Mike Adams Sermon 041 - John 19 - All about MYRRH, the exotic resin present at both the BIRTH and DEATH of Christ


#Sermon #ArmorOfGod #John #bible #myrrh #birth #death #OldTestament #NewTestament

Watch more at http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

- Myrrh in the Bible and Its Significance (0:00)- Nicodemus and the Embalming Mixture (1:42)- Myrrh in the Old Testament and Its Uses (4:00)- Myrrh in the New Testament and Its Spiritual Significance (9:07)- Modern Uses and Health Benefits of Myrrh (16:01)- Myrrh in Folklore and Ancient Practices (16:43)- Myrrh's Role in the Bible and Its Connection to Christ (23:49)- Myrrh's Environmental and Survival Functions (25:10)- Myrrh's Modern Applications and Personal Experiences (28:14)- Conclusion and Encouragement to Explore Myrrh (31:07)For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport


Mike Adams Sermon 040 - Judges 19 - When nations embrace perversion, sin and lawlessness, they soon fall into DESTRUCTION


#Sermon #ArmorOfGod #Judges #bible #lawlessness #Israel #sin #society #Judgment

Watch more at http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

- The Collapse of Rule of Law in Ancient Israel (0:04)- The Role of Judges and the Cycle of Sin (3:01)- The Samson Option and Modern Geopolitics (5:04)- The Cycle of Sin and Economic Collapse (8:53)- The Concubine's Death and the Response of Israel (11:46)- The Aftermath and Final Judgment (33:36)For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport


Mike Adams Sermon 039 - Philippians - Being SELFISH and greedy is the default human condition, being MORAL takes knowledge and effort


#Sermon #ArmorOfGod #Philippians #bible #goodness #morality #greed #society

Watch more at http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

- Paul's Reflections on Evil and Goodness (0:03)- Paul's Mission and Persecution (1:58)- Citizenship in Heaven and Earthly Mission (6:05)- Human Anthropology and Morality (9:46)- The Role of Morality in Civilization (15:04)- The Impact of Greed and Power on Society (18:57)- The Importance of Teaching Morality (26:19)For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport


Mike Adams Sermon 038 - Colossians - Jesus frees humanity from servitude, ancient rituals and government bureaucracy


#Sermon #ArmorOfGod #Colossians #bible #humanity #government #newtestament #church

Watch more at http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

- Introduction to Colossians and Pronunciation Clarification (0:04)- The Jewish Religious Leaders' Opposition to Christ (2:09)- Revolutionary Nature of Jesus and the New Testament (5:20)- The Authority of God and Christ's Fulfillment of the Covenant (8:18)- The Church as the Body of Christ (11:17)- The Nullification of Old World Jewish Contracts (19:44)- The Spiritual Battle and the Triumph of Christ (24:45)- The New Era of Freedom for Wives, Children, and Slaves (48:12)- The Importance of Walking with Christ (57:06)- The Bond of Perfection and the Vibration of Love (57:25)- The Role of the Church and the Importance of Grace (57:43)- The Final Message of Freedom and Love (59:25)For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport


Mike Adams Sermon 037 - Fascinating fresh look at God's lessons for humanity for those who are NEW to scripture and faith


#Sermon #ArmorOfGod #bible #humanity #faith #oldtestament #church #civilization

Watch more at http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

- Introduction to the Sermon and Speaker's Background (0:00)- The Revolutionary Nature of the New Testament (2:14)- The Concept of God and the Universe (4:20)- The Ancient Israelites and the Old Testament (7:10)- The Failure of the Old Testament Experiment (11:23)- The Emergence of Christ and the New Testament (14:04)- The Battle Between Christ and Satan (24:49)- The Role of the Church and the Teachings of Christ (37:51)- The Current State of Western Civilization (47:28)- Conclusion and Call to Action (51:11)For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport
