The literature regarding nurses' experiences of caring for chronically critically ill (CCI) patients is scant, however, there are subtleties within the literature, identifying nurses are often challenged providing care to this patient group. This can lead to feeling frustrated, lack of control, and distress.
As part of a larger study, this paper reports nurses' experiences of caring for patients during a prolonged critical illness in the intensive care unit (ICU).
A longitudinal, qualitative, instrumental, multi-case study consisting of six cases from four New Zealand ICUs was conducted. Theoretical underpinnings were informed by the Chronic Illness Trajectory Framework. The principles of consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research were applied in reporting the methods and findings.
Patients, family members, nurses, and other health care professionals constituted the participant groups in the larger body of work. Data were collected from observations, conversations, interviews, and documecaring for CCI patients will assist in improving their interactions and prioritizing their care for nurses.Thank you for allowing us to respond to the letter by Samson and Bonnotte regarding our recent manuscript "Ustekinumab for the treatment of giant cell arteritis" [1]. Our results demonstrated that ustekinumab (UST) was well tolerated, but did not prevent disease relapse in a significant proportion of giant cell arteritis (GCA) patients once prednisone was discontinued or tapered to a low daily dose. The letter suggests that it may be too early to draw conclusions regarding the efficacy of UST as a glucocorticoid-sparing drug in GCA for two reasons. First, the study was not controlled, and second, the prednisone taper used was short, perhaps not allowing UST to exert its putative corrective actions in GCA [2], which would be expected 8-12 weeks after treatment initiation.Primary malignant lymphoma rarely occurs in the female reproductive tract, because of that they are often misdiagnosed. Lymphoma spontaneous regression is even rarer, but it is possible behavior of this disease. A case of 54-year-old female patient with a primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the cervix is presented. First assumption was sarcoma or atypical adenocarcinoma; biopsies have been inconclusive and, after a partial spontaneous regression, diagnosis of lymphoma was possible only after surgery. The diagnosis was a real challenge for clinicians, radiologists and pathologists for both localization and behavior. Difficulties in diagnosis led to an over-treatment a laparotomic bilateral hysteron salpingectomy with lymphadenectomy was performed, while chemotherapy alone would have been the right approach. Considering that prognosis and treatment of primary malignant lymphoma of the cervix are completely different than those of other malignant tumors of the uterus, this disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis.
Family interventions are a core component of first-episode psychosis (FEP) treatment; however, low implementation rates are consistently reported. As such, work is needed to understand the factors impacting real-world treatment delivery. The present paper describes the implementation of the McFarlane-model multifamily psychoeducational groups (MFG) in established FEP early intervention programs within a single state. The aims were to examine (a) training participation and implementation of MFG, (b) barriers and facilitators to implementation, and (c) modifications made to MFG.
Practitioners from six established FEP early intervention programs received in-person training and ongoing consultation in MFG. Training participation data were obtained via attendance and implementation outcomes were obtained from practitioner reports. Fifteen months following the initial training, practitioners reported on clinic-specific barriers, facilitators, and modifications across four categories (context, intervention, pracurther, this paper emphasizes the value in identifying and addressing clinic-specific factors when implementing MFG.
Variants in collagen-related genes COL1A1, COL3A1, COL5A1 and COL5A2 are associated with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a heterogeneous group of connective tissue disorders strongly associated with increased bleeding. Of patients with incompletely explained bleeding diathesis, a relatively high proportion were shown to harbour at least one heterozygous variant of unknown significance (VUS) in one of these genes, the vast majority without meeting the clinical criteria for EDS.
To investigate the functional consequences of the identified variants by assessing the formation and degradation of types I, III and V collagen, in addition to plasma levels of ascorbic acid (AA).
A total of 31 patients harbouring at least one heterozygous VUS in COL1A1, COL3A1, COL5A1 or COL5A2 and 20 healthy controls were assessed using monoclonal antibodies targeting neo-epitopes specific for collagen formation and degradation. Plasma AA levels were measured in patients using high-performance liquid chromatography.
Serum levels of C5M (degradation of type V collagen) were decreased in patients compared with healthy controls (p=.033). No significant differences were found in biomarkers for remodelling of types I and III collagen. A significant negative correlation between bleeding (ISTH-BAT score) and plasma AA levels was shown (r=-.42; r
=.17; p=.020). Suboptimal or marginally deficient AA status was found in 8/31 patients (26%).
Functional investigations of collagen remodelling were not able to identify any clear associations between the identified variants and increased bleeding. The negative correlation between plasma AA levels and ISTH-BAT score motivates further investigations.
Functional investigations of collagen remodelling were not able to identify any clear associations between the identified variants and increased bleeding. The negative correlation between plasma AA levels and ISTH-BAT score motivates further investigations.
Learning one's HIV status through HIV testing services (HTS) is an essential step toward accessing treatment and linking to preventive services for those at high HIV risk. HTS may impact subsequent sexual behaviour, but the degree to which this varies by population or is true in the setting of contemporary HIV prevention activities is largely unknown. As part of the 2019 World Health Organization Consolidated Guidelines on HTS, we undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the effect of HTS on sexual behaviour.
We searched nine electronic databases for studies published between July 2010 and December 2019. We included studies that reported on at least one outcome (condom use [defined as the frequency of condom use or condom-protected sex], number of sex partners, HIV incidence, STI incidence/prevalence). We included studies that prospectively assessed outcomes and that fit into one of three categories (1) those evaluating more versus less-intensive HTS, (2) those of populations receiving HTS versus not and (3) those evaluating outcomes after versus before HTS.