& HUH, say amidst USA 4 example, seemingly, it seems apparent U ALL (civilian's) so called 'MORE OF' than THEM (fill in blank's) AIN'T gonna do NOTHING until THEY (fill in blank's) 'BRING IT, literally 2 YO DOOR STEP', 4 which by then (Coming), it will literally B 2 late 4 U ALL individually as with ALL THEY'VE been working on & doing, above & mile's down below ground & with endless of YO $ tax payor money ie: 'black budgets', huh U have NO idea-clue of the evil-unholy pain-horror U ALL got (EH = THEM) Coming & like (?, !) B4 us past-2 date, U WON'T even see-hear THEM Coming until amidst a mere moment, YO already face down DEAD, sigh sad but true & a pity!