

International Public Notice: The Long Journey of Eduardo Rivera 2
By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, we released a long series of documents containing Dr. Rivera's research into the nature of the American Federal Courts and in particular the nature of Federal Income Taxes and who holds the "duty" to pay them.

He doesn't yet realize that the word "duty" is employed because the "Taxpayer" is assumed to be a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service who is charged with the "duty", as in Admiralty duty, to collect tariffs and taxes owed to the King and the British Crown in "the course of Maritime business and commerce".

He will learn.

He also doesn't realize that there are two (2) "Confederacies" in the early history of our country, one that was run from 1776-1781 by the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, and a second formalized Confederation doing business as the States of America from 1781 to 1861.

People in this country have been taught (wrongly) that The Articles of Confederation were replacing the Constitution, but in fact the desire to create "a more perfect union" was referencing the desire to replace the unwieldy confederation managed as a Committee by the Federation of States with a second, more organized Confederation managed by the Union, doing business as the States of America.

Those who have stuck with us know that from 1776 to 1781 the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America handled all international and global business for the fledgling government.

Perceptive students will now ask -- how could that be, as international trade and commerce occur in different jurisdictions and involve different kinds of business structures under different forms of law?

The unincorporated Federation of States was inherently empowered to function under its own responsibility in all jurisdictions -- a quality and condition shared by unincorporated entities in general.

It could therefore operate in international jurisdiction as a public business enterprise supported by the Several States that are its members and which contributed their mutual powers to the Federation to act on their behalf to conduct international business for them.

The Federation could also operate the commercial functions through a Committee of incorporated States-of-States created by each one of its own member States.

This first confederacy overseen by The United States of America (our Federation) during The War of Independence is sometimes confused with the Second Confederation organized under The Articles of Confederation and operated by the States of America from 1781 to 1861.

Dr. Rivera has made this common mistake in some of his writings, but this is an arcane bit of history that does not detract from his overall conclusions about the nature of the courts and the issues.

We refer international readers to his synopsis and evaluation, which is, with the exception of minor errors of the kind mentioned above, in keeping with our own findings: foreign law has been misapplied to Americans who are not federal employees, not voluntarily operating in any Admiralty or Maritime jurisdiction, and who owe not duty to pay taxes or, that is, collect taxes and pay them out to foreign interests.

Another common error to be aware of when reading through Dr. Rivera's "Notes" is that throughout the early development of our country the lawyers followed the old Roman conventions and forms of translated Latin, so that the Union States are referred to as "states" and the members of the Federation are "States".

Similarly, they used "the United States" to name various entities from 1776 to 1851, when new style conventions were adopted in an effort to curb confusion and conform to English usage, as English is our Official Language.

Thus, the name of the country went from being "the United States" to "The United States", and the Union states became the Union States.

This requires us to observe when documents were produced either before or after 1851 when these changes were adopted, in order to discern which "United States" and what kind of "United States" is being referenced.

"the United States" prior to 1851 may refer to the Union states, the Federal Republic, the Municipal Government, or the British Territorial United States. After 1851, the proper name of this country among the nations of the world is: The United States.

The United States of America (Unincorporated) has always been the name of our Federation of States, but foreign incorporated versions exist or existed in the past: the United States of America, Incorporated, and The United States of America, Incorporated, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, etc.

This information is provided to assist readers as they sort through Dr. Rivera's Notes, in the interest of keeping everything sorted out as we all go forward.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
May 3 2024

First for Independence: The Halifax Resolves of 1776

April 12, 1776 - the first official action by one of the colonies in full support of declaring independence. The Halifax Resolves was also the first example of a colony-wide assembly admitting that reconciliation with the British was no longer an option.Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: April 12, 2024


Made in USA, this 6 panel unstructured baseball cap has unbelievable workmanship and quality. Embroidered with America EST 1776 with the American Flag in the middle, to show your patriotism! A flag on the back will let everyone know that you take pride in supporting MADE IN USA!

This soon to be your most favorite hat, will be the most comfortable and best quality of your entire collection. Not just for patriotic holidays, but every day!

Check it out at Flag Shirts:
Support our patriotic products here:


Author of the most widely-read documents on American liberty until the publication of Common Sense in 1776, John Dickinson’s work earned him the nickname “Penman of the Revolution.” Born Nov 13, 1732 - his writings are filled with principles and strategies we’d do well to follow much more today.

Path to Liberty: Nov 14, 2022


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Approved unanimously on June 12, 1776, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, drafted primarily by George Mason, is one of the most important founding documents that many people have never even heard of. It influenced the text of the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Path to Liberty: June 13, 2022


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First published on January 10, 1776 - Thomas Paine’s Common Sense defended and inspired the cause of independence like no other. Leading historians have called the 47 page pamphlet one of the “most brilliant ever written in the English language.”

Path to Liberty: January 10, 2022


Author of the most widely-read documents on American liberty until the publication of Common Sense in 1776, John Dickinson’s work earned him the nickname “Penman of the Revolution.” Born Nov 13, 1732 - his writings are filled with principles and strategies we’d do well to follow much more today.

Path to Liberty: Nov 14, 2022


Show Archives:

Subscribe and Review on Apple:

Approved unanimously on June 12, 1776, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, drafted primarily by George Mason, is one of the most important founding documents that many people have never even heard of. It influenced the text of the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Path to Liberty: June 13, 2022


Show Archives:

Subscribe and Review on Apple:

First published on January 10, 1776 - Thomas Paine’s Common Sense defended and inspired the cause of independence like no other. Leading historians have called the 47 page pamphlet one of the “most brilliant ever written in the English language.”

Path to Liberty: January 10, 2022



International Public Notice: The Long Journey of Eduardo Rivera 2
By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, we released a long series of documents containing Dr. Rivera's research into the nature of the American Federal Courts and in particular the nature of Federal Income Taxes and who holds the "duty" to pay them.

He doesn't yet realize that the word "duty" is employed because the "Taxpayer" is assumed to be a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service who is charged with the "duty", as in Admiralty duty, to collect tariffs and taxes owed to the King and the British Crown in "the course of Maritime business and commerce".

He will learn.

He also doesn't realize that there are two (2) "Confederacies" in the early history of our country, one that was run from 1776-1781 by the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, and a second formalized Confederation doing business as the States of America from 1781 to 1861.

People in this country have been taught (wrongly) that The Articles of Confederation were replacing the Constitution, but in fact the desire to create "a more perfect union" was referencing the desire to replace the unwieldy confederation managed as a Committee by the Federation of States with a second, more organized Confederation managed by the Union, doing business as the States of America.

Those who have stuck with us know that from 1776 to 1781 the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America handled all international and global business for the fledgling government.

Perceptive students will now ask -- how could that be, as international trade and commerce occur in different jurisdictions and involve different kinds of business structures under different forms of law?

The unincorporated Federation of States was inherently empowered to function under its own responsibility in all jurisdictions -- a quality and condition shared by unincorporated entities in general.

It could therefore operate in international jurisdiction as a public business enterprise supported by the Several States that are its members and which contributed their mutual powers to the Federation to act on their behalf to conduct international business for them.

The Federation could also operate the commercial functions through a Committee of incorporated States-of-States created by each one of its own member States.

This first confederacy overseen by The United States of America (our Federation) during The War of Independence is sometimes confused with the Second Confederation organized under The Articles of Confederation and operated by the States of America from 1781 to 1861.

Dr. Rivera has made this common mistake in some of his writings, but this is an arcane bit of history that does not detract from his overall conclusions about the nature of the courts and the issues.

We refer international readers to his synopsis and evaluation, which is, with the exception of minor errors of the kind mentioned above, in keeping with our own findings: foreign law has been misapplied to Americans who are not federal employees, not voluntarily operating in any Admiralty or Maritime jurisdiction, and who owe not duty to pay taxes or, that is, collect taxes and pay them out to foreign interests.

Another common error to be aware of when reading through Dr. Rivera's "Notes" is that throughout the early development of our country the lawyers followed the old Roman conventions and forms of translated Latin, so that the Union States are referred to as "states" and the members of the Federation are "States".

Similarly, they used "the United States" to name various entities from 1776 to 1851, when new style conventions were adopted in an effort to curb confusion and conform to English usage, as English is our Official Language.

Thus, the name of the country went from being "the United States" to "The United States", and the Union states became the Union States.

This requires us to observe when documents were produced either before or after 1851 when these changes were adopted, in order to discern which "United States" and what kind of "United States" is being referenced.

"the United States" prior to 1851 may refer to the Union states, the Federal Republic, the Municipal Government, or the British Territorial United States. After 1851, the proper name of this country among the nations of the world is: The United States.

The United States of America (Unincorporated) has always been the name of our Federation of States, but foreign incorporated versions exist or existed in the past: the United States of America, Incorporated, and The United States of America, Incorporated, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, etc.

This information is provided to assist readers as they sort through Dr. Rivera's Notes, in the interest of keeping everything sorted out as we all go forward.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
May 3 2024

First for Independence: The Halifax Resolves of 1776

April 12, 1776 - the first official action by one of the colonies in full support of declaring independence. The Halifax Resolves was also the first example of a colony-wide assembly admitting that reconciliation with the British was no longer an option.Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: April 12, 2024


Made in USA, this 6 panel unstructured baseball cap has unbelievable workmanship and quality. Embroidered with America EST 1776 with the American Flag in the middle, to show your patriotism! A flag on the back will let everyone know that you take pride in supporting MADE IN USA!

This soon to be your most favorite hat, will be the most comfortable and best quality of your entire collection. Not just for patriotic holidays, but every day!

Check it out at Flag Shirts:
Support our patriotic products here:


International Public Notice: Why We Say No
By Anna Von Reitz

We recently met a woman who could not understand why having RFIDs implanted in our bodies like a permanent Bar Code on a product was not a good idea.

"It helped me find my dog," she said.

Yes, it tracks every dairy cow in America, too.

Are you an animal? That is, a mere human, a fictional creation, in a foreign caste system?

The owners, who all know the truth and who claim to be non-citizen men and women, want all their livestock identified..... so, which one are you?

Man or animal?

Do you see why they call it the Mark of the Beast?

Because if you accept the mark, you are accepting the status of an animal.

It's not figurative. It's not referring to Satan or some other "entity" as the Beast, as in the Beast marking you with a branding iron.

No, it's you self-identifying as a mere human and agreeing to stand in the capacity of an animal, allowing yourself to be tagged like an animal, that makes the RFID tag (or similar technology) the "mark" of the beast.

Is this really something you want to accept for yourself and impose on others, too?


Didn't think so.

So, look at the Bar Association Members and politicians pushing this, and mark them for who and what they are.

Nancy Reagan was the best political leader in recent times, when she advised everyone to "Just Say No".

Say no and keep on saying it. It's such a pleasant and useful word.

And if enough of us say it, altogether now, guess what?

Then it doesn't matter what the Beltway says or does.

The word "No!" spoken with clarity, is our political leader and liberation front. Never forget it.

The men who met in Philadelphia in 1776 were not united in any sense except that they all finally said no. No more King George. No more caste system. No, we won't be labeled or treated as animals.

The delegates all came from vastly different cultural backgrounds and disparate climates. The English Colonies butted up against Dutch Colonies, the Protestants rubbed elbows with Catholics, rich Southern Plantation owners had to consult with smelly sailors. Jews had to agree with Muslims. It was a mess.

It still is.

In the end, we all said no ---and when the issues are stated clearly, we still do.

Quite apart from any connection to religion or Biblical prophecy, given a straight up choice between being treated as an animal or being treated as a man, what do you choose?

And if the sign of your choice, the brand as in branding iron, is an RFID chip and a Bar Code, as in American Bar Association, what do you say?


We choose to live and be recognized as men and women, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.

Any offer to denigrate us was unacceptable 248 years ago, and it still is now.

So, we return Klaus Schwab's offer with our compliments; he can be as happy as he wants as an animal, being shorn like a sheep and cut up for meat; if we are going to die, we will do it standing on our feet, not bleating like sheep.

We will, however, counter-offer: all proponents of the Wen Dlrow Redor are invited to quietly go home and put their affairs in order. The right order, that is.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


About Cash and More
By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, the banks are running out of cash--in a sense. The Federal Reserve Banks have been restricting delivery of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES to the tributary banks for the past three years, causing many smaller banks to fail.

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are evidence of their debt, so obviously, if they can get you to return their I.O.U. to them without actually paying for it, they are ahead of the game.

The more FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES they can withdraw from the market and from circulation, the less their liability.

So of course they are "failing" to produce new fiat debt note currency and withdrawing as much fiat currency as they can from circulation and cutting back on supplies to banks, too.

And trying desperately to find a narrative that will make people willing to surrender their cash or, better yet, from their perspective, throw it away.

Ridiculous, you say? How about a Disease X that could be passed from hand to hand via the physical exchange of filthy lucre?

They've already thought of that one.

They want to get rid of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES because they are evidence of debt. They want to get rid of cash, too, because then they could utterly control you and limit and micromanage your lives for their benefit.

For 160-plus years, the Federal Reserve has been selling a purported ownership interest in the labor of British Territorial U.S. Citizens (and every American in sight that they can impersonate).

They have been siphoning off the value of our labor which is our asset as collateral backing their debt notes --- which means that they have created a system of peonage.

Peonage has been illegal since 1926. It is also illegal to securitize living flesh, but they have done that, too, by pretending that we magically ceased to be living men and women.

According to them, we knowingly and voluntarily adopted the status of "humans" -- and, much to your surprise, humans are not people.

Humans are imaginary second-class legal fiction persons. They have no Natural and Unalienable Rights, nor any Constitutional Guarantees, either.
Instead, they have Human Rights, but as humans don't actually exist, their rights are rather sketchy, too.

According to the Illusionists responsible for this nonsense, not only have you, average Americans, been transformed into humans, males and females instead of men and women, but you are British Subjects, too.

According to them.

Pardon us for thinking that we already had that discussion. For eight years, 1776 to 1783.

On top of this, we should be grateful for the same political and social standing as indentured servants. It could be worse. We might be subhumans--- which don't exist, either, but having slipped one cog, what's another?

Subhumans are the denigrated form of humans, and they are most often represented as civil servants or franchise corporations or both. They have no Natural and Unalienable Rights and no Human Rights, but are instead granted Civil Rights, which aren't really rights at all. They are privileges.

Privileges are granted or taken away at the whim of the Grantor. Donald Trump suspended Civil Rights in this country with the stroke of a pen. Poof!

And La-Dee-Dah.

Congress could have done the same thing, and has on occasion.

The fundamental thing we all need to notice is that neither humans nor subhumans exist.

It's all bunk. And we've even nailed down precisely where the bunk came from. Two Roman Catholic Popes who died hundreds of years ago.

Their intricate court systems are designed to coerce, fleece, and punish these phantasms -- that don't actually exist.

Codes, statutes, regulations, ordinances, rules and mandates are all designed to control and punish these second and third-class persons that don't actually exist.

So the courts that propose to deal with humans and subhumans are out to lunch in La-La-Land, too.

All of this is Make Believe. A Kingdom of Lies.

Who needs a Tin Hat and a straight jacket now?

You, or the entire membership of the American Bar Association?

Think of the humans and subhumans at the bottom of the pile, who toil endlessly for I.O.U.s disguised as FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES that are not only never repaid, but don't even have a due date printed on them?

It may not be happy news, but there it is. The Truth about the modern caste system and the ego-driven insanity that creates and sustains it.

If you want to live in a world where you are not obliged to shadowbox with someone else's delusions and pay their debts for them, too, come home to your birthright political status and run your own government:

See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here: