
1 hr ago

J6 political prisoner says Ray Epps LIED multiple times in a call with the FBI

One of the political prisoners of the Jan. 6, 2021 incident claimed in an interview with Gateway Pundit that alleged agent provocateur James Ray Epps lied several times during a call with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). A video shared on X by GP‘s Alicia Powe detailed how Epps lied during the call. The crime of making […]

16 hrs ago

Analyzing Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs’ Controversial Veto of Bill to Combat Voter Fraud

In recent years, the issue of voter fraud has become a hot topic, with many conservatives arguing that stricter measures need to be put in place to protect the integrity of elections. And in Arizona, the battle has reached a fever pitch as Governor Katie Hobbs has just made a shocking move that has left many conservatives in disbelief.
In a move that has sparked outrage among conservatives, Governor Hobbs has vetoed a crucial bill that aimed to prevent voter fraud in the state. This decision has only further solidified the growing divide between the two political parties and their stances on this contentious issue.
According to sources, the bill would have required voters to provide identification when casting their ballots, a measure that many conservatives believe is necessary to prevent fraudulent votes. However, Governor Hobbs has argued that this bill would disproportionately affect minority and low-income voters, effectively silencing their voices.

17 hrs ago

Uncovering the Manipulative Hand of George Soros: How Left-Wing Activists are Bought and Controlled

In today's political climate, it's no secret that wealthy individuals often use their money to sway public opinion and push their own agendas. One such figure who has been accused of doing just that is George Soros, a billionaire businessman and liberal activist.

From funding political campaigns to backing various social causes, Soros has been known to use his deep pockets to influence the narrative in his favor. However, a recent revelation has shed light on just how far his reach extends – paying left-wing activists to incite chaos on college campuses.



On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses the consequences of Iran’s recent attack on Israel. Was this a simple tit-for-tat to save face and show the world Iran is prepared to go toe-to-toe with Israel? Or could we actually be on the verge of World War III? Rick is joined by history professor Mohammad Marandi from Tehran, and editor at The Cradle, Esteban Carrillo. Join us on Direct Impact for this and more.

What is the difference between an informant and a Whistleblower. Does motive matter? On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Legal and media analyst Lionel about how Charles Littlejohn become something of a controversial figure in whistleblower circles and the ugly current political atmosphere in Washington.


Conservative entertainment company Daily Wire has fired one of their hosts, Candace Owens for her views on the Israel/Gaza situation. This caused many to take sides leading to the question, is any criticism of Israel considered anti-semitism? On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes asks her guests (Rick Sanchez, former CNN pundit; and Steve Malzberg, political commentator) why the media is not even trying to hide their bias anymore and if true journalism is dead.



On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses the consequences of Iran’s recent attack on Israel. Was this a simple tit-for-tat to save face and show the world Iran is prepared to go toe-to-toe with Israel? Or could we actually be on the verge of World War III? Rick is joined by history professor Mohammad Marandi from Tehran, and editor at The Cradle, Esteban Carrillo. Join us on Direct Impact for this and more.

What is the difference between an informant and a Whistleblower. Does motive matter? On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Legal and media analyst Lionel about how Charles Littlejohn become something of a controversial figure in whistleblower circles and the ugly current political atmosphere in Washington.


Conservative entertainment company Daily Wire has fired one of their hosts, Candace Owens for her views on the Israel/Gaza situation. This caused many to take sides leading to the question, is any criticism of Israel considered anti-semitism? On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes asks her guests (Rick Sanchez, former CNN pundit; and Steve Malzberg, political commentator) why the media is not even trying to hide their bias anymore and if true journalism is dead.


Politicians from both sides of the aisle have finally found legislation they could agree on but is it really a good thing if they are unified in taking away or limiting Americans access to information. On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes and a panel of experts (Angela McCardle, Chair, Libertarian National Committee; Larry Ward, President Political Media Inc; James Rehwald, Political Commentator, Comedian) are going to look at the house vote to ban TikTok and if it is really a Trojan horse being used by Congress to destroy the Right to Free Speech.


The department of veteran affairs has just rescinded and denounced a memo sent out without approval which instructed the removal of the iconic VJ day and time squares photograph from every VA institution saying it depicted a non-consensual act and was inconsistent with the VA’s no tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and assault. On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes will discuss with a panel (Steve Malzberg, Political Commentator; Angie Wong, Host, The Final Call; Lionel, Attorney/Media Analyst) if the eradication of American history in the name of tolerance is justified or if there is a darker motivation?


1 hr ago

J6 political prisoner says Ray Epps LIED multiple times in a call with the FBI

One of the political prisoners of the Jan. 6, 2021 incident claimed in an interview with Gateway Pundit that alleged agent provocateur James Ray Epps lied several times during a call with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). A video shared on X by GP‘s Alicia Powe detailed how Epps lied during the call. The crime of making […]

16 hrs ago

Analyzing Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs’ Controversial Veto of Bill to Combat Voter Fraud

In recent years, the issue of voter fraud has become a hot topic, with many conservatives arguing that stricter measures need to be put in place to protect the integrity of elections. And in Arizona, the battle has reached a fever pitch as Governor Katie Hobbs has just made a shocking move that has left many conservatives in disbelief.
In a move that has sparked outrage among conservatives, Governor Hobbs has vetoed a crucial bill that aimed to prevent voter fraud in the state. This decision has only further solidified the growing divide between the two political parties and their stances on this contentious issue.
According to sources, the bill would have required voters to provide identification when casting their ballots, a measure that many conservatives believe is necessary to prevent fraudulent votes. However, Governor Hobbs has argued that this bill would disproportionately affect minority and low-income voters, effectively silencing their voices.

17 hrs ago

Uncovering the Manipulative Hand of George Soros: How Left-Wing Activists are Bought and Controlled

In today's political climate, it's no secret that wealthy individuals often use their money to sway public opinion and push their own agendas. One such figure who has been accused of doing just that is George Soros, a billionaire businessman and liberal activist.

From funding political campaigns to backing various social causes, Soros has been known to use his deep pockets to influence the narrative in his favor. However, a recent revelation has shed light on just how far his reach extends – paying left-wing activists to incite chaos on college campuses.

17 hrs ago

Imagine a future where the security of our elections is upheld with the highest regard. That's the America we strive for.
Recently, Democrats have taken steps to allow non-citizens to vote in our elections. This issue strikes at the very heart of our democracy. That's why we are conducting a FLASH POLL to capture your views: SHOULD NON-CITIZENS BE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN US ELECTIONS?
We count on your perspective to navigate this challenge. Your response is a vital measure of our collective stance.
Please, take a moment to cast your vote and confirm where you stand on this critical issue.
This isn't just about a single issue; it’s about safeguarding the entire fabric of our electoral process. We must remain vigilant.
Your participation keeps our movement grounded in the values that matter most to American Patriots in places like your community.
Stand with us in this political battle by casting your vote today. Your input directly influences our campaign strategy.
Jason Simmons
Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party

17 hrs ago

Inside Obama’s Deception According to Judge Joe Brown
As the political landscape continues to shift, one thing remains constant: the left's adoration for former President Barack Obama. However, one prominent conservative voice is not afraid to speak out against the supposed "golden boy" of the Democratic Party. In a recent article, Judge Joe Brown pulls back the curtain on Obama's true character, exposing the lies and deceit that have been hidden from the public eye.
Brown wastes no time in delving into the heart of the matter, revealing the "lowdown scummy" actions of Obama. With sharp wit and undeniable evidence, the former judge lays out the case against the ex-president, leaving no room for doubt. From Obama's questionable birth certificate to his controversial policies, Brown uncovers the unsettling truth behind the facade of Obama's legacy.

One of the most shocking revelations in Brown's article is the manipulative tactics used by Obama to gain power. As a conservative, it's no secret that the left will stop at nothing to push their agenda. But the extent to which Obama was willing to go is truly alarming. Through calculated maneuvers and strategic alliances, he was able to manipulate his way to the top, leaving a trail of deceit and betrayal in his wake.