
Looks like someone fixed the header.


There is a confusing "post" feature here. One is on the right side and apparently is more of a messenger feature and the other is in the center. If it is able to be changed the one on the right should say messenger. It apparently has no edit capabilities where by the center post does. Which is the one I'm posting this to at this moment.


I'm not sure I know who Henry George is, but I see an issue with his philosophy if what you have posted reflects it. It is almost an exact copy of the 1st plank of the communist manifesto. Private property ownership should in NO WAY be "taxed" because that would devolve the OWNERSHIP to being the property of the taxing "authority". All "public land" should be private land opened up by the owner of the land to the public upon voluntary agreement. Private land is just that. Private. What's with the "public restrooms and showers?" Basic level "income"? How about charity run by private individuals for the support of the less fortunate. And I don't perceive the less fortunate as being some lard ass sitting around refusing to make a living and expecting someone else to feed and clothe him/her. Sorry. I stand behind housing in the sense of Habitats for Humanity.. If we did away with GOVERNMENT interference in the medical field and let free market reign the costs would drop to the point where most everyone could afford it. .


The header is way out of proportion.


There is a reason that "they" don't listen to the people anymore. There is a reason they ignore the provisions of the 2nd amendment. The reason is that the lynch pins to the Constitution were removed in 1903 & 1913. In 1903 the blatantly UNconstitutional Dick Act, which was a blatant act of TREASON, eviscerated states rights with the ending of STATE militias. Those first 13 words of the 2nd Amendment are perhaps the most IMPORTANT 13 words in the whole Constitution. A well regulated MILITIA being NECESSARY for the SECURITY of a FREE State. It is the ONLY place the word NECESSARY is used in the Constitution.

And once that happened it became easier to do what they did in 1913. Which was the taking of the monetary system from the hands of We The People.

Once the control of the monetary system was taken from the hands of the people and those in control could create all they wanted out of thin air with the collusion of the Federal Reserve, none of what we think matters anymore. None of what we do matters anymore. ESPECIALLY since we don't have the MILITIAS to enforce the Constitution.

They have effectively enslaved the world to their fiat money systems based on nothing that they create out of thin air and are able to use to do whatever they want. We have no say in what they do. They control us because they have stolen the lynch pin to the system that was designed by our founding fathers to work. No, it was not perfect, as mankind is not perfect, but it gave us a very limited government that was taken away from us when the lynch pin was stolen in 1913. You see, Article 1 Section 10 and Article 1 Section 8 and the first 13 words of the 2nd Amendment ARE what hold the whole governmental apparatus together. Without it, we are nothing but serfs on a plantation that they control with their fiat unlawful, unGodly, theft system of paper money backed by nothing, created out of thin air with no recourse.

Understand, that when the money had SUBSTANCE of SOME THING, and not just IMAGINATION, one of the recourse's we the people had was to withhold taxes which could effectively shut the government down if they were engaged in some sort of insanity that no one agreed upon. Today, we could all quit paying them and they would just print up what they needed and thumb their noses at us.

Fifth Plank: Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. (The Federal Reserve Bank, 1913- -the system of privately-owned Federal Reserve banks which maintain a monopoly on the valueless debt "money" in circulation.) And the monopoly is ENFORCED by Federal firepower. Violating the very principle of the first 13 words of the 2nd Amendment.

The Federal Reserve is a blatant violation of Articles 1 section 8 and 10. Those are the two places that Roger Sherman, the founding father that signed all three of our founding documents put paper money in a casket and for all intents nailed it close. But due to the apathy of earlier generations their progeny are suffering under this sick theft system.

What are those two provisions? The Federal reserve "notes" violate Article 1 section 10 of the US Constitution which states in part, No State shall...coin Money; ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts. And section 8 says CONGRESS shall have the power to COIN MONEY, regulate the value there of and to fix a standard of weights and measures. COIN doesn't mean paper money. COIN doesn't mean gold or silver "backed" paper money. COIN MEANS WHAT IS SAYS!

Sadly enough, with a little research you can see the United States is a functional communist country with all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto in place. (https://www.educate-yourself.org/cn/communistmanifestortenplanks12sep06.shtml) And it has been that way for many years. And that most Americans would fight to the death to keep it that way. Voting is a joke, writing your CONgressman/woman/it is a joke, (heavy on the CON) almost anything we do is a JOKE TO THEM because THEY control the MONEY, or should I say TOKENS.
