To investigate the effects of three symbiotic Bradyrhizobium strains on peanut growth and on rhizobacterial communities in flowering and harvest stages in an organic farm, also to evaluate the role of plant development in influencing peanut rhizobacterial microbiota and correlations among the inoculants, rhizobacterial communities and plant growth.
Peanut seeds were inoculated with three individual Bradyrhizobium strains, plant growth performance was measured in two developmental stages and rhizobacterial communities were analysed by Illumina sequencing of rpoB gene amplicons from peanut rhizosphere. The three bradyrhizobial inoculants significantly increased the nodule numbers and aboveground fresh weight of peanut plants regardless of the different growth stages, and the pod yields were increased to some extent and significantly positively correlated with Bradyrhizobium abundances in rhizosphere. Principal coordinate analysis indicated that the rhizobacterial communities were strongly influenced by the the biological nitrogen fixation and helps to profoundly understand the mechanism how rhizobia inoculants improve plant growth and yields.
The use of pharmacokinetic assessment for optimal prophylactic dosing of factor concentrates in haemophilia has gained increasing enthusiasm over the last decade. However, blood sampling on several occasions is burdensome and limited sampling using population-based PK is appealing.
To compare the pharmacokinetics and dosing recommendations for prophylaxis using six-point single subject versus population-based method (WAPPS-Hemo) for simoctocog alfa (Nuwiq
Twelve adult patients with severe haemophilia A received a factor VIII (FVIII) dose of ≈50IU/kg, and the activity was measured pre-infusion and at 30min, 6, 9, 24 and 48h post-infusion. Half-life (t
), weight-normalized AUC and time to troughs of 5%, 3% and 1% were calculated. The correlation between the PK algorithms was assessed using intraclass correlations (ICC) and dosing estimations were provided.
WAPPS-Hemo yielded a slightly longer mean t
, but the overall correlation between the methods was good (ICC ≥0.79) The time to troughs of 5%, 3% and 1% showed ICCs ≥0.86. For all variables, the most converging limited time point was 6+48h. Additional time points did not improve the correlation. Despite similar pharmacokinetics, the mean estimated dose for a specific trough level varied from 60% less to 20% more using the population-based approach. The time to 1% and the corresponding dose was sensitive to the baseline assumption.
Our data support the use of population-based PK for patients on simoctocog alfa prophylaxis but also indicates differences, stressing the importance of the sampling scheme and monitoring actual FVIII levels achieved.
Our data support the use of population-based PK for patients on simoctocog alfa prophylaxis but also indicates differences, stressing the importance of the sampling scheme and monitoring actual FVIII levels achieved.Hepatic fibrosis is a common pathological process involving persistent liver injury with various etiologies and subsequent inflammatory responses that occur in chronic liver diseases. If left untreated, liver fibrosis can progress to liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and eventually, liver failure. Unfortunately, to date, there is no effective treatment for liver fibrosis, with the exception of liver transplantation. Although the pathophysiology of liver fibrosis is multifactorial and includes the activation of hepatic stellate cells, which are known to drive liver fibrogenesis, hepatic macrophages have emerged as central players in the development of liver fibrosis and regression. Hepatic macrophages, which consist of resident macrophages (Kupffer cells) and monocyte-derived macrophages, have been shown to play an intricate role in the initiation of inflammatory responses to liver injury, progression of fibrosis, and promotion of fibrosis resolution. These features have made hepatic macrophages uniquely attractive therapeutic targets in the fight against hepatic fibrosis. In this review, we synthesised the literature to highlight the functions and regulation of heterogeneity in hepatic macrophages. Furthermore, using the existing findings, we attempt to offer insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the phenotypic switch from fibrogenic macrophages to restorative macrophages, the regulation of heterogeneity, and modes of action for hepatic macrophages. A better understanding of these mechanisms may guide the development of novel anti-fibrotic therapies (eg macrophage subset-targeted treatments) to combat liver fibrosis in the future.We investigate the impact of exogenous local conditions which favor high market concentration on supply, price and quality in local markets for care homes for older people in England. We extend the existing literature in (i) considering supply capacity as a market outcome alongside price and quality; (ii) taking account of the chain structure of care home supply and differences between the nursing home and residential care home sectors; (iii) using an econometric approach based on reduced form relationships that treats market concentration as a jointly determined outcome of a complex market. We find that areas susceptible to a high degree of market concentration tend to have greatly restricted supply of care home places and (to a lesser extent) a higher average public cost, than areas susceptible to low degree of market concentration. There is no significant evidence that conditions favoring high market concentration affect average care home quality.
Rheumatoid meningitis (RM) is a neurological complication of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Current evidence is based on case reports and partial reviews.
This is a systematic review and meta-analysis following the PRISMA statement. The aim is to describe the characteristics of the disease, including clinical, imaging and laboratory findings, treatment, outcomes and prognosis reported in the literature.
In all, 103 studies with 130 cases were included. RM affected adults with an average age of 62years, with or without a previous RA diagnosis. RA activity and time with the disease were associated with a worse prognosis. Most common clinical manifestations were transient focal neurological signs (64.6%), systemic symptoms (51.3%), episodic headache (50.4%) and neuropsychiatric alterations (47.7%). Joint manifestations were present in only 27.4% of cases. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed unilateral or bilateral involvement, predominantly frontoparietal. Both pachymeninges and leptomeninges were affected, the latter more frequently (82.