
Sigh huh & like however past 1993's film-movie, "Schindler's List" (dig a hole & light afire) of say 4 example the fellow traumatized (NOT tables turned around & deemed m.i.-mentally ill but it's the historic centuries 2 EVER until Jesus returns of external exhibited that affects the internal within-inside one) human homeless out there ie: like in USA's State of California, sigh huh YEAH like past-2date USA-globally how much more with CAN DO like past history repeating itself 2 worse Coming of a ALL out across the USA-global board murder-suicide-mutiny, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette.

& sigh huh like ALL fellow 1date's 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself pulling verbal 1 liner's of dead Beni-Benny 2 Rick (via 1st past The Mummy film-movie), Janet Jackson (what's (? any 1 of fellow humanity or even GOD-Jesus) done 4 1's SELF individually lately?! NOTHING & even that of ANY 1 deeming un2 each other of 8 billion plus, (?) on my (any 1's) SELF deemed guest list 2 literally exist? SICK! -

As with past film-move & TV's "Highlander" there can B ONLY 1 (& THEN literally NONE) of fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself like going literally out like-via near end of past film-movie, "Time Cop" younger & older SAME fool '!' upon each other-itself, sigh huh just no word's enough, no dictionary 4 we (above), sigh.


“Wars are not about protecting people. They’re always about something else,” revealed David Rogers Webb, author and filmmaker of the new documentary “The Great Taking.”

In an interview on #CHDTV, Webb goes into great detail about the complex relationship between war and the upper echelons of the global financial system.

Webb outlines how wars can be used as a covert mechanism to control people and generate an extreme amount of profit for the central banks, while public-facing propaganda convinces the masses to support these inhumane schemes against everyday people.

Stream + Share ‘The Great Taking’ Movie on #CHDTV ?

On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the glitzy but costly world of movies. Christy Ai sits down with filmmaker Sean Stone to discuss how Hollywood is not the only big fish in the pond when it comes to making blockbuster movies, as India, China and Latin America alongside other movie markets are also feeding the movie industry with blockbuster productions. Also, The Cost of Everything explains how publicity budgets can be as expensive as making a movie, but not necessarily a guarantee of success.

I go over the manipulations taking place between government agencies and Hollywood movie producers. Catch behind-the-scenes posts and help choose my next video topic at:



Sources and transcript:

If you want to learn about my principles and values, pick up: The Definitive Guide to Libertarian Voluntaryism:


Get your own copy of National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood at:


#libertarian #taxationistheft #hollywood #endthefed #cia


“Wars are not about protecting people. They’re always about something else,” revealed David Rogers Webb, author and filmmaker of the new documentary “The Great Taking.”

In an interview on #CHDTV, Webb goes into great detail about the complex relationship between war and the upper echelons of the global financial system.

Webb outlines how wars can be used as a covert mechanism to control people and generate an extreme amount of profit for the central banks, while public-facing propaganda convinces the masses to support these inhumane schemes against everyday people.

Stream + Share ‘The Great Taking’ Movie on #CHDTV ?

On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the glitzy but costly world of movies. Christy Ai sits down with filmmaker Sean Stone to discuss how Hollywood is not the only big fish in the pond when it comes to making blockbuster movies, as India, China and Latin America alongside other movie markets are also feeding the movie industry with blockbuster productions. Also, The Cost of Everything explains how publicity budgets can be as expensive as making a movie, but not necessarily a guarantee of success.

I go over the manipulations taking place between government agencies and Hollywood movie producers. Catch behind-the-scenes posts and help choose my next video topic at:



Sources and transcript:

If you want to learn about my principles and values, pick up: The Definitive Guide to Libertarian Voluntaryism:


Get your own copy of National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood at:


#libertarian #taxationistheft #hollywood #endthefed #cia

‘Anthony Fauci is de facto a mafia don’ — Pierre Kory breaks down the gangster movie that is #TheRealAnthonyFauci’s career. ? WATCH the full episode of ‘Good Morning CHD’ on #CHDTV



Democrats Introduce Martial Law Bill

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Sigh huh & like however past 1993's film-movie, "Schindler's List" (dig a hole & light afire) of say 4 example the fellow traumatized (NOT tables turned around & deemed m.i.-mentally ill but it's the historic centuries 2 EVER until Jesus returns of external exhibited that affects the internal within-inside one) human homeless out there ie: like in USA's State of California, sigh huh YEAH like past-2date USA-globally how much more with CAN DO like past history repeating itself 2 worse Coming of a ALL out across the USA-global board murder-suicide-mutiny, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette.

& sigh huh like ALL fellow 1date's 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself pulling verbal 1 liner's of dead Beni-Benny 2 Rick (via 1st past The Mummy film-movie), Janet Jackson (what's (? any 1 of fellow humanity or even GOD-Jesus) done 4 1's SELF individually lately?! NOTHING & even that of ANY 1 deeming un2 each other of 8 billion plus, (?) on my (any 1's) SELF deemed guest list 2 literally exist? SICK! -

As with past film-move & TV's "Highlander" there can B ONLY 1 (& THEN literally NONE) of fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself like going literally out like-via near end of past film-movie, "Time Cop" younger & older SAME fool '!' upon each other-itself, sigh huh just no word's enough, no dictionary 4 we (above), sigh.

BUT hey, if U humanity wanna truly (ugh) do it the hard way, SIGH I wish U wouldn't, seriously, I mean 4 a species (generally saying) 2 carelessly SELF extinct, huh I just no have convey - able word's enough I could express, how much (more after past historically-2 date) is enough ie: (?) via Pamela Landy (Joan Allen) 2-with Noah Vosen (David Russell Strathairn), 'start down this path, where does it end? & Noah: It ends when we've won' = like William Henry 'Bill' Gates 3rd talking of reducing humanity from 8 billion plus USA-globally down to 500 total ie: "Highlander" TV-film-movie quote, 'There can ONLY B 1' & thus deemed when there's only 1 (human on ALL of dying non human innocent Earth), out of boredom & loneliness, misc, they then (the 1 remaining) SELF cease? Sigh & even with Jesus saying, 'we (humanity) know NOT what we've done' future past tense, B-ing God's well pleased with & loved Son, John 3:16 &-but-though Luke 12:51, as The Kingdom of God is truly in few, NOT ALL ie: Luke 17:21-22, also noting Luke 9:24.

Sigh huh like past film-movie, Jacob's Ladder scene thereof 2 guy's alley just quietly chatting about what military secretly did of experiment's with telling solder's back then of past it'd help them B Rambo like performance when really all it did was force solder's 2 turn against & kill each other likewise with similar how TOP Power trying to add stuff 2 the Air we breath, force turn dying Earth against us all, add in2 our food & water & in product's any of us put inside our bodies & outside externally upon on bodies, (?, !) like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2, "THEIR GONNA KILL US ALL", sigh huh GET a damn clue fool's, GEEZ, I'm so sure how (?) DUMB etc must yaw B, 4 reals, seriously.