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The Dead Baby Scam -- Update One
By Anna Von Reitz

Stories of dead brothers and sisters are pouring in from across America, and through all these stories runs one totally amazing, gobsmacker, unbelievable thread.

All these families were simply told about the "stillborn fraternal twin" --- none of them, not one, reports that they ever actually saw the baby.

No Mother or Father actually held their dead baby in their arms and no siblings gazed on the tiny face.

Priests, nuns, doctors, nurses, or hospital staffers simply told them about this tragic outcome, they believed, they paid the extra expenses, some held funerals with little caskets, but the caskets were all sealed. Every single one.

Nobody out of thousands of families ever actually saw the dead baby. Apparently, this whole practice peaked in the 1930's and tapered off gradually. The most recent cases we've found are in the very early 1970's.

So I am hearing from the Grandsons and Granddaughters, Siblings who are now middle-aged to elderly, and a few Mothers and Fathers who are still grieving, still concerned, still left wondering.

The emotional anguish is still in their words and voices. They suffered a terrible loss, yet when they look back they can't even prove that it happened.

Many people know where their lost babies were purportedly buried, at least in terms of a marker or a cemetery plot. But in all cases of traditional burial, the little casket was sealed. Again, nobody ever actually saw the baby.

Same thing with cremations. The casket was sealed. Nobody saw the baby.

In a few cases where there have been small communities and intergenerational funeral home businesses, family members have been able to go back to the morticians who handled the burial and inquire about their records related to the baby's funeral, only to find that the records have disappeared from the otherwise complete record of everyone who has been buried in the last seventy years.

Same thing at the hospitals. There's no record of a baby being born and no record of a baby dying. None at all.

Come to that, if you go to the hospital and inquire about the live baby and records of the live birth, they don't have those, either.

It's as if these families had a nightmare or a group hallucination. There's no evidence of these lost babies at all, except in a few cases, we've found a Death Certificate from the Coroner's Office, and sometimes blurbs in the local newspapers, "A son, Gregory Matthew, stillborn....".

In all cases, when we track it down, and can track it down, the newspaper announcement was either paid for by the family as a memorial or included in the "Births and Deaths" page along with all the other funerals.

But a funeral, as we've seen, doesn't prove the existence of a dead baby, and uniformly, when we get a chance to interview Mothers, they do not remember a second baby as part of the labor.

As anyone who has actually had twins can verify, you normally feel both and they are two separate labors and events, very definite and palpable.

That isn't what happened with all these missing stillborn babies. The Mothers experienced no separate labor--- weren't even aware that they had a second baby, but then, they didn't see the placenta, either.

They had to be told about the stillborn fraternal twin afterward.

"Everything happened so fast...." is what we hear again and again and again.

So, what's going on here?

Was there a baby at all, or was this just a cruel con to scam some extra bucks worth of death services, burial and funeral costs?

It was certainly a money laundering and taxation-based peonage racket targeting the survivor. The "death" was used as a premise to create an intestate joint infant decedent estate "administered" by the Bar Association Members -- we know that. For sure.

We know that the Roman Catholic Church and the British Monarch split the take 60/40 on Protestants and the Church got 100% on Catholics. For sure.

But nobody ever saw the baby and nobody ever saw any emergency baptism or Last Rites being performed, and those two facts taken together make up the most startling and macabre thread of evidence I've ever seen.

How could all these stillbirths occur and all these charges for hospital services and religious services be added on the bill -- when nobody saw the baby and nobody from the family was ever present when the services were performed?

The whole prospect that something like this could happen, is mammothly improbable, even implausible -- but there it is. Nobody saw the baby. Nobody saw the emergency baptism. Nobody saw the Last Rites.

One other thing that runs absolutely true in the recounts from the Mothers is that yes, they were pumped for money----and many Mothers report that they were somehow made to feel guilty, as if they hadn't done their best by the child, or that they were being punished for lust, or didn't eat right, or didn't pray enough.

It all leaves us unable to prove, except by possible forensic evidence obtained by exhumation, that a baby ever existed.

An underground facility in the vicinity of an old "home" for unwed mothers in Ireland was excavated in 2017 and found to contain the corpses of 800 babies and young children:

The Catholic-run home ran from 1925 to 1961.

Many questions remain. Who were all these children? Who were their families? What did they die of? Most were dated to the 1950's? Why was that decade prone to such mammoth losses? Are there hundreds more buried on the property somewhere from the 1920s, 30's and 40's? Why weren't they given a proper Irish burial?

Even the use of charnel houses, which is still a tradition in some areas of Europe, requires burial for a number of years before the bones can be removed to the community charnel house-- if that is what the French nuns were attempting to do in Ireland.

If that was what was going on, there would be a steady accumulation of bones from the earlier decades and many of the 1950s burials would still be in place as burials, awaiting their final exhumation and journey to the charnel house. Instead, most of the skeletons are from the 1950's, the decade immediately before the facility closed.

This incident at least gives some substance to the claim that thousands of stillbirths and deaths actually occurred.

This story and the whole surrounding "stillborn fraternal twin" story that so many families have heard also impetus and credibility to the work undertaken by Kevin Annett addressing similar concerns at Residential Schools in Canada.

To sum up the possibilities:

(1) No actual baby ever existed and what got buried or incinerated was the placenta described as a "human creature" by Pope Boniface VIII, and more recently as a "stillborn fraternal twin"; (2) a stillborn baby was born, but nobody from the family ever saw it or witnessed its baptism or Last Rites in 100% of the cases, and in all cases with burials or cremations reported, the caskets were sealed; (3) --- and this is the really tough one: a healthy baby was born, but was then stolen.


Again, more questions than answers.

(1) Sale of the baby to adoptive parents willing to pay big bucks for one that met their requirements; the colluding hospital staff would simply sit back until they saw a good candidate, snatch the baby, transfer them to the buyer and be done. Even in the 1920s babies sold for five times the yearly wages of a working man, so illegal adoption rings have always been very lucrative.

(2) From what we've learned from Witnesses and house searches and forensic evidence obtained from a wide variety of locations provided by Witnesses, ritual human sacrifice, especially of babies, has always been a big part of the Babylonian Cult and has survived into the present day.

The religion's use of sex as a sacrament meant there was always a great surplus of babies in the days prior to birth control, so they were sacrificed, traditionally by throwing them into a fiery furnace like stovewood.

But where to get babies to sacrifice in the 1950's?

Sadly, similar to the situation with orphanages and residential schools, it would be too easy for the hospital staff to simply lie, tell the parents the baby was stillborn, and sell the child.

There are first hand eye-witness accounts that ten Native children left a Residential School in Canada in the company of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. Those children never returned to school and were never heard from again by their friends and family.

Has the disappearance of ten children become so commonplace that it doesn't deserve investigation, especially when photographs, eye-witness accounts, and school records confirm the facts?

This is just one example, indicating that yes, this ancient evil of child sacrifice appears to be continuing and in the highest levels of government, too.

If those Native children came to any good end, why wouldn't Buckingham Palace be trumpeting the news and proving that they were treated kindly and went on to live good lives?

The noisome Brits recorded what the Queen ate for breakfast every day of her life. So how could they not "note down" ten children added to the royal entourage?

We are left with the repugnant assumption that the former Queen and her Consort went to a Catholic Residential School in Canada and picked out ten Native children the same way that we might go down to the dock and choose ten lobsters.

These dark issues remain unaddressed by the governments and those responsible to society to provide answers. And whether they like it or not, and no matter how far-fetched it seems, a pattern is emerging.

The Perps in a combined illegal adoption and Cult Supplier ring would have been a mixture of Cult Members who knew the truth, and greedy collaborators who thought the babies were going into adoptive homes.

No doubt there would be an even fatter "honorarium gift" made available to the suppliers of the Cult, so it would be easy to maintain the illusion that adoptive parents were paying the freight and both operations could be going on at the same time.

We have seen many instances where one lucrative illegal activity was paired with one that was much, much worse, so as to draw in collaborators who thought they were engaged in a different scheme.

It would not surprise us to find an illegal adoption ring supplying a child sacrifice cult.

(3) The babies were being shunted into government-sponsored scientific experiments.

This seems far-fetched until you start seeing numerous variations of "cabbage patch postcards" and pictures of certain sideshow exhibits featuring babies in incubators at places like the New Jersey Boardwalk and World Fairs from the 1890's to the 1940s.

Did anyone ever tell you that babies come from cabbage patches? I heard it growing up, as it was running in a competition with the stork story.

The cabbage patch postcards show dozens of babies being grown like row crops, often with a cabbage plant used as their seat and a big cabbage leaf being used like a cap on their heads. There's something incredibly creepy about these black and white and color tinted photographic postcards and the thought does arise that we were being shown early cloning programs.

The same aura surrounds the traveling incubator shows billed as science and industry exhibits. The photos show dozens of old-fashioned incubators and dozens of babies that are being cared for by women who appear to be nurses. Again, where are all these babies coming from? Where are their parents?

What happened to them after the shows closed down?

Were the Perps giving us a "soft disclosure" of cloning or gene splicing or....?

These images are surreal, inexplicable, and weird.
And they record large numbers of unattended babies in odd scientific environments.

Superficially, the babies appear healthy, and there is nothing overtly threatening in these photos, but everyone I show these postcards and photos reacts the same way: something macabre is lurking just out of sight.

We keep coming back to the Office of the Roman Pontiff, its odd triple-tiered crown, the three crossed keys representing enslavement of mind, body, and soul --- supposedly to "Christ", the Anointed One, who may have been anointed as a priest of Baal, if we are to believe the Gospels in the context of their times.

Is there anything in the New Testament suggesting that Yehoshua would condone enslaving anyone for any reason?

Or was the whole Mary-Magdalene-was-a-(possibly temple) prostitute, just another Big Lie embroidered onto the whole cloth by the likes of Saint Jerome? Jerome included books and letters written as homages by Paul of Ephesus as part of the Biblical Canon, as if they had been written by Saint Paul himself. They still haven't been removed.

Thanks to these writings being added to the Bible as the writings of "Paul", we have a distorted image of Saint Paul as a mean-spirited misanthrope fixated on blaming women for the downfall of Mankind, a brow-beating misogynist after Jerome's own heart and serving the purposes of the Roman Patriarchs, but a thousand miles away from the actual Saint who wrote with great insight and from the heart about the nature of love and forgiveness.

Is it really so unlikely that the transformation of Yehoshua to Jesus to Christ was anything but the advent of the familiar slavemaster caste system, practiced by and approved of by the Roman Patriarchs?

The system certainly left the Jew-boy at the bottom of the heap of the social caste system, and all but forgotten as he was substituted for by the Roman Jesus and Babylonian Christ, both.

We have proof that Constantine didn't actually convert to Christianity. His Triumphal Arch constructed years after his purported conversion features Dacian priests wearing their traditional hats and costumes. His correspondence shows that he was still actively promoting an Imperial Roman Ancestor Cult years afterward, too.

Was Constantine simply a Big Liar? Did he convert to the Church or did the Church convert to him? A startling 26 Roman Emperors came from Romania which also gave its name to Rome. Why aren't we taught this fact in school? Why do we know virtually nothing about the Dacian religion and priesthood?

Most importantly, did it involve child sacrifice?


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:


God's Vision for How the Church Functions by Nate Krupp

Nate Krupp was one of our original CLU instructors with a number of courses. These are three truths that are foundational to all of Nate’s writings and ministry.

The Great Commission

Jesus gave His followers a command - to GO and share the Good News with every person in every nation ( Mt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47-48, John 20:21, and Acts 1:8).

That command is to us today. We are to go to the lost and communicate the Good News to them in their setting.

I believe that much of the Church has the Great Commission backwards! Instead of going to the lost we devise dozens of programs to get the lost to come to us, the church building, to hear the Good News.

As believers, we need to GO to the lost, in their setting, and share the Good News with them there.

A Functioning Body

Paul’s most extensive writing on how the church is to function is 1 Corinthians, Chapters 12-14. In Chapter 12 he says that we all are important, all have gifts, all have ministry, and all are to function. Chapter 13 says it is all to be in an atmosphere of love. Chapter 14:26 - “What is the outcome then, brothers and sisters? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. All things are to be done for edification.” So the church is to be a functioning body, with each one participating.

The early church met in homes and everyone participated - it was a functioning body.

Then Constantine started building church buildings. And with this the clergy/laity division developed and the speaker/audience format developed. The church became an audience instead of a functioning body. And that is mostly what we have today.

May we get back to the Church being a functioning body!

Equipping the Saints

Ephesians 4:11-16 tells us that the purpose of spiritual leaders is “to equip the saints for ministry.” And once all the believers are equipped and sharing their gifting, the church will come to maturity.

So the emphasis is not to be on the leaders ministry, except as it is equipping the believers for their ministry.

To further this understanding I recommend the book “Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness” by Jerry Cook.

Explore Books by Nate Krupp

“The police are covering up, in my opinion, what I would consider a homicide.” — Andy Kotsanis


In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Andy Kotsanis shared the story of the treatment his father, Dr. Constantine “Gus” Kotsanis, received at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center in Texas in 2021 after being diagnosed with COVID-19 — treatment he alleges is responsible for his father’s death. Constantine helped establish the very hospital in which he died.


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



The Dead Baby Scam -- Update One
By Anna Von Reitz

Stories of dead brothers and sisters are pouring in from across America, and through all these stories runs one totally amazing, gobsmacker, unbelievable thread.

All these families were simply told about the "stillborn fraternal twin" --- none of them, not one, reports that they ever actually saw the baby.

No Mother or Father actually held their dead baby in their arms and no siblings gazed on the tiny face.

Priests, nuns, doctors, nurses, or hospital staffers simply told them about this tragic outcome, they believed, they paid the extra expenses, some held funerals with little caskets, but the caskets were all sealed. Every single one.

Nobody out of thousands of families ever actually saw the dead baby. Apparently, this whole practice peaked in the 1930's and tapered off gradually. The most recent cases we've found are in the very early 1970's.

So I am hearing from the Grandsons and Granddaughters, Siblings who are now middle-aged to elderly, and a few Mothers and Fathers who are still grieving, still concerned, still left wondering.

The emotional anguish is still in their words and voices. They suffered a terrible loss, yet when they look back they can't even prove that it happened.

Many people know where their lost babies were purportedly buried, at least in terms of a marker or a cemetery plot. But in all cases of traditional burial, the little casket was sealed. Again, nobody ever actually saw the baby.

Same thing with cremations. The casket was sealed. Nobody saw the baby.

In a few cases where there have been small communities and intergenerational funeral home businesses, family members have been able to go back to the morticians who handled the burial and inquire about their records related to the baby's funeral, only to find that the records have disappeared from the otherwise complete record of everyone who has been buried in the last seventy years.

Same thing at the hospitals. There's no record of a baby being born and no record of a baby dying. None at all.

Come to that, if you go to the hospital and inquire about the live baby and records of the live birth, they don't have those, either.

It's as if these families had a nightmare or a group hallucination. There's no evidence of these lost babies at all, except in a few cases, we've found a Death Certificate from the Coroner's Office, and sometimes blurbs in the local newspapers, "A son, Gregory Matthew, stillborn....".

In all cases, when we track it down, and can track it down, the newspaper announcement was either paid for by the family as a memorial or included in the "Births and Deaths" page along with all the other funerals.

But a funeral, as we've seen, doesn't prove the existence of a dead baby, and uniformly, when we get a chance to interview Mothers, they do not remember a second baby as part of the labor.

As anyone who has actually had twins can verify, you normally feel both and they are two separate labors and events, very definite and palpable.

That isn't what happened with all these missing stillborn babies. The Mothers experienced no separate labor--- weren't even aware that they had a second baby, but then, they didn't see the placenta, either.

They had to be told about the stillborn fraternal twin afterward.

"Everything happened so fast...." is what we hear again and again and again.

So, what's going on here?

Was there a baby at all, or was this just a cruel con to scam some extra bucks worth of death services, burial and funeral costs?

It was certainly a money laundering and taxation-based peonage racket targeting the survivor. The "death" was used as a premise to create an intestate joint infant decedent estate "administered" by the Bar Association Members -- we know that. For sure.

We know that the Roman Catholic Church and the British Monarch split the take 60/40 on Protestants and the Church got 100% on Catholics. For sure.

But nobody ever saw the baby and nobody ever saw any emergency baptism or Last Rites being performed, and those two facts taken together make up the most startling and macabre thread of evidence I've ever seen.

How could all these stillbirths occur and all these charges for hospital services and religious services be added on the bill -- when nobody saw the baby and nobody from the family was ever present when the services were performed?

The whole prospect that something like this could happen, is mammothly improbable, even implausible -- but there it is. Nobody saw the baby. Nobody saw the emergency baptism. Nobody saw the Last Rites.

One other thing that runs absolutely true in the recounts from the Mothers is that yes, they were pumped for money----and many Mothers report that they were somehow made to feel guilty, as if they hadn't done their best by the child, or that they were being punished for lust, or didn't eat right, or didn't pray enough.

It all leaves us unable to prove, except by possible forensic evidence obtained by exhumation, that a baby ever existed.

An underground facility in the vicinity of an old "home" for unwed mothers in Ireland was excavated in 2017 and found to contain the corpses of 800 babies and young children:

The Catholic-run home ran from 1925 to 1961.

Many questions remain. Who were all these children? Who were their families? What did they die of? Most were dated to the 1950's? Why was that decade prone to such mammoth losses? Are there hundreds more buried on the property somewhere from the 1920s, 30's and 40's? Why weren't they given a proper Irish burial?

Even the use of charnel houses, which is still a tradition in some areas of Europe, requires burial for a number of years before the bones can be removed to the community charnel house-- if that is what the French nuns were attempting to do in Ireland.

If that was what was going on, there would be a steady accumulation of bones from the earlier decades and many of the 1950s burials would still be in place as burials, awaiting their final exhumation and journey to the charnel house. Instead, most of the skeletons are from the 1950's, the decade immediately before the facility closed.

This incident at least gives some substance to the claim that thousands of stillbirths and deaths actually occurred.

This story and the whole surrounding "stillborn fraternal twin" story that so many families have heard also impetus and credibility to the work undertaken by Kevin Annett addressing similar concerns at Residential Schools in Canada.

To sum up the possibilities:

(1) No actual baby ever existed and what got buried or incinerated was the placenta described as a "human creature" by Pope Boniface VIII, and more recently as a "stillborn fraternal twin"; (2) a stillborn baby was born, but nobody from the family ever saw it or witnessed its baptism or Last Rites in 100% of the cases, and in all cases with burials or cremations reported, the caskets were sealed; (3) --- and this is the really tough one: a healthy baby was born, but was then stolen.


Again, more questions than answers.

(1) Sale of the baby to adoptive parents willing to pay big bucks for one that met their requirements; the colluding hospital staff would simply sit back until they saw a good candidate, snatch the baby, transfer them to the buyer and be done. Even in the 1920s babies sold for five times the yearly wages of a working man, so illegal adoption rings have always been very lucrative.

(2) From what we've learned from Witnesses and house searches and forensic evidence obtained from a wide variety of locations provided by Witnesses, ritual human sacrifice, especially of babies, has always been a big part of the Babylonian Cult and has survived into the present day.

The religion's use of sex as a sacrament meant there was always a great surplus of babies in the days prior to birth control, so they were sacrificed, traditionally by throwing them into a fiery furnace like stovewood.

But where to get babies to sacrifice in the 1950's?

Sadly, similar to the situation with orphanages and residential schools, it would be too easy for the hospital staff to simply lie, tell the parents the baby was stillborn, and sell the child.

There are first hand eye-witness accounts that ten Native children left a Residential School in Canada in the company of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. Those children never returned to school and were never heard from again by their friends and family.

Has the disappearance of ten children become so commonplace that it doesn't deserve investigation, especially when photographs, eye-witness accounts, and school records confirm the facts?

This is just one example, indicating that yes, this ancient evil of child sacrifice appears to be continuing and in the highest levels of government, too.

If those Native children came to any good end, why wouldn't Buckingham Palace be trumpeting the news and proving that they were treated kindly and went on to live good lives?

The noisome Brits recorded what the Queen ate for breakfast every day of her life. So how could they not "note down" ten children added to the royal entourage?

We are left with the repugnant assumption that the former Queen and her Consort went to a Catholic Residential School in Canada and picked out ten Native children the same way that we might go down to the dock and choose ten lobsters.

These dark issues remain unaddressed by the governments and those responsible to society to provide answers. And whether they like it or not, and no matter how far-fetched it seems, a pattern is emerging.

The Perps in a combined illegal adoption and Cult Supplier ring would have been a mixture of Cult Members who knew the truth, and greedy collaborators who thought the babies were going into adoptive homes.

No doubt there would be an even fatter "honorarium gift" made available to the suppliers of the Cult, so it would be easy to maintain the illusion that adoptive parents were paying the freight and both operations could be going on at the same time.

We have seen many instances where one lucrative illegal activity was paired with one that was much, much worse, so as to draw in collaborators who thought they were engaged in a different scheme.

It would not surprise us to find an illegal adoption ring supplying a child sacrifice cult.

(3) The babies were being shunted into government-sponsored scientific experiments.

This seems far-fetched until you start seeing numerous variations of "cabbage patch postcards" and pictures of certain sideshow exhibits featuring babies in incubators at places like the New Jersey Boardwalk and World Fairs from the 1890's to the 1940s.

Did anyone ever tell you that babies come from cabbage patches? I heard it growing up, as it was running in a competition with the stork story.

The cabbage patch postcards show dozens of babies being grown like row crops, often with a cabbage plant used as their seat and a big cabbage leaf being used like a cap on their heads. There's something incredibly creepy about these black and white and color tinted photographic postcards and the thought does arise that we were being shown early cloning programs.

The same aura surrounds the traveling incubator shows billed as science and industry exhibits. The photos show dozens of old-fashioned incubators and dozens of babies that are being cared for by women who appear to be nurses. Again, where are all these babies coming from? Where are their parents?

What happened to them after the shows closed down?

Were the Perps giving us a "soft disclosure" of cloning or gene splicing or....?

These images are surreal, inexplicable, and weird.
And they record large numbers of unattended babies in odd scientific environments.

Superficially, the babies appear healthy, and there is nothing overtly threatening in these photos, but everyone I show these postcards and photos reacts the same way: something macabre is lurking just out of sight.

We keep coming back to the Office of the Roman Pontiff, its odd triple-tiered crown, the three crossed keys representing enslavement of mind, body, and soul --- supposedly to "Christ", the Anointed One, who may have been anointed as a priest of Baal, if we are to believe the Gospels in the context of their times.

Is there anything in the New Testament suggesting that Yehoshua would condone enslaving anyone for any reason?

Or was the whole Mary-Magdalene-was-a-(possibly temple) prostitute, just another Big Lie embroidered onto the whole cloth by the likes of Saint Jerome? Jerome included books and letters written as homages by Paul of Ephesus as part of the Biblical Canon, as if they had been written by Saint Paul himself. They still haven't been removed.

Thanks to these writings being added to the Bible as the writings of "Paul", we have a distorted image of Saint Paul as a mean-spirited misanthrope fixated on blaming women for the downfall of Mankind, a brow-beating misogynist after Jerome's own heart and serving the purposes of the Roman Patriarchs, but a thousand miles away from the actual Saint who wrote with great insight and from the heart about the nature of love and forgiveness.

Is it really so unlikely that the transformation of Yehoshua to Jesus to Christ was anything but the advent of the familiar slavemaster caste system, practiced by and approved of by the Roman Patriarchs?

The system certainly left the Jew-boy at the bottom of the heap of the social caste system, and all but forgotten as he was substituted for by the Roman Jesus and Babylonian Christ, both.

We have proof that Constantine didn't actually convert to Christianity. His Triumphal Arch constructed years after his purported conversion features Dacian priests wearing their traditional hats and costumes. His correspondence shows that he was still actively promoting an Imperial Roman Ancestor Cult years afterward, too.

Was Constantine simply a Big Liar? Did he convert to the Church or did the Church convert to him? A startling 26 Roman Emperors came from Romania which also gave its name to Rome. Why aren't we taught this fact in school? Why do we know virtually nothing about the Dacian religion and priesthood?

Most importantly, did it involve child sacrifice?


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:


God's Vision for How the Church Functions by Nate Krupp

Nate Krupp was one of our original CLU instructors with a number of courses. These are three truths that are foundational to all of Nate’s writings and ministry.

The Great Commission

Jesus gave His followers a command - to GO and share the Good News with every person in every nation ( Mt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47-48, John 20:21, and Acts 1:8).

That command is to us today. We are to go to the lost and communicate the Good News to them in their setting.

I believe that much of the Church has the Great Commission backwards! Instead of going to the lost we devise dozens of programs to get the lost to come to us, the church building, to hear the Good News.

As believers, we need to GO to the lost, in their setting, and share the Good News with them there.

A Functioning Body

Paul’s most extensive writing on how the church is to function is 1 Corinthians, Chapters 12-14. In Chapter 12 he says that we all are important, all have gifts, all have ministry, and all are to function. Chapter 13 says it is all to be in an atmosphere of love. Chapter 14:26 - “What is the outcome then, brothers and sisters? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. All things are to be done for edification.” So the church is to be a functioning body, with each one participating.

The early church met in homes and everyone participated - it was a functioning body.

Then Constantine started building church buildings. And with this the clergy/laity division developed and the speaker/audience format developed. The church became an audience instead of a functioning body. And that is mostly what we have today.

May we get back to the Church being a functioning body!

Equipping the Saints

Ephesians 4:11-16 tells us that the purpose of spiritual leaders is “to equip the saints for ministry.” And once all the believers are equipped and sharing their gifting, the church will come to maturity.

So the emphasis is not to be on the leaders ministry, except as it is equipping the believers for their ministry.

To further this understanding I recommend the book “Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness” by Jerry Cook.

Explore Books by Nate Krupp

“The police are covering up, in my opinion, what I would consider a homicide.” — Andy Kotsanis


In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Andy Kotsanis shared the story of the treatment his father, Dr. Constantine “Gus” Kotsanis, received at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center in Texas in 2021 after being diagnosed with COVID-19 — treatment he alleges is responsible for his father’s death. Constantine helped establish the very hospital in which he died.


The Truth Shall Set You Free
By Anna Von Reitz

Did you ever wonder about the "Dark Ages"---the biggest media black-out in all of human history?

How about the meaning of the Jolly Roger flag?

King Arthur?

The Knights Templar-- that is, the Fraternal Order of John the Baptist?

Why is our country's capitol known as Philadelphia--- the City of Brotherly Love?

There is a missing key, a crucial understanding, a piece of history that we obviously don't know --- something that has been ruthlessly suppressed since the days of Edward Long Shanks in England (1184 AD) and the burning of Glastonbury, England, that took place during his reign.

That missing key is the ancient proto-Hebraic language of Negeth, the Kolbrin Bible, and the Knights Templar.

Many years ago, by accident though there are no accidents, I discovered the Tamar - El, a small ancient sect of people in the Middle East, also known by other names, and described since Roman times as The Reed People, because during the destruction of Judea by the Romans, they fled into the swamps and lived among the reeds.

These people speak an extremely ancient language known as Negeth among themselves, though they speak street languages when they interact with the modern world.

Negeth is the same language that gave rise to Hebrew and Aramaic. It is the language of the petroglyphs and the "talking stones" of Illinois, Ethiopia, and Peru. It is related to the written language of Easter Island, known as RongKong. It is the language of the Arthurian Legend and the crystalline Heart of the Rose.

We have been unable to place things in their proper context and time frame because all this knowledge was suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church and the Monarchs that owe their monarchies to it.

The role of the Mercenaries, also known as the Templars, in all of this, is simple enough.

At a crucial time in history, while busy developing the first international bank, the Templars discovered the Tamar-El in the Middle East, and, back home in western Europe, they realized that they had the supporting documents affirming what the Tamar-El told them, documents which, taken together, form the Kolbrin Bible.

The Kolbrin Bible is written in Negeth.

This knowledge opens up a door into an infinite past, a scope of history going back millions of years, and it totally destroys the neat little domain created by the Roman Catholic Church, limiting human history to at most, 6,000 years.

It also completely changes our view of John, the Baptist, who the Tamar-El reverence as the Savior of this world and the actual Founder of what we would all still recognize as the Christian Faith.

The Tamar-El regard Yeshuah as the bridge between this world and the next, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, because we can only make the next evolutionary step by following him and his teachings, but John was the one who called us to repent and showed us the cleansing power of blessed water, that is, Holy Water, which retains memory like a liquid crystal chip.

How I got lost and fell asleep in the shade of an olive tree beside an ancient well in the Middle East, how I awakened to find a snake at my feet, how a shepherd girl, one of the Tamar-El found me, how all this knowledge and more came to me, is another story.

For now, let this knowledge come to you and don't be afraid.

The Kolbrin Bible was the basis of the Mystery Schools of the Druids, Gnostics, and Albigensians; it offered a history of the world and a religious curriculum which the Emperor Constantine no doubt studied as a lad growing up in Britain.

The Knights Templar adopted the insight provided by the ancient wisdom teachings of the Tamar-El, and the historical writings and records in the Templar's possession, the Kolbrin Bible, that corroborated what the Tamar-El told them.

At first, the Church leaders couldn't care less if the Templars accorded John the Baptist a more important place in religious history, even to the point of placing an image of John's severed skull and two crossed bones on their black flag.

Things might have gone on swimmingly and this knowledge might have been passed down smoothly without the horrors of suppression by the Inquisition, except for one thing: the bank.

Over time, the Kings and the Popes amassed a very large debt to the Templars and paying them back became burdensome.

Finally, King Philip the Fair of France and Pope Clement V, who lived in France, had had enough of it, and decided that if they destroyed the Templar Order, by accusing them of heresy for their veneration of John, the Baptist --- they could also destroy their own debts.

Nothing much has changed. Similar characters destroyed the records of their debts by taking down the World Trade Center and attacking the Naval Fiscal Officers at the Pentagon who were investigating the long history of the corporate government's malfeasance and debt.

No amount of suppression, lies, burning of books, and destruction of records can help them now. Their debts are submitted before the throne of the Living God. Their iniquities and cruelties are all known.

And for you? For you, it's time to step forward into a completely new understanding, time to accept the glory of your inheritance, and the great kindness of our Creator.

Listen to this interview with Glenn Kimball as an introduction:

Once again, we are facing a time when the Kings and Ministers try to shuffle off their debts onto the backs of the common people. Once again, they are attempting to use religion, what some have called "the New Paganism", as a smokescreen and excuse for their actions.

It isn't going to work.


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:

(Constantine quote , 'it's done') - Huh, U CAN'T B reasoned with Behavioral Analysis profiled, exhibited past-2 date ALL connected adult USA-global whole, SELF via FAILED tested Adam-Eve diseased, FAILED idea, NECLEUS species-humanity, STILL U DON'T 'GET' it, God created us ALL in LESS than a day, non human innocent Earth in 5 days & B4 THAT, Hell-Lake of Fire with-by a mere momentary instant thought SO like Jesus said: "U-WE know NOT what we've done" & God: "There's NOT 1 right amongst us ALL" sadly -

Any wishes for more movie quotes?