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What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - & U must believe Jesus died 4 YO sins: Romans 5:8. 2 all who receive & believe in Jesus, receives the right 2 B-come a child of God: John 1:12. Romans 10:9: if U declare with YO mouth Jesus is Lord & believe in U God raised HIM from the dead, U will B saved & John 3:36 = those who believe in Jesus have 4ever life & those who refuse 2, DON'T have it = instead the wrath-anger of God remains on them individually!

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - 2ndly U must believe (via Hebrews 11:1 = what faith is) & further more that we ALL individually deserve eternal Hell: Romans 5:12. 3rdly U must repent (feel or express sincere regret or remorse about YO wrongdoing or sin); as God has-takes NO pleasure in the death of the bad-wicked, misc BUT hope that they'd SELF choose with their given Free Will 2 turn away from ALL that is opposite of solely God's desire as the saying goes, 'Father knows best': Ezekiel 33:11.

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - for the wage's (act's, deed's, work) of Sin (evil-unholy-immoral-indecent, misc) & doing WHATEVER U feel, misc WHEN IN LIFE is eternal death in Hell: Romans 6:23. The wicked shall be turned into Hell, And all the nations that forget God: Psalm 9:17. If U wish 2 WHEN IN LIFE B4 YO Coming death 2 escape Hell then 1st R thing's U must do thereof ie: (above) via SELF admit-confess U R a sinner & have fallen short of the glory of Jesus-Holy Trinity (& yes cuz we ALL were born from Adam & Eve), & hence further from this dying non human innocent Earth (itself): Romans 3:23.



On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez looks at the state of crime and filth in the American city, particularly the once-grand San Francisco. Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss how the home of the Golden Gate Bridge has devolved into a cesspit of disease, homeless people, and crime to the point where stores are closing down and people are fleeing; a Congressman was even robbed. Then Rick and Manila discuss how US Christian fundamentalists are working to the detriment of some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, in Palestine, and throughout the rest of the Middle East through their support for Israel. Then Craig Jardula joins Rick to talk about all of this and more. Don’t miss it.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses recent comments by US President Joe Biden that India, Japan, and other nations are quote “xenophobic.” Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss what geopolitical and economic repercussions could result from the president’s most recent comments. Rick and Manila also discuss US senators threatening the International Criminal Court if any nation attempts to prosecute Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes. The two also discuss Russia’s upcoming Victory Day Parade and strange reactions in Germany, Christian persecution in Gaza, and the odd return of a former US Congressman. Then Rick is joined by Asia-Pacific expert Sourabh Gupta to discuss US-India relations.


Join host Manila Chan as she discusses the Christmas Massacre in Nigeria and the plight of Christians in central Nigeria with author and human rights activist Jason Jones, providing valuable insight into the challenges faced by Christians in areas affected by terrorist groups like Boko Haram.


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On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez looks at the state of crime and filth in the American city, particularly the once-grand San Francisco. Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss how the home of the Golden Gate Bridge has devolved into a cesspit of disease, homeless people, and crime to the point where stores are closing down and people are fleeing; a Congressman was even robbed. Then Rick and Manila discuss how US Christian fundamentalists are working to the detriment of some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, in Palestine, and throughout the rest of the Middle East through their support for Israel. Then Craig Jardula joins Rick to talk about all of this and more. Don’t miss it.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses recent comments by US President Joe Biden that India, Japan, and other nations are quote “xenophobic.” Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss what geopolitical and economic repercussions could result from the president’s most recent comments. Rick and Manila also discuss US senators threatening the International Criminal Court if any nation attempts to prosecute Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes. The two also discuss Russia’s upcoming Victory Day Parade and strange reactions in Germany, Christian persecution in Gaza, and the odd return of a former US Congressman. Then Rick is joined by Asia-Pacific expert Sourabh Gupta to discuss US-India relations.


Join host Manila Chan as she discusses the Christmas Massacre in Nigeria and the plight of Christians in central Nigeria with author and human rights activist Jason Jones, providing valuable insight into the challenges faced by Christians in areas affected by terrorist groups like Boko Haram.


With high-profile attacks on Catholic churches and organizations on the rise over the past two years, advocates have grown frustrated with what they say is a lack of consequences for people who target Catholics relative to the consequences for people who target other religions or minority groups. On this episode of 360 view, Scottie Nell Hughes speaks with Jason Jones, Human Rights Activist and Filmmaker, about what is leading to the increase of attacks? Why are organizations like the FBI hiding the increased attacks? And Who is benefiting from the lack of punishment to those perpetrating the attacks?


"You want to bring your holy war to our peaceful, prosperous nation.. our Christian nation.. than just get the hell out." ✝️??

I remember a time when being passionately anti-war was not only acceptable, but noble.




What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - & U must believe Jesus died 4 YO sins: Romans 5:8. 2 all who receive & believe in Jesus, receives the right 2 B-come a child of God: John 1:12. Romans 10:9: if U declare with YO mouth Jesus is Lord & believe in U God raised HIM from the dead, U will B saved & John 3:36 = those who believe in Jesus have 4ever life & those who refuse 2, DON'T have it = instead the wrath-anger of God remains on them individually!

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - 2ndly U must believe (via Hebrews 11:1 = what faith is) & further more that we ALL individually deserve eternal Hell: Romans 5:12. 3rdly U must repent (feel or express sincere regret or remorse about YO wrongdoing or sin); as God has-takes NO pleasure in the death of the bad-wicked, misc BUT hope that they'd SELF choose with their given Free Will 2 turn away from ALL that is opposite of solely God's desire as the saying goes, 'Father knows best': Ezekiel 33:11.

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - for the wage's (act's, deed's, work) of Sin (evil-unholy-immoral-indecent, misc) & doing WHATEVER U feel, misc WHEN IN LIFE is eternal death in Hell: Romans 6:23. The wicked shall be turned into Hell, And all the nations that forget God: Psalm 9:17. If U wish 2 WHEN IN LIFE B4 YO Coming death 2 escape Hell then 1st R thing's U must do thereof ie: (above) via SELF admit-confess U R a sinner & have fallen short of the glory of Jesus-Holy Trinity (& yes cuz we ALL were born from Adam & Eve), & hence further from this dying non human innocent Earth (itself): Romans 3:23.

& PLEASE I ask ALL humbly-kindly-sincerely YAW fellow 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself 2 show LOVE-support efforts of my-ALL OUR fellow Christian straight-hetrosexual, beta female human witty-awesome-super rock star 4 Jesus-sassy-spunky-intelligent-sophisticated-cute-gorgeous-beautiful-pretty eyes Sis-Sister Alison Steinberg News media advocate (& YEAH, I KNOW she's married smile silly), email:

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - a place where people are tormented with fire & brimstone: Book of Revelations 14:10 & a place where people DON'T want their loved 1's to go: Luke 16:28. & whoever 1's name is NOT found in the Lamb's Book of Life by Jesus, is-will B cast away from HIM & out in2 the Lake of Fire 4EVER: Book of Revelations 20:15. If U-1 choose 2 go 2 Hell, then WHEN IN LIFE do nothing but WHATEVER U feel, misc, hence ignore so great a salvation & free gift of eternal life with Jesus in Heaven: Hebrews 2:3.