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#Putin means business #vampireball #West #elitism #parasites #goldenbillion

The era of Western control over world affairs is coming to an end, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In an exclusive interview published by Rossiya 1 and RIA Novosti, Putin put Western “elites” on notice that they will no longer be allowed to exploit other nations and their peoples for power and resources. The […]


#Putin means business #vampireball #West #elitism #parasites #goldenbillion

The era of Western control over world affairs is coming to an end, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In an exclusive interview published by Rossiya 1 and RIA Novosti, Putin put Western “elites” on notice that they will no longer be allowed to exploit other nations and their peoples for power and resources. The […]


#Putin means business #vampireball #West #elitism #parasites #goldenbillion

The era of Western control over world affairs is coming to an end, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In an exclusive interview published by Rossiya 1 and RIA Novosti, Putin put Western “elites” on notice that they will no longer be allowed to exploit other nations and their peoples for power and resources. The […]


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#Putin means business #vampireball #West #elitism #parasites #goldenbillion

The era of Western control over world affairs is coming to an end, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In an exclusive interview published by Rossiya 1 and RIA Novosti, Putin put Western “elites” on notice that they will no longer be allowed to exploit other nations and their peoples for power and resources. The […]


#Putin means business #vampireball #West #elitism #parasites #goldenbillion

The era of Western control over world affairs is coming to an end, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In an exclusive interview published by Rossiya 1 and RIA Novosti, Putin put Western “elites” on notice that they will no longer be allowed to exploit other nations and their peoples for power and resources. The […]


#Putin means business #vampireball #West #elitism #parasites #goldenbillion

The era of Western control over world affairs is coming to an end, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In an exclusive interview published by Rossiya 1 and RIA Novosti, Putin put Western “elites” on notice that they will no longer be allowed to exploit other nations and their peoples for power and resources. The […]


Were There Really Only 12 Apostles & Why Does It Matter?

Apostles are more common than we think. There are a total of 98 apostles mentioned in the New Testament! Let's see what we can learn and apply to our lives.

Let's begin with Jesus, Who is called an Apostle
• Jesus, the Apostle (apostolos) and High Priest of our confession (Heb. 3:1)
• Strong’s #G652 – apostolos - word occurs 53 times in KJV
• Defined: send out on a mission

Jesus selects the original 12 apostles (apostellō) and sends them out (Mk. 3:13-19)
• And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send (apostellō) them out to preach (Mk. 3:14)
• Strong's #G649 - apostellō - word occurs 148 times in KJV
• Defined: send out on a mission
• Matthias was picked to replace Judas (Acts 1:26). They demanded that he meet two criteria – Acts 1:21,22.

Jesus sends out 70 apostles to various cities
Now after this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent (apostellō G649) them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come. (Lk. 10:1)
The above total is 84 apostles before Pentecost, followed by 14 after Pentecost = 98 total

After Pentecost - 14 additional apostles are mentioned (Greek in each verse is apostolos or apostellō)
1. Paul (Acts 14:14; 22:21)
2. Barnabas (Acts 4:36; 11:22-30; 14: 1,4,14; 1 Corinthians 9:5-6)
3. Apollos (1 Corinthians 4:6-9)
4. Andronicus (Romans 16:7)
5. Junia (Romans 16:7)
6. Epaphroditus (Philippians 2:25, messenger—apostolos).
7. Titus (2 Corinthians 8:23, messenger— apostolos).
8. Two unnamed brethren (2 Corinthians 8:23, messenger— apostolos)
9. Timothy (Acts 19:22, sent - apostellō; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2:6)
10. Judas (Acts 15:22)
11. Silas/Silvanus (Acts 15:22; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2:6)
12. Erastus (Acts 19:22, sent - apostellō)
13. Tychicus (2 Timothy 4:12, sent - apostellō)

Key words which define what an apostle does
• Sent out one - Sent them in pairs (Lk. 10:1).
• Foundation Layer - Having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone (Eph. 2:20).
• Master Builder - According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it (1 Cor. 3:10). Greek root word translated master builder is architekton (#G753 in Strong’s; our word architect comes from this word).
• A commander of a naval expedition was called an apostle (Colin Brown Dictionary of New Testament Words). This is a great picture describing the work of an apostle. The captain is responsible to see that every item necessary for the survival and accomplishment of the expedition is present and properly managed. He must see the big picture and is responsible for the whole.

Apostles are architects who build things which is why I MUST have an apostle on my team!

The apostle has a heart for the whole. He is the architect who designs the project (church, business, naval expedition, clinic, hospital, etc.), oversees its establishment, and ensures that all parts are working together properly. In a church he sees that evangelism, teaching, pastoring, and prophesying are all present in a balanced, effective, life-giving way.

Smith Wigglesworth has been called the “Apostle of Faith,” indicating that he built faith in the churches he visited. So possibly apostles are builders, regardless of what they build.
In one sense, the architect does more of the planning and overseeing than he does the actual building himself. He sees to it that all the others are building properly, with proper materials, and in proper timing. He is concerned that the foundations are accurately laid and that the materials are of high quality so that the skyscraper can rise to its maximum height without cracking under strain or stress.

An apostle will likely have the gifts of administration and leadership. He probably has experience in each of the other five-fold ministries which he oversees (Eph. 4:11). Some apostles, like Paul, traveled extensively. Others, like Peter, James, and John, stayed in Jerusalem and were overseers in the Jerusalem church. Therefore, apostles can be traveling or resident.

Apostles come in all kinds of personalities, as can be readily seen by the personalities of the first twelve apostles. Consider the personality differences between Peter and John, for instance. Therefore, no one personality is right for the apostle.
Don’t make your function your title

Paul refers to himself as “Paul, an apostle” (2 Cor. 1:1; Gal. 1:1; Eph. 1:1; Col. 1:1, 1 Tim. 1:1). Had he said that he was the “Apostle Paul,” then Apostle would have been his title. But instead, he says, “Paul, an apostle,” meaning that he functioned as an apostle in some situations, but he was not an apostle to all (1 Cor. 9:2;1 Tim. 2:7). Jesus speaks against titles (Matt. 23:8-12).

Domination is forbidden for all leaders in the New Testament (Matt. 20:25-28).

Manifesting the “Heart for the Whole” in Vocational Ministry
This person with the call and anointing to be apostolic will be a president of one or several companies. He will be a multi-gifted individual who will lead others. He may be a builder, developer, architect, manager, or leader. He may be an advertising executive, an air traffic controller, an airplane pilot, a ship captain, or an ambassador. He may be a city planner, a college president, a music conductor, or a contractor. He could be a hospital administrator, a hotel manager, a judge, or a lawyer. He could be a military officer, a politician, a public administrator, or a restaurant manager. This is only a sampling of possible vocational ministries.
Discovering and accepting apostles today

The apostle, like each and every other job or ministry, requires the call and gifting of God upon the individual’s life. God anoints each of us for the vocations and ministries He has in store for us. In addition, one grows into his full ministry gift as he walks with God. You will have the call to be an apostle from birth. However, you will not actually be placed in that office until much later in life. By that point, you will have received proper training and experience, matured in your giftings, and come to the place where others recognize the call of God upon you. So you may have the call of God for an office or ministry in the Body of Christ long before you will actually be placed into that position.

Therefore, when you sense this call, you should begin preparing yourself for the ministry, rather than arrogantly declaring that you have a certain ministry in the Body of Christ. This is particularly true of the apostolic ministry.

Because the apostle generally is gifted and experienced in each of the other four ministries of Ephesians 4:11, the office of apostle calls for a higher level of maturity, Bible knowledge, and fruitfulness than is generally required for ministry.

Apostles grew to the point of being able to do attesting miracles (2 Cor. 12:12). This does not necessarily mean that one needs to do miracles when he is first called an apostle. However, as one matures, the empowering for miracles will develop in his ministry.
God has already placed apostles in our twenty-first century Church. They are all around us. It is just that we have made the word “apostle” so out of reach that we do not believe it is possible to fulfill. I do not like it when we take Christianity and make it unreachable for the masses. We reserve it for an elite few. I think it is satan’s strategy to get us to remove New Testament Christianity from the reach of believers at large, and I have chosen to reject such elitism, whether it deals with the hearing of God’s voice, or the seeing of God’s vision, or the five-fold ministry team which forms the eldership body in a local church (Eph. 4:7-11). I would like to see a return to the patterns of New Testament Christianity. I have chosen this as my own course. Where will you stand?

Personal Journaling Application - Ensuring my foundation is set so I can build all God has called me to build
1. Lord, am I apostolic, and if not, who would be the one with a heart for the whole that I MUST team up with to successfully build that which You have asked me to build?
2. Lord, am I prophetic, and if not, who would be the one with the heart for inspirational creativity which I MUST team up with to successfully build that which You have asked me to build?
Know that as you ask God to bring to you the team members you need to be fully successful in achieving the call and destiny He has placed on your heart, He will hear and He will send them to you. Keep your eyes and ears open for them to appear. Look in any places He tells you to look to discover these team members.
Dive deeper and discover more in Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams.

Get free access to the WORLD PREMIERE of Dr. Mark Virkler’s new video series beginning February 5, 2024! Through Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams you will be guided into a fuller revelation of your special gifts and talents and who God desires to be on your support team, so you can fully achieve the call and destiny He has for your life.

Register today!
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God has an amazing destiny envisioned for every one of us. He has uniquely gifted you with both natural and supernatural DNA as a foundation for achieving the destiny He has planned for you. In addition, He has provided each of us with several wise, spirit-anointed counselors, each with a different heart motivation so their combined counsel of complementary perspectives ensures that we have God’s full counsel as we move forward. By inviting their counsel, acting upon it, and multiplying your giftedness you can and will succeed far beyond your wildest imagination. God’s revelation and anointing accomplishes this miracle. Let’s discover exactly HOW this works!


International Public Notice: Israel is Not a State
By Anna Von Reitz

"Israel" is the name of a chunk of land in the Middle East rented as a holdover from the former British Protectorate by Jacob Rothschild using a 99 year lease which is now expired.

Seeking to promote a similar protectorate status, the United States of America, Incorporated, has apparently granted Israel status as a State-of-State and used the old "Confederate State" confusion to make it appear that Israel is a State of the Union.

Everyone needs to learn that a State is geographically defined and holds complete general jurisdiction over the land, soil, water, and air within its borders.

A "Confederate State" sometimes erroneously referred to as a "State" is in fact a "State of State" or instrumentality of a State used to conduct business.

Such State of State entities are not necessarily run by the State employing them, but may be run by separate subcontractors -- as in the current situation in this country, where we find that British Territorial States of State organizations have been hired under dubious conditions and substituted for our American States of State organizations.

The habit of loosely calling these organizations "States" has contributed to much mischief and misunderstanding and needs to be fully explicated.

There may be a "State of Israel" in the same sense that there is a "State of Alabama", but neither of these entities is a State of the Union. Both are instead "Confederate States" run as business franchises by foreign subcontractors -- and are not actual States like Alabama, Florida, Minnesota, and Wyoming.

The actual business structure is that a British Territorial Corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated, has established fifty franchise corporations each doing business as "the State of _________".

These entities came in after The American Civil War and substituted themselves for similar American entities doing business as, for example, The State of Oregon, which was secretly replaced by the British Territorial entity, the State of Oregon.

Could the British Territorial corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated, add another franchise called "the State of Israel"? Certainly, it could.

But that would not make Israel a State of the Union, and in fact, no delegated power ever granted to the British Territorial United States nor to the United States of America, Incorporated, ever allowed these entities to enroll a Territory as a State of the Union.

This is why the Western States (and West Virginia which was formed as a Territory in 1863) had to wait to enter full Statehood until our actual States were brought back into Session to enroll these Territorial States as States of the Union -- action that finally took place as of the first of October 2020.

See The Northwest Ordinance for details.

Suffice it to say that the world is alarmed by the idea that Israel has somehow been recognized and enrolled as a State of the Union and become part of this country or even a territory of this country, which it most certainly has not.

Any "State of Israel" that exists is a business franchise doing business as the State of Israel, Incorporated, and it is a franchise of the British Territorial United States corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated.

Let us make this explicitly clear: our country defined a specifically and particularly proportioned flag called the Title IV Flag for the use of our British Territorial Subcontractors, to be exercised in the accomplishment of the duties delegated to them by The Constitution of the United States of America.

They have abused the intended use of that flag and have used it for the conduct of Mercenary Conflicts. They have also used it in an extra-territorial context without our permission and that "power" was never allowed to the British Territorial Subcontractors.

This amounts to an abuse of the Title IV Flag and an usurpation against their employers.

The British Territorial Subcontractors dba the United States of America, Incorporated, are prohibited by omission from using our flag in any variation for any purpose unrelated to the defense of The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of actual States, and our member States of the Union.

They have no authority delegated from us to assume any extra-territorial power. So under what borrowed authority have they acted?

As our country as a whole is and has remained at peace since the War of 1812, their continued misuse of our wartime Title IV Flag is inexcusable.
When they are conducting operations related to their contract with us, and exercising delegated authority, they should be flying the American Peacetime flag using the Title IV dimensions.

When and if they should be acting in any other capacity whatsoever, which was never anticipated nor allowed by our Constitutions, they should be flying the British flag, the flag of the Puerto Rican Commonwealth or the flag of some other state or nation employing them; they should certainly not continue to fly our wartime flag when our country is at peace and has not declared war on any other country for generations.

Whatever power or interest our British Territorial Subcontractors may have or think they have with respect to any incorporated franchise dba the State of Israel is simply the power that any commercial corporation might have to protect a franchise, which does not extend to the inculcation or prosecution of war against actual countries like Yemen or any populated extra-territorial location like Gaza.

Like so much of the bunko which we are currently addressing, neither Israel nor Palestine, strictly speaking, exist.

"Israel" was a commercial accommodation lease held over from the British Protectorate in the post-World War I Era, and "Palestine" was another British invention that never existed in the modern world at all and did not exist in the same area and context even in the Ancient World.

What we have is a portrait of British extraterritorial meddling and commercial fraud, misusing American military power to conduct illegal Mercenary Conflicts in other parts of the world -- and attempting to continue on this course even after they have been thoroughly investigated and found out.

In view of the current misuse of the "State of Israel" verbiage, it is entirely possible that no actual country called "Israel" exists, and that owing to its status as a leased protectorate (at that time), no actual peace treaty related to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War exists. The entire circumstance may be another mercenary conflict glossed over by self-interested parties invoking sea treaties as a substitute for land jurisdiction treaties.

This is to say that not only does no State of the Union called "Israel" exist, but what we have all accepted as a separate country may not exist, either. Ditto the concept of Palestine.

While our sympathies remain with all the people of the region who existed in relative peace and harmony prior to the political and economic meddling that they have suffered at the hands of British Territorial interests and their ugly Corporate Feudalism, which views Israelis as humans (indentured servants) and Palestinians as subhumans (slaves).

All of this elitism and subterfuge is profoundly repugnant and reminiscent of former and ugly times in the history of mankind, and having remembered the evils of feudalism, we decline to experience the evils of Corporate Feudalism.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska