BUT hey, if U humanity wanna truly (ugh) do it the hard way, SIGH I wish U wouldn't, seriously, I mean 4 a species (generally saying) 2 carelessly SELF extinct, huh I just no have convey - able word's enough I could express, how much (more after past historically-2 date) is enough ie: (?) via Pamela Landy (Joan Allen) 2-with Noah Vosen (David Russell Strathairn), 'start down this path, where does it end? & Noah: It ends when we've won' = like William Henry 'Bill' Gates 3rd talking of reducing humanity from 8 billion plus USA-globally down to 500 total ie: "Highlander" TV-film-movie quote, 'There can ONLY B 1' & thus deemed when there's only 1 (human on ALL of dying non human innocent Earth), out of boredom & loneliness, misc, they then (the 1 remaining) SELF cease? Sigh & even with Jesus saying, 'we (humanity) know NOT what we've done' future past tense, B-ing God's well pleased with & loved Son, John 3:16 &-but-though Luke 12:51, as The Kingdom of God is truly in few, NOT ALL ie: Luke 17:21-22, also noting Luke 9:24.