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Watch! Maxine Waters Cries Foul Over Public Criticism – But Remember What She Said in 2018?
Posted by

Jimmy Parker
April 13, 2024
In a recent revelation that smacks of hypocrisy, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters has voiced complaints about being confronted in public over her political positions. This grievance is highly ironic, given her fiery 2018 encouragement for her supporters to harass Trump administration officials in public spaces.
Waters, during a rally, famously incited her audience with calls to action: “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” These words not only sowed division but openly supported public harassment based on political affiliation—a stark contrast to the values of tolerance and understanding she purportedly champions.

Fast forward to today, and Waters tells a different story. Recently, she expressed dismay at being approached by individuals who, while not saying anything racist at all, disagreed with her political stances. She framed these encounters as racially charged anyway, insinuating that her critics would hesitate if she were not black. This narrative conveniently overlooks the fact that her critics, as she admitted, did not actually invoke race in their criticism. Instead, they expressed dissatisfaction with her political work—an essential and accepted part of democratic discourse.
Waters’ response to these incidents is a clear exhibition of double standards. While she once endorsed confrontational tactics against political opponents, she now labels similar behavior towards herself as unacceptable and racially motivated, despite the lack of racial content in the actual exchanges.


Hollywood has been fomenting racial hatred between blacks and whites

When most people think about slavery, their minds instantly rush to images of wealthy white landowners beating black people on plantations. The reality, though, is that the vast majority of slave owners in American history were Jewish. At the height of slavery in the United States, a whopping 78 percent of slave owners came from […]


Hollywood has been fomenting racial hatred between blacks and whites

When most people think about slavery, their minds instantly rush to images of wealthy white landowners beating black people on plantations. The reality, though, is that the vast majority of slave owners in American history were Jewish. At the height of slavery in the United States, a whopping 78 percent of slave owners came from […]


Matthew Fogg is one of those rare individuals who is utterly relentless. But that relentlessness comes with incredible patience. When he realized he was a victim of racial discrimination within the federal government, he filed a lawsuit. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Matthew Fogg about his 30 year fight with the government.


El abuso del poder por los policías es cada vez más común en EE. UU. Y aunque los medios de comunicación suelen ser selectivos al informar sobre la supremacía policial, no pasó desapercibida la muerte de un joven afroamericano a manos de cinco agentes, también afroamericanos. Muchos creen que el problema no se trata de una cuestión racial, sino de mentalidad. ¿Será que en EE. UU. ser policía equivale a tener licencia para matar? Lo abordamos en la nueva edición de ‘Impacto Directo’.


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Matthew Fogg is one of those rare individuals who is utterly relentless. But that relentlessness comes with incredible patience. When he realized he was a victim of racial discrimination within the federal government, he filed a lawsuit. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Matthew Fogg about his 30 year fight with the government.


El abuso del poder por los policías es cada vez más común en EE. UU. Y aunque los medios de comunicación suelen ser selectivos al informar sobre la supremacía policial, no pasó desapercibida la muerte de un joven afroamericano a manos de cinco agentes, también afroamericanos. Muchos creen que el problema no se trata de una cuestión racial, sino de mentalidad. ¿Será que en EE. UU. ser policía equivale a tener licencia para matar? Lo abordamos en la nueva edición de ‘Impacto Directo’.



Watch! Maxine Waters Cries Foul Over Public Criticism – But Remember What She Said in 2018?
Posted by

Jimmy Parker
April 13, 2024
In a recent revelation that smacks of hypocrisy, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters has voiced complaints about being confronted in public over her political positions. This grievance is highly ironic, given her fiery 2018 encouragement for her supporters to harass Trump administration officials in public spaces.
Waters, during a rally, famously incited her audience with calls to action: “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” These words not only sowed division but openly supported public harassment based on political affiliation—a stark contrast to the values of tolerance and understanding she purportedly champions.

Fast forward to today, and Waters tells a different story. Recently, she expressed dismay at being approached by individuals who, while not saying anything racist at all, disagreed with her political stances. She framed these encounters as racially charged anyway, insinuating that her critics would hesitate if she were not black. This narrative conveniently overlooks the fact that her critics, as she admitted, did not actually invoke race in their criticism. Instead, they expressed dissatisfaction with her political work—an essential and accepted part of democratic discourse.
Waters’ response to these incidents is a clear exhibition of double standards. While she once endorsed confrontational tactics against political opponents, she now labels similar behavior towards herself as unacceptable and racially motivated, despite the lack of racial content in the actual exchanges.


Hollywood has been fomenting racial hatred between blacks and whites

When most people think about slavery, their minds instantly rush to images of wealthy white landowners beating black people on plantations. The reality, though, is that the vast majority of slave owners in American history were Jewish. At the height of slavery in the United States, a whopping 78 percent of slave owners came from […]


Hollywood has been fomenting racial hatred between blacks and whites

When most people think about slavery, their minds instantly rush to images of wealthy white landowners beating black people on plantations. The reality, though, is that the vast majority of slave owners in American history were Jewish. At the height of slavery in the United States, a whopping 78 percent of slave owners came from […]


Hollywood has been fomenting racial hatred between blacks and whites

When most people think about slavery, their minds instantly rush to images of wealthy white landowners beating black people on plantations. The reality, though, is that the vast majority of slave owners in American history were Jewish. At the height of slavery in the United States, a whopping 78 percent of slave owners came from […]


Federal Courts Hand Republicans 2 Big Wins in a Row
Courts in Florida and South Carolina have each delivered wins to Republican legislatures in congressional mapping cases that will impact the 2024 elections.
The panel concurred with state lawmakers that halting the map now would pose issues for the upcoming elections. They determined that the map can remain for this year's election pending the map's legality being adjudicated.
"However, with the primary election procedures rapidly approaching, the appeal before the Supreme Court still pending, and no remedial plan in place, the ideal must bend to the practical," they added.
The panel concurred with state lawmakers that halting the map now would pose issues for the upcoming elections. They determined that the map can remain for this year's election pending the map's legality being adjudicated.
"Having found that Congressional District No. 1 constitutes an unconstitutional racial gerrymander, the Court fully recognizes that 'it would be the unusual case in which a court would be justified in not taking appropriate action to insure that no further elections are conducted under an invalid plan,'" the judges stated in their five-page ruling.