
21 mins ago

MUST-WATCH VIDEO: Ben Carson Exposes The Plan For One World Government With Tucker Carlson

MUST-WATCH VIDEO: Ben Carson Exposes The Plan For One World Government With Tucker Carlson

& I notice Kevin Owen McCarthy standing there amidst some various photo (s) looking like a weak, timid adult juvenile boy scout BUSTED-CALLED OUT & NOT SELF knowing what 2 literally do via - (9/2023 political News) weekend from hell, faces challenge's in securing USA Debt Deal & thus Sold Out America's majority 300 million plus adult civilian $ tax payor 2 bid bitches-whore's on street corner's like all else thereof amidst government, etc else TOP-down various individual industries-field's, fill in blank's past historically-2 date tick tock 'Time' (day & night, 24/7) publicly & behind closed door's, above & mile's down below ground secure location's & even STILL MORE worse is Coming!

⚖️ RFK Jr., CHD Landmark #Censorship Lawsuit Against Biden Administration Headed Back to Lower Court

A federal appeals court on Thursday declined to rule on a preliminary injunction that would prohibit the Biden administration from pressuring tech giants to censor social media posts.

The 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals said the lower court must first decide whether the plaintiffs — including CHD + Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — have legal standing to sue the administration.

“We are pleased that both the 5th Circuit and Judge Doughty in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana are taking seriously the issue of plaintiffs’ standing in this case and evaluating the issue.

“We believe the record will show that there are more than sufficient facts to support standing in this case and that this case will move forward to address the serious questions of government censorship which threaten First Amendment rights of speakers and listeners.” — Kim Mack Rosenberg, general counsel for CHD

The attorneys argue that CHD’s 70,000-plus members “tend to be avid consumers of news concerning COVID-19 and governmental health policies,” and have been prevented from accessing that information and from learning and communicating with other people concerned with similar issues.

“These concrete, specific injuries to ... CHD’s members’ right to receive information important to their own health is sufficient for standing.” ⬇️

A federal appeals court on Thursday declined to rule on a preliminary injunction that would prohibit the Biden administration from pressuring tech giants to censor social media posts. The 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals said the lower court must first decide whether the plaintiffs — including Children’s Health Defense and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — have legal standing to sue the administration.


Alleging that the pharma giant defrauded the government, Merck whistleblowers revealed damning evidence in their ongoing legal battle about the mumps vaccine that may explain some of the injuries the MMR has caused children over the past 2+ decades.

Learn more about this ongoing case in the full episode of ‘Defender in Depth’ with Brian Hooker, Ph.D. + Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. on #CHDTV ?

Journalist Julian Assange is finally free after a plea agreement with the US government, a moment many see as a long-awaited victory for transparency. But at what cost? Host John Kiriakou discusses this with Misty Winston, an activist and podcaster well-versed in the Assange case. Together, they dissect Assange’s 14-year legal, political, and humanitarian odyssey, which began after he revealed major war crimes by US military personnel and other shocking government atrocities.

For terrorist organizations to buy weapons, ammunition, get trained and even travel they need money. Money is the lifeblood of terrorist groups. But, nowadays in today’s total government surveillance, how are terrorists able to finance their activities? The so-called State Sponsors of Terrorism is known to be more of a U.S. government and State Department weapon to exert political pressure on “enemy” countries. So, is laundering money still the preferred way for terrorists to finance their operations on a grand scale? Loretta Napoleoni, expert on terrorist financing and author of “Technocapitalism: The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the Fight for the Common Good”, explains where the next financing battle is against terrorist financing.


Alleging that the pharma giant defrauded the government, Merck whistleblowers revealed damning evidence in their ongoing legal battle about the mumps vaccine that may explain some of the injuries the MMR has caused children over the past 2+ decades.

Learn more about this ongoing case in the full episode of ‘Defender in Depth’ with Brian Hooker, Ph.D. + Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. on #CHDTV ?

Journalist Julian Assange is finally free after a plea agreement with the US government, a moment many see as a long-awaited victory for transparency. But at what cost? Host John Kiriakou discusses this with Misty Winston, an activist and podcaster well-versed in the Assange case. Together, they dissect Assange’s 14-year legal, political, and humanitarian odyssey, which began after he revealed major war crimes by US military personnel and other shocking government atrocities.

For terrorist organizations to buy weapons, ammunition, get trained and even travel they need money. Money is the lifeblood of terrorist groups. But, nowadays in today’s total government surveillance, how are terrorists able to finance their activities? The so-called State Sponsors of Terrorism is known to be more of a U.S. government and State Department weapon to exert political pressure on “enemy” countries. So, is laundering money still the preferred way for terrorists to finance their operations on a grand scale? Loretta Napoleoni, expert on terrorist financing and author of “Technocapitalism: The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the Fight for the Common Good”, explains where the next financing battle is against terrorist financing.

There have been so many important whistleblowers over the years—big names like Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, Bradley Birkenfeld, Annie Machon, and Katherine Gunn, just to name a few—that you wouldn’t be wrong to think that official opinion, the opinion of governments, had changed so that these truthtellers would be protected for their revelations. But that’s not necessarily the case. Certainly, many countries have moved forward on whistleblower protection. The European Union immediately comes to mind. But the US and UK are not among them. In most cases, at least involving government whistleblowers, the US and UK cite national security as the reason for not welcoming new disclosures. And indeed, they use the Espionage Act and the Official Secrets Act, respectively, to prosecute whistleblowers. But why hasn’t more been done to protect private sector whistleblowers? Why do people who blow the whistle on waste, fraud, abuse, illegality, or threats to the public health or public safety at Big Pharma, in international banking, inside international conglomerates, and elsewhere still face the untampered wrath of their companies? Where are protections for these whistleblowers? On this episode of The Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou discuss the critical importance of whistleblowers with former whistleblower and whistleblower advocate Jane Turner.

Joining me today is Sal The Agorist, here to discuss the true meaning of anarchism and agorism, and how deliberalty they are misrepresented by the current power structures. We discuss why they are falsely equated with "chaos", and the very real threat these rapidly growing ideologies pose to the growing normalization of authoritarian control. We also discuss the importance of meme warfare, using humor to reach people with uncomfortable truths, and the ever consuming #TwoPartyIllusion. 

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21 mins ago

MUST-WATCH VIDEO: Ben Carson Exposes The Plan For One World Government With Tucker Carlson

MUST-WATCH VIDEO: Ben Carson Exposes The Plan For One World Government With Tucker Carlson

& I notice Kevin Owen McCarthy standing there amidst some various photo (s) looking like a weak, timid adult juvenile boy scout BUSTED-CALLED OUT & NOT SELF knowing what 2 literally do via - (9/2023 political News) weekend from hell, faces challenge's in securing USA Debt Deal & thus Sold Out America's majority 300 million plus adult civilian $ tax payor 2 bid bitches-whore's on street corner's like all else thereof amidst government, etc else TOP-down various individual industries-field's, fill in blank's past historically-2 date tick tock 'Time' (day & night, 24/7) publicly & behind closed door's, above & mile's down below ground secure location's & even STILL MORE worse is Coming!

⚖️ RFK Jr., CHD Landmark #Censorship Lawsuit Against Biden Administration Headed Back to Lower Court

A federal appeals court on Thursday declined to rule on a preliminary injunction that would prohibit the Biden administration from pressuring tech giants to censor social media posts.

The 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals said the lower court must first decide whether the plaintiffs — including CHD + Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — have legal standing to sue the administration.

“We are pleased that both the 5th Circuit and Judge Doughty in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana are taking seriously the issue of plaintiffs’ standing in this case and evaluating the issue.

“We believe the record will show that there are more than sufficient facts to support standing in this case and that this case will move forward to address the serious questions of government censorship which threaten First Amendment rights of speakers and listeners.” — Kim Mack Rosenberg, general counsel for CHD

The attorneys argue that CHD’s 70,000-plus members “tend to be avid consumers of news concerning COVID-19 and governmental health policies,” and have been prevented from accessing that information and from learning and communicating with other people concerned with similar issues.

“These concrete, specific injuries to ... CHD’s members’ right to receive information important to their own health is sufficient for standing.” ⬇️

A federal appeals court on Thursday declined to rule on a preliminary injunction that would prohibit the Biden administration from pressuring tech giants to censor social media posts. The 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals said the lower court must first decide whether the plaintiffs — including Children’s Health Defense and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — have legal standing to sue the administration.

& 4 ANY of USA-global, TOP-down government's including USA's 535 membered Congress, Vatican itself, Deep State, law enforcement, court's 'Black Robes' judicial & legal 'suit & ties', misc (fill in blank's) 2 think THEY got ANYTHING on me 2 try & deem arresting-charging-prosecuting & jailing-imprisoning-incarcerating me 4 is 2 further ensure via THEIR individual WHEN IN LIFE eternal Heaven Life convictable Record via 1's SELF committing eternal suicide & signing THEIR own individual eternal death warrant hence or thus eternally sealing THEIR own individual fate of eternally forced 2 witness THEIR own Holy retributionary incomprehensible eternal, endless nightmarish pain & horror & it will B 4EVER!

So 4 ANY of USA-global, TOP-down News media outlet's big & small, government's including USA's 535 membered Congress, Vatican itself, Deep State, law enforcement, court's 'Black Robes' judicial & legal 'suit & ties', misc (fill in blank's), 'pull a piece' (gun) with YO index finger momentarily resting on a-THAT trigger if not trying 2 exhibit pulling a Jason Bourne & Natalia Alianovna Natasha Romanoff, is U bets ta-better make YO index finger work (taken from Willard Carroll 'Will' Smith 2nd's & husband 2 Matrix's Niobe-Jada Koren Pinkett Smith, 'make YO neck work'), ya feel me? Sigh, whatever, iight, as U were, HUMAN!