CLM - Christian Lives Matter, iLM - innocent Lives Matter, WLM - Women's Lives Matter especially since FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve - Adam was SUPPOSE 2 have had Eve's back, hence, coming FROM Adam but nevertheless overall & generally, women R NOT inferior & we men got NOTHING on women). BLM - Babies Lives Matter ie: completely outlaw & make illegal - Abortion (which is nevertheless an act of 187-murder against Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kids-children-teens) & Crime's against humanity (itself) & God-Jesus-Holy Trinity-Heaven & violator's R worthy of death 2 B carried out immediately onsite via-ie: an eye 4 an eye as should LGBTQiA since God set the example via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 as even Mary Magdalene set the example 2-4 us ALL!