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독립적인 럭셔리 신발 디자이너의 부상

럭셔리는 독립 디자이너의 혁신적인 디자인을 통해 재정의되고 있습니다. 전통적인 장인 정신과 현대적인 미학이 조화를 이루어 새로운 세대의 안목 있는 소비자에게 어필합니다. 독립 디자이너는 종종 기존의 대형 브랜드보다 더 큰 창의성을 가지고 있습니다. 디자이너는 특이한 재료를 사용하여 독특한 실루엣을 만들고 작업에 자세한 세부 사항을 추가할 수 있습니다. 따라서 고급스러울 뿐만 아니라 개성이 있는 신발.

최근 몇 년 동안 디지털 플랫폼은 이러한 디자이너를 광범위한 청중과 연결하고 주요 패션 하우스의 지원 없이 자신의 추종자를 구축할 수 있는 가능성을 열었습니다.

럭셔리 부문의 독점성과 맞춤화에 대한 수요도 이러한 인재를 육성합니다. 오늘날의 시장에서 소비자는 이야기를 전달하거나 예술적 성향이 있는 제품을 선호합니다. 독립 디자이너의 작업은 이러한 측면에서 더 두드러집니다. 지속 가능성뿐만 아니라 윤리적 생산도 원동력입니다.

환경을 파괴하지 않고 고급 제품에 대한 소비자의 요구를 충족하도록 설계된 이 디자이너들은 환경에 해를 끼치지 않고 고급 제품을 제공합니다. 신발 산업은 독립 신발 디자이너의 부상으로 새로운 시대에 접어들었습니다. 전통적인 방법과 현대적인 가치로 두 세계의 장점을 결합합니다.

혁신과 트렌드는 신진 디자이너에 의해 개척되고 있습니다

현대적인 미학과 혁신적인 소재는 신흥 디자이너들에 의해 럭셔리 신발에 통합되고 있습니다. 전통적인 장인 정신과 현대적인 디자인을 결합하여 럭셔리를 재창조하고 있습니다. 디자이너들은 지속 가능하고 윤리적으로 조달된 소재를 수용하고 있습니다. 플라스틱과 오가닉 코튼으로 만든 신발 컬렉션은 이 디자이너들에 의해 만들어지고 있습니다. 친환경 제품에 대한 소비자의 요구도 식물성 가죽으로 소비자의 요구를 충족시키고 있습니다.

환경에 미치는 영향을 줄이는 것뿐만 아니라 이러한 초점의 변화는 환경을 의식하는 럭셔리 소비자에게 내러티브 독점성을 제공합니다.

기술뿐만 아니라 이러한 혁신은 기술의 영향을 받습니다. 신발은 개인의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 3D 프린팅으로 제작되고 있습니다. 럭셔리와 개인화가 결합되어 맞춤형 접근 방식으로 소비자 경험을 향상시킵니다. 스마트 기술을 활용한 설계는 또 다른 주목할 만한 발전입니다. 자세 교정 및 온도 조절과 같은 기능을 통합하는 것이 목표 중 하나입니다.

또한 신진 디자이너들은 자신의 컬렉션에 진정성 있거나 시대를 초월한 품질을 제공하기 위해 수공예 기술과 디테일을 강조하고 있습니다. 이는 디자이너들이 더 이상 트렌드를 따르지 않고 트렌드를 주도하는 럭셔리 신발의 새로운 시대가 시작되었음을 의미합니다.

친환경 신발 디자인: 지속 가능한 럭셔리

패션 디자이너들은 점점 더 지속 가능한 럭셔리를 디자인에 통합하고 있습니다. 그들은 품질이나 스타일을 희생하지 않고 친환경적인 방법을 사용하여 고급스러움을 재창조하고 있습니다. 디자이너들은 재활용 가죽, 유기농 면 또는 버섯 가죽과 파인애플 섬유와 같은 새로운 소재를 사용하여 신발 제작의 한계를 넓히고 있습니다.

이 움직임은 재료의 신중한 선택을 강조합니다. 생분해성 및 재활용 가능한 재료 또는 유기 구성 요소는 환경에 미치는 영향을 최소화하는 공급업체에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 또한 많은 디자이너들이 생산 과정에서 낭비를 줄이기 위한 노력의 일환으로 최신 기술에 투자하고 지속 가능한 생산을 촉진하고 있습니다. 예를 들어, 3D 프린팅을 사용하면 정밀하고 폐기물 없는 생산이 가능합니다.

또한 이러한 디자이너는 장인이 공정한 급여를 받고 안전한 환경에서 작업할 수 있도록 공정한 노동 관행을 장려합니다. 럭셔리 신발을 디자인할 때 사회적 지속 가능성은 환경 문제만큼이나 중요합니다.

브랜드의 제품 및 프로세스에 대한 자세한 정보는 종종 브랜드에서 제공합니다. 환경 친화적 인 제품을 마케팅하는 것은 이것이 필요합니다. 투명성은 신뢰를 구축하고 지속 가능한 쇼핑객에게 어필합니다. 스타일리시하고 럭셔리한 신발은 신진 디자이너들에 의해 만들어지고 있습니다. 또한 지속 가능한 방식으로 산업의 미래를 형성하는 데 도움을 주고 있습니다.

혁신적인 디자이너에 대해 자세히 알아보기

하이엔드 럭셔리 신발의 세계에서 새로운 유형의 디자이너가 물결을 일으키고 있습니다. 그들의 접근 방식은 독특하고 혁신적입니다. 그녀의 대담하면서도 우아한 미학은 Amina Muaddi를 새로운 재능 중 하나로 빠르게 만들었습니다. 패션 애호가들은 스타일 아이콘이 된 그녀의 신발의 플레어 힐에 팬시를 더했습니다.

스타우드의 사라 스타우딩거(Sarah Staudinger)도 마찬가지로 매력적입니다. 럭셔리 신발은 레트로와 모던한 스타일을 혼합하는 그녀의 능력으로부터 이익을 얻을 수 있습니다. 그녀의 디자인은 장난기 넘치고 세련되기 때문에 패션에 민감한 젊고 고객에게 어필합니다.

오로라 제임스를 보는 것도 가치가 있습니다. 벨리스 형제는 그녀에 의해 설립되었습니다. 윤리적으로 생산되고 지속 가능한 신발에 대한 헌신으로 James는 자신을 위한 독특한 틈새 시장을 개척했습니다. 그는 멋진 디자인을 만들 뿐만 아니라 이를 통해 장인 정신과 역사에 대한 이야기를 들려줍니다. 아프리카 전통 신발은 그들에게 영감을 주었습니다.

루이사 크라그만(Luisa Kragmann)과 콘스탄틴 랑홀츠-바이쿠시스(Constantine Langholz-Baikousis)의 에이드(Aeyde) 디자인 팀은 매력적인 미니멀리즘 미학을 보여줍니다. 흠잡을 데 없는 장인 정신 외에도 Aeyde 신발은 깨끗하고 산뜻한 라인이 특징입니다. 그들은 본질뿐만 아니라 스타일을 중시하는 현대 여성에게 훌륭한 선택입니다. 패션의 미래는 이러한 디자이너들의 다양성과 혁신에 의해 주도될 것입니다.

디지털 플랫폼이 새로운 디자이너에게 미치는 영향은 무엇입니까?

전례 없는 가시성, 참여 및 상거래를 도입하는 디지털 플랫폼은 럭셔리 신발 산업을 변화시키고 있습니다. 바이어, 에디터, 기성 패션 하우스와 같은 업계의 문지기들이 미로처럼 얽혀 있어 과거에는 고급 신발에 진입하기 어려웠습니다. 그러나 디지털 플랫폼의 가용성은 새로운 디자이너에게 자신의 디자인을 전 세계 관객에게 직접 선보일 수 있는 기회를 제공했습니다.

브랜드 인지도를 높이고, 인플루언서와 연결하고, 패션 애호가를 끌어들이기 위해서는 Instagram, TikTok 및 Pinterest와 같은 소셜 미디어 플랫폼이 중요합니다. 이러한 플랫폼은 디자이너가 비하인드 스토리 콘텐츠와 스토리를 공유할 수 있는 훌륭한 방법입니다. 고객은 시각적으로 매력적인 피드에 참여할 수도 있습니다.

직접 판매는 마켓플레이스 및 Etsy 및 Farfetch와 같은 전자 상거래 사이트에서 가능합니다. 물리적 매장 의존도와 전통적인 소매 채널을 줄입니다. 디자이너는 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼을 통해 재정적 지원을 확보할 수도 있습니다. 결과적으로 이러한 디지털 플랫폼은 소비자의 선호도와 트렌드에 대한 귀중한 통찰력을 제공합니다. 그들과 함께 보다 구체적인 청중에게 마케팅하는 것도 가능합니다.

신진 디자이너는 또한 신뢰성과 도달 범위를 통해 브랜드의 성장을 가속화하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 유명 인사 또는 인플루언서와의 협업을 통해 이점을 얻을 수 있습니다. 새로운 신발 디자이너는 경쟁이 치열한 럭셔리 신발 시장에서 틈새 시장을 구축하기 위해 이 기술 시대에 디지털 플랫폼을 혁신적으로 사용하는 것이 필수적입니다.

럭셔리 신발의 미래: 기회와 예측

명품 신발의 혁신은 소비자 선호도에도 변화를 가져오고 있습니다. 연결성의 증가는 신진 디자이너에게 전례 없는 기회를 제공했습니다. 지속 가능한 개발은 미래를 위한 중요한 추세입니다. 투명성과 환경적 지속 가능성은 고객에게 점점 더 중요해지고 있습니다. 친환경 소재와 윤리적인 생산 공정은 디자이너가 탐구해야 합니다.

무엇이 럭셔리를 구성하는지에 대한 우리의 이해는 럭셔리 운동이 시작된 이후로 변화해 왔습니다.

명품 신발을 유행시키는 것도 기술에 의존합니다. 최근 몇 년 동안 피트니스 추적 및 적응형 편안함을 특징으로 하는 신발이 점점 더 스마트 기술과 통합되고 있습니다. 미학과 고급 기능을 성공적으로 결합할 수 있는 디자이너가 주목할 것입니다. 가상 현실과 증강 현실을 사용하면 디자이너와 소비자는 완전히 몰입할 수 있는 브랜드 경험 및 가상 피팅과 같은 새로운 방식으로 신발을 경험할 수 있습니다.

또한 맞춤형 및 맞춤형 옵션이 대중화됨에 따라 개인화된 쇼핑 경험을 경험할 수 있습니다. 고객의 선호도를 더 잘 이해하기 위해 신진 디자이너는 데이터 분석을 활용할 수 있습니다.

디자인은 스토리텔링과 문화적 내러티브가 통합될 때 더욱 중요해질 것입니다. 독특한 제품을 찾는 소비자는 자신의 창작물에 진정성과 유산을 제공하는 신발 디자이너에게 보상을 줄 것입니다. 럭셔리 신발의 새로운 시대가 여기에 있습니다.


Statistical analysis was done by using Microsoft Excel.

There was an abnormal gene expression of p53 in all grades of the breast tumors. Non-significant (p>0.05) difference of down and up regulation of p53 in different grades of breast tumor was found. However, as a whole up-regulation was more than down-regulation with significant difference (p<0.0011).

The abnormal expression of p53 shows that there are some genetic and epigenetic factors which are the primal cause of an abnormal gene expression. It is recommended that perform next generation sequencing (NGS) of the gene to find out the mutations causing the abnormal behavior of p53 gene.
The abnormal expression of p53 shows that there are some genetic and epigenetic factors which are the primal cause of an abnormal gene expression. It is recommended that perform next generation sequencing (NGS) of the gene to find out the mutations causing the abnormal behavior of p53 gene.
The function of the immune system in prostate cancer (PC) might promote carcinogenesis. PC is a common cancer in men. Regulatory B cells (Bregs) are a new subtype of B cells that have suppressive roles in the immune system. Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a dominant mediator of immune suppression released by Bregs.

The purpose of this research was to examine the frequency of CD19+IL10+ B cells and IL-10 mRNA expression in patients with PC compared to patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Forty paraffin tissue samples from patients with PC and 32 paraffin tissue samples from patients with BPH were entered in this study. The immunohistochemistry staining was used to evaluate the pattern expression of CD19 and IL-10 markers. IL-10 mRNA expression in fresh tissue was determined by real time-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).

The frequency of CD19+IL-10+ B cells and IL-10 mRNA expression in PC patients were significantly higher than patients with BPH. Also, there was no meaningful relationship between the frequency of IL-10+CD19+ B cells and gleason scores in patients with PC.

Our findings suggested that frequency of IL-10+CD19+ B cells correlates with progressive stage of PC.
Our findings suggested that frequency of IL-10+CD19+ B cells correlates with progressive stage of PC.
Prostate cancer is the second commonest cancer in men worldwide. At present, every patient with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in St. Mary's Hospital Lacor is undergoing prostate biopsy regardless of the prostate specific antigen (PSA) level. We sought to determine the association between PSA and malignant prostate histology.

This was a retrospective study. Data on age, PSA, prostate volume and prostate histology reported between Jan 2012 and Dec 2019 were retrieved from St. Mary's Hospital Lacor archive and analyzed using STATA SE/13.0.

Records of 97 patients with LUTS was analyzed. The median (range) age of the patients was 71 (43-100) years. Median (range) of prostate volume was 91.8 (8.0-360.0) cc. Overall, PSA ranged from 0.21 to 399.2 ng/ml. Prostate histology showed 3.1% acinar adenocarcinoma, 24.7% adenocarcinoma and 72.2% benign prostatic hyperplasia. The median PSA amongst patients with malignant and non-malignant prostates were 15.8 ng/ml and 6.07 ng/ml respectively. Serum PSA level was significantly higher in patients with malignant prostate histology (Difference of mean= 9.7; p=0.001).

Patients with LUTS and PSA levels of 15ng/ml or more were more likely to have malignant prostate histology.
Patients with LUTS and PSA levels of 15ng/ml or more were more likely to have malignant prostate histology.
Gliomas are a relatively rare group of tumors with a poor prognosis. We aimed to describe and analyze the clinical characteristics and survival of patients with glioma tumors of Eastern Algeria.

A retrospective study was conducted at the University Hospital of Constantine. Medical records of patients enrolled between January 2008 and October 2016 were consulted. Demographic characteristics, clinical data, treatment strategy and dates of last follow-up or death were collected. Chi-square test was used for checking associations, Kaplan-Meier methodology for estimating the survival, and the cox model for identifying prognosis factors.

A total of 333 patients composed our cohort. The mean age was 48.07 years, and men were 1.87 times more frequent than women. High grade tumors were mainly observed among adults and old adults and in supra-tentorial locations. More than half of the patients had a large resection and a curative protocol of oncological treatment (50.7% and 57%, respectively). The mean overall survival was 45.4 months, the median was 21.7 months, and survival rates at 1-, 2-, and 5-years were 62.8%, 48.5% and 32.9% respectively. Age, histology, grade of malignancy and oncological treatment were the major prognosis factors.

Our sample was relatively young with a higher survival compared to others.
Our sample was relatively young with a higher survival compared to others.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes of infertility in women.

The current study investigated mental and personality disorders in infertile women with and without PCOS.

This case-control study evaluated 400 infertile women who referred to the Infertility Center in Babol city (North of Iran). Participants were categorized into the case group (201 PCOS) and the control group (199 without PCOS). All of the participants completed the Millon Clinical Multi-axial Inventory-III (MCMI-III).

The mean scores for clinical personality patterns were significantly higher for six personality disorders (schizoid, avoidant, antisocial, depressive, sadistic, and negativistic) and for three classes of severe personality disorder patterns (schizotypal, borderline, and paranoid) in infertile women with PCOS than in women without PCOS. The mean scores for eight clinical disorders (somatoform, manic disorder, dysthymia, alcohol-dependence, drug-dependence, post-trauma stress disorder, major depression, and delusion disorder) were also higher in infertile women with PCOS than in women without PCOS.

The scores of many mental and personality disorders are higher in infertile women with PCOS than in women without PCOS. Thus, clinicians should prioritize recognizing and treating psychological problems of infertile women with PCOS.
The scores of many mental and personality disorders are higher in infertile women with PCOS than in women without PCOS. Thus, clinicians should prioritize recognizing and treating psychological problems of infertile women with PCOS.


her incidence of additional surgical intervention.
There are no studies comparing the morphologic changes of lumbar spines between supine axial-loaded and 90° standing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations of patients with spinal stenosis.

To determine whether axial-loaded MRI using a compression device demonstrated similar morphology of intervertebral disc, dural sac, and spinal curvature as those detected by 90° standing MRI in individuals with suspected spinal stenosis.

A total of 54 individuals suspected of having spinal stenosis underwent both axial-loaded and standing MRI studies. The outcome measures included seven radiologic parameters of the lumbar spine measures of the intervertebral disc (i.e. cross-sectional area [DA], disc height [DH], and anteroposterior distance [DAP]), dural sac (cross-sectional area [DCSA]), spinal curvature (i.e. lumbar lordosis [LL] and L1-L3-L5 angle [LA]), and total lumbar spine height (LH).

For agreement between the two methods, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) ≥ 0.8 was found for all seven radiologic parameters. Supine axial-loaded MRI underestimated LL but remained correlated (ICC = 0.83) with standing MRI. Minor differences between the two methods (≤5.0%) were observed in DA, DCSA, DAP, LA, and LH, while a major difference was observed in LL (8.1%).

Using a compression device with the conventional supine MRI to simulate weight-bearing on the lumbar spine generated MRI morphology, which was strongly correlated with those from a standing MRI.
Using a compression device with the conventional supine MRI to simulate weight-bearing on the lumbar spine generated MRI morphology, which was strongly correlated with those from a standing MRI.
This study evaluates the epidemiological characteristics, ophthalmological manifestations, and different therapeutic options available for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in China, Spain, and Cuba.

A self-designed questionnaire was used to conduct a comparable descriptive cross-sectional study on patients with MS. The survey included patients' demographic data, ocular manifestations related to MS, and treatment methodology followed in the three countries. The online survey was designed using the Wenjuanxing survey platform, and a survey link was circulated through WhatsApp, WeChat, and emails. Quantitative data were expressed as mean and standard deviation, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for non-parametric variables. Qualitative data were expressed as numerical and percentage. The chi-square test (χ
) was used to compare the group's response categories. The statistical difference was considered significant when
< 0.05.

The female-to-male ratio in all the three countries was 2-31, and relae is a clear female predominance. The first ocular crisis or clinical debut of MS is characterized by slow and progressive visual impairment, increasing and adding to other ocular manifestations during its evolutionary course. Spontaneous recovery of vision after an attack of optic neuritis in the course of MS is possible.Evolutionary scientists studying social and cultural evolution have proposed a multitude of mechanisms by which cultural change can be effected. In this article we discuss two influential ideas from the theory of biological evolution that can inform this debate the contrast between the micro- and macro-evolution, and the distinction between the tempo and mode of evolution. We add the empirical depth to these ideas by summarizing recent results from the analyses of data on past societies in Seshat Global History Databank. Our review of these results suggests that the tempo (rates of change, including their acceleration and deceleration) of cultural macroevolution is characterized by periods of apparent stasis interspersed by rapid change. Furthermore, when we focus on large-scale changes in cultural traits of whole groups, the most important macroevolutionary mode involves inter-polity interactions, including competition and warfare, but also cultural exchange and selective imitation; mechanisms that are key components of cultural multilevel selection (CMLS) theory.
This study investigated the effectiveness of a specialized manual physical therapy (PT) program at improving voice among patients diagnosed with concomitant muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) and cervicalgia at a tertiary care voice center.

Cervicalgia was determined by palpation of the anterior neck. Both voice therapy (VT) and PT was recommended for all patients diagnosed with MTD and cervicalgia. PT included full-body manual physical therapy with myofascial release. Patients underwent 1) VT alone, 2) concurrent PT and VT (PT with VT), 3) PT alone, 4) VT, but did not have PT ordered by treating clinician (VT without PT order) or 5) VT followed by PT (VT then PT). The pairwise difference in post-Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) controlling for baseline variables was calculated with a linear regression model.

178 patients met criteria. All groups showed improvement with treatment.,Hydrochloride-Salt.html The covariate-adjusted differences in mean post-VHI-10 improvement comparing the VT alone group as a reference were as follows PT with VT 9.95 (95% confidence interval 7.70, 12.20); PT alone 8.31 (6.16, 10.45); VT without PT order 8.51 (5.55, 11.47); VT then PT 5.47 (2.51, 8.42).

Among patients diagnosed with MTD with cervicalgia, treatment with a specialized PT program was associated with improvement in VHI-10 scores regardless of whether they had VT. While VT is the standard of care for MTD, PT may also offer benefit for MTD patients with cervicalgia.
Among patients diagnosed with MTD with cervicalgia, treatment with a specialized PT program was associated with improvement in VHI-10 scores regardless of whether they had VT. While VT is the standard of care for MTD, PT may also offer benefit for MTD patients with cervicalgia.Syncope is common, affecting approximately 1 million Americans every year. Although multiple pathophysiological mechanisms regarding its etiology have been documented, neurocardiogenic or vasovagal syncope is the most common cause of these episodes. Other less appreciated etiologies include various cardiac abnormalities in which a structural, electrical, or obstructive disturbance leads to a temporary reduction in blood flow to the brain, resulting in transient loss of consciousness. Cardiac malignancies, while rare, can present with syncope by either disrupting the cardiac conduction apparatus or simply obstructing blood flow through the cardiac chambers. Electrocardiograms and echocardiography are often very helpful in identifying these abnormalities. Here, we report a rare case of late-stage invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the lung presenting with recurrent syncopal events. The cancer invaded the cardiac right atrium causing various dysrhythmias, leading to a very rare cause of cardiogenic syncope. We also discuss how lung cancer can present in a subclinical manner and at times without obvious respiratory symptoms, dramatic physical examination abnormalities, and/or thoracic imaging abnormalities on chest radiograph.At the beginning of our era, after a battle on the Ionian Sea, Antony and Cleopatra took their own lives in Egypt, and Augustus was made an imperator by his senators. Roman emperors had sexual access to those senators' daughters and wives, and to thousands of slaves. But they ran governments with help from their cubicularii, castrated civil servants. And they enforced an Imperial Cult subjects made sacrifices to the emperor's genius, or procreative spirit; or they got disemboweled by wild animals, or decapitated. Then Constantine moved off from the Tiber to the Bosporus, and Europe was ruled over by a few. Lords covered the countryside with bastards, but passed on estates on to their oldest sons. Daughters and younger sons were put away in the Church, where some became parents, but most were reproductively suppressed they were ἄνανδρος or anandros, or without a husband, and ἄγαμος or agamos, or without a wife. Heretics who objected got burned at the stake. Then the Crusaders expanded Europe to the East, and Columbus went off to the West, and politics, sex and religion became more democratic. Power was more widely distributed; more men and women had families if they wanted them, and monasteries emptied out. The Reformation followed the Roman Church, which had followed the Imperial Cult.Artemisia lactiflora, a Chinese-origin plant, has been reported to have unique phytochemicals responsible for its medicinal properties. The growth of the agricultural industry emits air pollution, which has adverse effects on health. There are limited scientific reports on the biological activities of A. lactiflora. Studies on its activities and mechanisms may provide insight into its use in medicinal purposes to treat those health problems and conditions. In this study, leaves of A. lactiflora were extracted and fractioned with solvents of different polarities. Total phenolics, total flavonoids DPPH• scavenging, ABTS•+ scavenging, and cytotoxicity of A. lactiflora were assessed. Anti-inflammatory activities were evaluated by pre-treating macrophages with extract or fractions then induced inflammatory response by coconut shell pyrolysis smoke. Inflammatory responses were assessed by measuring pro-inflammatory genes expression and pro-inflammatory cytokines secretion. Among all extract and fractions of A. lactiflora, butanol fraction has the highest phenolic, flavonoid, and DPPH• scavenging activity. All extract and fractions significantly down-regulated pro-inflammatory genes expression (RelA, TNF, IL6) and decreased pro-inflammatory cytokines secretion (TNF-α, IL-6), p less then 0.0001, compared with pyrolysis smoke-induced macrophages. The ethyl acetate fraction showed the highest anti-inflammatory activity in decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines secretion. These results may prove the anti-inflammatory activities of A. lactiflora through the inhibition of the NF-κB-dependent pathway. Taken together, this study first reported the anti-inflammatory activities of A. lactiflora. Thus, the plant can be used to prevent and treat inflammatory responses caused by highly oxidative pyrolysis smoke released from the re-utilization of agro-industrial leftovers.The Outreach Core of the U54 Partnership between the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center and the University of Massachusetts Boston created a new model for addressing cancer inequities that integrates implementation science, community-engaged research, and health promotion. Key elements of the approach include engaging a Community Advisory Board, supporting students from underrepresented minority backgrounds to conduct health promotion and community-engaged research, increasing the delivery of evidence-based cancer prevention programs to underserved communities (directly and by training local organizations), supporting research-practice partnerships, and disseminating findings. Our model highlights the need for long-term investments to connect underserved communities with evidence-based cancer prevention.
To explore the correlation between the fracture line inferior plane and perioperative deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in patients with tibial fractures.

Data was collected from the medical records of 536 consecutive patients with tibial fractures at Xi'an Honghui Hospital. The patients were divided into distal, shaft, and proximal segment groups according to the fracture line inferior plane on radiographs. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to identify the role of the inferior plane of the fracture line in perioperative DVT.

A total of 431 patients were included in the study and 226 patients had perioperative DVT in the lower extremities, including 11 proximal and 215 distal DVTs. Univariate regression analysis showed a significant correlation between the proximal segment and perioperative DVT; however, no correlation was found in the shaft segment group. Additionally, age, coronary heart disease, associated injuries, and time to operation ≥6 days were risk factors for perioperative DVT. However, fixation with intramedullary nails may be a protective factor for perioperative DVT compared with plates.


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독립적인 럭셔리 신발 디자이너의 부상

럭셔리는 독립 디자이너의 혁신적인 디자인을 통해 재정의되고 있습니다. 전통적인 장인 정신과 현대적인 미학이 조화를 이루어 새로운 세대의 안목 있는 소비자에게 어필합니다. 독립 디자이너는 종종 기존의 대형 브랜드보다 더 큰 창의성을 가지고 있습니다. 디자이너는 특이한 재료를 사용하여 독특한 실루엣을 만들고 작업에 자세한 세부 사항을 추가할 수 있습니다. 따라서 고급스러울 뿐만 아니라 개성이 있는 신발.

최근 몇 년 동안 디지털 플랫폼은 이러한 디자이너를 광범위한 청중과 연결하고 주요 패션 하우스의 지원 없이 자신의 추종자를 구축할 수 있는 가능성을 열었습니다.

럭셔리 부문의 독점성과 맞춤화에 대한 수요도 이러한 인재를 육성합니다. 오늘날의 시장에서 소비자는 이야기를 전달하거나 예술적 성향이 있는 제품을 선호합니다. 독립 디자이너의 작업은 이러한 측면에서 더 두드러집니다. 지속 가능성뿐만 아니라 윤리적 생산도 원동력입니다.

환경을 파괴하지 않고 고급 제품에 대한 소비자의 요구를 충족하도록 설계된 이 디자이너들은 환경에 해를 끼치지 않고 고급 제품을 제공합니다. 신발 산업은 독립 신발 디자이너의 부상으로 새로운 시대에 접어들었습니다. 전통적인 방법과 현대적인 가치로 두 세계의 장점을 결합합니다.

혁신과 트렌드는 신진 디자이너에 의해 개척되고 있습니다

현대적인 미학과 혁신적인 소재는 신흥 디자이너들에 의해 럭셔리 신발에 통합되고 있습니다. 전통적인 장인 정신과 현대적인 디자인을 결합하여 럭셔리를 재창조하고 있습니다. 디자이너들은 지속 가능하고 윤리적으로 조달된 소재를 수용하고 있습니다. 플라스틱과 오가닉 코튼으로 만든 신발 컬렉션은 이 디자이너들에 의해 만들어지고 있습니다. 친환경 제품에 대한 소비자의 요구도 식물성 가죽으로 소비자의 요구를 충족시키고 있습니다.

환경에 미치는 영향을 줄이는 것뿐만 아니라 이러한 초점의 변화는 환경을 의식하는 럭셔리 소비자에게 내러티브 독점성을 제공합니다.

기술뿐만 아니라 이러한 혁신은 기술의 영향을 받습니다. 신발은 개인의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 3D 프린팅으로 제작되고 있습니다. 럭셔리와 개인화가 결합되어 맞춤형 접근 방식으로 소비자 경험을 향상시킵니다. 스마트 기술을 활용한 설계는 또 다른 주목할 만한 발전입니다. 자세 교정 및 온도 조절과 같은 기능을 통합하는 것이 목표 중 하나입니다.

또한 신진 디자이너들은 자신의 컬렉션에 진정성 있거나 시대를 초월한 품질을 제공하기 위해 수공예 기술과 디테일을 강조하고 있습니다. 이는 디자이너들이 더 이상 트렌드를 따르지 않고 트렌드를 주도하는 럭셔리 신발의 새로운 시대가 시작되었음을 의미합니다.

친환경 신발 디자인: 지속 가능한 럭셔리

패션 디자이너들은 점점 더 지속 가능한 럭셔리를 디자인에 통합하고 있습니다. 그들은 품질이나 스타일을 희생하지 않고 친환경적인 방법을 사용하여 고급스러움을 재창조하고 있습니다. 디자이너들은 재활용 가죽, 유기농 면 또는 버섯 가죽과 파인애플 섬유와 같은 새로운 소재를 사용하여 신발 제작의 한계를 넓히고 있습니다.

이 움직임은 재료의 신중한 선택을 강조합니다. 생분해성 및 재활용 가능한 재료 또는 유기 구성 요소는 환경에 미치는 영향을 최소화하는 공급업체에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 또한 많은 디자이너들이 생산 과정에서 낭비를 줄이기 위한 노력의 일환으로 최신 기술에 투자하고 지속 가능한 생산을 촉진하고 있습니다. 예를 들어, 3D 프린팅을 사용하면 정밀하고 폐기물 없는 생산이 가능합니다.

또한 이러한 디자이너는 장인이 공정한 급여를 받고 안전한 환경에서 작업할 수 있도록 공정한 노동 관행을 장려합니다. 럭셔리 신발을 디자인할 때 사회적 지속 가능성은 환경 문제만큼이나 중요합니다.

브랜드의 제품 및 프로세스에 대한 자세한 정보는 종종 브랜드에서 제공합니다. 환경 친화적 인 제품을 마케팅하는 것은 이것이 필요합니다. 투명성은 신뢰를 구축하고 지속 가능한 쇼핑객에게 어필합니다. 스타일리시하고 럭셔리한 신발은 신진 디자이너들에 의해 만들어지고 있습니다. 또한 지속 가능한 방식으로 산업의 미래를 형성하는 데 도움을 주고 있습니다.

혁신적인 디자이너에 대해 자세히 알아보기

하이엔드 럭셔리 신발의 세계에서 새로운 유형의 디자이너가 물결을 일으키고 있습니다. 그들의 접근 방식은 독특하고 혁신적입니다. 그녀의 대담하면서도 우아한 미학은 Amina Muaddi를 새로운 재능 중 하나로 빠르게 만들었습니다. 패션 애호가들은 스타일 아이콘이 된 그녀의 신발의 플레어 힐에 팬시를 더했습니다.

스타우드의 사라 스타우딩거(Sarah Staudinger)도 마찬가지로 매력적입니다. 럭셔리 신발은 레트로와 모던한 스타일을 혼합하는 그녀의 능력으로부터 이익을 얻을 수 있습니다. 그녀의 디자인은 장난기 넘치고 세련되기 때문에 패션에 민감한 젊고 고객에게 어필합니다.

오로라 제임스를 보는 것도 가치가 있습니다. 벨리스 형제는 그녀에 의해 설립되었습니다. 윤리적으로 생산되고 지속 가능한 신발에 대한 헌신으로 James는 자신을 위한 독특한 틈새 시장을 개척했습니다. 그는 멋진 디자인을 만들 뿐만 아니라 이를 통해 장인 정신과 역사에 대한 이야기를 들려줍니다. 아프리카 전통 신발은 그들에게 영감을 주었습니다.

루이사 크라그만(Luisa Kragmann)과 콘스탄틴 랑홀츠-바이쿠시스(Constantine Langholz-Baikousis)의 에이드(Aeyde) 디자인 팀은 매력적인 미니멀리즘 미학을 보여줍니다. 흠잡을 데 없는 장인 정신 외에도 Aeyde 신발은 깨끗하고 산뜻한 라인이 특징입니다. 그들은 본질뿐만 아니라 스타일을 중시하는 현대 여성에게 훌륭한 선택입니다. 패션의 미래는 이러한 디자이너들의 다양성과 혁신에 의해 주도될 것입니다.

디지털 플랫폼이 새로운 디자이너에게 미치는 영향은 무엇입니까?

전례 없는 가시성, 참여 및 상거래를 도입하는 디지털 플랫폼은 럭셔리 신발 산업을 변화시키고 있습니다. 바이어, 에디터, 기성 패션 하우스와 같은 업계의 문지기들이 미로처럼 얽혀 있어 과거에는 고급 신발에 진입하기 어려웠습니다. 그러나 디지털 플랫폼의 가용성은 새로운 디자이너에게 자신의 디자인을 전 세계 관객에게 직접 선보일 수 있는 기회를 제공했습니다.

브랜드 인지도를 높이고, 인플루언서와 연결하고, 패션 애호가를 끌어들이기 위해서는 Instagram, TikTok 및 Pinterest와 같은 소셜 미디어 플랫폼이 중요합니다. 이러한 플랫폼은 디자이너가 비하인드 스토리 콘텐츠와 스토리를 공유할 수 있는 훌륭한 방법입니다. 고객은 시각적으로 매력적인 피드에 참여할 수도 있습니다.

직접 판매는 마켓플레이스 및 Etsy 및 Farfetch와 같은 전자 상거래 사이트에서 가능합니다. 물리적 매장 의존도와 전통적인 소매 채널을 줄입니다. 디자이너는 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼을 통해 재정적 지원을 확보할 수도 있습니다. 결과적으로 이러한 디지털 플랫폼은 소비자의 선호도와 트렌드에 대한 귀중한 통찰력을 제공합니다. 그들과 함께 보다 구체적인 청중에게 마케팅하는 것도 가능합니다.

신진 디자이너는 또한 신뢰성과 도달 범위를 통해 브랜드의 성장을 가속화하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 유명 인사 또는 인플루언서와의 협업을 통해 이점을 얻을 수 있습니다. 새로운 신발 디자이너는 경쟁이 치열한 럭셔리 신발 시장에서 틈새 시장을 구축하기 위해 이 기술 시대에 디지털 플랫폼을 혁신적으로 사용하는 것이 필수적입니다.

럭셔리 신발의 미래: 기회와 예측

명품 신발의 혁신은 소비자 선호도에도 변화를 가져오고 있습니다. 연결성의 증가는 신진 디자이너에게 전례 없는 기회를 제공했습니다. 지속 가능한 개발은 미래를 위한 중요한 추세입니다. 투명성과 환경적 지속 가능성은 고객에게 점점 더 중요해지고 있습니다. 친환경 소재와 윤리적인 생산 공정은 디자이너가 탐구해야 합니다.

무엇이 럭셔리를 구성하는지에 대한 우리의 이해는 럭셔리 운동이 시작된 이후로 변화해 왔습니다.

명품 신발을 유행시키는 것도 기술에 의존합니다. 최근 몇 년 동안 피트니스 추적 및 적응형 편안함을 특징으로 하는 신발이 점점 더 스마트 기술과 통합되고 있습니다. 미학과 고급 기능을 성공적으로 결합할 수 있는 디자이너가 주목할 것입니다. 가상 현실과 증강 현실을 사용하면 디자이너와 소비자는 완전히 몰입할 수 있는 브랜드 경험 및 가상 피팅과 같은 새로운 방식으로 신발을 경험할 수 있습니다.

또한 맞춤형 및 맞춤형 옵션이 대중화됨에 따라 개인화된 쇼핑 경험을 경험할 수 있습니다. 고객의 선호도를 더 잘 이해하기 위해 신진 디자이너는 데이터 분석을 활용할 수 있습니다.

디자인은 스토리텔링과 문화적 내러티브가 통합될 때 더욱 중요해질 것입니다. 독특한 제품을 찾는 소비자는 자신의 창작물에 진정성과 유산을 제공하는 신발 디자이너에게 보상을 줄 것입니다. 럭셔리 신발의 새로운 시대가 여기에 있습니다.


Statistical analysis was done by using Microsoft Excel.

There was an abnormal gene expression of p53 in all grades of the breast tumors. Non-significant (p>0.05) difference of down and up regulation of p53 in different grades of breast tumor was found. However, as a whole up-regulation was more than down-regulation with significant difference (p<0.0011).

The abnormal expression of p53 shows that there are some genetic and epigenetic factors which are the primal cause of an abnormal gene expression. It is recommended that perform next generation sequencing (NGS) of the gene to find out the mutations causing the abnormal behavior of p53 gene.
The abnormal expression of p53 shows that there are some genetic and epigenetic factors which are the primal cause of an abnormal gene expression. It is recommended that perform next generation sequencing (NGS) of the gene to find out the mutations causing the abnormal behavior of p53 gene.
The function of the immune system in prostate cancer (PC) might promote carcinogenesis. PC is a common cancer in men. Regulatory B cells (Bregs) are a new subtype of B cells that have suppressive roles in the immune system. Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a dominant mediator of immune suppression released by Bregs.

The purpose of this research was to examine the frequency of CD19+IL10+ B cells and IL-10 mRNA expression in patients with PC compared to patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Forty paraffin tissue samples from patients with PC and 32 paraffin tissue samples from patients with BPH were entered in this study. The immunohistochemistry staining was used to evaluate the pattern expression of CD19 and IL-10 markers. IL-10 mRNA expression in fresh tissue was determined by real time-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).

The frequency of CD19+IL-10+ B cells and IL-10 mRNA expression in PC patients were significantly higher than patients with BPH. Also, there was no meaningful relationship between the frequency of IL-10+CD19+ B cells and gleason scores in patients with PC.

Our findings suggested that frequency of IL-10+CD19+ B cells correlates with progressive stage of PC.
Our findings suggested that frequency of IL-10+CD19+ B cells correlates with progressive stage of PC.
Prostate cancer is the second commonest cancer in men worldwide. At present, every patient with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in St. Mary's Hospital Lacor is undergoing prostate biopsy regardless of the prostate specific antigen (PSA) level. We sought to determine the association between PSA and malignant prostate histology.

This was a retrospective study. Data on age, PSA, prostate volume and prostate histology reported between Jan 2012 and Dec 2019 were retrieved from St. Mary's Hospital Lacor archive and analyzed using STATA SE/13.0.

Records of 97 patients with LUTS was analyzed. The median (range) age of the patients was 71 (43-100) years. Median (range) of prostate volume was 91.8 (8.0-360.0) cc. Overall, PSA ranged from 0.21 to 399.2 ng/ml. Prostate histology showed 3.1% acinar adenocarcinoma, 24.7% adenocarcinoma and 72.2% benign prostatic hyperplasia. The median PSA amongst patients with malignant and non-malignant prostates were 15.8 ng/ml and 6.07 ng/ml respectively. Serum PSA level was significantly higher in patients with malignant prostate histology (Difference of mean= 9.7; p=0.001).

Patients with LUTS and PSA levels of 15ng/ml or more were more likely to have malignant prostate histology.
Patients with LUTS and PSA levels of 15ng/ml or more were more likely to have malignant prostate histology.
Gliomas are a relatively rare group of tumors with a poor prognosis. We aimed to describe and analyze the clinical characteristics and survival of patients with glioma tumors of Eastern Algeria.

A retrospective study was conducted at the University Hospital of Constantine. Medical records of patients enrolled between January 2008 and October 2016 were consulted. Demographic characteristics, clinical data, treatment strategy and dates of last follow-up or death were collected. Chi-square test was used for checking associations, Kaplan-Meier methodology for estimating the survival, and the cox model for identifying prognosis factors.

A total of 333 patients composed our cohort. The mean age was 48.07 years, and men were 1.87 times more frequent than women. High grade tumors were mainly observed among adults and old adults and in supra-tentorial locations. More than half of the patients had a large resection and a curative protocol of oncological treatment (50.7% and 57%, respectively). The mean overall survival was 45.4 months, the median was 21.7 months, and survival rates at 1-, 2-, and 5-years were 62.8%, 48.5% and 32.9% respectively. Age, histology, grade of malignancy and oncological treatment were the major prognosis factors.

Our sample was relatively young with a higher survival compared to others.
Our sample was relatively young with a higher survival compared to others.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes of infertility in women.

The current study investigated mental and personality disorders in infertile women with and without PCOS.

This case-control study evaluated 400 infertile women who referred to the Infertility Center in Babol city (North of Iran). Participants were categorized into the case group (201 PCOS) and the control group (199 without PCOS). All of the participants completed the Millon Clinical Multi-axial Inventory-III (MCMI-III).

The mean scores for clinical personality patterns were significantly higher for six personality disorders (schizoid, avoidant, antisocial, depressive, sadistic, and negativistic) and for three classes of severe personality disorder patterns (schizotypal, borderline, and paranoid) in infertile women with PCOS than in women without PCOS. The mean scores for eight clinical disorders (somatoform, manic disorder, dysthymia, alcohol-dependence, drug-dependence, post-trauma stress disorder, major depression, and delusion disorder) were also higher in infertile women with PCOS than in women without PCOS.

The scores of many mental and personality disorders are higher in infertile women with PCOS than in women without PCOS. Thus, clinicians should prioritize recognizing and treating psychological problems of infertile women with PCOS.
The scores of many mental and personality disorders are higher in infertile women with PCOS than in women without PCOS. Thus, clinicians should prioritize recognizing and treating psychological problems of infertile women with PCOS.


her incidence of additional surgical intervention.
There are no studies comparing the morphologic changes of lumbar spines between supine axial-loaded and 90° standing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations of patients with spinal stenosis.

To determine whether axial-loaded MRI using a compression device demonstrated similar morphology of intervertebral disc, dural sac, and spinal curvature as those detected by 90° standing MRI in individuals with suspected spinal stenosis.

A total of 54 individuals suspected of having spinal stenosis underwent both axial-loaded and standing MRI studies. The outcome measures included seven radiologic parameters of the lumbar spine measures of the intervertebral disc (i.e. cross-sectional area [DA], disc height [DH], and anteroposterior distance [DAP]), dural sac (cross-sectional area [DCSA]), spinal curvature (i.e. lumbar lordosis [LL] and L1-L3-L5 angle [LA]), and total lumbar spine height (LH).

For agreement between the two methods, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) ≥ 0.8 was found for all seven radiologic parameters. Supine axial-loaded MRI underestimated LL but remained correlated (ICC = 0.83) with standing MRI. Minor differences between the two methods (≤5.0%) were observed in DA, DCSA, DAP, LA, and LH, while a major difference was observed in LL (8.1%).

Using a compression device with the conventional supine MRI to simulate weight-bearing on the lumbar spine generated MRI morphology, which was strongly correlated with those from a standing MRI.
Using a compression device with the conventional supine MRI to simulate weight-bearing on the lumbar spine generated MRI morphology, which was strongly correlated with those from a standing MRI.
This study evaluates the epidemiological characteristics, ophthalmological manifestations, and different therapeutic options available for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in China, Spain, and Cuba.

A self-designed questionnaire was used to conduct a comparable descriptive cross-sectional study on patients with MS. The survey included patients' demographic data, ocular manifestations related to MS, and treatment methodology followed in the three countries. The online survey was designed using the Wenjuanxing survey platform, and a survey link was circulated through WhatsApp, WeChat, and emails. Quantitative data were expressed as mean and standard deviation, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for non-parametric variables. Qualitative data were expressed as numerical and percentage. The chi-square test (χ
) was used to compare the group's response categories. The statistical difference was considered significant when
< 0.05.

The female-to-male ratio in all the three countries was 2-31, and relae is a clear female predominance. The first ocular crisis or clinical debut of MS is characterized by slow and progressive visual impairment, increasing and adding to other ocular manifestations during its evolutionary course. Spontaneous recovery of vision after an attack of optic neuritis in the course of MS is possible.Evolutionary scientists studying social and cultural evolution have proposed a multitude of mechanisms by which cultural change can be effected. In this article we discuss two influential ideas from the theory of biological evolution that can inform this debate the contrast between the micro- and macro-evolution, and the distinction between the tempo and mode of evolution. We add the empirical depth to these ideas by summarizing recent results from the analyses of data on past societies in Seshat Global History Databank. Our review of these results suggests that the tempo (rates of change, including their acceleration and deceleration) of cultural macroevolution is characterized by periods of apparent stasis interspersed by rapid change. Furthermore, when we focus on large-scale changes in cultural traits of whole groups, the most important macroevolutionary mode involves inter-polity interactions, including competition and warfare, but also cultural exchange and selective imitation; mechanisms that are key components of cultural multilevel selection (CMLS) theory.
This study investigated the effectiveness of a specialized manual physical therapy (PT) program at improving voice among patients diagnosed with concomitant muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) and cervicalgia at a tertiary care voice center.

Cervicalgia was determined by palpation of the anterior neck. Both voice therapy (VT) and PT was recommended for all patients diagnosed with MTD and cervicalgia. PT included full-body manual physical therapy with myofascial release. Patients underwent 1) VT alone, 2) concurrent PT and VT (PT with VT), 3) PT alone, 4) VT, but did not have PT ordered by treating clinician (VT without PT order) or 5) VT followed by PT (VT then PT). The pairwise difference in post-Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) controlling for baseline variables was calculated with a linear regression model.

178 patients met criteria. All groups showed improvement with treatment.,Hydrochloride-Salt.html The covariate-adjusted differences in mean post-VHI-10 improvement comparing the VT alone group as a reference were as follows PT with VT 9.95 (95% confidence interval 7.70, 12.20); PT alone 8.31 (6.16, 10.45); VT without PT order 8.51 (5.55, 11.47); VT then PT 5.47 (2.51, 8.42).

Among patients diagnosed with MTD with cervicalgia, treatment with a specialized PT program was associated with improvement in VHI-10 scores regardless of whether they had VT. While VT is the standard of care for MTD, PT may also offer benefit for MTD patients with cervicalgia.
Among patients diagnosed with MTD with cervicalgia, treatment with a specialized PT program was associated with improvement in VHI-10 scores regardless of whether they had VT. While VT is the standard of care for MTD, PT may also offer benefit for MTD patients with cervicalgia.Syncope is common, affecting approximately 1 million Americans every year. Although multiple pathophysiological mechanisms regarding its etiology have been documented, neurocardiogenic or vasovagal syncope is the most common cause of these episodes. Other less appreciated etiologies include various cardiac abnormalities in which a structural, electrical, or obstructive disturbance leads to a temporary reduction in blood flow to the brain, resulting in transient loss of consciousness. Cardiac malignancies, while rare, can present with syncope by either disrupting the cardiac conduction apparatus or simply obstructing blood flow through the cardiac chambers. Electrocardiograms and echocardiography are often very helpful in identifying these abnormalities. Here, we report a rare case of late-stage invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the lung presenting with recurrent syncopal events. The cancer invaded the cardiac right atrium causing various dysrhythmias, leading to a very rare cause of cardiogenic syncope. We also discuss how lung cancer can present in a subclinical manner and at times without obvious respiratory symptoms, dramatic physical examination abnormalities, and/or thoracic imaging abnormalities on chest radiograph.At the beginning of our era, after a battle on the Ionian Sea, Antony and Cleopatra took their own lives in Egypt, and Augustus was made an imperator by his senators. Roman emperors had sexual access to those senators' daughters and wives, and to thousands of slaves. But they ran governments with help from their cubicularii, castrated civil servants. And they enforced an Imperial Cult subjects made sacrifices to the emperor's genius, or procreative spirit; or they got disemboweled by wild animals, or decapitated. Then Constantine moved off from the Tiber to the Bosporus, and Europe was ruled over by a few. Lords covered the countryside with bastards, but passed on estates on to their oldest sons. Daughters and younger sons were put away in the Church, where some became parents, but most were reproductively suppressed they were ἄνανδρος or anandros, or without a husband, and ἄγαμος or agamos, or without a wife. Heretics who objected got burned at the stake. Then the Crusaders expanded Europe to the East, and Columbus went off to the West, and politics, sex and religion became more democratic. Power was more widely distributed; more men and women had families if they wanted them, and monasteries emptied out. The Reformation followed the Roman Church, which had followed the Imperial Cult.Artemisia lactiflora, a Chinese-origin plant, has been reported to have unique phytochemicals responsible for its medicinal properties. The growth of the agricultural industry emits air pollution, which has adverse effects on health. There are limited scientific reports on the biological activities of A. lactiflora. Studies on its activities and mechanisms may provide insight into its use in medicinal purposes to treat those health problems and conditions. In this study, leaves of A. lactiflora were extracted and fractioned with solvents of different polarities. Total phenolics, total flavonoids DPPH• scavenging, ABTS•+ scavenging, and cytotoxicity of A. lactiflora were assessed. Anti-inflammatory activities were evaluated by pre-treating macrophages with extract or fractions then induced inflammatory response by coconut shell pyrolysis smoke. Inflammatory responses were assessed by measuring pro-inflammatory genes expression and pro-inflammatory cytokines secretion. Among all extract and fractions of A. lactiflora, butanol fraction has the highest phenolic, flavonoid, and DPPH• scavenging activity. All extract and fractions significantly down-regulated pro-inflammatory genes expression (RelA, TNF, IL6) and decreased pro-inflammatory cytokines secretion (TNF-α, IL-6), p less then 0.0001, compared with pyrolysis smoke-induced macrophages. The ethyl acetate fraction showed the highest anti-inflammatory activity in decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines secretion. These results may prove the anti-inflammatory activities of A. lactiflora through the inhibition of the NF-κB-dependent pathway. Taken together, this study first reported the anti-inflammatory activities of A. lactiflora. Thus, the plant can be used to prevent and treat inflammatory responses caused by highly oxidative pyrolysis smoke released from the re-utilization of agro-industrial leftovers.The Outreach Core of the U54 Partnership between the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center and the University of Massachusetts Boston created a new model for addressing cancer inequities that integrates implementation science, community-engaged research, and health promotion. Key elements of the approach include engaging a Community Advisory Board, supporting students from underrepresented minority backgrounds to conduct health promotion and community-engaged research, increasing the delivery of evidence-based cancer prevention programs to underserved communities (directly and by training local organizations), supporting research-practice partnerships, and disseminating findings. Our model highlights the need for long-term investments to connect underserved communities with evidence-based cancer prevention.
To explore the correlation between the fracture line inferior plane and perioperative deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in patients with tibial fractures.

Data was collected from the medical records of 536 consecutive patients with tibial fractures at Xi'an Honghui Hospital. The patients were divided into distal, shaft, and proximal segment groups according to the fracture line inferior plane on radiographs. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to identify the role of the inferior plane of the fracture line in perioperative DVT.

A total of 431 patients were included in the study and 226 patients had perioperative DVT in the lower extremities, including 11 proximal and 215 distal DVTs. Univariate regression analysis showed a significant correlation between the proximal segment and perioperative DVT; however, no correlation was found in the shaft segment group. Additionally, age, coronary heart disease, associated injuries, and time to operation ≥6 days were risk factors for perioperative DVT. However, fixation with intramedullary nails may be a protective factor for perioperative DVT compared with plates.


Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is, in general, accompanied by a reduction of the nephron number, which increases the risk of hypertension and renal dysfunction. Studies have revealed that ouabain can partially restore the number of nephrons during IUGR. However, there is limited information regarding the melioration of nephric structure and function. We used maternal malnutrition to induce an IUGR model in rats. Subsequently, we used a mini-pump to administer ouabain to IUGR rats during pregnancy. Male offspring were divided randomly into two groups. One group was fed a normal diet, whereas the other was fed an isocaloric 8% high-salt diet. Maternal malnutrition led to a reduction in the birth weight and number of nephrons in offspring. At the end of a 40-week follow-up period, offspring from the IUGR group had high blood pressure and abnormal excretion of urinary protein; these parameters were exacerbated in offspring fed a high-salt diet. However, ouabain administration during pregnancy could partially restore the number of nephrons in IUGR offspring, normalize blood pressure, and reduce urinary protein excretion, even when challenged with a high-salt diet. Pathology findings revealed that IUGR, particularly following feeding of a high-salt diet, damaged the ultrastructure of glomeruli, but these harmful effects were ameliorated in offspring treated with ouabain. Collectively, our data suggest that ouabain could rescue nephrogenesis in IUGR newborns and protect (at least in part) the structure and function of the kidney during adulthood even when encountering unfavorable environmental challenges in subsequent life.Our previous studies showed that treatment with alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR) agonist nicotine could alleviate systemic inflammation and reduce neuronal loss in the hippocampus and seizure severity in eclampsia. In this study, we further investigated whether there is also neuronal damage in the cortex after eclamptic seizure, elucidated the potential mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective roles of nicotine in eclampsia. Retrospective analysis of MRI data of severe preeclampsia (SPE) patients was conducted. A preeclampsia model was established by lipopolysaccharide injection (PE group), and pentylenetetrazol was used to induce eclamptic seizure (E group). α7nAChR agonist nicotine and its antagonist (α-BGT) and PI3K inhibitor wortmannin were used for drug administration. Neuronal damage was detected by Nissl staining, and changes in neuroinflammation, neuronal apoptosis, α7nAChR expression, and PI3K-AKT signaling on cortical neurons were detected by immunohistochemistry and western blotting. MRI images showed that most abnormal signals from the brain of SPE patients were located in the cortex. The neuron survival ratio was lower in the cortex than in the hippocampus within the E group; such ratios in the cortex were significantly lower in the E and PE groups compared with those of the control group. Nicotine markedly decreased the production of inflammatory cytokines and microglial activation in the cortex of the E group. Moreover, nicotine increased p-AKT levels and decreased cleaved caspase-3 levels in cortical neurons. Treatment with α-BGT reversed effects of nicotine. Wortmannin also blocked the anti-neuronal apoptosis action of nicotine. Our results suggest that nicotine protects against neuronal injury in the cortex following eclampsia possibly by inhibiting neuroinflammation and activating neuronal PI3K-AKT pathway.Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is the second most common cancer diagnosed in Algeria. The incidence and the mortality rate of CRC have increased so that the nation now ranks third in Africa in both these variables. Many environmental and genetic factors are suspected to play an important role in the development of the disease. This study aimed to identify the risk factors for CRC in Algeria. We performed a case-control study in five Medical Oncology Services in this region Tebessa, Batna, Annaba, Setif, and Constantine, from 2016 to 2019. Altogether, 200 patients diagnosed with CRC and 200 age-matched controls without any diagnosis of cancer were included. Study participants were interviewed about environmental, dietary, and hereditary risk factors, i.e., family history of cancer, using a questionnaire. Results showed a significant association between high educational level and a decreased risk of CRC. Diagnoses of any cancer or of CRC in first-degree or in second- or third-degree relatives also were significantly associated with CRC risk. Occupational exposures showed a significant link with an increased risk of CRC, as did obesity, alcohol consumption, and passive smoking. Yogurt, cereals, sugar, butter, and margarine consumption were significant protective factors, while cheese, dried fruits, red meat, juice, and fizzy drink consumption was associated with increased risk. Our findings suggest a benefit of public health campaigns to enhance awareness about CRC and to encourage healthy dietary choices and avoidance of non-dietary risk factors.Aquatic environments are crucial hotspots for the dissemination of antibiotic resistant microorganisms and resistance genes. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence and the genetic characterization of cefotaxime-resistant (CTXR) Enterobacteriaceae at a Tunisian semi-industrial pilot plant with biological treatment (WWPP) and its receiving river (Rouriche River, downstream from WWPP) located in Tunis City, during 2017-2018. We collected 105 and 15 water samples from the WWPP and the Rouriche River, respectively. Samples were screened to recover ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-E) and isolates were characterized for phenotype/genotype of antimicrobial resistance, integrons, plasmid types and molecular typing (multilocus sequence typing, MLST). Among 120 water samples, 33 and 4 contained ESBL-producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates, respectively. Most isolates were multidrug resistant and produced CTX-M-15 (28 isolates), CTX-M-1 (4 isolates), CTX-M-55 (2 isolates), CTX-M-27 (one isolate), SHV-12 (one isolate) and VEB beta-lactamases (one isolate). All K. pneumoniae were CTX-M-15-positive. Four colistin-resistant isolates were found (MIC 4-8 μg/ml), but they were negative for the mcr genes tested. Class 1 integrons were detected in 21/25 trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole-resistant isolates, and nine of them carried the gene cassette arrays aadA2 + dfrA12 (n = 4), aadA1 + dfrA15 (n = 2), aadA5 + dfrA17 (n = 2) and aadA1/2 (n = 1). The IncP and IncFIB plasmids were found in 30 and 16 isolates, respectively. Genetic lineages detected were as follows E. coli (ST48-ST10 Cplx, ST2499, ST906, ST2973 and ST2142); K. pneumoniae (ST1540 and ST661). Our findings show a high rate of CTX-M-15 and high genetic diversity of ESBL-E isolates from WWPP and receiving river water.


Negotiations between the British and Irish negotiating teams produced the Anglo-Irish Treaty, concluded on 6 December 1921. The Irish team was led by Michael Collins, who had organised the IRA intelligence in the course of the Warfare of Independence. , Ira (December 12, 2003). "Playoffs or not, Holmgren ought to stay as coach". Jack Miller, 12-12 months U.S. Miller, Ted (August 26, 2005). "What you see is what you get with Willingham". Ted Wass, actor, Soap, Blossom, Oh, God! Reflecting on it, he understood it as a sign from Heaven whereby God wished him to loco sta, that's, remain in his personal place. In his official documents, Gregory was the first to make intensive use of the time period "Servant of the Servants of God" (servus servorum Dei) as a papal title, thus initiating a follow that was to be adopted by most subsequent popes.

Seahawks followers at Lumen Discipline have twice claimed the Guinness World Report for loudest crowd roar at an out of doors stadium, first at 136.6 decibels in 2013, followed by a measurement of 137.6 decibels in 2014. The gang's notorious noise has also contributed to the crew's dwelling field advantage with a rise in false begin (movement by an offensive participant prior to the play) and delay of sport (failure of the offense to snap the ball prior to the play clock expiring) penalties towards visiting teams. On October 15, 2011, further seats were obtainable for a file crowd of 64,140 during the final regular season home match, a Sounders 2-1 win followed by ceremonies honoring retiring goalkeeper Kasey Keller. On October 31, 2009, the Division I FCS Japanese Washington University Eagles played a house sport in Seattle for the first time. 3 December - Ian Twitchin, 65, footballer (Torquay United).

The record was later regained by the Seahawks fans on December 2, 2013 with 137.6 decibels against the new Orleans Saints, however lost as soon as again to Arrowhead Stadium in a Monday Night Football sport between the Kansas City Chiefs and New England Patriots on September 29, 2014, setting the document that still stands at 142.2 decibels. This disconnects the roof from the assist pylons so that it will probably transfer independently of the construction. The proposal failed, and in consequence, Seahawks' proprietor Ken Behring threatened to sell or move the workforce (prone to Los Angeles). In was made to concern county bonds to fund a remodeling mission of the facility. The architectural firm Ellerbe Becket, in association with Loschky, Marquardt and Nesholm (LMN) Architects of Seattle, designed the 1.5 million square ft (140,000 m2) venture. His contributions to the development of the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, still in use in the Byzantine Rite, have been so important that he is mostly acknowledged as its de facto writer. As the dispute could not be settled, the Byzantine emperor, Tiberius II Constantine, undertook to arbitrate.

During his papacy, his administration enormously surpassed that of the emperors in bettering the welfare of the people of Rome, and he challenged the theological views of Patriarch Eutychius of Constantinople before the emperor Tiberius II. Christ was corporeal and palpable after his Resurrection; allegedly as a result of this exchange, Tiberius II ordered Eutychius's writings burned. Beneath then-current NFL coverage, a recreation that didn't sell out 72 hours previous to its start time would end in its blackout in the house crew's television market. The crew had retired the number 12 in 1984 to honor its fans, who had gained notoriety for intensifying the Kingdome's noisy acoustics such that the NFL enacted a rule in 1989 penalizing house groups for disruptive crowd noise when visiting teams are on offense; the rule itself is rarely enforced as a result of futility of controlling such noise leaguewide. Banking in its modern sense developed in the fourteenth century within the affluent cities of Renaissance Italy but in some ways functioned as a continuation of ideas and ideas of credit score and lending that had their roots within the ancient world.