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🚨 USDA Muzzles Scientists, Offers No Explanation

“This is about control of information." — Jeff Ruch, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

Ruch pointed out that policies to silence the speech of scientists are spreading to other agencies that oversee critical public health functions, including the CDC.


Officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture last month refused to allow two scientists to speak with U.S. Right to Know, a nonprofit public health research group.


#Globalists look to feed the populations #PiggySoybeans and #peaprotein infused with cow #GMO

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) just gave the green light to genetically modified soybeans that produce pig proteins. A UK-based company named Moolec has developed a genetically modified strain of soybeans that produces a mixture of soy protein and porcine myoglobin, or pig proteins. The company claims the new hybrids will have the […]

🚨 Piggy Sooy? USDA Approves Plan to Genetically Modify Soybeans to Produce ‘Plant-Grown’ Pig Protein

This product is particularly concerning, because “Until now most GM foods fed to humans have been a minor ingredient within a product, whereas here the GM ingredient will be the primary ingredient. So people who eat it will eat much larger amounts of GM foods than they’ve eaten in the past.” — John Fagan, Ph.D., Health Research Institute


The USDA this month approved a biotech firm’s plan to genetically engineer soybeans to produce a “plant-grown” meat protein the company calls Piggy Sooy. The company called it the next “revolution” in food biotech, but critics warned it’s “a dangerous experiment” destined to flop.



The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Activation podcast

On this episode of The Activation podcast Derrick Broze interviews Pam Popper, the founder and President of Wellness Forum Health and founder of Make Americans Free Again. Derrick talks with Pam about her efforts to fight COVID19 in the courts via lawsuits, as well as helping communities connect locally.

Pam serves on the Physician’s Steering Committee and the President’s Board for the Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington D.C. Pam was one of the health care professionals involved in the famed Sacramento Food Bank Project, in which economically disadvantaged people were shown how to reverse their diseases and eliminate medications with diet.

Pam served as part of Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s teaching team at eCornell, teaching part of a certification course on plant-based nutrition. She has been featured in many widely distributed documentaries, including Processed People and Making a Killing and Forks Over Knives, which played in major theaters throughout North America in 2011. She is one of the co-authors of the companion book which was on the New York Times bestseller list for 66 weeks. Her most recent films are Food Choices and The Yoyo Effect. Her most recent books are Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Can Save Your Life.

Pam is also a public policy expert, and continually works toward changing laws that interfere with patients’ right to choose their health provider and method of care. She has testified in front of legislative committees on numerous occasions, and has testified twice in front of the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.

Sign up for Derrick Broze’s Holistic Self-Assessment online course:


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The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Activation podcast

On this episode of The Activation podcast Derrick Broze interviews Pam Popper, the founder and President of Wellness Forum Health and founder of Make Americans Free Again. Derrick talks with Pam about her efforts to fight COVID19 in the courts via lawsuits, as well as helping communities connect locally.

Pam serves on the Physician’s Steering Committee and the President’s Board for the Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington D.C. Pam was one of the health care professionals involved in the famed Sacramento Food Bank Project, in which economically disadvantaged people were shown how to reverse their diseases and eliminate medications with diet.

Pam served as part of Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s teaching team at eCornell, teaching part of a certification course on plant-based nutrition. She has been featured in many widely distributed documentaries, including Processed People and Making a Killing and Forks Over Knives, which played in major theaters throughout North America in 2011. She is one of the co-authors of the companion book which was on the New York Times bestseller list for 66 weeks. Her most recent films are Food Choices and The Yoyo Effect. Her most recent books are Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Can Save Your Life.

Pam is also a public policy expert, and continually works toward changing laws that interfere with patients’ right to choose their health provider and method of care. She has testified in front of legislative committees on numerous occasions, and has testified twice in front of the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.

Sign up for Derrick Broze’s Holistic Self-Assessment online course:


🚨 USDA Muzzles Scientists, Offers No Explanation

“This is about control of information." — Jeff Ruch, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

Ruch pointed out that policies to silence the speech of scientists are spreading to other agencies that oversee critical public health functions, including the CDC.


Officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture last month refused to allow two scientists to speak with U.S. Right to Know, a nonprofit public health research group.


#Globalists look to feed the populations #PiggySoybeans and #peaprotein infused with cow #GMO

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) just gave the green light to genetically modified soybeans that produce pig proteins. A UK-based company named Moolec has developed a genetically modified strain of soybeans that produces a mixture of soy protein and porcine myoglobin, or pig proteins. The company claims the new hybrids will have the […]

🚨 Piggy Sooy? USDA Approves Plan to Genetically Modify Soybeans to Produce ‘Plant-Grown’ Pig Protein

This product is particularly concerning, because “Until now most GM foods fed to humans have been a minor ingredient within a product, whereas here the GM ingredient will be the primary ingredient. So people who eat it will eat much larger amounts of GM foods than they’ve eaten in the past.” — John Fagan, Ph.D., Health Research Institute


The USDA this month approved a biotech firm’s plan to genetically engineer soybeans to produce a “plant-grown” meat protein the company calls Piggy Sooy. The company called it the next “revolution” in food biotech, but critics warned it’s “a dangerous experiment” destined to flop.


USDA Approves New Frankenfood Made by Splicing Pig Genes into Soybeans

Piggy Sooy contains genes for pork protein


Former FDA and USDA food safety advisor warns against consumption of rare steaks, undercooked eggs and desserts amid bird flu outbreak

A former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) food safety advisor warned against the consumption of rare steaks, undercooked eggs and desserts because of the possibility of catching the H5N1 bird flu virus, according to media reports. It all sounds a lot like the COVID fear campaign in 2020, however, […]