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7 hrs ago

It's not right what Democrats are doing

#election #fraud #Kamala #Biden

Those trying to install Kamala Harris as president now that Joe Biden has dropped out of the race and mysteriously disappeared after “catching COVID” are “committing the largest campaign finance violation in American history,” the campaign of Donald Trump is arguing in a new challenge filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Though a “long […]

10 hrs ago

The #coup begins: #Democrats subvert electoral process again, force #Biden out

After weaponizing the judicial system, censoring and imprisoning their political opponents, the Democrats are having a difficult time convincing the American people that Donald Trump and the “MAGA Republicans” are the real “threat to democracy.” With their divisive messages failing, and afraid of losing the 2024 election in a landslide, the desperate Democratic elite are […]

15 hrs ago

Kamala Harris has secured endorsements from various influential Democrats – save for former President Barack Obama

Vice President Kamala Harris has secured endorsements from top Democrats just days after President Joe Biden named her as his replacement – but not from former President Barack Obama. According to LifeSiteNews, Harris got the nod of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Alex Soros and Michigan Gov. […]



In this episode of “Direct Impact” with Rick Sanchez, Rick discusses President Biden’s decision not to seek reelection, highlighting earlier predictions by the show. He critiques Biden’s manner of resignation, noting a delayed mention of Kamala Harris in his announcement and subsequent endorsement tweet. The show also speculates about the potential drama and viewer interest during such an event, suggesting it could rejuvenate Democratic appeal by departing from traditional norms. Author and Political columnist Ted Rall also joins the show to discuss how a Kamala Harris campaign may impact the poll numbers.


In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez addresses Vice President Kamala Harris’s frustration at being overlooked as a replacement for President Biden, highlighting her low poll numbers and a controversial ad aimed at proving her connection to African Americans. The show also covers Democratic Congressman Dean Phillips contradictory stance on the International Criminal Court. The episode concludes with a deeper conversation about President Biden’s motivation to stay in the presidential race with former CIA analyst Larry Johnson.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez is joined by correspondent Manila Chan to discuss new Russian successes opening up a new front in towards the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov. Meanwhile, Ukraine has responded by bombing and killing at least nine civilians in the Russian city of Belgorod. And Marjorie Taylor Greene stands up to the Republicans and Democrats as Holocaust survivors speak out against what is happening in Gaza. Then, Tara Reade joins Rick Sanchez to discuss how she fled to Russia out of fear of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice.


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In this episode of “Direct Impact” with Rick Sanchez, Rick discusses President Biden’s decision not to seek reelection, highlighting earlier predictions by the show. He critiques Biden’s manner of resignation, noting a delayed mention of Kamala Harris in his announcement and subsequent endorsement tweet. The show also speculates about the potential drama and viewer interest during such an event, suggesting it could rejuvenate Democratic appeal by departing from traditional norms. Author and Political columnist Ted Rall also joins the show to discuss how a Kamala Harris campaign may impact the poll numbers.


In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez addresses Vice President Kamala Harris’s frustration at being overlooked as a replacement for President Biden, highlighting her low poll numbers and a controversial ad aimed at proving her connection to African Americans. The show also covers Democratic Congressman Dean Phillips contradictory stance on the International Criminal Court. The episode concludes with a deeper conversation about President Biden’s motivation to stay in the presidential race with former CIA analyst Larry Johnson.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez is joined by correspondent Manila Chan to discuss new Russian successes opening up a new front in towards the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov. Meanwhile, Ukraine has responded by bombing and killing at least nine civilians in the Russian city of Belgorod. And Marjorie Taylor Greene stands up to the Republicans and Democrats as Holocaust survivors speak out against what is happening in Gaza. Then, Tara Reade joins Rick Sanchez to discuss how she fled to Russia out of fear of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice.


"They will lock you up, they will start wars, they will steal your money, they lie to you, they will deceive you, and ultimately they will conquer you, take away all your civil liberties, all your rights, and turn you into a global, corporate, government slave."

? Democrats ?

> > > Support:

House Democrats slammed Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during a hearing on Thursday over his comments promoting a false claim that suggested COVID-19 was "ethnically targeted" to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.

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Part 2 found here:


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Twitter: @Chris_martenson


7 hrs ago

It's not right what Democrats are doing

#election #fraud #Kamala #Biden

Those trying to install Kamala Harris as president now that Joe Biden has dropped out of the race and mysteriously disappeared after “catching COVID” are “committing the largest campaign finance violation in American history,” the campaign of Donald Trump is arguing in a new challenge filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Though a “long […]

10 hrs ago

The #coup begins: #Democrats subvert electoral process again, force #Biden out

After weaponizing the judicial system, censoring and imprisoning their political opponents, the Democrats are having a difficult time convincing the American people that Donald Trump and the “MAGA Republicans” are the real “threat to democracy.” With their divisive messages failing, and afraid of losing the 2024 election in a landslide, the desperate Democratic elite are […]

15 hrs ago

Kamala Harris has secured endorsements from various influential Democrats – save for former President Barack Obama

Vice President Kamala Harris has secured endorsements from top Democrats just days after President Joe Biden named her as his replacement – but not from former President Barack Obama. According to LifeSiteNews, Harris got the nod of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Alex Soros and Michigan Gov. […]

18 hrs ago

Poll finds A THIRD of Democrats wish TRUMP HAD BEEN KILLED in the assassination attempt

A snap poll has found that nearly a third of Democratic voters wish that former President Donald Trump had been killed in the assassination. The poll, conducted by UnHerd on July 18, reveals that 30 percent of Democratic voters agree with the statement “I wish Trump’s assassin hadn’t missed” and only 70 percent are relieved that the would-be assassin […]

21 hrs ago

Poll finds A THIRD of Democrats wish TRUMP HAD BEEN KILLED in the assassination attempt

A snap poll has found that nearly a third of Democratic voters wish that former President Donald Trump had been killed in the assassination. The poll, conducted by UnHerd on July 18, reveals that 30 percent of Democratic voters agree with the statement “I wish Trump’s assassin hadn’t missed” and only 70 percent are relieved that the would-be assassin […]