I'm not sure I know who Henry George is, but I see an issue with his philosophy if what you have posted reflects it. It is almost an exact copy of the 1st plank of the communist manifesto. Private property ownership should in NO WAY be "taxed" because that would devolve the OWNERSHIP to being the property of the taxing "authority". All "public land" should be private land opened up by the owner of the land to the public upon voluntary agreement. Private land is just that. Private. What's with the "public restrooms and showers?" Basic level "income"? How about charity run by private individuals for the support of the less fortunate. And I don't perceive the less fortunate as being some lard ass sitting around refusing to make a living and expecting someone else to feed and clothe him/her. Sorry. I stand behind housing in the sense of Habitats for Humanity.. If we did away with GOVERNMENT interference in the medical field and let free market reign the costs would drop to the point where most everyone could afford it. .