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Biomechanics of various Types of Glimpse since Enhancement Components regarding Implant-Retained Mandibular Overdentures.
976, p = .290). However, the rate of reporting was different between study types, journals, and regions (p = .007, p = .020, and p < .001, respectively).

The incorrect representation of p values is common in nursing journals.

We recommend that both publishers and researchers be responsible for preventing statistical errors in manuscripts. Furthermore, various kinds of statistical training methods should be adopted to ensure that nurses and journal reviewers have enough statistical literacy.
We recommend that both publishers and researchers be responsible for preventing statistical errors in manuscripts. Furthermore, various kinds of statistical training methods should be adopted to ensure that nurses and journal reviewers have enough statistical literacy.
Placement of a denture results in the application of mechanical stress (MS), such as occlusal force, onto the oral mucosa beneath the denture. To better understand the molecular mechanism underlying MS-induced inflammation in the oral mucosa, we examined the impact of MS on human oral epithelial cells (HO-1-N-1) and human fibroblasts (HGFs) in this study.

MS was applied on HO-1-N-1 and HGFs using a hydrostatic pressure apparatus. The expression and production of inflammatory cytokines and growth factors were examined by real-time RT-PCR and ELISA. MS-induced intracellular signal transduction via MAP kinase (MAPK) was also examined.

1MPa MS resulted in a significant increase in inflammatory cytokines, and 3MPa MS resulted in a significant increase in FGF-2. MS also increased p-38 phosphorylation and the addition of a p-38 inhibitor significantly suppressed the production of inflammatory cytokines.

Our study suggested that MS applied through a denture increases the production of inflammatory cytokines from oral mucosal epithelial cells and fibroblasts via the p38 MAPK cascade. These responses to MS likely lead to inflammation of the mucosal tissue beneath dentures. On other hand, up-regulation of growth factors is likely a manifestation of the biological defense mechanism against excessive MS.
Our study suggested that MS applied through a denture increases the production of inflammatory cytokines from oral mucosal epithelial cells and fibroblasts via the p38 MAPK cascade. These responses to MS likely lead to inflammation of the mucosal tissue beneath dentures. On other hand, up-regulation of growth factors is likely a manifestation of the biological defense mechanism against excessive MS.In drought-stressed plants a coordinated cascade of chemical and transcriptional adjustments occurs at the same time as embolism formation.'> While these processes do not affect embolism formation during stress, they may prime stems for recovery during rehydration by modifying apoplast pH and increasing sugar concentration in the xylem sap. Here we show that in vivo treatments modifying apoplastic pH (stem infiltration with a pH buffer) or reducing stem metabolic activity (infiltration with sodium vanadate and sodium cyanide; plant exposure to carbon monoxide) can reduce sugar accumulation, thus disrupting or delaying the recovery process. Application of the vanadate treatment (NaVO3, an inhibitor of many ATPases) completely halted recovery from drought-induced embolism for up to 24 h after re-irrigation, while partial recovery was observed in vivo in control plants using X-ray microcomputed tomography. Our results suggest that stem hydraulic recovery in poplar is a biological, energy-dependent process that coincides with accumulation of sugars in the apoplast during stress. Recovery and damage are spatially coordinated, with embolism formation occurring from the inside out and refilling from the outside in. The outside-in pattern highlights the importance of xylem proximity to the sugars within the phloem to the embolism recovery process.Barley (Hordeum vulgare L) grain is comparatively rich in (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan, a source of fermentable dietary fibre that protects against various human health conditions. However, low grain (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content is preferred for brewing and distilling. We took a reverse genetics approach, using CRISPR/Cas9 to generate mutations in members of the Cellulose synthase-like (Csl) gene superfamily that encode known (HvCslF6 and HvCslH1) and putative (HvCslF3 and HvCslF9) (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan synthases. Resultant mutations ranged from single amino acid (aa) substitutions to frameshift mutations causing premature stop codons, and led to specific differences in grain morphology, composition and (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content.'> (1,3;1,4)-β-Glucan was absent in the grain of cslf6 knockout lines, whereas cslf9 knockout lines had similar (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content to wild-type (WT). However, cslf9 mutants showed changes in the abundance of other cell-wall-related monosaccharides compared with WT. Thousand grain weight (TGW), grain length, width and surface area were altered in cslf6 knockouts, and to a lesser extent TGW in cslf9 knockouts. cslf3 and cslh1 mutants had no effect on grain (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content. Our data indicate that multiple members of the CslF/H family fulfil important functions during grain development but, with the exception of HvCslF6, do not impact the abundance of (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan in mature grain.
Inactive aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) is a well-known deterrent to the development of alcohol use disorder (AUD), and however, some individuals with inactive ALDH2 do go on to develop AUD. These alcoholics are likely to have strong risk factors for the development of this disorder. Using a model of alcoholics with inactive ALDH2 (the AIA model), we investigated the unique characteristics of alcoholics with inactive ALDH2 in an attempt to identify the risk factors for AUD. In this study, we focused on comorbid psychiatric and personality disorders as potential risk factors for AUD.

The subjects were 103 male alcoholics with inactive ALDH2 (AIAs), 87 age- and ADH1B genotype-matched alcoholics with active ALDH2 (AAAs) and 200 age-matched healthy men. The alcoholics were divided into 4 subgroups according to their ALDH2 and ADH1B genotypes (inactive ALDH2 vs. active ALDH2, usual ADH1B vs. superactive ADH1B). To assess the participants' comorbid psychiatric disorders, we conducted semi-structured interviews using the Japanese translation of SSAGA version 2.


The CEUS and PA signals were then quantified and verified by the pathologic results. A CEUS pattern of fast wash in and slow washout was observed in the AIA rats after injection of targeted MBs. Compared with AIA rats injected with unconnected VEGF antibodies and naked MBs, AIA rats injected with targeted MBs presented a higher peak intensity (p = 0.0079 and 0.0079 respectively) and a longer time to peak (p = 0.0117 and 0.0117, respectively). The PA signals were also significantly enhanced after injection of targeted MBs (p = 0.0112 and 0.0119, respectively), which was in accordance with the pathologic and immunohistochemical results. In conclusion, VEGF-targeted MBs can be used as agents for multimodal CEUS/PA imaging and to detect VEGF expression in the inflammatory lesions of AIA rats in vivo. This strategy may be useful in imaging evaluation of arthritis by identifying inflammation-related molecules in different imaging modes.Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) has established a novel route for treating solid cancers. Low-intensity ultrasound irradiation accompanied by a sonosensitizer has revealed remarkable advantages for cancer therapy such as targeted uptake, access to deeper tumors, insignificant side effects and invasiveness, compared with other therapeutic methods. In this study, we scrutinized synthesis and characterization of a polypyrrole-coated multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite (PPy@MWCNTs). PPy@MWCNTs can absorb ultrasound irradiation by both of its components, and it was introduced as a new sonosensitizer. The composite was characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and its ability to temperature elevation was explored. FESEM images revealed that PPy@MWCNTs comprised nanotubes of 36.3 ± 5.1 nm in diameter with up to several micrometer in length. Ultrasound irradiation at 1 MHz and 1.0 W cm-2 for 60 s in four steps led to an efficient SDT in vitro (16.3 ± 2.8°C temperature increment for 250 μg mL-1 of PPy@MWCNTs), in C540 (B16/F10) cell line and a melanoma tumor model in male balb/c mice. In vitro examinations revealed that PPy@MWCNTs represented a concentration-dependent cytotoxicity on multi-step ultrasound irradiation (a cell viability of 8.9% for 250 μg mL-1 of PPy@MWCNTs). Histologic analyses and tumor volume decrement after 10 d revealed detrimental SDT effects of PPy@MWCNTs on tumors (75% necrosis and 50% decrement in tumor volume). Thermal effects and reactive oxygen species generation were the reasons of the working function of PPy@MWCNTs in SDT.Intra-vascular ultrasound catheters are used clinically to facilitate clot lysis. We hypothesized that these devices could also directly lower microvascular resistance and increase tissue perfusion through established shear-dependent pathways. In mice, either the proximal hind-limb muscles or the upstream femoral artery alone was exposed to an endovascular ultrasound catheter (2.3 MHz, 0.5-1.1 MPa) for 10 min. Quantitative microvascular perfusion imaging in the hind limbs exposed to the endovascular ultrasound system exhibited a more-than-twofold increase in flow (p less then 0.01) compared with the contralateral control limb after exposure of either the muscle or the femoral artery alone. Using an in vivo optical imaging reporting system, an eight- to ninefold increase in tissue adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was detected in the region of insonification (p = 0.006). Ultrasound was found to produce an immediate release of ATP from ex vivo erythrocytes (p = 0.03). In situ electrochemical sensing revealed an immediate increase in nitric oxide with initiation of ultrasound which returned to baseline within 5 min of termination, as well as ultrasound-triggered nitric oxide (NO) release from erythrocytes. These data indicate that non-cavitating ultrasound produced by endovascular catheters can reduce vascular resistance and increase flow through recognized shear-dependent vasodilator pathways involving purinergic signaling and NO.Adult stem cells sustain tissue homeostasis throughout life and provide an important reservoir of cells capable of tissue repair in response to stress and tissue damage. Age-related changes to stem cells and/or the specialized niches that house them have been shown to negatively impact stem cell maintenance and activity. In addition, metabolic inputs have surfaced as another crucial layer in the control of stem cell behavior (Chandel et al., 2016; Folmes and Terzic, 2016; Ito and Suda, 2014; Mana et al., 2017; Shyh-Chang and Ng, 2017). Here, we will present a brief review of how lipid metabolism influences adult stem cell behavior under homeostatic conditions and speculate on how changes in lipid metabolism may impact stem cell ageing. This review considers the future of lipid metabolism research in stem cells, with the long-term goal of identifying mechanisms that could be targeted to counter or slow the age-related decline in stem cell function.Dissecting cellulitis is a chronic, progressive, and relapsing inflammatory disease that predominantly affects the vertex and occiput of young Afro-descendent men. It starts with papules and pustules that evolve to nodules, abscesses, and cicatricial alopecia. This article illustrates the evolutive trichoscopy of dissecting cellulitis, from its early phase, through the abscess phase, to the fibrotic cicatricial phase. Trichoscopy complements clinical-pathological classification, representing a complementary tool useful in early diagnosis and monitoring of the patient during treatment.The incidence of nontuberculous mycobacterial infections is increasing worldwide; by 2017, more than 190 species and subspecies have been documented. Although classically associated with immunosuppression, the recognition of these etiological agents in diseases affecting immunocompetent individuals and in healthcare-associated infections, such as after surgical and cosmetic procedures, makes the study of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of these microorganisms relevant in medical practice. Mycobacterium lentiflavum is slow-growing and rarely affects the skin. A case of cutaneous mycobacteriosis caused by M. lentiflavum is reported in an immunocompetent patient after subcutaneous injection of a lipolytic compound, treated with clarithromycin and levofloxacin.


Skeletal muscle is responsible for the majority of glucose disposal in the body. Insulin resistance in the skeletal muscle accounts for 85-90% of the impairment of total glucose disposal in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the mechanism remains controversial. The present study aims to investigate whether AKT2 deficiency causes deficits in skeletal muscle development and metabolism, we analyzed the expression of molecules related to skeletal muscle development, glucose uptake and metabolism in mice of 3- and 8-months old. We found that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation and myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) A (MEF2A) expression were down-regulated in AKT2 knockout (KO) mice, which can be inverted by AMPK activation. We also observed reduced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) abundance and reduced expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis in the skeletal muscle of AKT2 KO mice, which was prevented by AMPK activation. Moreover, AKT2 KO mice exhibited impaired AMPK signaling in response to insulin stimulation compared with WT mice. Our study establishes a new and important function of AKT2 in regulating skeletal muscle development and glucose metabolism via AMPK-dependent signaling.Helicobacter pylori is a carcinogenic bacterium that is responsible for 5.5% of all human gastric cancers. H. pylori codes for an unusually large number of restriction-modification (R-M) systems and several of them are strain-specific and phase-variable. HpyAII is a novel Type IIs phase-variable restriction endonuclease present in 26695 strain of H. pylori. We show that HpyAII prefers two-site substrates over one-site substrates for maximal cleavage activity. HpyAII is less stringent in metal ion requirement and shows higher cleavage activity with Ni2+ over Mg2+. Mutational analysis of the putative residues of the HNH motif of HpyAII confirms that the protein has an active HNH site for the cleavage of DNA. However, mutation of the first Histidine residue of the HNH motif to Alanine does not abolish the enzymatic activity, but instead causes loss of fidelity compared with wildtype HpyAII. Previous studies have shown that mutation of the first Histidine residue of the HNH motif of all other known HNH motif motif-containing enzymes completely abolishes enzymatic activity. We found, in the case of HpyAII, mutation of an active site residue leads to the loss of endonuclease fidelity. The present study provides further insights into the evolution of restriction enzymes.
Systemic corticosteroids are now recommended in many treatment guidelines, although supporting evidence is limited to 1 randomized controlled clinical trial (RECOVERY).

To identify whether corticosteroids were beneficial to COVID-19 patients.

A total of 1514 severe and 249 critical hospitalized COVID-19 patients from 2 medical centers in Wuhan, China. Multivariable Cox models, Cox model with time-varying exposure and propensity score analysis (inverse-probability-of-treatment-weighting [IPTW] and propensity score matching [PSM]) were used to estimate the association of corticosteroid use with risk of in-hospital mortality in severe and critical cases.

Corticosteroids were administered in 531 (35.1%) severe and 159 (63.9%) critical patients. Compared to the non-corticosteroid group, systemic corticosteroid use was not associated with beneficial effect in reducing in-hospital mortality in either severe cases (HR = 1.77; 95% CI, 1.08-2.89; P = 0.023), or critical cases (HR = 2.07; 95% CI, 1.08-3.98; P = linical trial may be due to biases in observational data, in particular prescription by indication bias, differences in clinical characteristics of patients, choice of corticosteroid used, timing of initiation of treatment, and duration of treatment.The currently used anti-cytokine therapeutic antibodies cannot selectively neutralize pathogenic cytokine signaling that cause collateral damage to protective signaling cascades carrying the potential for unwanted side effects. The variable domains of heavy-chain only antibodies (HCAbs) discovered in Camelidae are stable and display to be fully functional in antigen-binding against variable targets, which seem to be attractive candidates for the next-generation biologic drug study. The purpose of our study was to establish a simple prokaryotic expression system for large-scale expression, purification, and refolding of the recombinant anti-tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) fusion protein (FVH1-1) from inclusion bodies. Over 95% purity of the recombinant anti-TNF-α fusion proteins was obtained by just one purification step in our developed prokaryotic expression system, while the results of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) established the high-efficiency potent binding ability of FVH1-1 to human TNF-α. The counteraction of TNF-α cytotoxic effect experiment on the mouse fibroblast fibrosarcoma cell line (L929) confirmed that the expressed FVH1-1 were able to selectively and highly combine with human recombinant TNF-α (hTNF-α) in vitro. Western blot results showed that FVH1-1 can inhibit the activation of caspase-9 and PARP, which are the apoptotic signaling pathway proteins activated by hTNF-α. Meanwhile, lysosome autophagy signaling pathways stimulated by hTNF-α were inhibited by FVH1-1, which down-regulated the expression of LC3II/LC3I and up-regulated the expression of P62, indicating that the autophagy linked with TNF-α-induced apoptosis in response to rheumatoid arthritis. The results of the AIA rat model experiment presented that FVH1-1 can reduce the degree of joint swelling and inflammatory factors to a certain extent in vivo.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) reduces exercise capacity, but the mechanisms are incompletely understood. We probed the impact of ischemic stress on skeletal muscle metabolite signatures and T2DM-related vascular dysfunction.

we recruited 38 subjects (18 healthy, 20 T2DM), placed an antecubital intravenous catheter, and performed ipsilateral brachial artery reactivity testing. Blood samples for plasma metabolite profiling were obtained at baseline and immediately upon cuff release after 5 min of ischemia. Brachial artery diameter was measured at baseline and 1 min after cuff release.

as expected, flow-mediated vasodilation was attenuated in subjects with T2DM (P<0.01). We confirmed known T2DM-associated baseline differences in plasma metabolites, including homocysteine, dimethylguanidino valeric acid and β-alanine (all P<0.05). Ischemia-induced metabolite changes that differed between groups included 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (healthy -27%; DM +14%), orotic acid (healthy +5%; DM -7%), trimethylamine-N-oxide (healthy -51%; DM +0.


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Sorry, no results were found.



Biomechanics of various Types of Glimpse since Enhancement Components regarding Implant-Retained Mandibular Overdentures.
976, p = .290). However, the rate of reporting was different between study types, journals, and regions (p = .007, p = .020, and p < .001, respectively).

The incorrect representation of p values is common in nursing journals.

We recommend that both publishers and researchers be responsible for preventing statistical errors in manuscripts. Furthermore, various kinds of statistical training methods should be adopted to ensure that nurses and journal reviewers have enough statistical literacy.
We recommend that both publishers and researchers be responsible for preventing statistical errors in manuscripts. Furthermore, various kinds of statistical training methods should be adopted to ensure that nurses and journal reviewers have enough statistical literacy.
Placement of a denture results in the application of mechanical stress (MS), such as occlusal force, onto the oral mucosa beneath the denture. To better understand the molecular mechanism underlying MS-induced inflammation in the oral mucosa, we examined the impact of MS on human oral epithelial cells (HO-1-N-1) and human fibroblasts (HGFs) in this study.

MS was applied on HO-1-N-1 and HGFs using a hydrostatic pressure apparatus. The expression and production of inflammatory cytokines and growth factors were examined by real-time RT-PCR and ELISA. MS-induced intracellular signal transduction via MAP kinase (MAPK) was also examined.

1MPa MS resulted in a significant increase in inflammatory cytokines, and 3MPa MS resulted in a significant increase in FGF-2. MS also increased p-38 phosphorylation and the addition of a p-38 inhibitor significantly suppressed the production of inflammatory cytokines.

Our study suggested that MS applied through a denture increases the production of inflammatory cytokines from oral mucosal epithelial cells and fibroblasts via the p38 MAPK cascade. These responses to MS likely lead to inflammation of the mucosal tissue beneath dentures. On other hand, up-regulation of growth factors is likely a manifestation of the biological defense mechanism against excessive MS.
Our study suggested that MS applied through a denture increases the production of inflammatory cytokines from oral mucosal epithelial cells and fibroblasts via the p38 MAPK cascade. These responses to MS likely lead to inflammation of the mucosal tissue beneath dentures. On other hand, up-regulation of growth factors is likely a manifestation of the biological defense mechanism against excessive MS.In drought-stressed plants a coordinated cascade of chemical and transcriptional adjustments occurs at the same time as embolism formation.'> While these processes do not affect embolism formation during stress, they may prime stems for recovery during rehydration by modifying apoplast pH and increasing sugar concentration in the xylem sap. Here we show that in vivo treatments modifying apoplastic pH (stem infiltration with a pH buffer) or reducing stem metabolic activity (infiltration with sodium vanadate and sodium cyanide; plant exposure to carbon monoxide) can reduce sugar accumulation, thus disrupting or delaying the recovery process. Application of the vanadate treatment (NaVO3, an inhibitor of many ATPases) completely halted recovery from drought-induced embolism for up to 24 h after re-irrigation, while partial recovery was observed in vivo in control plants using X-ray microcomputed tomography. Our results suggest that stem hydraulic recovery in poplar is a biological, energy-dependent process that coincides with accumulation of sugars in the apoplast during stress. Recovery and damage are spatially coordinated, with embolism formation occurring from the inside out and refilling from the outside in. The outside-in pattern highlights the importance of xylem proximity to the sugars within the phloem to the embolism recovery process.Barley (Hordeum vulgare L) grain is comparatively rich in (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan, a source of fermentable dietary fibre that protects against various human health conditions. However, low grain (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content is preferred for brewing and distilling. We took a reverse genetics approach, using CRISPR/Cas9 to generate mutations in members of the Cellulose synthase-like (Csl) gene superfamily that encode known (HvCslF6 and HvCslH1) and putative (HvCslF3 and HvCslF9) (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan synthases. Resultant mutations ranged from single amino acid (aa) substitutions to frameshift mutations causing premature stop codons, and led to specific differences in grain morphology, composition and (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content.'> (1,3;1,4)-β-Glucan was absent in the grain of cslf6 knockout lines, whereas cslf9 knockout lines had similar (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content to wild-type (WT). However, cslf9 mutants showed changes in the abundance of other cell-wall-related monosaccharides compared with WT. Thousand grain weight (TGW), grain length, width and surface area were altered in cslf6 knockouts, and to a lesser extent TGW in cslf9 knockouts. cslf3 and cslh1 mutants had no effect on grain (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan content. Our data indicate that multiple members of the CslF/H family fulfil important functions during grain development but, with the exception of HvCslF6, do not impact the abundance of (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan in mature grain.
Inactive aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) is a well-known deterrent to the development of alcohol use disorder (AUD), and however, some individuals with inactive ALDH2 do go on to develop AUD. These alcoholics are likely to have strong risk factors for the development of this disorder. Using a model of alcoholics with inactive ALDH2 (the AIA model), we investigated the unique characteristics of alcoholics with inactive ALDH2 in an attempt to identify the risk factors for AUD. In this study, we focused on comorbid psychiatric and personality disorders as potential risk factors for AUD.

The subjects were 103 male alcoholics with inactive ALDH2 (AIAs), 87 age- and ADH1B genotype-matched alcoholics with active ALDH2 (AAAs) and 200 age-matched healthy men. The alcoholics were divided into 4 subgroups according to their ALDH2 and ADH1B genotypes (inactive ALDH2 vs. active ALDH2, usual ADH1B vs. superactive ADH1B). To assess the participants' comorbid psychiatric disorders, we conducted semi-structured interviews using the Japanese translation of SSAGA version 2.


The CEUS and PA signals were then quantified and verified by the pathologic results. A CEUS pattern of fast wash in and slow washout was observed in the AIA rats after injection of targeted MBs. Compared with AIA rats injected with unconnected VEGF antibodies and naked MBs, AIA rats injected with targeted MBs presented a higher peak intensity (p = 0.0079 and 0.0079 respectively) and a longer time to peak (p = 0.0117 and 0.0117, respectively). The PA signals were also significantly enhanced after injection of targeted MBs (p = 0.0112 and 0.0119, respectively), which was in accordance with the pathologic and immunohistochemical results. In conclusion, VEGF-targeted MBs can be used as agents for multimodal CEUS/PA imaging and to detect VEGF expression in the inflammatory lesions of AIA rats in vivo. This strategy may be useful in imaging evaluation of arthritis by identifying inflammation-related molecules in different imaging modes.Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) has established a novel route for treating solid cancers. Low-intensity ultrasound irradiation accompanied by a sonosensitizer has revealed remarkable advantages for cancer therapy such as targeted uptake, access to deeper tumors, insignificant side effects and invasiveness, compared with other therapeutic methods. In this study, we scrutinized synthesis and characterization of a polypyrrole-coated multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite (PPy@MWCNTs). PPy@MWCNTs can absorb ultrasound irradiation by both of its components, and it was introduced as a new sonosensitizer. The composite was characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and its ability to temperature elevation was explored. FESEM images revealed that PPy@MWCNTs comprised nanotubes of 36.3 ± 5.1 nm in diameter with up to several micrometer in length. Ultrasound irradiation at 1 MHz and 1.0 W cm-2 for 60 s in four steps led to an efficient SDT in vitro (16.3 ± 2.8°C temperature increment for 250 μg mL-1 of PPy@MWCNTs), in C540 (B16/F10) cell line and a melanoma tumor model in male balb/c mice. In vitro examinations revealed that PPy@MWCNTs represented a concentration-dependent cytotoxicity on multi-step ultrasound irradiation (a cell viability of 8.9% for 250 μg mL-1 of PPy@MWCNTs). Histologic analyses and tumor volume decrement after 10 d revealed detrimental SDT effects of PPy@MWCNTs on tumors (75% necrosis and 50% decrement in tumor volume). Thermal effects and reactive oxygen species generation were the reasons of the working function of PPy@MWCNTs in SDT.Intra-vascular ultrasound catheters are used clinically to facilitate clot lysis. We hypothesized that these devices could also directly lower microvascular resistance and increase tissue perfusion through established shear-dependent pathways. In mice, either the proximal hind-limb muscles or the upstream femoral artery alone was exposed to an endovascular ultrasound catheter (2.3 MHz, 0.5-1.1 MPa) for 10 min. Quantitative microvascular perfusion imaging in the hind limbs exposed to the endovascular ultrasound system exhibited a more-than-twofold increase in flow (p less then 0.01) compared with the contralateral control limb after exposure of either the muscle or the femoral artery alone. Using an in vivo optical imaging reporting system, an eight- to ninefold increase in tissue adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was detected in the region of insonification (p = 0.006). Ultrasound was found to produce an immediate release of ATP from ex vivo erythrocytes (p = 0.03). In situ electrochemical sensing revealed an immediate increase in nitric oxide with initiation of ultrasound which returned to baseline within 5 min of termination, as well as ultrasound-triggered nitric oxide (NO) release from erythrocytes. These data indicate that non-cavitating ultrasound produced by endovascular catheters can reduce vascular resistance and increase flow through recognized shear-dependent vasodilator pathways involving purinergic signaling and NO.Adult stem cells sustain tissue homeostasis throughout life and provide an important reservoir of cells capable of tissue repair in response to stress and tissue damage. Age-related changes to stem cells and/or the specialized niches that house them have been shown to negatively impact stem cell maintenance and activity. In addition, metabolic inputs have surfaced as another crucial layer in the control of stem cell behavior (Chandel et al., 2016; Folmes and Terzic, 2016; Ito and Suda, 2014; Mana et al., 2017; Shyh-Chang and Ng, 2017). Here, we will present a brief review of how lipid metabolism influences adult stem cell behavior under homeostatic conditions and speculate on how changes in lipid metabolism may impact stem cell ageing. This review considers the future of lipid metabolism research in stem cells, with the long-term goal of identifying mechanisms that could be targeted to counter or slow the age-related decline in stem cell function.Dissecting cellulitis is a chronic, progressive, and relapsing inflammatory disease that predominantly affects the vertex and occiput of young Afro-descendent men. It starts with papules and pustules that evolve to nodules, abscesses, and cicatricial alopecia. This article illustrates the evolutive trichoscopy of dissecting cellulitis, from its early phase, through the abscess phase, to the fibrotic cicatricial phase. Trichoscopy complements clinical-pathological classification, representing a complementary tool useful in early diagnosis and monitoring of the patient during treatment.The incidence of nontuberculous mycobacterial infections is increasing worldwide; by 2017, more than 190 species and subspecies have been documented. Although classically associated with immunosuppression, the recognition of these etiological agents in diseases affecting immunocompetent individuals and in healthcare-associated infections, such as after surgical and cosmetic procedures, makes the study of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of these microorganisms relevant in medical practice. Mycobacterium lentiflavum is slow-growing and rarely affects the skin. A case of cutaneous mycobacteriosis caused by M. lentiflavum is reported in an immunocompetent patient after subcutaneous injection of a lipolytic compound, treated with clarithromycin and levofloxacin.


Skeletal muscle is responsible for the majority of glucose disposal in the body. Insulin resistance in the skeletal muscle accounts for 85-90% of the impairment of total glucose disposal in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the mechanism remains controversial. The present study aims to investigate whether AKT2 deficiency causes deficits in skeletal muscle development and metabolism, we analyzed the expression of molecules related to skeletal muscle development, glucose uptake and metabolism in mice of 3- and 8-months old. We found that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation and myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) A (MEF2A) expression were down-regulated in AKT2 knockout (KO) mice, which can be inverted by AMPK activation. We also observed reduced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) abundance and reduced expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis in the skeletal muscle of AKT2 KO mice, which was prevented by AMPK activation. Moreover, AKT2 KO mice exhibited impaired AMPK signaling in response to insulin stimulation compared with WT mice. Our study establishes a new and important function of AKT2 in regulating skeletal muscle development and glucose metabolism via AMPK-dependent signaling.Helicobacter pylori is a carcinogenic bacterium that is responsible for 5.5% of all human gastric cancers. H. pylori codes for an unusually large number of restriction-modification (R-M) systems and several of them are strain-specific and phase-variable. HpyAII is a novel Type IIs phase-variable restriction endonuclease present in 26695 strain of H. pylori. We show that HpyAII prefers two-site substrates over one-site substrates for maximal cleavage activity. HpyAII is less stringent in metal ion requirement and shows higher cleavage activity with Ni2+ over Mg2+. Mutational analysis of the putative residues of the HNH motif of HpyAII confirms that the protein has an active HNH site for the cleavage of DNA. However, mutation of the first Histidine residue of the HNH motif to Alanine does not abolish the enzymatic activity, but instead causes loss of fidelity compared with wildtype HpyAII. Previous studies have shown that mutation of the first Histidine residue of the HNH motif of all other known HNH motif motif-containing enzymes completely abolishes enzymatic activity. We found, in the case of HpyAII, mutation of an active site residue leads to the loss of endonuclease fidelity. The present study provides further insights into the evolution of restriction enzymes.
Systemic corticosteroids are now recommended in many treatment guidelines, although supporting evidence is limited to 1 randomized controlled clinical trial (RECOVERY).

To identify whether corticosteroids were beneficial to COVID-19 patients.

A total of 1514 severe and 249 critical hospitalized COVID-19 patients from 2 medical centers in Wuhan, China. Multivariable Cox models, Cox model with time-varying exposure and propensity score analysis (inverse-probability-of-treatment-weighting [IPTW] and propensity score matching [PSM]) were used to estimate the association of corticosteroid use with risk of in-hospital mortality in severe and critical cases.

Corticosteroids were administered in 531 (35.1%) severe and 159 (63.9%) critical patients. Compared to the non-corticosteroid group, systemic corticosteroid use was not associated with beneficial effect in reducing in-hospital mortality in either severe cases (HR = 1.77; 95% CI, 1.08-2.89; P = 0.023), or critical cases (HR = 2.07; 95% CI, 1.08-3.98; P = linical trial may be due to biases in observational data, in particular prescription by indication bias, differences in clinical characteristics of patients, choice of corticosteroid used, timing of initiation of treatment, and duration of treatment.The currently used anti-cytokine therapeutic antibodies cannot selectively neutralize pathogenic cytokine signaling that cause collateral damage to protective signaling cascades carrying the potential for unwanted side effects. The variable domains of heavy-chain only antibodies (HCAbs) discovered in Camelidae are stable and display to be fully functional in antigen-binding against variable targets, which seem to be attractive candidates for the next-generation biologic drug study. The purpose of our study was to establish a simple prokaryotic expression system for large-scale expression, purification, and refolding of the recombinant anti-tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) fusion protein (FVH1-1) from inclusion bodies. Over 95% purity of the recombinant anti-TNF-α fusion proteins was obtained by just one purification step in our developed prokaryotic expression system, while the results of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) established the high-efficiency potent binding ability of FVH1-1 to human TNF-α. The counteraction of TNF-α cytotoxic effect experiment on the mouse fibroblast fibrosarcoma cell line (L929) confirmed that the expressed FVH1-1 were able to selectively and highly combine with human recombinant TNF-α (hTNF-α) in vitro. Western blot results showed that FVH1-1 can inhibit the activation of caspase-9 and PARP, which are the apoptotic signaling pathway proteins activated by hTNF-α. Meanwhile, lysosome autophagy signaling pathways stimulated by hTNF-α were inhibited by FVH1-1, which down-regulated the expression of LC3II/LC3I and up-regulated the expression of P62, indicating that the autophagy linked with TNF-α-induced apoptosis in response to rheumatoid arthritis. The results of the AIA rat model experiment presented that FVH1-1 can reduce the degree of joint swelling and inflammatory factors to a certain extent in vivo.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) reduces exercise capacity, but the mechanisms are incompletely understood. We probed the impact of ischemic stress on skeletal muscle metabolite signatures and T2DM-related vascular dysfunction.

we recruited 38 subjects (18 healthy, 20 T2DM), placed an antecubital intravenous catheter, and performed ipsilateral brachial artery reactivity testing. Blood samples for plasma metabolite profiling were obtained at baseline and immediately upon cuff release after 5 min of ischemia. Brachial artery diameter was measured at baseline and 1 min after cuff release.

as expected, flow-mediated vasodilation was attenuated in subjects with T2DM (P<0.01). We confirmed known T2DM-associated baseline differences in plasma metabolites, including homocysteine, dimethylguanidino valeric acid and β-alanine (all P<0.05). Ischemia-induced metabolite changes that differed between groups included 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (healthy -27%; DM +14%), orotic acid (healthy +5%; DM -7%), trimethylamine-N-oxide (healthy -51%; DM +0.


In questo senso, il servizio più comune è la traduzione di articoli scientifici dalla lingua di partenza verso l’inglese. La traduzione di articoli scientifici e tecnici ha un ruolo primario nel far circolare conoscenze dentro e fuori la comunità scientifica così come nel diffondere e mettere a disposizione dei ricercatori di ogni Paese le scoperte di colleghi che lavorano in altre parti del mondo. Come le altre tipologie di traduzione specialistica, la traduzione di testi scientifici possiede delle proprie peculiarità che è importante tenere in considerazione se si desidera tradurre un testo di questo tipo in modo efficace.

Iter di traduzione di articoli scientifici e metodo di lavoro dello Studio Ati
Per tutte le altre lingue, dovrai selezionare un dizionario che faccia riferimento alla lingua inglese. Tuttavia, puoi avvalerti di questa sezione del sito nella quale sono presenti i dizionari virtuali che permettono di fare traduzioni anche tra lingue delle quali non è presente il dizionario specifico all'interno del sito (ad esempio da italiano a cinese). Comunque sia, questa funzione a volte presenta alcuni errori e non riesce a tradurre tutti i termini.

Perciò, per questi casi, facilito il servizio di legalizzazione notarile della traduzione, preparando appositamente la traduzione. Il cliente deve però conoscere il fatto che per traduzioni di questo genere deve presentare il documento da tradurre in originale. Con l’atto in originale e con la traduzione, il traduttore si presenta dal notaio per la legalizzazione della firma del traduttore (detta comunemente “legalizzazione della traduzione”). Le traduzioni legalizzate in Romania sono valide e riconosciute senza problemi in Italia. Le traduzioni asseverate sono denominate in rumeno “traduceri autorizate” in quanto possono essere eseguite esclusivamente da un traduttore autorizzato dal Ministero.

Con una laurea in chimica e quasi dieci anni di esperienza nel settore delle traduzioni tecniche e delle traduzioni scientifiche ho sviluppato un ricco bagaglio di conoscenze nei settori scientifici di interesse.
Il mondo scientifico è molto spesso oggetto di scambi internazionali sia nell’ambito della condivisione delle conoscenze e di lavori di ricerca sia al momento della promozione e della messa in commercio di un medicinale o di un prodotto farmaceutico.
In quanto centro internazionale per gli affari e la cultura, Argovia ospita un'ampia gamma di aziende, organizzazioni e istituzioni che operano in un ambiente globalizzato.
I testi in campo tecnico-scientifico richiedono un’ampia conoscenza terminologica e concettuale dell’argomento, in particolare se si desidera pubblicare l’articolo o la relativa traduzione in riviste specializzate.
Le traduzioni asseverate realizzate in Romania sono valide e riconosciute senza problemi in Italia.

Gli articoli di divulgazione sono i contenuti maggiormente generati dalla comunità scientifica. È il modo più comune per comunicare i progressi nel proprio campo di ricerca, poiché solitamente i progetti scientifici tendono a essere svolti nel corso di anni, ma è importante comunicare periodicamente alla comunità i vari progressi all’interno di una ricerca. La maggior parte degli articoli scientifici è pubblicata in inglese, anche se è sempre più comune la pubblicazione in altre lingue come lo spagnolo, il cinese o il tedesco.
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Oggi sempre più aziende e organizzazioni cercano servizi di traduzione specializzati in settori o aree di competenza specifiche. Un’agenzia di traduzione dovrebbe identificare i propri punti di forza e sviluppare competenze in questi settori. Ad esempio, potrebbe trattarsi di traduzioni mediche, traduzioni legali, traduzioni tecniche, ecc. L’espansione della specializzazione consentirà all’agenzia di traduzione di attrarre un maggior numero di clienti e di diventare più richiesta nel suo settore.
Si tratta di segmenti di codice da integrare al gioco, che servono a tradurre direttamente il contenuto. Tuttavia, queste traduzioni sono raramente eseguite da traduttori specializzati e non costituiscono, dunque, una valida alternativa per gli appassionati di videogiochi, che desiderano usufruire di un’immersione completa. La legalizzazione e l’apostillazione sono dunque passaggi necessari per evitare sorprese quando si consegnano i documenti di iscrizione a un’università all’estero. Informarvi con anticipo e rivolgervi a un’agenzia di traduzione professionale come OLÈXICA potrebbe salvarvi la vita, garantendovi una traduzione precisa e conforme alle normative internazionali ed evitandovi la scocciatura di dover far rifare la traduzione per la mancanza di un timbro. Ho scelto di promuovere e di svolgere la mia attività di traduttrice di rumeno in regime online. In questo modo sono in grado di aiutare i miei clienti indipendentemente  dal posto in cui si trovano.
Il traduttore specializzato in videogiochi svolge, pertanto, un ruolo essenziale per far sì che l’utente si trovi pienamente a proprio agio nel gioco e che anche i giocatori più esigenti non si rendano conto che si tratta di una traduzione. In un'epoca in cui la prima cosa che facciamo è cercare su Google un luogo prima di visitarlo, i siti web sono sempre più il luogo in cui andare a cercare informazioni. L’Italia, insieme a molti altri paesi, aderisce alla Convenzione dell’Aia del 1961, che sostituisce la legalizzazione con l’apposizione dell’apostilla.

Tutto questo lavoro potrebbe non contare nulla se i dettagli della ricerca non vengono comunicati con precisione e chiarezza. Produrre traduzioni di articoli scientifici accurate, in modo da renderle disponibili a un pubblico globale e multilingue, è lo scopo principale di Linguation. Sia che si tratta di articoli scientifici relativi al campo della medicina o fisica, veterinaria, chimica o biologia, noi di Linguation ti offriamo un servizio di traduzione scientifica di elevata qualità in numerose combinazioni linguistiche. Linguation collabora con traduttori e revisori non solo madrelingua, con un’approfondita conoscenza della cultura e della lingua di arrivo, ma anche specializzati in uno specifico campo scientifico.

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RYGB had a 36% (HR=0.64, 95% CI 0.55, 0.74) decreased risk of recurrence compared with VSG. A higher number of diabetic medications at the time of surgery and a higher Charlson index score were associated with decreased probability of remission and an increased risk of recurrence of T2DM.

While both procedures are initially effective, RYGB may be better than VSG at providing lasting remission of T2DM.
While both procedures are initially effective, RYGB may be better than VSG at providing lasting remission of T2DM.
Upper-extremity reactions are part of a whole-body response to counterweight the falling center of mass after unexpected balance loss. Impairments in upper-extremity reactions due to unilateral hemiparesis may contribute to stroke survivors propensity for falling. We aimed to characterize upper-extremity (paretic and non-paretic sides) reactive movements in response to lateral balance perturbations in Persons with Stroke vs. healthy controls.

Twenty-six subacute persons with stroke and 15 healthy controls were exposed to multidirectional sudden unannounced surface translations in stance. Spatiotemporal parameters of upper- and lower-extremity balance responses to lateral perturbations were analyzed.

In both groups reactive upper-extremity movement initiation preceded reactive step initiation. In response to a loss of balance toward the paretic side, persons with stroke demonstrated delayed movement initiation of both upper- and lower-extremity compared with healthy controls (In persons with stroke 234.7trols suggests that balance recovery is an automatic "reflex-like" response. Delayed upper-extremity reactive reactions in conditions of surface translation toward the non-paretic side in persons with stroke may increase the risk of falls in the direction of the paretic side.Our current knowledge of genetically determined forms of epilepsy has shortened the diagnostic pathway usually experienced by the families of infants diagnosed with early-onset developmental and epileptic encephalopathies. Genetic causes can be found in up to 80% of infants presenting with early-onset developmental and epileptic encephalopathies, often in the context of an uneventful perinatal history and with no clear underlying brain abnormalities. Although current disease-specific therapies remain limited and patient outcomes are often guarded, a genetic diagnosis may lead to early therapeutic intervention using new and/or repurposed therapies. In this review, an overview of epilepsy genetics, the indications for genetic testing in infants, the advantages and limitations of each test, and the challenges and ethical implications of genetic testing are discussed. In addition, the following causative genes associated with early-onset developmental and epileptic encephalopathies are discussed in detail KCNT1, KCNQ2, KCNA2, SCN2A, SCN8A, STXBP1, CDKL5, PIGA, SPTAN1, and GNAO1. The epilepsy phenotypes, comorbidities, electroencephalgraphic findings, neuroimaging findings, and potential targeted therapies for each gene are reviewed.Unimanual motor tasks change the corticospinal excitability of the trained and untrained side. However, whether the motor task type influences the modulation of the corticospinal excitability of the untrained side remains unclear. This study aimed to clarify the effects of motor tasks on the corticospinal excitability of the untrained side and the relationship between the excitability and motor function. In Experiment I, we measured the corticospinal excitability of the untrained side and motor function after 10 min of motor training in two conditions (gripping task and ball rotation task). The gripping task decreased the excitability. In contrast, excitability remained unchanged after the ball rotation task; further, the modulation of excitability and motor function showed a correlation. In Experiment II, we measured the corticospinal excitability of the untrained side and motor function after two sessions of the ball rotation task. The excitability increased, but motor function remained unchanged after the first session, whereas the excitability decreased to the level observed before training, and motor function improved after the second session. We suggest that the training condition modulates the corticospinal excitability of the untrained side and that this is related to the modulation of motor function.In order to discover and develop drug-like anti-inflammatory agents against arthritis, based on "Hit" we found earlier and to overcome drawbacks of toxicity, twelve series of total 89 novel pyrimidine, pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidine and thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidine derivatives were designed, synthesized and screened for their anti-inflammatory activity against NO and toxicity for normal liver cells (LO2). Relationships of balance toxicity and activity have been summarized through multi-steps, and title compounds 22o, 22l were found to show lower toxicity (against LO2 IC50 = 2934, 2301 μM, respectively) and potent effect against NO release (IR = 98.3, 97.67%, at 10 μM, respectively). Furthermore, compound 22o showed potent iNOS inhibitory activity with value of IC50 is 0.96 μM and could interfere stability and formation of the active dimeric iNOS. It's anti-inflammatory activity in vivo was assessed by AIA rat model. Furthermore, the results of metabolic stability, CYP, PK study in vivo, acute toxicity study and subacute toxicity assessment indicated this compound had good drug-like properties for treatment.A new series of sulfonamide endowed with hydrazone coupled to dimethyl and/or diethyl malonates were prepared. Various sulfa drugs were diazotized and followed by coupling with active methylene of dimethyl and/or diethyl malonate to afford the new intermediates hydrazones 3a-c and 4a-c. The reactivity of hydrazone derivatives towards hydrazines was investigated. Thus, a novel series of 3,5-dioxopyrazolidine7a-cwere obtained by treatment with hydrazine hydrate. When hydrazones were allowed to react with phenyl hydrazine, the alkyl 2-((4-(N-(substituted)sulfamoyl)phenyl)diazenyl)-3-oxo-3-(2-phenylhydrazinyl)propanoateswere obtained 8a-c and/or 10a-c. Their anticancer activities were evaluated against HepG2, HCT-116 and MCF-7. HepG2 was the most sensitive one. In particular, compounds 7c, 7b and 10c were found to be the most potent derivatives with IC50 = 6.43 ± 0.5, 9.66 ± 0.8, 10.57 ± 0.9 µM, 8.65 ± 0.7, 7.49 ± 0.6, 14.29 ± 1.3 µM and 8.97 ± 0.7, 10.13 ± 0.9, 13.82 ± 1.1 µM respectively. Sorafenib and doxorubicin were used as reference drugs.