🌫 💦 Full of Water


#FullOfWater #full #of #water #KTLC #Know #Truth #Love #Christ #Christian #shortnovels #novels #writer #author #Moses #imagination #insight #beforeChrist

Someone close to Moses, years later after Moses has passed on, is speaking to his son: “My son, you do not need to physically do what anyone else does to experience what something is like.” “Really Dad? How is that?”, replied the boy.


05102024 Similar to an EMP ☀️ ☢️ 💫 NOAA WARNING: “Severe Geomagnetic Storm” Forecast to Hit Earth as Early as Today – Power Grid Blackouts, Internet Outages, and Supercharged Northern Lights Possible


#Solar #storm #coronal #mass #ejection #flare #flares #May #Tenth #NOAA #geomagnetic #blackout #blackouts #northernlights #EMP

Be ready to use alternatives and sue them if you are forced to use CBDC or CBC as they plan to call it, removing the "Digital" part in the name. It is a trap.

John StosselPresident Joe Biden and the media are excited about something new: a Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDC. It's a currency like Bitcoin, except co...


They must hype it up! There is an election coming up! 🙄


🚨 Bird Flu Could Be ‘10 Times Worse’ Than COVID, FDA Commissioner Warns “We did not have a bad outbreak for over a century + there is every likelihood that we won’t again. We are using technology to pretend that new threats are occurring because we can now detect them.” — Dr. David Bell ⬇️ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/robert-califf-fda-bird-flu-warning/?utm_source=sovren&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20240510


To learn more about how you can enlist in the movement to end our endless wars, visit http://BringOurTroopsHome.US
