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1 hr ago

Objective Based on an investigation of an outbreak of COVID-19 in Nanchang, to understand the transmission process, analyze the infectivity of the cases in incubation period and asymptomatic carrier, and evaluate the transmission risks in different exposures. Methods Case investigation was based on the traditional epidemiological survey, combined with analysis based on big data about population movement trajectories. Transmission chain was identified to indicate transmission relationship. Results A total of 27 cases were found in this cluster epidemic, including 25 confirmed cases, 1 suspected case (index case) and 1 asymptomatic carrier. A total of 347 close contacts were found. The secondary attack rate was 7.2% (25/347). The infection rates in close contacts of the first, second, third and fourth generation cases were 52.6% (10/19), 6.1% (13/213), 2.3% (2/88) and 0.0% (0/27), respectively. Asymptomatic carrier caused household transmission. The infection rates in close contacts after having meals, sharing rooms/beds, having work contacts, having neighbor contacts, having same time medical services or sharing wards and sharing vehicles with the patients were 10.6%(17/160), 10.0%(20/201), 5.3%(5/94), 0.0%(0/30), 0.0%(0/18) and 0.0%(0/17), respectively. Conclusions The infection source of this cluster epidemic was a suspected case from Wuhan. Analysis based on big data about population movement trajectories can help to search the cases and close contacts accurately. The proposed epidemic prevention and control measures based on this investigation were effective.Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of the cases firstly reported as "asymptomatic infection of COVID-19" in Guangdong province. Methods The follow-up observation method was used to continuously track and observe the cases firstly reported as "asymptomatic patients with COVID-19" in Guangdong province from January 14 to March 31, 2020. The epidemiological data of the cases were collected to analyze their epidemiological characteristics, outcome and influencing factors. Results From January 14 to March 31, 2020, a total of 325 cases were firstly reported as "asymptomatic infections of COVID-19" in Guangdong province. The epidemic curve of asymptomatic infection cases was similar to that of confirmed cases, and it had two peaks. The first peak was from January 27 to February 5, and the second peak was from March 17 to March 26. Of the 325 cases, 184 (56.6%) were subsequently converted to confirmed cases. These cases were defined as incubation period asymptomatic infection cases. The age medtic infection cases to confirmed cases, to which more attention should be paid. Further serological investigations are needed to provide a basis for the development of COVID-19 prevention and control strategies.The COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis and the greatest challenge that we are currently facing. The key to the management of infectious diseases worldwide is to abide by international regulations and conduct international cooperation in pursuit of common interests and values. WHO is the specialized international organization, under the United Nations system, to manage and control the spread of diseases. This study Summecrizes the WHO's response mechanisms for infectious diseases, response measures and the direction of efforts to combat COVID-19, with a view to provide advices for the control of COVID-19 pandemic.The central air conditioning ventilation system plays an important role in the air circulation of buildings such as centralized isolation medical observation points and general public buildings. In order to meet the requirements of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, Beijing Preventive Medicine Association organized Beijing CDC and other professional institutes to write up the group standard entitled "Technical specification for health risk investigation of central air conditioning ventilation system during the COVID-19 epidemic (T/BPMA 0006-2020)" . According to the particularity of central air conditioning ventilation system risk control during the outbreak of similar respiratory infectious diseases, based on current laws and regulations and the principle of scientific, practical, consistency and normative, 8 key points of risk investigations were summarized, which were the location of fresh air outlet, air conditioning mode, air return mode, air system, air distribution, fresh air volume, exhaust and air conditioner components. The contents, process, method, data analysis and conclusion of the investigation implementation were also defined and unified. It could standardize and guide institutions such as disease control and health supervision to carry out relevant risk managements, and provided solutions and technical supports for such major public health emergencies in city operations.Biosafety is an important guarantee of the new coronavirus laboratory test. The accident treatment of sample overflow and sprinkle is a necessary part of the emergency plan for testing activities. Beijing Preventive Medicine Association coordinated biosafety experts of COVID-19 laboratories from Beijing CDC, to write up "The standard for handling of accidents of corona virus disease 2019 sample (T/BPMA 0005-2020)" . The group standard was based on the guidelines of China and WHO, and combined with the practical experience of COVID-19 epidemic and the principle of "scientific, normative, applicable and feasible" . Through all kinds of risk Assessment, it included the spillover of samples caused by the packing of COVID-19 (highly pathogenic) samples, the overflow and sprinkle in the laboratory during the detection operation, and the spillage accident occurred during the transfer of samples in the same building. The standard could guide and standardize the handling methods of accidental overflow and sprinkle that may occur in the SARS-CoV-2 testing laboratories in the city.This work investigates polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane modification to enhance its hydrophilicity and antibacterial properties. PVDF membranes were coated with nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2-NP) and silver (AgNP) at different concentrations and coating times and characterized for their porosity, morphology, chemical functional groups and composition changes. The results showed the successfully modified PVDF membranes containing TiO2-NP and AgNP on their surfaces. When the coating time was increased from 8 to 24 h, the compositions of Ti and Ag of the modified membranes were increased from 1.39 ± 0.13 to 4.29 ± 0.16 and from 1.03 ± 0.07 to 3.62 ± 0.08, respectively. The water contact angle of the membranes was decreased with increasing the coating time and TiO2-NP/AgNP ratio. The surface roughness and permeate fluxes of coated membranes were increased due to increased hydrophilicity. Antimicrobial and antifouling properties were investigated by the reduction of Escherichia coli cells and the inhibition of biofilm formation on the membrane surface, respectively.

4 hrs ago

EMS-mutagenized mutant lmpa1 deriving from elite wheat line KD527 conferred lmpa. Lmpa phenotype of lmpa1 mutant is controlled by a single dominant allele designated as Lmpa1, which affected wheat growth and development and reduced the thousand grain weight (tgw) of single plant in wheat. The gene Lmpa1 was tentatively located within the region of 30-40 Mb near to the short arm of chromosome 5A.
EMS-mutagenized mutant lmpa1 deriving from elite wheat line KD527 conferred lmpa. Lmpa phenotype of lmpa1 mutant is controlled by a single dominant allele designated as Lmpa1, which affected wheat growth and development and reduced the thousand grain weight (tgw) of single plant in wheat. The gene Lmpa1 was tentatively located within the region of 30-40 Mb near to the short arm of chromosome 5A.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.Infection of lung cells by the corona virus results in a loss of the balance between, on the one hand, angiotensin II-mediated stimulation of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor and, on the other hand, stimulation of the angiotensin II type 2 receptor and/or the Mas receptor. The unbalanced enhanced stimulation of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor causes inflammation, edema and contributes to the pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Here we hypothesize that stable, receptor-specific agonists of the angiotensin II type 2 receptor and of the Mas receptor are molecular medicines to treat COVID-19 patients. These agonists have therapeutic potential in the acute disease but in addition may reduce COVID-19-associated long-term pulmonary dysfunction and overall end-organ damage of this disease.
Testosterone deficiency in men is clinically associated with the development of metabolic syndrome, which manifests as obesity, hepatic steatosis, and type-2 diabetes. We investigated the effects of castration-induced testosterone deficiency on body adiposity and the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism and glucose uptake and androgen signaling in male rats fed a normal diet (ND) or a high-fat diet (HFD).

Changes in lipid and glucose metabolism and androgen signaling were investigated at physiological and molecular levels in the muscle, liver, and adipose tissues of non-castrated and castrated rats under ND or HFD feeding.

Castration-induced testosterone deficiency predisposed animals on ND to early development of fatty liver by activating fatty acid (FA) synthesis, whereas HFD activated hepatic FA uptake CD36 expression, leading to the development of hepatic steatosis. In rats fed ND, castration induced muscle fat accumulation by activating CD36 expression. In the subcutaneous fat of ND-fed rats, castration increased adiposity and the expression of FA synthesis-related genes, but it decreased glucose transporter gene expression. In the abdominal fat of rats fed ND, castration increased adiposity by upregulating FA synthesis-related genes, and HFD promoted adiposity by inducing FA uptake, glucose transporter, and FA synthesis-related gene expression. In rats fed ND, castration decreased body growth and muscle weight and downregulated the expression of genes androgen signaling in the longissimus dorsi muscle.

Testosterone deficiency increases adiposity in a tissue-specific and diet-dependent manner. Testosterone deficiency decreases body and muscle weights and downregulates androgen signaling.
Testosterone deficiency increases adiposity in a tissue-specific and diet-dependent manner. Testosterone deficiency decreases body and muscle weights and downregulates androgen signaling.
Discovering single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from agriculture crop genome sequences has been a widely used strategy for developing genetic markers for several applications including marker-assisted breeding, population diversity studies for eco-geographical adaption, genotyping crop germplasm collections, and others. Accurately detecting SNPs from large polyploid crop genomes such as wheat is crucial and challenging. A few variant calling methods have been previously developed but they show a low concordance between their variant calls. A gold standard of variant sets generated from one human individual sample was established for variant calling tool evaluations, however hitherto no gold standard of crop variant set is available for wheat use. The intent of this study was to evaluate seven SNP variant calling tools (FreeBayes, GATK, Platypus, Samtools/mpileup, SNVer, VarScan, VarDict) with the two most popular mapping tools (BWA-mem and Bowtie2) on wheat whole exome capture (WEC) re-sequencing data frle variant identification from deep sequencing of other large polyploid crop genomes.
The BWA-mem and Samtools/mpileup pipeline, with no need to preprocess the raw read data before mapping onto the reference genome, was ascertained the optimum for SNP calling for the complex wheat genome re-sequencing. These results also provide useful guidelines for reliable variant identification from deep sequencing of other large polyploid crop genomes.Neuropathic pain (NP) is a sustained and nonreversible condition characterized by long-term devastating physical and psychological damage. Therefore, it is urgent to identify an effective treatment for NP. Unfortunately, the precise pathogenesis of NP has not been elucidated. Currently, the microbiota-gut-brain axis has drawn increasing attention, and the emerging role of gut microbiota is investigated in numerous diseases including NP. is considered as a pivotal regulator in immune, neural, endocrine, and metabolic signaling pathways, which participates in forming a complex network to affect the development of NP directly or indirectly. In this review, we conclude the current understanding of preclinical and clinical findings regarding the role of gut microbiota in NP and provide a novel therapeutic method for pain relief by medication and dietary interventions.
Vertebrates exhibit diverse sex determination systems and reptiles stand out by having highly variable sex determinations that include temperature-dependent and genotypic sex determination (TSD and GSD, respectively). Theory predicts that populations living in either highly variable or cold climatic conditions should evolve genotypic sex determination to buffer the populations from extreme sex ratios, yet these fundamental predictions have not been tested across a wide range of taxa.

Here, we use phylogenetic analyses of 213 reptile species representing 38 families (TSD = 101 species, GSD = 112 species) and climatic data to compare breeding environments between reptiles with GSD versus TSD. #link# We show that GSD and TSD are confronted with the same level of climatic fluctuation during breeding seasons. However, TSD reptiles are significantly associated with warmer climates. We found a strong selection on the breeding season length that minimises exposure to cold and fluctuating climate. Phylogenetic path analyses comparing competing evolutionary hypotheses support that transitions in sex determination systems influenced the ambient temperature at which the species reproduces and nests.

10 hrs ago

jika anda salah mengelola strategi, dapat berimbas kerugian milyaran rupiah atau yang lebih fatal adalah robohnya konstruksi akibat kelalaian penyusunan. oleh akibat itu, konsepkan pembangunan serta bisnis property anda dengan baik memanfaatkan jasa konsultan arsitek kami yaitu pro arsitek untuk mengonsep bangunan biar property bernilai jual tinggi dengan berestetika. pro arsitek juga saat ini dapat merespons xxxxxx bentuk secara 100% online seandainya pelanggan menuntut untuk melakukan wawancara secara daring cakap via komunikasi via chat, telepon, ataupun meeting selaku virtual.

oleh karena itu, konsumen kami yang berawal dari kolangkaling sanggup memilah online pertemuan maka anda sekeluarga konsisten aman serta aman dari virus corona sekali lalu memata-matai progress kemajuan konsep di dalam rumah. melaksanakan suatu rumah tidak situasi nan bisa dilakukan dengan mudah juga sendiri. disaat seperti ini anda memerlukan kerjasama kelompok dari energi pakar professional nan telah mempunyai pengetahuan dibidangnya. simetris21 yaitu penyelesaian yang cermat untuk dapat merealisasikan rumah nan diidamkan anda. simetris21 siap mengurus permasalahan desain yakni kek perancangan/desain, hingga realisasi pendirian.

seorang arsitek cuma membuat desain rumah, padahal jasa design & build sanggup mendesain serta sekaligus membentuk rumah. dengan kata lain, jasa design & build adalah arsitek dan pemborong yang terleta dalam satu lembaga. biasanya anggaran xxxxxx serta kontraktor dihitung didalam satu paket. menyeleksi jasa design & build ataupun xxxxxx serta jasa pemborong nan terpisah pasti memiliki sejumlah kelebihan dengan kekurangan sendiri-sendiri. anda mesti mengukur laba serta ruginya sebelum menyimpulkan kedua preferensi tersebut. tengah berencana menciptakan rumah, senantiasa kelihatan dua pilihan di benak setiap pihak ialah memanfaatkan xxxxxx atau enggak.

penyempuraan rumah atau peremajaan kantor ialah salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan suasana rumah atau kantor nan lebih enak. tanpa perancangan yang matang, renovasi tentu hendak menguras kantong. tergantung luar biasa atau kecilnya pembaharuan, semestinya manfaatkan jasa renov untuk meredakan kelalaian penyempuraan. menukar corak cat dinding ataupun memulihkan instalasi listrik serta air Inklusif jenis penyempuraan mudah yang bisa dikerjakan tanpa mengenakan jasa seseorang arsitek. lamun, kalau penyempuraan memiliki tingkat kompleksitas nan kayak makin lenggek maupun mengubah peraturan letak konstruksi, seharusnya terapkan'> . dalam komplet masalah, peremajaan jauh lebih runyam dibandingkan membentuk rumah dari nol. saja, sebelumnya arsitek hendak menunaikan pengamatan kawasan untuk mendapat cermin deskriptif untuk desainnya. skema konsep yang dihasilkan pastinya masih terbuka untuk perubahan maupun diperdalam lagi. anda juga mampu menyampaikan masukan untuk mengadakan rumah impian dengan kepentingan. enggak capai di haud aja, arsitek juga hendak memberi usul teknis dengan membantu melakukan penjagaan.

BintoroArchitect : Konsultan Jasa Arsitek Rumah Profesional | Call : 150130 / 0822 1000 9900 | Amanah dalam bisnis, Profesional dalam desain.



I show the path of least resistance in surgical masks and note why masks are largely ineffective at stopping airborne pathogens.

I also produce a comic series at you should check out.

And I wrote a non-fiction book helping people understand the principles of liberty called, The Definitive Guide to Libertarian Voluntaryism over at:

#coronavirus #covid19 #corona #sars2 #delta #omicron #vaccine #vaccines #vaccination #exposepfizer #vaccineinjury #vaccineinjuries #vaccineinjured #pfizer #johnsonandjohnson #moderna #biontech #covid #libertarian #firefauci


Sorry, no results were found.



I show the path of least resistance in surgical masks and note why masks are largely ineffective at stopping airborne pathogens.

I also produce a comic series at you should check out.

And I wrote a non-fiction book helping people understand the principles of liberty called, The Definitive Guide to Libertarian Voluntaryism over at:

#coronavirus #covid19 #corona #sars2 #delta #omicron #vaccine #vaccines #vaccination #exposepfizer #vaccineinjury #vaccineinjuries #vaccineinjured #pfizer #johnsonandjohnson #moderna #biontech #covid #libertarian #firefauci


1 hr ago

Objective Based on an investigation of an outbreak of COVID-19 in Nanchang, to understand the transmission process, analyze the infectivity of the cases in incubation period and asymptomatic carrier, and evaluate the transmission risks in different exposures. Methods Case investigation was based on the traditional epidemiological survey, combined with analysis based on big data about population movement trajectories. Transmission chain was identified to indicate transmission relationship. Results A total of 27 cases were found in this cluster epidemic, including 25 confirmed cases, 1 suspected case (index case) and 1 asymptomatic carrier. A total of 347 close contacts were found. The secondary attack rate was 7.2% (25/347). The infection rates in close contacts of the first, second, third and fourth generation cases were 52.6% (10/19), 6.1% (13/213), 2.3% (2/88) and 0.0% (0/27), respectively. Asymptomatic carrier caused household transmission. The infection rates in close contacts after having meals, sharing rooms/beds, having work contacts, having neighbor contacts, having same time medical services or sharing wards and sharing vehicles with the patients were 10.6%(17/160), 10.0%(20/201), 5.3%(5/94), 0.0%(0/30), 0.0%(0/18) and 0.0%(0/17), respectively. Conclusions The infection source of this cluster epidemic was a suspected case from Wuhan. Analysis based on big data about population movement trajectories can help to search the cases and close contacts accurately. The proposed epidemic prevention and control measures based on this investigation were effective.Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of the cases firstly reported as "asymptomatic infection of COVID-19" in Guangdong province. Methods The follow-up observation method was used to continuously track and observe the cases firstly reported as "asymptomatic patients with COVID-19" in Guangdong province from January 14 to March 31, 2020. The epidemiological data of the cases were collected to analyze their epidemiological characteristics, outcome and influencing factors. Results From January 14 to March 31, 2020, a total of 325 cases were firstly reported as "asymptomatic infections of COVID-19" in Guangdong province. The epidemic curve of asymptomatic infection cases was similar to that of confirmed cases, and it had two peaks. The first peak was from January 27 to February 5, and the second peak was from March 17 to March 26. Of the 325 cases, 184 (56.6%) were subsequently converted to confirmed cases. These cases were defined as incubation period asymptomatic infection cases. The age medtic infection cases to confirmed cases, to which more attention should be paid. Further serological investigations are needed to provide a basis for the development of COVID-19 prevention and control strategies.The COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis and the greatest challenge that we are currently facing. The key to the management of infectious diseases worldwide is to abide by international regulations and conduct international cooperation in pursuit of common interests and values. WHO is the specialized international organization, under the United Nations system, to manage and control the spread of diseases. This study Summecrizes the WHO's response mechanisms for infectious diseases, response measures and the direction of efforts to combat COVID-19, with a view to provide advices for the control of COVID-19 pandemic.The central air conditioning ventilation system plays an important role in the air circulation of buildings such as centralized isolation medical observation points and general public buildings. In order to meet the requirements of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, Beijing Preventive Medicine Association organized Beijing CDC and other professional institutes to write up the group standard entitled "Technical specification for health risk investigation of central air conditioning ventilation system during the COVID-19 epidemic (T/BPMA 0006-2020)" . According to the particularity of central air conditioning ventilation system risk control during the outbreak of similar respiratory infectious diseases, based on current laws and regulations and the principle of scientific, practical, consistency and normative, 8 key points of risk investigations were summarized, which were the location of fresh air outlet, air conditioning mode, air return mode, air system, air distribution, fresh air volume, exhaust and air conditioner components. The contents, process, method, data analysis and conclusion of the investigation implementation were also defined and unified. It could standardize and guide institutions such as disease control and health supervision to carry out relevant risk managements, and provided solutions and technical supports for such major public health emergencies in city operations.Biosafety is an important guarantee of the new coronavirus laboratory test. The accident treatment of sample overflow and sprinkle is a necessary part of the emergency plan for testing activities. Beijing Preventive Medicine Association coordinated biosafety experts of COVID-19 laboratories from Beijing CDC, to write up "The standard for handling of accidents of corona virus disease 2019 sample (T/BPMA 0005-2020)" . The group standard was based on the guidelines of China and WHO, and combined with the practical experience of COVID-19 epidemic and the principle of "scientific, normative, applicable and feasible" . Through all kinds of risk Assessment, it included the spillover of samples caused by the packing of COVID-19 (highly pathogenic) samples, the overflow and sprinkle in the laboratory during the detection operation, and the spillage accident occurred during the transfer of samples in the same building. The standard could guide and standardize the handling methods of accidental overflow and sprinkle that may occur in the SARS-CoV-2 testing laboratories in the city.This work investigates polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane modification to enhance its hydrophilicity and antibacterial properties. PVDF membranes were coated with nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2-NP) and silver (AgNP) at different concentrations and coating times and characterized for their porosity, morphology, chemical functional groups and composition changes. The results showed the successfully modified PVDF membranes containing TiO2-NP and AgNP on their surfaces. When the coating time was increased from 8 to 24 h, the compositions of Ti and Ag of the modified membranes were increased from 1.39 ± 0.13 to 4.29 ± 0.16 and from 1.03 ± 0.07 to 3.62 ± 0.08, respectively. The water contact angle of the membranes was decreased with increasing the coating time and TiO2-NP/AgNP ratio. The surface roughness and permeate fluxes of coated membranes were increased due to increased hydrophilicity. Antimicrobial and antifouling properties were investigated by the reduction of Escherichia coli cells and the inhibition of biofilm formation on the membrane surface, respectively.

4 hrs ago

EMS-mutagenized mutant lmpa1 deriving from elite wheat line KD527 conferred lmpa. Lmpa phenotype of lmpa1 mutant is controlled by a single dominant allele designated as Lmpa1, which affected wheat growth and development and reduced the thousand grain weight (tgw) of single plant in wheat. The gene Lmpa1 was tentatively located within the region of 30-40 Mb near to the short arm of chromosome 5A.
EMS-mutagenized mutant lmpa1 deriving from elite wheat line KD527 conferred lmpa. Lmpa phenotype of lmpa1 mutant is controlled by a single dominant allele designated as Lmpa1, which affected wheat growth and development and reduced the thousand grain weight (tgw) of single plant in wheat. The gene Lmpa1 was tentatively located within the region of 30-40 Mb near to the short arm of chromosome 5A.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.Infection of lung cells by the corona virus results in a loss of the balance between, on the one hand, angiotensin II-mediated stimulation of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor and, on the other hand, stimulation of the angiotensin II type 2 receptor and/or the Mas receptor. The unbalanced enhanced stimulation of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor causes inflammation, edema and contributes to the pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Here we hypothesize that stable, receptor-specific agonists of the angiotensin II type 2 receptor and of the Mas receptor are molecular medicines to treat COVID-19 patients. These agonists have therapeutic potential in the acute disease but in addition may reduce COVID-19-associated long-term pulmonary dysfunction and overall end-organ damage of this disease.
Testosterone deficiency in men is clinically associated with the development of metabolic syndrome, which manifests as obesity, hepatic steatosis, and type-2 diabetes. We investigated the effects of castration-induced testosterone deficiency on body adiposity and the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism and glucose uptake and androgen signaling in male rats fed a normal diet (ND) or a high-fat diet (HFD).

Changes in lipid and glucose metabolism and androgen signaling were investigated at physiological and molecular levels in the muscle, liver, and adipose tissues of non-castrated and castrated rats under ND or HFD feeding.

Castration-induced testosterone deficiency predisposed animals on ND to early development of fatty liver by activating fatty acid (FA) synthesis, whereas HFD activated hepatic FA uptake CD36 expression, leading to the development of hepatic steatosis. In rats fed ND, castration induced muscle fat accumulation by activating CD36 expression. In the subcutaneous fat of ND-fed rats, castration increased adiposity and the expression of FA synthesis-related genes, but it decreased glucose transporter gene expression. In the abdominal fat of rats fed ND, castration increased adiposity by upregulating FA synthesis-related genes, and HFD promoted adiposity by inducing FA uptake, glucose transporter, and FA synthesis-related gene expression. In rats fed ND, castration decreased body growth and muscle weight and downregulated the expression of genes androgen signaling in the longissimus dorsi muscle.

Testosterone deficiency increases adiposity in a tissue-specific and diet-dependent manner. Testosterone deficiency decreases body and muscle weights and downregulates androgen signaling.
Testosterone deficiency increases adiposity in a tissue-specific and diet-dependent manner. Testosterone deficiency decreases body and muscle weights and downregulates androgen signaling.
Discovering single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from agriculture crop genome sequences has been a widely used strategy for developing genetic markers for several applications including marker-assisted breeding, population diversity studies for eco-geographical adaption, genotyping crop germplasm collections, and others. Accurately detecting SNPs from large polyploid crop genomes such as wheat is crucial and challenging. A few variant calling methods have been previously developed but they show a low concordance between their variant calls. A gold standard of variant sets generated from one human individual sample was established for variant calling tool evaluations, however hitherto no gold standard of crop variant set is available for wheat use. The intent of this study was to evaluate seven SNP variant calling tools (FreeBayes, GATK, Platypus, Samtools/mpileup, SNVer, VarScan, VarDict) with the two most popular mapping tools (BWA-mem and Bowtie2) on wheat whole exome capture (WEC) re-sequencing data frle variant identification from deep sequencing of other large polyploid crop genomes.
The BWA-mem and Samtools/mpileup pipeline, with no need to preprocess the raw read data before mapping onto the reference genome, was ascertained the optimum for SNP calling for the complex wheat genome re-sequencing. These results also provide useful guidelines for reliable variant identification from deep sequencing of other large polyploid crop genomes.Neuropathic pain (NP) is a sustained and nonreversible condition characterized by long-term devastating physical and psychological damage. Therefore, it is urgent to identify an effective treatment for NP. Unfortunately, the precise pathogenesis of NP has not been elucidated. Currently, the microbiota-gut-brain axis has drawn increasing attention, and the emerging role of gut microbiota is investigated in numerous diseases including NP. is considered as a pivotal regulator in immune, neural, endocrine, and metabolic signaling pathways, which participates in forming a complex network to affect the development of NP directly or indirectly. In this review, we conclude the current understanding of preclinical and clinical findings regarding the role of gut microbiota in NP and provide a novel therapeutic method for pain relief by medication and dietary interventions.
Vertebrates exhibit diverse sex determination systems and reptiles stand out by having highly variable sex determinations that include temperature-dependent and genotypic sex determination (TSD and GSD, respectively). Theory predicts that populations living in either highly variable or cold climatic conditions should evolve genotypic sex determination to buffer the populations from extreme sex ratios, yet these fundamental predictions have not been tested across a wide range of taxa.

Here, we use phylogenetic analyses of 213 reptile species representing 38 families (TSD = 101 species, GSD = 112 species) and climatic data to compare breeding environments between reptiles with GSD versus TSD. #link# We show that GSD and TSD are confronted with the same level of climatic fluctuation during breeding seasons. However, TSD reptiles are significantly associated with warmer climates. We found a strong selection on the breeding season length that minimises exposure to cold and fluctuating climate. Phylogenetic path analyses comparing competing evolutionary hypotheses support that transitions in sex determination systems influenced the ambient temperature at which the species reproduces and nests.

10 hrs ago

jika anda salah mengelola strategi, dapat berimbas kerugian milyaran rupiah atau yang lebih fatal adalah robohnya konstruksi akibat kelalaian penyusunan. oleh akibat itu, konsepkan pembangunan serta bisnis property anda dengan baik memanfaatkan jasa konsultan arsitek kami yaitu pro arsitek untuk mengonsep bangunan biar property bernilai jual tinggi dengan berestetika. pro arsitek juga saat ini dapat merespons xxxxxx bentuk secara 100% online seandainya pelanggan menuntut untuk melakukan wawancara secara daring cakap via komunikasi via chat, telepon, ataupun meeting selaku virtual.

oleh karena itu, konsumen kami yang berawal dari kolangkaling sanggup memilah online pertemuan maka anda sekeluarga konsisten aman serta aman dari virus corona sekali lalu memata-matai progress kemajuan konsep di dalam rumah. melaksanakan suatu rumah tidak situasi nan bisa dilakukan dengan mudah juga sendiri. disaat seperti ini anda memerlukan kerjasama kelompok dari energi pakar professional nan telah mempunyai pengetahuan dibidangnya. simetris21 yaitu penyelesaian yang cermat untuk dapat merealisasikan rumah nan diidamkan anda. simetris21 siap mengurus permasalahan desain yakni kek perancangan/desain, hingga realisasi pendirian.

seorang arsitek cuma membuat desain rumah, padahal jasa design & build sanggup mendesain serta sekaligus membentuk rumah. dengan kata lain, jasa design & build adalah arsitek dan pemborong yang terleta dalam satu lembaga. biasanya anggaran xxxxxx serta kontraktor dihitung didalam satu paket. menyeleksi jasa design & build ataupun xxxxxx serta jasa pemborong nan terpisah pasti memiliki sejumlah kelebihan dengan kekurangan sendiri-sendiri. anda mesti mengukur laba serta ruginya sebelum menyimpulkan kedua preferensi tersebut. tengah berencana menciptakan rumah, senantiasa kelihatan dua pilihan di benak setiap pihak ialah memanfaatkan xxxxxx atau enggak.

penyempuraan rumah atau peremajaan kantor ialah salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan suasana rumah atau kantor nan lebih enak. tanpa perancangan yang matang, renovasi tentu hendak menguras kantong. tergantung luar biasa atau kecilnya pembaharuan, semestinya manfaatkan jasa renov untuk meredakan kelalaian penyempuraan. menukar corak cat dinding ataupun memulihkan instalasi listrik serta air Inklusif jenis penyempuraan mudah yang bisa dikerjakan tanpa mengenakan jasa seseorang arsitek. lamun, kalau penyempuraan memiliki tingkat kompleksitas nan kayak makin lenggek maupun mengubah peraturan letak konstruksi, seharusnya terapkan'> . dalam komplet masalah, peremajaan jauh lebih runyam dibandingkan membentuk rumah dari nol. saja, sebelumnya arsitek hendak menunaikan pengamatan kawasan untuk mendapat cermin deskriptif untuk desainnya. skema konsep yang dihasilkan pastinya masih terbuka untuk perubahan maupun diperdalam lagi. anda juga mampu menyampaikan masukan untuk mengadakan rumah impian dengan kepentingan. enggak capai di haud aja, arsitek juga hendak memberi usul teknis dengan membantu melakukan penjagaan.

BintoroArchitect : Konsultan Jasa Arsitek Rumah Profesional | Call : 150130 / 0822 1000 9900 | Amanah dalam bisnis, Profesional dalam desain.

16 hrs ago

Recently, carbon nanomaterials doped with nonmetallic atoms have been used as electrocatalysts involved in oxygen reduction reactions (ORRs) because of the lack of degradation and contamination problems caused by metal dissolution, low cost, sustainability, and multifunctionality. In this study, the metal-free N-, P-, O-tridoped carbon hollow nanospheres (N, P, O-Carbon) with openings in the shell surfaces have been developed, where poly(o-phenylenediamine) hollow nanospheres with openings in the shell surfaces were chosen as a nitrogen-rich polymer, and then different phosphorus sources (such as NaH2PO2, H3PO4, and phytic acid (PA)) were introduced for heat treatment. When used as electrocatalysts, N, P, O-Carbon-PA showed the best ORR electroactivity with an onset potential (Eonset) of 0.98 V and the limit current density of 5.39 mA cm-2. The origin of high activity associated with heteroatom doping was elucidated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory. The results evidenced the high potential of N, P, O-Carbon as highly active nonmetal ORR electrocatalysts. It can be expected that the conclusions rendered herein will provide guidance for the reasonable design of other heteroatom-doped carbon for wider applications.We report on the contact line dynamics of a triple-phase system silica/oil/water. When oil advances onto silica within a water film squeezed between oil and silica, a rim forms in water and recedes at constant velocity. We evidence a sharp (three orders of magnitude) decrease of the contact line velocity upon the addition of cationic surfactants above a threshold concentration, which is slightly smaller than the critical micellar concentration. We show that, with or without surfactant, and within the range of small capillary numbers investigated, the contact line dynamics can be described by a friction term that does not reduce to pure hydrodynamical effects. In addition, we derive a model that successfully accounts for the selected contact line velocity of the rim. We further demonstrate the strong increase of the friction coefficient with surfactant bulk concentration results from the strongly nonlinear adsorption isotherm of surfactants on silica. From the variations of the friction coefficient and spreading parameter with surface concentration, we suggest a picture in which the part of the adsorbed surfactants that are strongly bound to the silica interface is trapped under the oil droplet and is responsible for the large increase in line friction.With an aim to understand the interaction mechanism of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with copper nanoclusters (CuNCs), three different types CuNCs having chemically different surface ligands, namely, tannic acid (TA), chitosan, and cysteine (Cys), have been fabricated, and investigations are carried out in the absence and presence of protein (BSA) at ensemble-averaged and single-molecule levels. The CuNCs, capped with different surface ligands, are consciously chosen so that the role of surface ligands in the overall protein-NCs interactions is clearly understood, but, more importantly, to find whether these CuNCs can interact with protein in a new pathway without forming the "protein corona", which otherwise has been observed in relatively larger nanoparticles when they are exposed to biological fluids. Analysis of the data obtained from fluorescence, ζ-potential, and ITC measurements has clearly indicated that the BSA protein in the presence of CuNCs does not attain the binding stoichiometry (BSA/CuNCs > 1) that is required for the formation of "protein corona". This conclusion is further substantiated by the outcome of the fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) study. Further analysis of data and thermodynamic calculations have revealed that the surface ligands of the CuNCs play an important role in the protein-NCs binding events, and they can alter the mode and thermodynamics of the process. Specifically, the data have demonstrated that the binding of BSA with TA-CuNCs and Chitosan-CuNCs follows two types of binding modes; however, the same with Cys-CuNCs goes through only one type of binding mode. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements have indicated that the basic structure of BSA remains almost unaltered in the presence of CuNCs. The outcome of the present study is expected to encourage and enable better application of NCs in biological applications.Direct ink writing (DIW) of aerogels has great potential in designing novel three-dimensional (3D) multifunctional materials with hierarchical structures ranging from the nanoscale to the macroscopic scale. In this paper, pure aerogels composed of inorganics, strongly cross-linking organics, and weakly cross-linking organics were directly written via the precise control of the gelation degree without using any additives. The rheological properties of a resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogel-based sol-gel ink (marked as RA ink) were measured at different reaction times to determine the suitable printable range (G'LVR several 103 Pa) that ensures its good print fidelity. In addition, the rheological evolution of the RA ink during the sol-gel process and under different shear stresses was studied. The correlation of relevant parameters was established according to the Hagen-Poiseuille model. Other typical aerogel-based sol-gel inks including a silica aerogel-based sol-gel ink (SA ink) and a polyimide aerogel-based sol-gel ink (PA ink) for DIW were also demonstrated. Finally, water evaporation experiments were carried out using a 3D-printed carbonized resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogel (CA) to further exhibit the potential applications of this novel technology in solar steam generation. The evaporation rate (1.57 kg m-2 h-1) and efficiency (88.38%) of 3D-printed CA were higher than those of bulk CA (1.21 kg m-2 h-1 and 69.82%). This paper systematically studies the control of DIW parameters for aerogel-based sol-gel inks and shows a potential application in high-efficiency 3D-printed evaporators.In this work, ruthenium(II)-catalyzed C-C/C-N annulation of 2-arylquinazolinones with vinylene carbonate is reported to synthesize fused quinazolinones. This catalytic system tolerates a wide range of substrates with excellent functional-group compatibility. In this transformation, the vinylene carbonate acts as an ethynol surrogate without any external oxidant involved. Furthermore, preliminary mechanistic studies were conducted, and a plausible catalytic cycle was also proposed.

17 hrs ago

A potential ability of stem cells (SCs) is to regenerate and repair tissues in the human body by providing great prospects for therapeutic applications in the field of medicine. Currently, SC therapy is used in various conditions like diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, etc. but faces some limitations like patient biocompatibility and chances of cross-infection. SCs are further modulated with nanoconjugates to overcome such challenges and will offer an advantage in the treatment of COVID-19. This pandemic requires design and development of proper treatment to save the life of human beings. Advancements in SC-based nanoconjugated therapy will open new avenues and create a significant impact in the development of futuristic nanomedicine. It may also emerge as a potential therapy for the management of infection in patients suffering from SARS-CoV-2 and related diseases such as pneumonia and virus-induced lung injuries. Graphical abstract Mechanisms of stem cell-based nanoconjugates for inhibition of replication of corona virus.Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is an emerging topic of interest in patients with immunodeficiency. Information about HRQOL in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is limited. The primary objective was to compare primary immunodeficiency disease (PIDD) patients with and without common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) on HRQOL domains using Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS-29) survey data from the United States Immunodeficiency Network (USIDNET) registry. The primary endpoint variables were scores on 7 HRQOL domains. The USIDNET registry was used to select patients with baseline PROMIS-29 data collected between 2015 and 2018. Descriptive statistics, Fisher's exact test, and Student's two-sample t test were used to compare patients with CVID versus patients with non-CVID on demographic and clinical characteristics. The single-sample t test was used to compare sample means to the normed population mean of 50. A general linear model approach to multiple regression with backward selection was used to remove factors that did not contribute significant information to the multivariable models, while controlling for multiple testing. Potential explanatory variables included group (CVID/non-CVID), sex, age, and BMI. Among 184 PIDD patients, 146 (79%) were diagnosed with CVID. Patients had a mean (SD) age of 53 (13.8), were predominantly female (83%), and were Caucasian (98%). PROMIS-29 results revealed a significant effect of group (CVID/non-CVID) on the anxiety, fatigue, and social participation domains, with fatigue being the most statistically significant. Fatigue, anxiety, and social participation may be key factors influencing HRQOL among patients with CVID. Future prospective longitudinal studies using PROMIS-29 will be needed to confirm these findings and to determine the mechanisms through which these factors develop in CVID, and how they can be improved.Antibodies are considered as an excellent foundation to neutralize pathogens and as highly specific therapeutic agents. Antibodies are generated in response to a vaccine but little use as immunotherapy to combat virus infections. A new generation of broadly cross-reactive and highly potent antibodies has led to a unique chance for them to be used as a medical intervention. Neutralizing antibodies (monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies) are desirable for pharmaceutical products because of their ability to target specific epitopes with their variable domains by precise neutralization mechanisms. The isolation of neutralizing antiviral antibodies has been achieved by Phage displayed antibody libraries, transgenic mice, B cell approaches, and hybridoma technology. Antibody engineering technologies have led to efficacy improvements, to further boost antibody in vivo activities. "Although neutralizing antiviral antibodies have some limitations that hinder their full development as therapeutic agents, the potential for prevention and treatment of infections, including a range of viruses (HIV, Ebola, MERS-COV, CHIKV, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV2), are being actively pursued in human clinical trials."In nature and agriculture, plants interact with an astonishing number of microbes, collectively referred to as the "plant microbiome." Roots are a microbial hotspot where beneficial plant-microbe interactions are established that support plant growth and provide protection against pathogens and insects. Recently, we discovered that in response to foliar pathogen attack, plant roots can recruit specific protective microbes into the rhizosphere. Root exudates play an essential role in the interaction between plant roots and rhizosphere microbiota. In order to study the chemical communication between plant roots and the rhizosphere microbiome, it is essential to study the metabolite profile of root exudates. Here, we describe a detailed protocol for the collection of sterile root exudates that are secreted by Arabidopsis thaliana roots in response to inoculation of the leaves with the biotrophic pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis.Plant root exudation has long been recognized as a vital communication system between plants and microbial communities populating the rhizosphere. Due to the high complexity of the collection process and analysis, a variety of techniques have been developed to mimic natural exudation conditions. In addition, significant progress improving existing techniques and developing new methodologies of root exudate collection and analysis have been made. However, optimal standard methods that compare closely with environmental soil conditions are not yet available. In this review, we provide an overview of all those topics and provide suggestions for improvement.Here, we describe a novel "bait-trap" assay, which facilitates capture of soil microorganisms that exhibit chemotaxis to chemical attractants, such as root exudates. These multi-population assemblages represent potential guilds and can be characterized using a wide-range of culture-dependent and culture-independent methods. While in this example, we use root exudates as bait, any water-soluble compound(s) could be used. Hence, the potential applications for the assay are diverse.