allowed me to share.

Vision: I’m a little girl and I see Jesus and I walking. Then He picks me up and carries me and I hug Him and He’s smiling. There is warmth from His embrace.

“Lord, what do You want to say concerning demonic thoughts versus the voice of the Holy Spirit within me?”

Cathy, you are sometimes distracted by the demonic thoughts that bombard your mind. And what saddens Me is there are moments you believe these demonic lies. But that’s what they are: lies. You feel unloved at times, and you start to believe it, but then the Holy Spirit within you fights back and reminds you that it is a lie and you are so loved by Me. I see at times how the negative demonic lies tire you, because you know it’s a lie. And so the Spirit of truth within you rises up to defend and speak back life and truth. And I know it is in that moment that you become aware and refuse the lies and press into My truth. You are sensitive to My voice, but the enemy tries to distract and fill you with his voice and noises. Rebuke them. Do not even give one second of pondering what lie he has thrown into your mind. Run to Me. Press into Me. I will speak and reveal to you the truth which will lead you to freedom.

“Lord, how have I allowed the voice of the Holy Spirit to speak words of life to me?”

You have allowed the voice of the Holy Spirit to speak words of life by not shutting Him out. Though the enemy tries to distract or lie, instead you fight back to tune to the Spirit within you, the Spirit of truth. My Spirit brings life and healing and encouragement. When you are down, when you are sad, frustrated… when you call unto Me, I am there to speak back life and truth. To heal what is wounded in your heart, in your emotions and thoughts. You seek Me and My words. You seek My advice and My counsel and My opinion. You seek My truth and My leading and thoughts. It is because you seek, you find. You allow Me to speak to You by not giving into the flesh and demonic works and thoughts. Keep on seeking Me. Shut out the voices of the world, and its lies and distractions and keep your eyes on Me. Keep being sensitive to My voice; and you will hear more and more of what I have to say concerning your life and those around you; so you can minister in My kingdom.

“In what areas of my life do I need to allow Him more access?”

Cathy, your pain, at times, tends to block Me out. I know you don’t mean it, but you become so focused on your pain and sorrow and sometimes, though for a short moment, you wallow in your sadness. Your pain affects everything in your life and when you allow it to have its moment, it makes it harder for you to receive My love and comfort. But I know, child, that you become aware and you then refuse it to control you, so you re-surrender yourself to Me. Don’t connect everything together. And even if those moments come, when you become aware that the pain and sadness and discouragement are taking “the lead”, then come back to Me and surrender it all. I will take care of it. I will take care of you and all that weighs you down. I will bring you rest and comfort and hope. Continue to open your heart to Me so that I can have full access to your heart. I love you and care about you.

“Where do I need to allow the Holy Spirit to speak more life to me?”

Cathy, you need hope. There is a war waging against your hope and purpose and passion for Me. The enemy doesn’t want to see you fruitful and on fire for Me, that is why he is attacking the painful experience you encountered. But don’t give him a foothold. Let My Spirit comfort you. Let My spirit heal you. Let My spirit breath life into you. Let My spirit speak hope. Hope over your life, over your ministry, over your marriage, over your family, over the church. I want you to hear and see My hope in everything. Don’t look through the lens of purposelessness and discouragement and pain and fear. Receive My love and allow Me to guide you and lead you to the still, refreshing water of life. Believe and receive and walk in the authority that I have given you as My child. Let Me speak over you words of love, words of joy and power, words of hope and encouragement. Receive it with faith.

“In what ways do I need to be speaking words that strengthen rather than pull down?”

Let it be your prayer to set a guard over your heart, over your thoughts, over your words, so that only what is good and uplifting may come out. Your discouragement and injustice makes you, at times, speak negative things over yourself and the life you live. Even if you don’t feel it, I want you to speak My truths over yourself and circumstances, and watch how the words of life you declare will soon become a conviction in your heart. Do not let the enemy and painful experiences poison your mindset and belief system, for what is in the heart will come out in words. Let your words be blessings of hope and a future, though unknown, but believe that it is a future of hope and security and strength. Repent, My child, of any negative self-vow you have spoken and begin to believe and declare words of truth and life. My promises are true, and they are yours to claim. Receive, My child. It is yours. Watch Me work through your life and through life speaking words.
Below is journaling from another weeks assignment

Date: May. 20. 2024 - Counseled By God: Exercises to Promote Ongoing Revelation at Home- #2 + #3 - LEARN notebook- Session 4- P.16

“Lord, what do You want to show me from my answers:

☑ This is exciting. ☑ A nice, relaxing evening can surely be enjoyable. ☑ I’m very blessed. ☑ That’s funny! (Humorous) ☑ I’m changing and growing by the strength of God. ☑ I’m full of wisdom. ☑ I’m surrounded by God’s hand of protection. ☑ My goals are going to find fulfillment. ☑ I’ll glory in this tribulation. ☑ God will work it out. ☑ God and I are a majority. ☑ Today is the day that the Lord has made. ☑ I can’t wait to express love to them.

Cathy, you have received My blessings to you. You have let Me be the ruler of your heart, the God of your life. You keep Me before you so that your eyes do not wander left or right. You are aware of My presence and are grateful for what I bring. You are allowing me to strengthen and change you and that is big. You are letting Me reshape and redirect your life and even who you are. I know growth is scary, I know growth is uncomfortable and, at times, it is painful. But the pain will bring forth My wisdom, if you allow it. I know part of you is hurt and still can’t receive all that I have for you. I know because so much has changed that you do not know what to think, or expect, or to even envision. I know you are afraid of the future, and at the same time, you surrender it all and just trust Me. That is what I want. I want you to surrender, not out of passiveness, but truly surrender because you know that I am good and kind and gracious. I have plans. But I know before that, you need your time to heal. So be at peace, My child. I have wonderful plans for you. There is hope before and within you. Receive My healing, My grace, and My strength. Take My hand and let Me guide you into the fullness of My plans for you. My promise to you that “after you have suffered a while, I will restore you, make you strong, firm and steadfast (1 Peter 5:10) is true and it is yours. I will bring it to pass in your life. Trust Me. Keep your eyes on Me. I love you and want to restore the joy of your salvation. Keep your head up, My child. In the meantime, stay rooted in Me, and continue to have a grateful heart.

Cathy: Lord, I receive Your love and encouragement. I will cling to You. My heart is set on You. My eyes are set on You. You are the reason I keep going. No matter what I feel or face, I know you are with Me, and that is more than enough. I thank You for all that You have done and will do in my life. I love You, O Lord my strength.

Related Resources: How to Be Emotionally Free! How to Hear God's Voice! How to Start a Bible School in Your Church