This is what NATO also did to a European country in 1999: #NATO #tyranny #death #makingmoney #industrialwarcomplex #murder #radiation #clockistickingforNATOcountries
This is what NATO also did to a European country in 1999: #NATO #tyranny #death #makingmoney #industrialwarcomplex #murder #radiation #clockistickingforNATOcountries
#LoriGregory accuses #BigPharma #makingmoney on huge #patientpopulations
Film producer and director Lori Gregory accused big pharmaceutical companies of making tons of money on huge patient populations. "I saw the profit over people model a long time ago. And it was scary. There's a problem when the government has to force an industry to create something kno
This is what NATO also did to a European country in 1999: #NATO #tyranny #death #makingmoney #industrialwarcomplex #murder #radiation #clockistickingforNATOcountries
#LoriGregory accuses #BigPharma #makingmoney on huge #patientpopulations
Film producer and director Lori Gregory accused big pharmaceutical companies of making tons of money on huge patient populations. "I saw the profit over people model a long time ago. And it was scary. There's a problem when the government has to force an industry to create something kno