
I CANNOT see YO message's, friend request's, misc cuz Sovren's website has issue's with the text is invisible, whether problem's with the Java software which helps with text wordage & visual animation's. PLEASE know of problem's, I CAN'T see, it's Sovren's website, maybe Java or misc software they got is NOT working right cuz my system is all proper so it ain't on my side - to U all who are trying to message me here on Sovren, in my upper notification's icon - where the bell is, when I go to click on the bell & scroll down, the actual text thereof is invisible & not showing any profile photo - picture of who is messaging me is not showing up neither. So best I can say is either try & message me on another of my social media profile platform's &/or try & message Sovren under their contact link at the bottom of the webpage your looking at & you can as well message: - (770) 285-7785.

& as for my social media profile, sovren DOT media/u/lonehuman , I CANNOT see YO message's, friend request's, misc cuz Sovren's website has issue's with the text is invisible, whether problem's with the Java software which helps with text wordage & visual animation's. PLEASE know of problem's, I CAN'T see, it's Sovren's website, maybe Java or misc software they got is NOT working right cuz my system is all proper so it ain't on my side - to U all who are trying to message me here on Sovren, in my upper notification's icon - where the bell is, when I go to click on the bell & scroll down, the actual text thereof is invisible & not showing any profile photo - picture of who is messaging me is not showing up neither. So best I can say is either try & message me on another of my social media profile platform's &/or try & message Sovren under their contact link at the bottom of the webpage your looking at & you can as well message: - (770) 285-7785.

& HUH, say amidst USA 4 example, seemingly, it seems apparent U ALL (civilian's) so called 'MORE OF' than THEM (fill in blank's) AIN'T gonna do NOTHING until THEY (fill in blank's) 'BRING IT, literally 2 YO DOOR STEP', 4 which by then (Coming), it will literally B 2 late 4 U ALL individually as with ALL THEY'VE been working on & doing, above & mile's down below ground & with endless of YO $ tax payor money ie: 'black budgets', huh U have NO idea-clue of the evil-unholy pain-horror U ALL got (EH = THEM) Coming & like (?, !) B4 us past-2 date, U WON'T even see-hear THEM Coming until amidst a mere moment, YO already face down DEAD, sigh sad but true & a pity!


Pedro Orta is a highly-decorated former CIA officer. In his 18 years in the Agency he won eight exceptional performance awards for his work in the Middle East, Afghanistan, and in the Office of the Inspector General working, ironically, on whistleblower issues. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Pedro Orta about he took on a political issue from inside the CIA and what he did when he saw evidence the CIA was seeking to undermine a sitting president.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez looks at the state of crime and filth in the American city, particularly the once-grand San Francisco. Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss how the home of the Golden Gate Bridge has devolved into a cesspit of disease, homeless people, and crime to the point where stores are closing down and people are fleeing; a Congressman was even robbed. Then Rick and Manila discuss how US Christian fundamentalists are working to the detriment of some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, in Palestine, and throughout the rest of the Middle East through their support for Israel. Then Craig Jardula joins Rick to talk about all of this and more. Don’t miss it.

Joining me today is medical whistleblower, Zowe Smith, here to discuss what she witnessed during the alleged pandemic while working as a medical coder -- one who translates medical data into standardized codes used for billing, insurance claims and medical research. All departments submit their codes for treatments given and actions taken, giving the medical coder a unique national medical overview, what Zowe describes as a "Sim-City-like view" of all that is taking place. She describes the illusion that was created using this system and the many different manipulations that took place, and are ongoing to this day; improper PCR testing, cycle threshold discrepancies, combination of flu and pneumonia with the presented COVID numbers, and the conflation of clear injection side effects with illusion of COVID-19. At its most basic level, this is medical fraud. Yet when considering the full breadth of willful deceptions and deadly fallout that followed, this rises undeniably to the level of medical genocide. 

All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:

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Ryan Cristian
1113 Murfreesboro Rd. Ste 106-146
Franklin, Tn 37064

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"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”


Pedro Orta is a highly-decorated former CIA officer. In his 18 years in the Agency he won eight exceptional performance awards for his work in the Middle East, Afghanistan, and in the Office of the Inspector General working, ironically, on whistleblower issues. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Pedro Orta about he took on a political issue from inside the CIA and what he did when he saw evidence the CIA was seeking to undermine a sitting president.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez looks at the state of crime and filth in the American city, particularly the once-grand San Francisco. Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss how the home of the Golden Gate Bridge has devolved into a cesspit of disease, homeless people, and crime to the point where stores are closing down and people are fleeing; a Congressman was even robbed. Then Rick and Manila discuss how US Christian fundamentalists are working to the detriment of some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, in Palestine, and throughout the rest of the Middle East through their support for Israel. Then Craig Jardula joins Rick to talk about all of this and more. Don’t miss it.

Joining me today is medical whistleblower, Zowe Smith, here to discuss what she witnessed during the alleged pandemic while working as a medical coder -- one who translates medical data into standardized codes used for billing, insurance claims and medical research. All departments submit their codes for treatments given and actions taken, giving the medical coder a unique national medical overview, what Zowe describes as a "Sim-City-like view" of all that is taking place. She describes the illusion that was created using this system and the many different manipulations that took place, and are ongoing to this day; improper PCR testing, cycle threshold discrepancies, combination of flu and pneumonia with the presented COVID numbers, and the conflation of clear injection side effects with illusion of COVID-19. At its most basic level, this is medical fraud. Yet when considering the full breadth of willful deceptions and deadly fallout that followed, this rises undeniably to the level of medical genocide. 

All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:

Want to send a check to support TLAV, or just words of encouragement?
Use our new P.O. box:
Ryan Cristian
1113 Murfreesboro Rd. Ste 106-146
Franklin, Tn 37064

Get TLAV Apparel:

Ryan Cristián’s Objectivity Course:

Like What You See? Help Us Stay People Funded:$TLAVagabond

Bitcoin Donations: 3HybuDuvH4x5uJHemgc7EW4ms2nz3F8Gah
Ethereum Donations: 0x5e68B8984d9D8167dAf890588a7037Ae6Cc87d4b
Litecoin Donations: MX3T2kYvzfD4mNS4VNSyXFgY4abhUJC5ff
Bitcoin Cash Donations: qqsef23980qu5nlk2dj7s7ezwedl4fmy2gl2mxp9dp

Support The Last American Vagabond by Subscribing here:

The Last American Vagabond Links:

#TheLastAmericanVagabond #ZoweSmith #COVID19

"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”

Ecuadorian authorities were allegedly working with the CIA to download all of the information on every cell phone from every visitor to Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. That included American citizens. And now they are arguing in court their constitutional rights were violated. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Randy Credico who is a Radio Host & Political Satirist, and Joe Lauria an Investigative Journalist about the court case.

On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Swiss whistleblower Rudolf Elmer. While working in the Cayman Islands as an employee of Julius Baer he exposed financial crimes. In blowing the whistle, Elmer believes he was acting in the public interest. Since then he has been pursued for breaking draconian Swiss banking secrecy laws. His family has been severely harassed. Under investigation since 2005, he has already served 220 days in prison, and is still being pursued by judges of the high court in Zurich.


I CANNOT see YO message's, friend request's, misc cuz Sovren's website has issue's with the text is invisible, whether problem's with the Java software which helps with text wordage & visual animation's. PLEASE know of problem's, I CAN'T see, it's Sovren's website, maybe Java or misc software they got is NOT working right cuz my system is all proper so it ain't on my side - to U all who are trying to message me here on Sovren, in my upper notification's icon - where the bell is, when I go to click on the bell & scroll down, the actual text thereof is invisible & not showing any profile photo - picture of who is messaging me is not showing up neither. So best I can say is either try & message me on another of my social media profile platform's &/or try & message Sovren under their contact link at the bottom of the webpage your looking at & you can as well message: - (770) 285-7785.

& as for my social media profile, sovren DOT media/u/lonehuman , I CANNOT see YO message's, friend request's, misc cuz Sovren's website has issue's with the text is invisible, whether problem's with the Java software which helps with text wordage & visual animation's. PLEASE know of problem's, I CAN'T see, it's Sovren's website, maybe Java or misc software they got is NOT working right cuz my system is all proper so it ain't on my side - to U all who are trying to message me here on Sovren, in my upper notification's icon - where the bell is, when I go to click on the bell & scroll down, the actual text thereof is invisible & not showing any profile photo - picture of who is messaging me is not showing up neither. So best I can say is either try & message me on another of my social media profile platform's &/or try & message Sovren under their contact link at the bottom of the webpage your looking at & you can as well message: - (770) 285-7785.

& HUH, say amidst USA 4 example, seemingly, it seems apparent U ALL (civilian's) so called 'MORE OF' than THEM (fill in blank's) AIN'T gonna do NOTHING until THEY (fill in blank's) 'BRING IT, literally 2 YO DOOR STEP', 4 which by then (Coming), it will literally B 2 late 4 U ALL individually as with ALL THEY'VE been working on & doing, above & mile's down below ground & with endless of YO $ tax payor money ie: 'black budgets', huh U have NO idea-clue of the evil-unholy pain-horror U ALL got (EH = THEM) Coming & like (?, !) B4 us past-2 date, U WON'T even see-hear THEM Coming until amidst a mere moment, YO already face down DEAD, sigh sad but true & a pity!

& with ANY working below TOP rank & file front liner's of Deep State etc ugh fill in blanks USA-globally deeming, "(?) get $ paid 2 B 2 bit whore-bitch on any street corner & tool until not needed no more & so what if (?) is SELF committing eternal suicide & signing own eternal death warrant only 2 B sent 2 nightmarish horror Hell & BURN ALIVE screaming 4ever, may B it B the newest thing, EH", sigh huh SICK YAW truly R 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself!

& huh, the thing with TV-radio, misc marketing & advertising commercial's, stuck on stupid with how they can't just get a clue & B straightforward & do YO-their ad without all the this & that (U call-name it, ugh) like say, (?), I dunno, despite working 4 NPR News, down 2 earth, calm, normal, classy, misc news anchor Shay Stevens (I like her voice, just saying smile) does it straightforward as I think I wish her got her OWN show BUT that's just me, I wish News media: OANN, NewsMax, misc would honestly humbly offer her deal she can't refuse, just saying smile.