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Understatement vast civilian masses USA-global wish U-those in TOP-down authority Power, misc (fill in blank's) would literally non voluntary-non optionally-non questionably outlaw-ban the porn-pornography media industry & any violator's USA-globally R either imprisoned 4 a very long time & judicially-legally ordered 2 undergo force-able SELF re-training ie: video's, misc OR otherwise literally CEASED onsite immediately & sent 4th upon knees B4 Jesus 4 their PRE judgment day processing thus = remove, misc the fellow adult human dust & ash corpse weed's of-amidst a garden of & B-ing dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth! U ALL have NO & lack the capacity 4 comprehension 2 B reasoned with & (?, !) misc else! Keep it up humanity! In allegiance 2 God-Holy Trinity, I WOULDN'T B so patience, misc with a Holy army, GET it? WE CLEAR?!

CLM - Christian Lives Matter, iLM - innocent Lives Matter, WLM - Women's Lives Matter especially since FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve - Adam was SUPPOSE 2 have had Eve's back, hence, coming FROM Adam but nevertheless overall & generally, women R NOT inferior & we men got NOTHING on women). BLM - Babies Lives Matter ie: completely outlaw & make illegal - Abortion (which is nevertheless an act of 187-murder against Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kids-children-teens) & Crime's against humanity (itself) & God-Jesus-Holy Trinity-Heaven & violator's R worthy of death 2 B carried out immediately onsite via-ie: an eye 4 an eye as should LGBTQiA since God set the example via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 as even Mary Magdalene set the example 2-4 us ALL!


Germans are worried after politician suggested banning driving on weekends could help meet climate goals

German Transport Minister Volker Wissing has come under fire after saying the country may need to implement a ban on driving on weekends during the summer if reforms to their controversial Climate Protection Act are not passed by July. Germany’s transportation sector has been struggling to meet its client targets, even as they managed to […]


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Understatement vast civilian masses USA-global wish U-those in TOP-down authority Power, misc (fill in blank's) would literally non voluntary-non optionally-non questionably outlaw-ban the porn-pornography media industry & any violator's USA-globally R either imprisoned 4 a very long time & judicially-legally ordered 2 undergo force-able SELF re-training ie: video's, misc OR otherwise literally CEASED onsite immediately & sent 4th upon knees B4 Jesus 4 their PRE judgment day processing thus = remove, misc the fellow adult human dust & ash corpse weed's of-amidst a garden of & B-ing dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth! U ALL have NO & lack the capacity 4 comprehension 2 B reasoned with & (?, !) misc else! Keep it up humanity! In allegiance 2 God-Holy Trinity, I WOULDN'T B so patience, misc with a Holy army, GET it? WE CLEAR?!

CLM - Christian Lives Matter, iLM - innocent Lives Matter, WLM - Women's Lives Matter especially since FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve - Adam was SUPPOSE 2 have had Eve's back, hence, coming FROM Adam but nevertheless overall & generally, women R NOT inferior & we men got NOTHING on women). BLM - Babies Lives Matter ie: completely outlaw & make illegal - Abortion (which is nevertheless an act of 187-murder against Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kids-children-teens) & Crime's against humanity (itself) & God-Jesus-Holy Trinity-Heaven & violator's R worthy of death 2 B carried out immediately onsite via-ie: an eye 4 an eye as should LGBTQiA since God set the example via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 as even Mary Magdalene set the example 2-4 us ALL!


Germans are worried after politician suggested banning driving on weekends could help meet climate goals

German Transport Minister Volker Wissing has come under fire after saying the country may need to implement a ban on driving on weekends during the summer if reforms to their controversial Climate Protection Act are not passed by July. Germany’s transportation sector has been struggling to meet its client targets, even as they managed to […]


Germans are worried after politician suggested banning driving on weekends could help meet climate goals

German Transport Minister Volker Wissing has come under fire after saying the country may need to implement a ban on driving on weekends during the summer if reforms to their controversial Climate Protection Act are not passed by July. Germany’s transportation sector has been struggling to meet its client targets, even as they managed to […]


Gov. #JayInslee signs #newlaw banning #naturalgas in #WashingtonState

Washington Governor Jay Inslee has signed new legislation that will effectively outlaw the use of natural gas in the state. Inslee, a Democrat, boasted that the bill would help the state reach net zero emissions by 2050 at a bill signing event. However, those opposed to the bill have been quick to point out just […]