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On Friday, theHouse voted 273 to 147 in favor of extending Section 702 of FISA, a provision originally enacted in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.


Essay writing is a craft that transcends disciplines, serving as a fundamental tool for communication and expression across various fields. Whether you're crafting a literary analysis, scientific report, or project proposal, the principles of effective essay writing remain consistent. At its core, essay writing is about clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness. It's about organizing ideas logically, supporting arguments with evidence, and engaging your audience from start to finish.

In the realm of project applications, the quality of the written proposal often determines its success. A well-written application can secure funding, attract collaborators, and ultimately bring innovative ideas to fruition. However, crafting a compelling project proposal is no easy task. It requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Every word must serve a purpose, every sentence must contribute to the overall coherence of the document, and every argument must be supported by evidence.

This is where the skill of essay writing comes into play. By applying the principles of effective essay writing to project applications, applicants can significantly improve the quality of their proposals. Clarity is paramount - applicants must clearly articulate their project's objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. Coherence is essential - the proposal must flow logically from one section to the next, with each component building upon the last. And persuasiveness is key - applicants must convince reviewers of the significance and feasibility of their project.

Now, let's delve into how essay writing can improve the quality of the project application. Firstly, a well-structured essay ensures that all relevant information is presented in a logical manner. This means starting with an introduction that clearly states the purpose of the project, followed by a detailed description of the methodology, anticipated outcomes, and potential impact. Each section should flow seamlessly into the next, guiding the reader through the proposal effortlessly.

Secondly, effective essay writing involves thorough research and evidence-based argumentation. In the context of project applications, this means providing ample evidence to support the feasibility and potential impact of the proposed project. Whether citing previous studies, presenting preliminary data, or referencing expert opinions, strong evidence lends credibility to the proposal and increases the likelihood of its success.

Furthermore, essay writing encourages clarity of expression and precision of language. In the context of project applications, this means avoiding jargon and technical language that may alienate non-expert reviewers. Instead, applicants should strive for clear, concise prose that effectively communicates their ideas to a diverse audience.

In conclusion, essay writing is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance the quality of project applications. By applying the principles of clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness, applicants can craft compelling proposals that stand out to reviewers and increase their chances of success. So next time you're faced with the daunting task of writing a project application, remember the fundamentals of essay writing - they just might make all the difference.

For the kid's-children USA-globally: 'Heroes of Liberty' Books give the ultimate gift: stories of successes of American values ie: free market principles & individual liberties = best way 2 ensure better future is by instilling these values in-4 next generation; if the schools & overall education system is gonna SELF choose 2 B Devil's court jesters & SELF commit eternal suicide WHEN-IN-LIFE prior 2 last breath ie: death & literally B sent 2 4ever Hell, then DO YO SELF deny Warrior-Teaching part: visit heroes of liberty DOT com -


In her widely-read and influential anti-federalist essay, Mercy Otis Warren warned that the Constitution would abandon the principles of the American Revolution and facilitate consolidation of the states under a powerful national government. In other words, it would lead to unlimited centralized power – similar to the system the colonists had fought to leave.

Path to Liberty: February 26, 2024

In order to go from the largest government in history to a real “land of the free” - these 5 foundational principles from the founders and old revolutionaries - are an absolute must.

Path to Liberty: November 15, 2023

Nov 10, 1798 - Thomas Jefferson’s Kentucky Resolutions were passed by the General Assembly. Learn 5 core Jeffersonian principles about the nature of the Constitution - rooted in the principles of the American Revolution.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: November 10, 2023


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In her widely-read and influential anti-federalist essay, Mercy Otis Warren warned that the Constitution would abandon the principles of the American Revolution and facilitate consolidation of the states under a powerful national government. In other words, it would lead to unlimited centralized power – similar to the system the colonists had fought to leave.

Path to Liberty: February 26, 2024

In order to go from the largest government in history to a real “land of the free” - these 5 foundational principles from the founders and old revolutionaries - are an absolute must.

Path to Liberty: November 15, 2023

Nov 10, 1798 - Thomas Jefferson’s Kentucky Resolutions were passed by the General Assembly. Learn 5 core Jeffersonian principles about the nature of the Constitution - rooted in the principles of the American Revolution.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: November 10, 2023

I go over what inflation actually is in economic terms. Catch behind-the-scenes posts and help choose my next video topic at:


Sources and transcript:

If you want to become a more philosophical thinker for liberty and stand out from the crowd, pick up Philosophical Voluntaryism. It will equip you with the fundamental reasoning tools needed to maximize your potential and guide you toward a peaceful and prosperous life through the consistent application of Voluntaryist ethical principles.
Get your own copy here:


#inflation #endthefed #prices #money #economics

Understanding nullification - what it is and what needs to be done - is far easier when you have a good understanding of these foundational principles underlying it.

Path to Liberty: October 16, 2023



On Friday, theHouse voted 273 to 147 in favor of extending Section 702 of FISA, a provision originally enacted in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.


Essay writing is a craft that transcends disciplines, serving as a fundamental tool for communication and expression across various fields. Whether you're crafting a literary analysis, scientific report, or project proposal, the principles of effective essay writing remain consistent. At its core, essay writing is about clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness. It's about organizing ideas logically, supporting arguments with evidence, and engaging your audience from start to finish.

In the realm of project applications, the quality of the written proposal often determines its success. A well-written application can secure funding, attract collaborators, and ultimately bring innovative ideas to fruition. However, crafting a compelling project proposal is no easy task. It requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Every word must serve a purpose, every sentence must contribute to the overall coherence of the document, and every argument must be supported by evidence.

This is where the skill of essay writing comes into play. By applying the principles of effective essay writing to project applications, applicants can significantly improve the quality of their proposals. Clarity is paramount - applicants must clearly articulate their project's objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. Coherence is essential - the proposal must flow logically from one section to the next, with each component building upon the last. And persuasiveness is key - applicants must convince reviewers of the significance and feasibility of their project.

Now, let's delve into how essay writing can improve the quality of the project application. Firstly, a well-structured essay ensures that all relevant information is presented in a logical manner. This means starting with an introduction that clearly states the purpose of the project, followed by a detailed description of the methodology, anticipated outcomes, and potential impact. Each section should flow seamlessly into the next, guiding the reader through the proposal effortlessly.

Secondly, effective essay writing involves thorough research and evidence-based argumentation. In the context of project applications, this means providing ample evidence to support the feasibility and potential impact of the proposed project. Whether citing previous studies, presenting preliminary data, or referencing expert opinions, strong evidence lends credibility to the proposal and increases the likelihood of its success.

Furthermore, essay writing encourages clarity of expression and precision of language. In the context of project applications, this means avoiding jargon and technical language that may alienate non-expert reviewers. Instead, applicants should strive for clear, concise prose that effectively communicates their ideas to a diverse audience.

In conclusion, essay writing is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance the quality of project applications. By applying the principles of clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness, applicants can craft compelling proposals that stand out to reviewers and increase their chances of success. So next time you're faced with the daunting task of writing a project application, remember the fundamentals of essay writing - they just might make all the difference.

For the kid's-children USA-globally: 'Heroes of Liberty' Books give the ultimate gift: stories of successes of American values ie: free market principles & individual liberties = best way 2 ensure better future is by instilling these values in-4 next generation; if the schools & overall education system is gonna SELF choose 2 B Devil's court jesters & SELF commit eternal suicide WHEN-IN-LIFE prior 2 last breath ie: death & literally B sent 2 4ever Hell, then DO YO SELF deny Warrior-Teaching part: visit heroes of liberty DOT com -


Fellow American,
Speech First has just released a groundbreaking report titled, “No Graduation Without Indoctrination: The DEI Course Mandate,” which lays bare the troubling reality of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion requirements across American college campuses.
This comprehensive research would not have been possible without your unwavering support.
Our report reveals a startling reality: out of the 248 prominent colleges and universities we examined across every state, including Washington, D.C., a staggering 165 have made DEI courses a requirement for graduation.

READ: No Graduation Without Indoctrination
DEI programs, under the guise of promoting diversity, are actually contributing to division and hostility on college campuses. They prioritize far-Left radical viewpoints over others, compelling all students to either agree or stay quiet. And the added authority of requiring students to take these courses in order to receive a diploma is stifling genuine diversity of thought and undermining the principles of academic freedom.
Speech First has dedicated significant time and resources to developing a rigorous methodology for this report, ensuring that we fully shed light on how universities embed DEI into every aspect of academia.

By exposing these practices, we aim to hold institutions accountable and spark a much-needed conversation about how to untangle DEI from college curriculum and restore open discourse in higher education.
Speech First is determined to create an environment where all voices can be heard equally and where students can engage in open dialogue without fear of reprisal—and this report is a big step towards that reality, all thanks to your support.

By standing with Speech First, YOU are safeguarding the future of the intellectual freedom which fosters critical thinking, personal growth, and resilience.
Your support is the driving force behind our efforts to challenge bias reporting systems, hold administrators accountable, and create a campus culture that values open discourse.

Thank you, Fellow American, for being a champion of free speech and intellectual diversity.
With Gratitude,
Cherise Trump
Executive Director
Speech First


My Path Through the Thicket: Unraveling the ESRS Cross-Cutting Requirements


The rollout of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) has heralded a new era in corporate sustainability efforts across the EU. Central to these standards, the Cross-Cutting Requirements aim to ensure that sustainability reports are comprehensive, consistent, and comparable across borders. As someone deeply involved in navigating these requirements for our organization, I've encountered a myriad of challenges and insights. This blog post is a reflection on that journey, aimed at demystifying the ESRS Cross-Cutting Requirements for fellow sustainability professionals.

Embarking on the ESRS Journey:

The introduction of the ESRS was both a challenge and an opportunity. It compelled us to scrutinize our sustainability reporting processes and align them with the EU's ambitious sustainability goals. This journey was not just about compliance; it was about contributing to a larger narrative of sustainable development.

Navigating the ESRS Landscape:

Decoding the Requirements: The first step was to thoroughly understand the ESRS Cross-Cutting Requirements. This foundational knowledge was crucial for setting the direction of our sustainability reporting efforts.

Assembling a Task Force: Recognizing the interdisciplinary nature of the challenge, I brought together a team from across our organization. This team's diverse expertise was instrumental in developing a comprehensive approach to our ESRS compliance strategy.

Enhancing Data Collection: A significant hurdle we faced was the collection of accurate and comprehensive sustainability data. The Cross-Cutting Requirements necessitated a revamp of our data collection methodologies, pushing us towards more innovative and reliable data management practices.

Engaging Stakeholders: Transparent and meaningful stakeholder engagement became a cornerstone of our strategy. This engagement ensured that our sustainability reports were not only compliant with the ESRS but also meaningful and impactful to our stakeholders.

Implementing Educational Initiatives: A key insight from this journey was the importance of internal education. By launching targeted training programs, we empowered our team to contribute effectively to our sustainability reporting efforts.

Integrating Sustainability into Corporate Strategy: The Cross-Cutting Requirements prompted us to integrate sustainability more deeply into our corporate strategy. This integration ensured that our sustainability reporting was reflective of our broader organizational objectives.

Crafting a Transparent Narrative: The creation of our sustainability reports under the ESRS framework became an opportunity to articulate our sustainability journey. We focused on crafting a narrative that was transparent, engaging, and reflective of our commitment to sustainability.

Seeking External Assurance: To enhance the credibility of our reports, we pursued external assurance. This step was crucial in demonstrating our adherence to the ESRS standards and reinforcing our commitment to transparency and accountability.

Reflections and Guidance:

Navigating the ESRS Cross-Cutting Requirements has been a journey of growth and learning. It has highlighted the importance of comprehensive sustainability reporting and the role of organizations in driving sustainable development.

For Fellow Navigators:

For those embarking on the journey of ESRS compliance, the Cross-Cutting Requirements offer a unique opportunity to advance corporate sustainability reporting. Embrace these standards as a chance to enhance your organization's transparency, accountability, and commitment to sustainable development.

For a comprehensive exploration of the ESRS Cross-Cutting Requirements and practical steps towards compliance, I highly recommend visiting: This resource has been invaluable in our journey, providing clarity and actionable advice for tackling the ESRS standards.


My journey through the ESRS Cross-Cutting Requirements has reinforced my belief in the power of detailed and transparent sustainability reporting. As we continue to adapt and evolve our reporting practices, let us do so with a commitment to the principles of sustainability, transparency, and accountability.