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& though those like terrorist group's out there DO 4 evil, WE ALL who CLAIM 2 B in-of Jesus, STILL NO do NOTHING like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's DID un2 Devil long ago though (Devil) brought us this Holy War & YEAH, God DID The Flood - CEASED LGBTQiA via Holy Bible's Genesis 19, hence, setting the example & U ALL since ALLOW them existence ie: dust & ash corpse human weed's of garden which is evil-unholy opposite 2 God &-but like Jesus said, 'MORE B in Hell than Heaven' after YO last breath ie: death, U R ALL individually walking a dangerous unholy-evil life path & playing a dangerous unholy-evil game only 2 have it led U 2 B sent by Jesus 2 Hell after last breath ie: death; huh U gonna go 2 Hell 4 THEM around U? Then B gone, I - Jesus-Holy Trinity NEVER knew U!

& cuz the exhibited Babylon via Holy Bible & Rome falling via past history USA-America (prior ? to Coming 11/2024 voting) Democratic Party is like them of past amidst-amongst via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 Holy retributionarily CEASED by God, I"M JUST saying, iight carry on, as yaw were, go on.

& know whether ANY care or not, I NO fret (tripp, worry about) (?) - what have U out there exhibited as & cuz of Holy Bible's Hebrews 11:1 (WHAT faith is) - Luke 17:21-22 (kingdom of God is embedded internally with in me - as however generally saying-speaking ANY 1 right-proper in-of Jesus) - Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul) & as overall such, I KNOW via Holy Trinity what this ALL is-(past) been & worse Coming via Holy Trinity's Holy intel info of Holy Bible so nevertheless, I fret NOT but stay-remain SELF denied Holy Warrior 4 Jesus Holy Trinity despite worse Coming. Check my various other social media profile's & go back as far as U want B sides various web keyword News research search U can do, DON'T deny what's past been-is now & Coming!



On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez takes a look at recent statements by US House Speaker Mike Johnson that the Bible told him to give full, unadulterated support to the state of Israel in its conflict in Gaza. Is that really true, and what kind of theology has led to this opinion being held by the majority of US evangelicals? And later on, the rising conflict between Elon Musk and the sovereign state of Australia. Who will win out? Big government or free speech? Rick is joined for all of this by professor and author Jeff Halper.

Jonny Twobears discusses the topic sasquatch/bigfoot are nephilim.
The Nephilim (/ˈnɛfɪˌlɪm/; Hebrew: נְפִילִים Nəfīlīm) are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are large and strong. The word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some translations of the Hebrew Bible, but left untranslated in others.


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On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez takes a look at recent statements by US House Speaker Mike Johnson that the Bible told him to give full, unadulterated support to the state of Israel in its conflict in Gaza. Is that really true, and what kind of theology has led to this opinion being held by the majority of US evangelicals? And later on, the rising conflict between Elon Musk and the sovereign state of Australia. Who will win out? Big government or free speech? Rick is joined for all of this by professor and author Jeff Halper.

Jonny Twobears discusses the topic sasquatch/bigfoot are nephilim.
The Nephilim (/ˈnɛfɪˌlɪm/; Hebrew: נְפִילִים Nəfīlīm) are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are large and strong. The word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some translations of the Hebrew Bible, but left untranslated in others.


& though those like terrorist group's out there DO 4 evil, WE ALL who CLAIM 2 B in-of Jesus, STILL NO do NOTHING like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's DID un2 Devil long ago though (Devil) brought us this Holy War & YEAH, God DID The Flood - CEASED LGBTQiA via Holy Bible's Genesis 19, hence, setting the example & U ALL since ALLOW them existence ie: dust & ash corpse human weed's of garden which is evil-unholy opposite 2 God &-but like Jesus said, 'MORE B in Hell than Heaven' after YO last breath ie: death, U R ALL individually walking a dangerous unholy-evil life path & playing a dangerous unholy-evil game only 2 have it led U 2 B sent by Jesus 2 Hell after last breath ie: death; huh U gonna go 2 Hell 4 THEM around U? Then B gone, I - Jesus-Holy Trinity NEVER knew U!

& cuz the exhibited Babylon via Holy Bible & Rome falling via past history USA-America (prior ? to Coming 11/2024 voting) Democratic Party is like them of past amidst-amongst via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 Holy retributionarily CEASED by God, I"M JUST saying, iight carry on, as yaw were, go on.

& know whether ANY care or not, I NO fret (tripp, worry about) (?) - what have U out there exhibited as & cuz of Holy Bible's Hebrews 11:1 (WHAT faith is) - Luke 17:21-22 (kingdom of God is embedded internally with in me - as however generally saying-speaking ANY 1 right-proper in-of Jesus) - Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul) & as overall such, I KNOW via Holy Trinity what this ALL is-(past) been & worse Coming via Holy Trinity's Holy intel info of Holy Bible so nevertheless, I fret NOT but stay-remain SELF denied Holy Warrior 4 Jesus Holy Trinity despite worse Coming. Check my various other social media profile's & go back as far as U want B sides various web keyword News research search U can do, DON'T deny what's past been-is now & Coming!

Sigh huh, past historically-tick tock 'Time' 2 date USA-globally, evil-unholy, dust & ash bleedable, weed of garden, CAN B touched-handled-ceased, THEM-THEY of Power (fill in blank's, name THEM) almost have what THEY want-need-demand, ABSOLUTE CONTROL! THEY (ie: have done-did via Jeremy Lee Renner's 'CAN'T B UNDONE' & R gonna STILL continue doing) & it WON'T stop there! The $, etc price of USA-global God given-allowed-privilege of freedom is HIGH, it always has been & it's a price I'm (dying tired frail old man, straight-hetrosexual, celibate, alpha male) SELF denyingly (& Holy Trinity WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM) via Luke 17:21-22 ie: kingdom of God is embedded internally within FEW, NOT ALL, willing 2 pay (do or die trying, 'WHATEVER it takes' cuz I 'GET'-realize what's solely alone at stake = angering-pissing off God BUT me NO lone wolf-ing) & if I'm R-the ONLY 1 (& above), then so B it! via my WHEN IN temporary human, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24) LIFE assigned Heaven Life Record!

Sigh huh, a QUESTION that NO doubt has been HOWEVER past historically (repeating itself)-2 date asked B4 = 'What's it gonna (literally) take, B4 this all USA-global connected, created in LESS than a day aside from like FOOL'S prior 2 The Flood via Holy Bible, whole FAILED idea, SELF extinct-ing, dilapidated, NECLEUS species-humanity (dereliction of duty from ie: shameful failure 2 fulfill 1's SELF deny non voluntary-non optional HUMAN obligations of ie: abandoned God) GETS a CLUE of just WHAT this all USA-global exhibitedly is?' A Holy War Devil brought 2 us & apparently THIS = Russian roulette, ALL out USA-global murder-suicide, purging weeds of a garden on dying non human innocent Earth, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination! U wanna force God's Holy retributionary hand? WE: sigh I guess & FINE then! So B it - then, & this all ONLY literally ends 1 way-comes with a deadly eternal end &-but it WON'T B pretty, 2 say the least, make NO mistake!