Mastercard Intends to Replace Credit Cards With Biometrics by 2030 as Visa Certifies Biometric Cards
Mastercard Intends to Replace Credit Cards With Biometrics by 2030 as Visa Certifies Biometric Cards
40 (0.81-2.43), 2.42 (1.49-3.92), and 4.27 (2.14-8.52), respectively, with reference to low-radon non-smokers. Both residential radon and cigarette smoking were associated with increased odds for lung cancer, and the difference in ORs according to radon exposure was much greater in smokers than in non-smokers.Thermal power plants are an important asset in the current energy infrastructure, delivering ancillary services, power, and heat to their respective consumers. Faults on critical components, such as large pumping systems, can lead to material damage and opportunity losses. Pumps plays an essential role in various industries and as such clever maintenance can ensure cost reductions and high availability. Prognostics and Health Management, PHM, is the study utilizing data to estimate the current and future conditions of a system. Within the field of PHM, Predictive Maintenance, PdM, has been gaining increased attention. Data-driven models can be built to estimate the remaining-useful-lifetime of complex systems that would be difficult to identify by man. With the increased attention that the Predictive Maintenance field is receiving, review papers become increasingly important to understand what research has been conducted and what challenges need to be addressed. This paper does so by initially conceptualising the PdM field. A structured overview of literature in regard to application within PdM is presented, before delving into the domain of thermal power plants and pump systems. Finally, related challenges and trends will be outlined. This paper finds that a large number of experimental data-driven models have been successfully deployed, but the PdM field would benefit from more industrial case studies. Furthermore, investigations into the scale-ability of models would benefit industries that are looking into large-scale implementations. Here, examining a method for automatic maintenance of the developed model will be of interest. This paper can be used to understand the PdM field as a broad concept but does also provide a niche understanding of the domain in focus.Wearable sensor-based systems and devices have been expanded in different application domains, especially in the healthcare arena. Automatic age and gender estimation has several important applications. Gait has been demonstrated as a profound motion cue for various applications. A gait-based age and gender estimation challenge was launched in the 12th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 2019. In this competition, 18 teams initially registered from 14 countries. The goal of this challenge was to find some smart approaches to deal with age and gender estimation from sensor-based gait data. For this purpose, we employed a large wearable sensor-based gait dataset, which has 745 subjects (357 females and 388 males), from 2 to 78 years old in the training dataset; and 58 subjects (19 females and 39 males) in the test dataset. It has several walking patterns. The gait data sequences were collected from three IMUZ sensors, which were placed on waist-belt or at the top of a backpack. There were 67 solutions from ten teams-for age and gender estimation. This paper extensively analyzes the methods and achieved-results from various approaches. Based on analysis, we found that deep learning-based solutions lead the competitions compared with conventional handcrafted methods. We found that the best result achieved 24.23% prediction error for gender estimation, and 5.39 mean absolute error for age estimation by employing angle embedded gait dynamic image and temporal convolution network.Fine aerosols with a diameter of less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) have a significant negative impact on human health. However, their measurement devices or instruments are usually expensive and complicated operations are required, so a simple and effective way for measuring the PM2.5 concentration is needed. To relieve this problem, this paper attempts to provide an easy alternative approach to PM2.5 concentration estimation. The proposed approach is based on image processing schemes and a simple linear regression model. It uses images with a high and low PM2.5 concentration to obtain the difference between these images. The difference is applied to find the region with the greatest impact. The approach is described in two stages. First, a series of image processing schemes are employed to automatically select the region of interest (RoI) for PM2.5 concentration estimation. Through the selected RoI, a single feature is obtained. Second, by employing the single feature, a simple linear regression model is used and applied to PM2.5 concentration estimation. The proposed approach is verified by the real-world open data released by Taiwan's government. The proposed scheme is not expected to replace component analysis using physical or chemical techniques. We have tried to provide a cheaper and easier way to conduct PM2.5 estimation with an acceptable performance more efficiently. To achieve this, further work will be conducted and is summarized at the end of this paper.Researchers have ample reasons to take their experimental studies out of the lab and into the online wilderness. For some, it is out of necessity, due to an unforeseen laboratory closure or difficulties in recruiting on-site participants. Others want to benefit from the large and diverse online population. However, the transition from in-lab to online data acquisition is not trivial and might seem overwhelming at first. To facilitate this transition, we present an overview of actively maintained solutions for the critical components of successful online data acquisition creating, hosting and recruiting. Our aim is to provide a brief introductory resource and discuss important considerations for researchers who are taking their first steps towards online experimentation.Ononis spinosa L. is a plant traditionally used as folk remedy. There are numerous studies regarding chemical constituents and health beneficial properties of Ononidis Radix. The following study was designed to investigate chemical composition and antifungal potential of the methanolic extract obtained from the O. spinosa L. herb. Chemical analyses regarding phenolic compounds of O. spinosa were performed by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LC-DAD-ESI/MSn). Antifungal activity, antibiofilm properties and antifungal mode of action of the extract were evaluated, as well as cytotoxicity. Chemical analyses revealed the presence of flavonoids, isoflavonoids and phenolic acids in O. spinosa, with kaempherol-O-hexoside-pentoside being the most abundant compound (5.1 mg/g extract). Methanolic extract was active against all of the tested microfungi with Penicillium aurantiogriseum being the most sensitive to the extract inhibitory effect at 0.02 mg/mL; and effectively inhibited biofilms formed by Candida strains.
4 %), and in patients tested 14 days or more after the onset of symptoms, the sensitivity was 88.0 %. Regarding the 61 group-3 patients, median time after symptom onset was also 17 days, and the test was positive in 54 (88.5 % positivity). Conclusions Our study shows that Alltest lateral flow immunoassay is reliable as a complement of PCR to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infection after 14 days from the onset of symptoms and in patients with pneumonia and negative PCR for SARS-CoV-2.Background The COVID-19 Ag (Antigen) Respi-Strip assay is a new immunochromatographic diagnostic tool recently available for antigenic diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. The proposed sensitivity is not higher than 60 %, but its high specificity allows both quick decisions for the management of patients and confirmation by molecular diagnosis for only negative tests. However, from the first tests performed, we suspected that the sensitivity observed with routine use was much lower than that announced by the manufacturer. Materials and methods Over a period of one month, we compared the negative results obtained with the COVID-19 Ag Respi-Strip kit with those obtained from qRT-PCR performed in a laboratory qualified for the molecular diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. All samples tested were naso-pharyngeal smears from UTM-RT medium. Results Of 774 patients tested, 714 negative samples were sent for confirmation, and 159 were found to be positive by qRT-PCR. The median positive percentage agreement was 23.9 % (95 % CI 14.2 %-38.2 %). The Cohen's kappa score was 0.35. Conclusion Using this immunochromatographic assay as a triage test did not significantly reduce the number of samples outsourced for COVID-19 confirmation by qRT-PCR. In addition, even if the turn-around time is short, the assay is completely manual, which is not suitable for large volumes of routine samples. The sensitivity of this rapid test is poor, and improvements are needed to enhance its performance.Background The Foot Posture Index (FPI) was originally validated only against two dimensional radiographic imaging at the time of its inception since weight bearing three dimensional (3D) imaging did not exist. This technology is now widely available but it is not known if the FPI will continue to correlate well against it. Research question How does the clinical assessment tool of FPI correlate against 3D biometrics of foot alignment assessed on weight bearing computerised tomography (WBCT)? Methods The FPI and 3D biometrics of 66 feet in 33 patients presenting to a single foot and ankle unit were assessed by two observers independently. All measurements were assessed for intra-rater and inter-rater reliability, and the association between the clinically assessed FPI and radiologically assessed 3D biometrics was identified. Results The FPI demonstrated excellent intra-rater and good inter-rater reliability. All 3D biometric measures demonstrated excellent intra-rater and inter-rater reliability. A strong and significant correlation was identified between the FPI and 3D biometrics overall although subgroup analysis revealed the strength of association dropped when the hindfoot had a valgus alignment. Significance This study confirmed that the FPI is a valid tool for assessing foot position. However, correlation between the FPI and 3D biometrics fell in the valgus aligned hindfoot so caution must be used when the FPI is used for assessment in this population.Background Hallux valgus (HV) contributes to deficits in static balance and increased fall risk in older adults. Very limited research has examined dynamic balance deficits in walking in this population. These individuals generally walk slowly, as balance challenge is lesser at slow speeds. Research question How does the dynamic balance of older adults with HV differ from healthy controls at controlled slow and fast walking speeds? Methods Nineteen older adults with HV and 13 healthy controls completed 5 continuous walking trials at 1.0 and 1.3 m·s-1 as whole body marker position and ground reaction force data were captured. Dynamic balance was evaluated using whole body center of mass (COM) and center of pressure (COP) inclination angles (IA) and duration of double support. Results There were no differences in measures of dynamic balance between older adults with and without HV at slow and fast speeds. At the faster speed, the peak sagittal plane COM-COP IA increased and the double support duration decreased, while the peak frontal plane COM-COP IA were not affected. Significance Older adults with HV do not exhibit deficits in dynamic balance during continuous walking at comfortable speeds when compared to healthy older adults.Background Manual annotation of initial contact (IC) and end contact (EC) is a time consuming process. There are currently no robust techniques available to automate this process for Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with freezing of gait (FOG). Objective To determine the validity of a data-driven approach for automated gait event detection. Methods 15 freezers were asked to complete several straight-line and 360 degree turning trials in a 3D gait laboratory during the off-period of their medication cycle. Trials that contained a freezing episode were indicated as freezing trials (FOG) and trials without a freezing episode were termed as functional gait (FG). Furthermore, the highly varied gait data between onset and termination of a FOG episode was excluded. A Temporal Convolutional Neural network (TCN) was trained end-to-end with lower extremity kinematics. A Bland-Altman analysis was performed to evaluate the agreement between the results of the proposed model and the manual annotations. Results For FOG-trials, F1 scores of 0.995 and 0.992 were obtained for IC and EC, respectively. For FG-trials, F1 scores of 0.997 and 0.999 were obtained for IC and EC, respectively. The Bland-Altman plots indicated excellent timing agreement, with on average 39% and 47% of the model predictions occurring within 10 ms from the manual annotations for FOG-trials and FG-trials, respectively. Significance These results indicate that our data-driven approach for detecting gait events in PD patients with FOG is sufficiently accurate and reliable for clinical applications.
Joining me once again today is TLAV writer and researcher, and founder/editor of Unlimited Hangout, Whitney Webb, here to discuss the biometric surveillance network being built around democrat and republican alike, while they all squabble about manufactured distractions and situations designed to manufacture bipartisan consent. She explains how this is connected to the push for global governance, the digital ID, and even Israel and their infamous unit 8200.
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"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”
Joining me once again today is TLAV writer and researcher, and founder/editor of Unlimited Hangout, Whitney Webb, here to discuss the biometric surveillance network being built around democrat and republican alike, while they all squabble about manufactured distractions and situations designed to manufacture bipartisan consent. She explains how this is connected to the push for global governance, the digital ID, and even Israel and their infamous unit 8200.
All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:
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Ryan Cristian
1113 Murfreesboro Rd. Ste 106-146
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"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.
All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:
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"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”
Mastercard Intends to Replace Credit Cards With Biometrics by 2030 as Visa Certifies Biometric Cards
40 (0.81-2.43), 2.42 (1.49-3.92), and 4.27 (2.14-8.52), respectively, with reference to low-radon non-smokers. Both residential radon and cigarette smoking were associated with increased odds for lung cancer, and the difference in ORs according to radon exposure was much greater in smokers than in non-smokers.Thermal power plants are an important asset in the current energy infrastructure, delivering ancillary services, power, and heat to their respective consumers. Faults on critical components, such as large pumping systems, can lead to material damage and opportunity losses. Pumps plays an essential role in various industries and as such clever maintenance can ensure cost reductions and high availability. Prognostics and Health Management, PHM, is the study utilizing data to estimate the current and future conditions of a system. Within the field of PHM, Predictive Maintenance, PdM, has been gaining increased attention. Data-driven models can be built to estimate the remaining-useful-lifetime of complex systems that would be difficult to identify by man. With the increased attention that the Predictive Maintenance field is receiving, review papers become increasingly important to understand what research has been conducted and what challenges need to be addressed. This paper does so by initially conceptualising the PdM field. A structured overview of literature in regard to application within PdM is presented, before delving into the domain of thermal power plants and pump systems. Finally, related challenges and trends will be outlined. This paper finds that a large number of experimental data-driven models have been successfully deployed, but the PdM field would benefit from more industrial case studies. Furthermore, investigations into the scale-ability of models would benefit industries that are looking into large-scale implementations. Here, examining a method for automatic maintenance of the developed model will be of interest. This paper can be used to understand the PdM field as a broad concept but does also provide a niche understanding of the domain in focus.Wearable sensor-based systems and devices have been expanded in different application domains, especially in the healthcare arena. Automatic age and gender estimation has several important applications. Gait has been demonstrated as a profound motion cue for various applications. A gait-based age and gender estimation challenge was launched in the 12th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 2019. In this competition, 18 teams initially registered from 14 countries. The goal of this challenge was to find some smart approaches to deal with age and gender estimation from sensor-based gait data. For this purpose, we employed a large wearable sensor-based gait dataset, which has 745 subjects (357 females and 388 males), from 2 to 78 years old in the training dataset; and 58 subjects (19 females and 39 males) in the test dataset. It has several walking patterns. The gait data sequences were collected from three IMUZ sensors, which were placed on waist-belt or at the top of a backpack. There were 67 solutions from ten teams-for age and gender estimation. This paper extensively analyzes the methods and achieved-results from various approaches. Based on analysis, we found that deep learning-based solutions lead the competitions compared with conventional handcrafted methods. We found that the best result achieved 24.23% prediction error for gender estimation, and 5.39 mean absolute error for age estimation by employing angle embedded gait dynamic image and temporal convolution network.Fine aerosols with a diameter of less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) have a significant negative impact on human health. However, their measurement devices or instruments are usually expensive and complicated operations are required, so a simple and effective way for measuring the PM2.5 concentration is needed. To relieve this problem, this paper attempts to provide an easy alternative approach to PM2.5 concentration estimation. The proposed approach is based on image processing schemes and a simple linear regression model. It uses images with a high and low PM2.5 concentration to obtain the difference between these images. The difference is applied to find the region with the greatest impact. The approach is described in two stages. First, a series of image processing schemes are employed to automatically select the region of interest (RoI) for PM2.5 concentration estimation. Through the selected RoI, a single feature is obtained. Second, by employing the single feature, a simple linear regression model is used and applied to PM2.5 concentration estimation. The proposed approach is verified by the real-world open data released by Taiwan's government. The proposed scheme is not expected to replace component analysis using physical or chemical techniques. We have tried to provide a cheaper and easier way to conduct PM2.5 estimation with an acceptable performance more efficiently. To achieve this, further work will be conducted and is summarized at the end of this paper.Researchers have ample reasons to take their experimental studies out of the lab and into the online wilderness. For some, it is out of necessity, due to an unforeseen laboratory closure or difficulties in recruiting on-site participants. Others want to benefit from the large and diverse online population. However, the transition from in-lab to online data acquisition is not trivial and might seem overwhelming at first. To facilitate this transition, we present an overview of actively maintained solutions for the critical components of successful online data acquisition creating, hosting and recruiting. Our aim is to provide a brief introductory resource and discuss important considerations for researchers who are taking their first steps towards online experimentation.Ononis spinosa L. is a plant traditionally used as folk remedy. There are numerous studies regarding chemical constituents and health beneficial properties of Ononidis Radix. The following study was designed to investigate chemical composition and antifungal potential of the methanolic extract obtained from the O. spinosa L. herb. Chemical analyses regarding phenolic compounds of O. spinosa were performed by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LC-DAD-ESI/MSn). Antifungal activity, antibiofilm properties and antifungal mode of action of the extract were evaluated, as well as cytotoxicity. Chemical analyses revealed the presence of flavonoids, isoflavonoids and phenolic acids in O. spinosa, with kaempherol-O-hexoside-pentoside being the most abundant compound (5.1 mg/g extract). Methanolic extract was active against all of the tested microfungi with Penicillium aurantiogriseum being the most sensitive to the extract inhibitory effect at 0.02 mg/mL; and effectively inhibited biofilms formed by Candida strains.
4 %), and in patients tested 14 days or more after the onset of symptoms, the sensitivity was 88.0 %. Regarding the 61 group-3 patients, median time after symptom onset was also 17 days, and the test was positive in 54 (88.5 % positivity). Conclusions Our study shows that Alltest lateral flow immunoassay is reliable as a complement of PCR to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infection after 14 days from the onset of symptoms and in patients with pneumonia and negative PCR for SARS-CoV-2.Background The COVID-19 Ag (Antigen) Respi-Strip assay is a new immunochromatographic diagnostic tool recently available for antigenic diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. The proposed sensitivity is not higher than 60 %, but its high specificity allows both quick decisions for the management of patients and confirmation by molecular diagnosis for only negative tests. However, from the first tests performed, we suspected that the sensitivity observed with routine use was much lower than that announced by the manufacturer. Materials and methods Over a period of one month, we compared the negative results obtained with the COVID-19 Ag Respi-Strip kit with those obtained from qRT-PCR performed in a laboratory qualified for the molecular diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. All samples tested were naso-pharyngeal smears from UTM-RT medium. Results Of 774 patients tested, 714 negative samples were sent for confirmation, and 159 were found to be positive by qRT-PCR. The median positive percentage agreement was 23.9 % (95 % CI 14.2 %-38.2 %). The Cohen's kappa score was 0.35. Conclusion Using this immunochromatographic assay as a triage test did not significantly reduce the number of samples outsourced for COVID-19 confirmation by qRT-PCR. In addition, even if the turn-around time is short, the assay is completely manual, which is not suitable for large volumes of routine samples. The sensitivity of this rapid test is poor, and improvements are needed to enhance its performance.Background The Foot Posture Index (FPI) was originally validated only against two dimensional radiographic imaging at the time of its inception since weight bearing three dimensional (3D) imaging did not exist. This technology is now widely available but it is not known if the FPI will continue to correlate well against it. Research question How does the clinical assessment tool of FPI correlate against 3D biometrics of foot alignment assessed on weight bearing computerised tomography (WBCT)? Methods The FPI and 3D biometrics of 66 feet in 33 patients presenting to a single foot and ankle unit were assessed by two observers independently. All measurements were assessed for intra-rater and inter-rater reliability, and the association between the clinically assessed FPI and radiologically assessed 3D biometrics was identified. Results The FPI demonstrated excellent intra-rater and good inter-rater reliability. All 3D biometric measures demonstrated excellent intra-rater and inter-rater reliability. A strong and significant correlation was identified between the FPI and 3D biometrics overall although subgroup analysis revealed the strength of association dropped when the hindfoot had a valgus alignment. Significance This study confirmed that the FPI is a valid tool for assessing foot position. However, correlation between the FPI and 3D biometrics fell in the valgus aligned hindfoot so caution must be used when the FPI is used for assessment in this population.Background Hallux valgus (HV) contributes to deficits in static balance and increased fall risk in older adults. Very limited research has examined dynamic balance deficits in walking in this population. These individuals generally walk slowly, as balance challenge is lesser at slow speeds. Research question How does the dynamic balance of older adults with HV differ from healthy controls at controlled slow and fast walking speeds? Methods Nineteen older adults with HV and 13 healthy controls completed 5 continuous walking trials at 1.0 and 1.3 m·s-1 as whole body marker position and ground reaction force data were captured. Dynamic balance was evaluated using whole body center of mass (COM) and center of pressure (COP) inclination angles (IA) and duration of double support. Results There were no differences in measures of dynamic balance between older adults with and without HV at slow and fast speeds. At the faster speed, the peak sagittal plane COM-COP IA increased and the double support duration decreased, while the peak frontal plane COM-COP IA were not affected. Significance Older adults with HV do not exhibit deficits in dynamic balance during continuous walking at comfortable speeds when compared to healthy older adults.Background Manual annotation of initial contact (IC) and end contact (EC) is a time consuming process. There are currently no robust techniques available to automate this process for Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with freezing of gait (FOG). Objective To determine the validity of a data-driven approach for automated gait event detection. Methods 15 freezers were asked to complete several straight-line and 360 degree turning trials in a 3D gait laboratory during the off-period of their medication cycle. Trials that contained a freezing episode were indicated as freezing trials (FOG) and trials without a freezing episode were termed as functional gait (FG). Furthermore, the highly varied gait data between onset and termination of a FOG episode was excluded. A Temporal Convolutional Neural network (TCN) was trained end-to-end with lower extremity kinematics. A Bland-Altman analysis was performed to evaluate the agreement between the results of the proposed model and the manual annotations. Results For FOG-trials, F1 scores of 0.995 and 0.992 were obtained for IC and EC, respectively. For FG-trials, F1 scores of 0.997 and 0.999 were obtained for IC and EC, respectively. The Bland-Altman plots indicated excellent timing agreement, with on average 39% and 47% of the model predictions occurring within 10 ms from the manual annotations for FOG-trials and FG-trials, respectively. Significance These results indicate that our data-driven approach for detecting gait events in PD patients with FOG is sufficiently accurate and reliable for clinical applications.
h liver metastasis.
B7-H6 is a novel co-stimulatory protein exclusively expressed on a variety of cancer cells and associated with poor prognosis. T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-LBL) is a highly aggressive hematological malignancy whose treatment requires reliable prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. However, the rare nature and delayed progression of T-LBL have limited its clinical management.
The expression of B7-H6 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in 65 T-LBL samples; the association with the clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis was also investigated. B7-H6-depleted Jurkat cells were also generated to investigate the effect of B7-H6 on cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. RNA sequencing was used to explore differentially expressed genes.
B7-H6 was expressed in 61.5% (40/65) of T-LBL patients; of note, 38.5% (25/65) of patients showed membrane/cytoplasmic expression of B7-H6. Although the expression of B7-H6 varied across samples and did not correlate with patient survival, it was significantly associated with B symptoms, high ECOG scores (3 to 4), elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase level, and reduced complete remission at interim evaluation. B7-H6 underwent translocation into the nucleus of T-LBL cells, showing a specific nuclear localization sequence in the C-terminus. Moreover, the depletion of B7-H6 in Jurkat cells impaired cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. RNAseq showed the differential expression of RAG-1, which may be involved in the tumorigenesis of T-LBL.
B7-H6 may serve as a novel prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target of T-LBL.
B7-H6 may serve as a novel prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target of T-LBL.
Glucose fluctuation (GF) may have detrimental effects in individuals with diabetes; however, clinical data on the association between short-term GF, inflammation/oxidative stress markers, and islet β-cell function based on a population with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) are insufficient. Therefore, we aimed to explore these associations in a Chinese population of 209 individuals with NGT in a cross-sectional analysis.
Individuals were categorized based on GF tertiles, calculated as the maximum-minimum glucose levels among four time points (0, 30, 60, 120 min) during 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Plasma inflammation markers tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), and oxidative stress markers superoxide dismutase (SOD), and 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) were measured. Islet β-cell function was estimated according to the disposition index (DI) at the early (30 min) and total (120 min) phase of the OGTT, adjusted for insulin sensitivity.
Individuals in the middle and higxercise strategies to decrease diet related GF are warranted.
Given the high prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the Chinese population, it is necessary to estimate the T2DM incident attributable to obesity and physical inactivity.
We analyzed the data from the Shanghai Men's and Women's Health Studies, including 56,691 men and 70,849 women aged 40-74. The hazard ratios (HRs) and the population attributable risks (PARs) were calculated by Cox regression model and model-based estimation.
A total of 3,315 male and 5,925 female cases were identified during 519,157 and 981,504 person-years, up to 31 December 2017. Excess weight, abdominal obesity were associated with the increased risks of T2DM both in women and men, while physical inactivity was only associated with an increased risk in men. A large proportion of T2DM incident cases can be attributed to excess body weight (women 48.6%; men 41.5%) and abdominal obesity (women 50.4%; men 30.3%). Physical activity was negatively associated with the risk of T2DM (P
<0.01). The PARs adjusted for confounders were 3.6% for physical inactivity in men and 1.7% in women.
Excess weight and abdominal obesity accounted for a large proportion of T2DM incident cases in men and women; a small part of T2DM cases were attributed to physical inactivity in men. Weight control is of great significance in curbing the epidemic of diabetes.
Excess weight and abdominal obesity accounted for a large proportion of T2DM incident cases in men and women; a small part of T2DM cases were attributed to physical inactivity in men. Weight control is of great significance in curbing the epidemic of diabetes.
Sarcopenia characterized by skeletal muscle loss may influence postoperative outcomes through physical decline and weakened immunity. We aimed to investigate clinical significance of sarcopenia in resected early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
We retrospectively reviewed 315 consecutive patients with pathologic stage I NSCLC who had undergone lobectomy with systematic nodal dissection. Sarcopenia was defined as the lowest quartile of psoas muscle area on the 3rd vertebra on the high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) image. Clinicopathological variables were used to investigate the correlation to postoperative complications as well as overall and recurrence-free survival.
Upon multivariable analysis, male sex [odds ratio (OR) =5.780, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.681-12.500, P<0.001], and sarcopenia (OR =21.00, 95% CI 10.30-42.80, P<0.001) were independently associated with postoperative complications. The sarcopenia group showed significantly lower 5-over all survival (84.4%
69.1o consider possible choice of surgical procedure and perioperative management.
There is no consensus on which intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation formula provides the best refractive prediction in patients with inadequate capsular support whose anterior ocular anatomic structure differs from that of normal subjects. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the accuracy and performance of IOL calculation formulas (SRK/T, Holladay 1, Hoffer Q, Haigis, and Barrett Universal II) in predicting postoperative refractive prediction error (PE) for this subgroup of patients.
A total of 110 eyes from 110 patients with insufficient capsular support who underwent scleral fixation of an IOL at the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center from July 1, 2016 to November 30, 2019 were enrolled in this retrospective study. Preoperative optical biometrics were measured with the IOL Master 500 (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). The performance of each formula in predicting PE was compared, and the effect of keratometry and axial length (AL) on PE was evaluated for each formula using univariate and multivariate linear regression analysis.
Biotites occur with varying degrees of alteration within a granite. This study analyzes the relationships among alteration indicators, areal microvoid fractions in chloritized biotite, and macroscopic fracture frequencies in the Toki granite, central Japan, to establish the genesis and development processes of fractures in granite. Appropriate characterizations for the frequency distribution of macroscopic fractures in granite can assist in understanding potential hydrogeological applications, which contributes to safety evaluations for geological disposal and storage. Borehole 06MI03, drilled to a depth of 191 m, was used to obtain samples for the analysis. In total, 24 samples that depicted variations in the macroscopic fracture frequency were selected. Petrographic alteration indicators using biotite chloritization as innovative methods are proposed to evaluate the extent of hydrothermal alteration and fracture frequency within granites. The alteration indicators are defined as the ratio between the alteration product area and the original mineral area. Furthermore, the volume of microscopic fractures and micropores in the mineral was quantitatively characterized by the areal fraction of microvoids in minerals through image analysis. Samples with high macroscopic fracture frequencies correspond to a high number of areal microvoid fractions and large alteration indicators. Microvoids, which are the source of macroscopic fractures, occurred at temperatures between 350 and 780°C and can be evaluated by intrinsic factors, such as alteration indicators. Subsequent faulting and unloading (extrinsic factors) developed microvoids into macroscopic fractures. Intrinsic factors are used to evaluate the source of macroscopic fractures, and therefore contribute to the characterization of present and future distributions of macroscopic fracture frequencies.
SARS-CoV-2 reinfection and reactivation has mostly been described in case reports. We therefore investigated the epidemiology of recurrent COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2.
Among patients testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 between March 11 and July 31, 2020 within an integrated healthcare system, we identified patients with a recurrent positive SARS-CoV-2 reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay ≥60 days after an initial positive test. To assign an overall likelihood of COVID-19 recurrence, we combined quantitative data from initial and recurrent positive RT-PCR cycle thresholds-a value inversely correlated with viral RNA burden- with a clinical recurrence likelihood assigned based on independent, standardized case review by two physicians. "Probable" or "possible" recurrence by clinical assessment was confirmed as the final recurrence likelihood only if a cycle threshold value obtained ≥60 days after initial testing was lower than its preceding cycle threshold or if the patient had an interval negaion by clinicians and public health personnel.
Only 0.04% of all COVID-19 patients in our health system experienced probable or possible recurrence; 90% of repeat positive SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCRs were not consistent with true recurrence. Our pragmatic approach combining clinical and quantitative RT-PCR data could aid assessment of COVID-19 reinfection or reactivation by clinicians and public health personnel.
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors are widely used to reduce hyperglycemia. The present study investigated the effects of a SGLT2 inhibitor, empagliflozin, on hyperglycemia in a novel rat model of non-obesity type 2 diabetes with enlarged kidney (DEK).
Male DEK rats with non-fasting blood glucose concentrations ≤300 mg/dl and >300 mg/dl were classified as nondiabetic and diabetic, respectively. Groups of nondiabetic (control) and diabetic (DM-cont) rats were fed standard chow for 12 weeks, whereas another group of diabetic (DM-empa) rats was fed standard chow containing empagliflozin (300 mg/kg/day) for 12 weeks. Blood glucose, body weight, glucose tolerance, food and water intake, urinary volume, plasma and urinary biochemical parameters, and bone mineral density were measured, and their kidneys and pancreas histologically analyzed.
Treatment with empagliflozin reduced blood glucose concentration and food intake in diabetic rats, but inhibited loss of adeps renis and led to body weigh SGLT2 inhibitors. These findings also indicted that empagliflozin could ameliorate systemic metabolism and improve renal tubule function in diabetic condition.
To compare the biometry and prediction of postoperative refractive outcomes of four different formulae (Haigis, SRK/T, Holladay1, Barrett Universal II) obtained by swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) biometers and partial coherence interferometry (PCI; IOLMaster ver 5.4).
We compared the biometric values of SS-OCT (ANTERION, Heidelberg Engineering Inc., Heidelberg, Germany) and PCI (IOLMaster, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany). Predictive errors calculated using four different formulae (Haigis, SRKT, Holladay1, Barrett Universal II) were compared at 1 month after cataract surgery.
The mean preoperative axial length (AL) showed no statistically significant difference between SS-OCT and PCI (SS-OCT 23.78 ± 0.12 mm and PCI 23.77 ± 0.12 mm). The mean anterior chamber depth (ACD) was 3.30 ± 0.04 mm for SS-OCT and 3.23 ± 0.04 mm for PCI, which was significantly different between the two techniques. The mean corneal curvature also differed significantly between the two techniques. The difference in mean arithmetic prediction error was significant in the Haigis, SRKT, and Holladay1 formulae. The difference in mean absolute prediction error was significant in all four formulae.
SS-OCT and PCI demonstrated good agreement on biometric measurements; however, there were significant differences in some biometric values. These differences in some ocular biometrics can cause a difference in refractive error after cataract surgery. New type SS-OCT was not superior to the IOL power prediction calculated by PCI.
SS-OCT and PCI demonstrated good agreement on biometric measurements; however, there were significant differences in some biometric values. These differences in some ocular biometrics can cause a difference in refractive error after cataract surgery. New type SS-OCT was not superior to the IOL power prediction calculated by PCI.