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Alternative Health, Integrative Medicine, Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses'>


Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, Integrative Nurse Coaching:'>


Heather Willems, RN, BSN, The Work At Home Nurse:'>


Nena Hart MSN, RN, Hart Healthcare Solutions:'>


Shannon Garrett, BS, RN, CHLC, Shannon Garrett Wellness, @AutoimmuneRN, Tennessee Nurse Entrepreneurs, Health Coaches:'>


Brenda Sammy, MSN RN @SkinnyNurses:


Annette Tersigni RN, Yoga Nursing®, @theyoganurse:'>


Keith Carlson, RN, BSN, Nurse Keith Coaching, New Mexico Nurse Entrepeneurs, Nurse Coaches:'> ****************************************************** ******************************************************, A Nurse Owned Business Directory:

Did you know, we've been helping nurses get their names out there, largely free of charge for decades? Chose from the following:

What Exactly Is A Nurse Entrepreneur

What Made You Decide To Start Your Own Business?

Traits & Qualities That Make Nurses Excellent Entrepreneurs:

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by State:

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by Category:

Discusss Nurse Entrepreneur Opportunities, Issues and Concerns:

Andrew Lopez, RN

Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.

38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051

856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618

#NurseUp #SmallBiz #NursingEntrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #SmallBusiness #Nursefriendly #AlternativeHealth #FunctionalMedicine #IntegrativeHealth


Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, What specific qualities and traits do you feel make nurses especially qualified to operate a business? I believe the most important traits for operating a business are a strong work ethic, patience, compassion, organizational skills and perseverance.

Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, Integrative Nurse Coaching:"For my live course "Functional Medicine for Nurses:"I provide nurses with the foundations of functional medicine training and teach them how to apply in practice to achieve optimal outcomes with their client population. I also provide instruction on how to set up low cost private concierge practices.
For my practice "Integrative Nurse Coaching"
Integrative Nurse Coaching is a functional medicine practice with capabilities to serve clients in multiple states. I focus on helping my clients to uncover the root cause of dysfunction in the body through assessment, diagnostic testing and collecting a thorough health history. I work with each client 1:1 to formulate a comprehensive wellness plan for them to address all aspects of their health and coach them through implementing dietary and lifestyle changes to recover their health.'>

See also:, A Nurse Owned Business Directory:

Did you know, we've been helping nurses get their names out there, largely free of charge for decades? Chose from the following:

What Exactly Is A Nurse Entrepreneur

What Made You Decide To Start Your Own Business?

Traits & Qualities That Make Nurses Excellent Entrepreneurs:

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by State:

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by Category:

Discusss Nurse Entrepreneur Opportunities, Issues and Concerns:

#MelissaSchriebfeder #NurseUp #Entrepreneur #Smallbiz #NursingEntrepreneur #autoimmunewellness #functionalmedicine #hashimotos #autoimmunitycommunity #autoimmunity #hashimotoshealing #autoimmunityisreversible #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesyndrom #chronicfatiguesyndome #lupus #estrogendominance #estrogendominancetips #dutchtesting #dutchtestingday #weightloss #PMS #hormoneimbalance #healthyhormones #weightlosshelp #hypothyroidism


Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, Functional Medicine, Tennessee Nurse Entrepreneurs

Your Name, Degrees Licenses (Nursing and non-nursing degrees/licenses are fine to list): Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I am a nurse educator, functional medicine practitioner, board certified nurse coach and business owner. For many years I struggled with an undiagnosed autoimmune condition and experienced tremendous healing using holistic modalities. This experience lead me to starting my private practice where I help my clients to recover their health. After developing a successful practice I then developed Functional Medicine for Nurses Mentorship program that teaches nurses the foundations of functional medicine, how to apply in practice and how to set up private concierge nursing practices. I live in Franklin, TN with my husband and my 6 year old son. I love to spend time with family and outdoors.

What Attracted You To The Field of Nursing? I enjoy taking care of other people, I am a people person and enjoy helping others.

What is your experience and background in Nursing? Functional Medicine, Healthcare Admin, Education, Med Surg, Psych

Would you recommend Nursing as a career? Yes, but I firmly believe that the conventional medical model is not serving patient's or nurses well and we are in need of an alternative healthcare model that focuses on true health and wellness.

Your Business Name (if applicable): Integrative Nurse Coaching
Founder of Functional Medicine for Nurses Mentorship

Business Organization? Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLC or Corporation (C or S)? LLC

Why did you choose this type of organization? To limit liabilities.

Please describe in detail your business/services you provide (or if you have an elevator pitch ): For my live course "Functional Medicine for Nurses"
I provide nurses with the foundations of functional medicine training and teach them how to apply in practice to achieve optimal outcomes with their client population. I also provide instruction on how to set up low cost private concierge practices.
For my practice "Integrative Nurse Coaching"
Integrative Nurse Coaching is a functional medicine practice with capabilities to serve clients in multiple states. I focus on helping my clients to uncover the root cause of dysfunction in the body through assessment, diagnostic testing and collecting a thorough health history. I work with each client 1:1 to formulate a comprehensive wellness plan for them to address all aspects of their health and coach them through implementing dietary and lifestyle changes to recover their health.

Business Address (City, State, Zip, etc) Franklin, TN

E-mail Address:


Social Media Accounts:


Functional Medicine for Nurses fb group


Homepage Address: Integrative Nurse Coaching:

Functional Medicine for Nurses Mentorship:

Type of business categories would you would like to be listed: Alternative Medicine, Autoimmune Consultants Coaching (Business, Personal, Professional) Functional Medicine Holistic Nurse Nursing Education Nursing Business Nutrition consultants Preventive Health Public Speakers Start up Coaching Speakers Wellness Educator Nurse Owned Businesses

Keywords, Phrases that describe your business, experience, services: Transforming Healthcare 1 Nurse at a Time
Heal through food and lifestyle
Thyroid, autoimmune, holistic, functional medicine nurse, weight loss, nutrition, diagnostic testing, functional testing, root cause medicine

Contact person(s): Melissa Schreibfeder

Phone number (how/when do you prefer to be contacted): 615-525-5642

In what date (month/year) did you start your business? 2/2020

Did you originally have a formal Business Plan? no

Can you describe some challenges you had to overcome in starting your business? I started in the beginning of covid, I had challenges at first due to lockdowns in my area but found ways to connect with potential clients via social media.

How did you hear about the Nursefriendly, Orlando Conference

The year were you first licensed as a nurse? 2013

What school(s) of nursing did you attend? University of TX Health Science Center in SA

Do you recommend that nurses join professional organizations? I recommend joining the FLCCC and American Association of Physician's and Surgeons.

Professional organizations you have belonged to (now or in the past, please spell out the full name): American Holistic Nurses Association
The Institute of Functional Medicine

What made you decide to start your own business? I wanted to practice holistically outside of the pharmaceutical insurance based model.

How many times have you changed employers in your career? 3

What specific qualities and traits do you feel make nurses especially qualified to operate a business? I believe the most important traits for operating a business are a strong work ethic, patience, compassion, organizational skills and perseverance.

What exactly is a nurse entrepreneur in your own words? A nurse that has used their skillset and experience to create their own business in the healthcare model.

Do you currently practice as a nurse? If yes in what type of setting? Yes, as a nurse educator and a RN functional medicine practitioner. I see clients in person and virtually and teach classes online.

Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The healthcare industry and government health agencies are unfortunately heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, and this is leading to poor health outcomes, lack of emphasis on nutrition and lifestyle and use non evidence based medications and procedures.

How do you feel Babyboomers entering the healthcare system, and nurses (Babyboomers themselves) retiring in droves, will affect patient care? I think this will lead to a drastic shortage leading to further deficits in the quality of care.

Other areas of interest and expertise: I love hiking, traveling, nutrition, herbal medicine spending time with family and education.


More like this:, A Nurse Owned Business Directory:

Did you know, we've been helping nurses get their names out there, largely free of charge for decades? Chose from the following:

What Exactly Is A Nurse Entrepreneur'>

What Made You Decide To Start Your Own Business?'>

Traits & Qualities That Make Nurses Excellent Entrepreneurs:'>

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by State:'>

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by Category:'>

Andrew Lopez, RN
856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618

#MelissaSchriebfeder #NurseUp #Entrepreneur #Smallbiz #NursingEntrepreneur #autoimmunewellness #functionalmedicine #hashimotos #autoimmunitycommunity #autoimmunity #hashimotoshealing #autoimmunityisreversible #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesyndrom #chronicfatiguesyndome #lupus #estrogendominance #estrogendominancetips #dutchtesting #dutchtestingday #weightloss #PMS #hormoneimbalance #healthyhormones #weightlosshelp #hypothyroidism

#MelissaSchriebfeder #NurseUp #Entrepreneur #Smallbiz #NursingEntrepreneur #autoimmunewellness #functionalmedicine #hashimotos #autoimmunitycommunity #autoimmunity #hashimotoshealing #autoimmunityisreversible #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesyndrom #chronicfatiguesyndome #lupus #estrogendominance #estrogendominancetips #dutchtesting #dutchtestingday #weightloss #PMS #hormoneimbalance #healthyhormones #weightlosshelp #hypothyroidism


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



Alternative Health, Integrative Medicine, Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses'>


Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, Integrative Nurse Coaching:'>


Heather Willems, RN, BSN, The Work At Home Nurse:'>


Nena Hart MSN, RN, Hart Healthcare Solutions:'>


Shannon Garrett, BS, RN, CHLC, Shannon Garrett Wellness, @AutoimmuneRN, Tennessee Nurse Entrepreneurs, Health Coaches:'>


Brenda Sammy, MSN RN @SkinnyNurses:


Annette Tersigni RN, Yoga Nursing®, @theyoganurse:'>


Keith Carlson, RN, BSN, Nurse Keith Coaching, New Mexico Nurse Entrepeneurs, Nurse Coaches:'> ****************************************************** ******************************************************, A Nurse Owned Business Directory:

Did you know, we've been helping nurses get their names out there, largely free of charge for decades? Chose from the following:

What Exactly Is A Nurse Entrepreneur

What Made You Decide To Start Your Own Business?

Traits & Qualities That Make Nurses Excellent Entrepreneurs:

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by State:

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by Category:

Discusss Nurse Entrepreneur Opportunities, Issues and Concerns:

Andrew Lopez, RN

Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.

38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051

856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618

#NurseUp #SmallBiz #NursingEntrepreneurs #Entrepreneurship #SmallBusiness #Nursefriendly #AlternativeHealth #FunctionalMedicine #IntegrativeHealth


Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, What specific qualities and traits do you feel make nurses especially qualified to operate a business? I believe the most important traits for operating a business are a strong work ethic, patience, compassion, organizational skills and perseverance.

Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, Integrative Nurse Coaching:"For my live course "Functional Medicine for Nurses:"I provide nurses with the foundations of functional medicine training and teach them how to apply in practice to achieve optimal outcomes with their client population. I also provide instruction on how to set up low cost private concierge practices.
For my practice "Integrative Nurse Coaching"
Integrative Nurse Coaching is a functional medicine practice with capabilities to serve clients in multiple states. I focus on helping my clients to uncover the root cause of dysfunction in the body through assessment, diagnostic testing and collecting a thorough health history. I work with each client 1:1 to formulate a comprehensive wellness plan for them to address all aspects of their health and coach them through implementing dietary and lifestyle changes to recover their health.'>

See also:, A Nurse Owned Business Directory:

Did you know, we've been helping nurses get their names out there, largely free of charge for decades? Chose from the following:

What Exactly Is A Nurse Entrepreneur

What Made You Decide To Start Your Own Business?

Traits & Qualities That Make Nurses Excellent Entrepreneurs:

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by State:

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by Category:

Discusss Nurse Entrepreneur Opportunities, Issues and Concerns:

#MelissaSchriebfeder #NurseUp #Entrepreneur #Smallbiz #NursingEntrepreneur #autoimmunewellness #functionalmedicine #hashimotos #autoimmunitycommunity #autoimmunity #hashimotoshealing #autoimmunityisreversible #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesyndrom #chronicfatiguesyndome #lupus #estrogendominance #estrogendominancetips #dutchtesting #dutchtestingday #weightloss #PMS #hormoneimbalance #healthyhormones #weightlosshelp #hypothyroidism


Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, Functional Medicine, Tennessee Nurse Entrepreneurs

Your Name, Degrees Licenses (Nursing and non-nursing degrees/licenses are fine to list): Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I am a nurse educator, functional medicine practitioner, board certified nurse coach and business owner. For many years I struggled with an undiagnosed autoimmune condition and experienced tremendous healing using holistic modalities. This experience lead me to starting my private practice where I help my clients to recover their health. After developing a successful practice I then developed Functional Medicine for Nurses Mentorship program that teaches nurses the foundations of functional medicine, how to apply in practice and how to set up private concierge nursing practices. I live in Franklin, TN with my husband and my 6 year old son. I love to spend time with family and outdoors.

What Attracted You To The Field of Nursing? I enjoy taking care of other people, I am a people person and enjoy helping others.

What is your experience and background in Nursing? Functional Medicine, Healthcare Admin, Education, Med Surg, Psych

Would you recommend Nursing as a career? Yes, but I firmly believe that the conventional medical model is not serving patient's or nurses well and we are in need of an alternative healthcare model that focuses on true health and wellness.

Your Business Name (if applicable): Integrative Nurse Coaching
Founder of Functional Medicine for Nurses Mentorship

Business Organization? Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLC or Corporation (C or S)? LLC

Why did you choose this type of organization? To limit liabilities.

Please describe in detail your business/services you provide (or if you have an elevator pitch ): For my live course "Functional Medicine for Nurses"
I provide nurses with the foundations of functional medicine training and teach them how to apply in practice to achieve optimal outcomes with their client population. I also provide instruction on how to set up low cost private concierge practices.
For my practice "Integrative Nurse Coaching"
Integrative Nurse Coaching is a functional medicine practice with capabilities to serve clients in multiple states. I focus on helping my clients to uncover the root cause of dysfunction in the body through assessment, diagnostic testing and collecting a thorough health history. I work with each client 1:1 to formulate a comprehensive wellness plan for them to address all aspects of their health and coach them through implementing dietary and lifestyle changes to recover their health.

Business Address (City, State, Zip, etc) Franklin, TN

E-mail Address:


Social Media Accounts:


Functional Medicine for Nurses fb group


Homepage Address: Integrative Nurse Coaching:

Functional Medicine for Nurses Mentorship:

Type of business categories would you would like to be listed: Alternative Medicine, Autoimmune Consultants Coaching (Business, Personal, Professional) Functional Medicine Holistic Nurse Nursing Education Nursing Business Nutrition consultants Preventive Health Public Speakers Start up Coaching Speakers Wellness Educator Nurse Owned Businesses

Keywords, Phrases that describe your business, experience, services: Transforming Healthcare 1 Nurse at a Time
Heal through food and lifestyle
Thyroid, autoimmune, holistic, functional medicine nurse, weight loss, nutrition, diagnostic testing, functional testing, root cause medicine

Contact person(s): Melissa Schreibfeder

Phone number (how/when do you prefer to be contacted): 615-525-5642

In what date (month/year) did you start your business? 2/2020

Did you originally have a formal Business Plan? no

Can you describe some challenges you had to overcome in starting your business? I started in the beginning of covid, I had challenges at first due to lockdowns in my area but found ways to connect with potential clients via social media.

How did you hear about the Nursefriendly, Orlando Conference

The year were you first licensed as a nurse? 2013

What school(s) of nursing did you attend? University of TX Health Science Center in SA

Do you recommend that nurses join professional organizations? I recommend joining the FLCCC and American Association of Physician's and Surgeons.

Professional organizations you have belonged to (now or in the past, please spell out the full name): American Holistic Nurses Association
The Institute of Functional Medicine

What made you decide to start your own business? I wanted to practice holistically outside of the pharmaceutical insurance based model.

How many times have you changed employers in your career? 3

What specific qualities and traits do you feel make nurses especially qualified to operate a business? I believe the most important traits for operating a business are a strong work ethic, patience, compassion, organizational skills and perseverance.

What exactly is a nurse entrepreneur in your own words? A nurse that has used their skillset and experience to create their own business in the healthcare model.

Do you currently practice as a nurse? If yes in what type of setting? Yes, as a nurse educator and a RN functional medicine practitioner. I see clients in person and virtually and teach classes online.

Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: The healthcare industry and government health agencies are unfortunately heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, and this is leading to poor health outcomes, lack of emphasis on nutrition and lifestyle and use non evidence based medications and procedures.

How do you feel Babyboomers entering the healthcare system, and nurses (Babyboomers themselves) retiring in droves, will affect patient care? I think this will lead to a drastic shortage leading to further deficits in the quality of care.

Other areas of interest and expertise: I love hiking, traveling, nutrition, herbal medicine spending time with family and education.


More like this:, A Nurse Owned Business Directory:

Did you know, we've been helping nurses get their names out there, largely free of charge for decades? Chose from the following:

What Exactly Is A Nurse Entrepreneur'>

What Made You Decide To Start Your Own Business?'>

Traits & Qualities That Make Nurses Excellent Entrepreneurs:'>

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by State:'>

Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by Category:'>

Andrew Lopez, RN
856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618

#MelissaSchriebfeder #NurseUp #Entrepreneur #Smallbiz #NursingEntrepreneur #autoimmunewellness #functionalmedicine #hashimotos #autoimmunitycommunity #autoimmunity #hashimotoshealing #autoimmunityisreversible #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesyndrom #chronicfatiguesyndome #lupus #estrogendominance #estrogendominancetips #dutchtesting #dutchtestingday #weightloss #PMS #hormoneimbalance #healthyhormones #weightlosshelp #hypothyroidism

#MelissaSchriebfeder #NurseUp #Entrepreneur #Smallbiz #NursingEntrepreneur #autoimmunewellness #functionalmedicine #hashimotos #autoimmunitycommunity #autoimmunity #hashimotoshealing #autoimmunityisreversible #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesyndrom #chronicfatiguesyndome #lupus #estrogendominance #estrogendominancetips #dutchtesting #dutchtestingday #weightloss #PMS #hormoneimbalance #healthyhormones #weightlosshelp #hypothyroidism


Drs. Andrea & Eric Nazarenko, American Health & Freedom Summit, January 5-8, 2023, Orlando

For more information, to register:'>

Drs. Nazarenko own one of the largest family wellness centers in South Carolina, and founded an international movement of holistic parents.

Dr. Eric Nazarenko, DC CACCP is a chiropractic physician and functional medicine practitioner, he adopts a functional medicine approach to understanding health. In addition to chiropractic care, he is leader in the area of gut health and food sensitivities.

She obtained her PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology, with a concentration in quantitative methods, from University of South Carolina (USC), as well as Masters Degrees in Psychology in Education (Columbia University, NY), Clinical-Community Psychology (USC), and Applied Statistics (USC). As a community and quantitative psychologist.

For more information on our program, speakers:'>

See also:

Old Mill Chiropractic & Family Wellness
711 E Main St Ste. L2
Lexington, SC 29072
(803) 808-0711



#AmericanHealthFreedomSummit #AlternativeHealth #BigPharma #Chiropractic #ChronicIllness #Covid19 #DrsNazarenko #FreedomSummit #FunctionalMedicine #Healthcare #HealthSummit #LongCovid #MedicalFreedom #NurseUp #SickCare #VaccineInjury #Wellness #WholeBodyHealth


"Functional Medicine for Nurses – Bringing 'Health' back into Healthcare" Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC, American Freedom Nurses Summit, Jan 5-8th, Orlando

Please click here to register:'>

Melissa Schreibfeder is a registered nurse, functional medicine practitioner, and board certified nurse coach.

She owns and operates Integrative Nurse Coaching, a functional medicine practice in Nashville, TN and is the founder of Functional Medicine for Nurses, a mentorship program for nurses designed to provide education on the fundamentals of functional medicine with the mission to help nurses break away from the conventional sickcare model and thrive in a parallel healthcare system that focuses on true health and wellness.

Melissa also serves as the Director of Clinical Research for Nurse Freedom Network and has been a strong advocate throughout the pandemic for informed consent, patient's rights and early treatment for covid-19.

She is a graduate of The University of Texas Health Science Center and has received advanced training from The Institute for Functional Medicine, The School of Applied Functional Medicine and The Nurse Coach Collective.

Melissa Schreibfeder, RN, BSN, NC-BC
Integrative Nurse Coaching LLC
Functional Medicine for Nurses
Link to Functional Medicine for Nurses



Click here to learn more about the American Freedom Nurses Summit and speakers:'>

#NurseFreedomNetwork #AmericanFreedomNursesSummit #CourageousNurses #ForgingOurOWNPath #NurseUp #MedicalFreedom #MelissaSchreibfeder #FunctionalMedicine #NurseCoaching #SickCare