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Looming health disaster: Infectious POLIO virus found in Gaza sewage

The Gaza Health Ministry revealed that variant type 2 poliovirus (cVDPV) was present in sewage water samples from different collection sites in two sub-regions devastated by Israeli military offensives. The tests were carried out in cooperation with the United Nations Children’s Fund. The said findings may inflict a potential health disaster as the risk of contracting […]


From Simian Virus 40 in polio jabs to spike proteins in mRNA, VACCINE-INDUCED CANCER is nothing new to the insidious medical industrial complex

The Sonoran Desert region covers approximately 100,000 square miles. It covers most of the southern half of Arizona and southeastern California in the United States. The desert also covers parts of Mexico, including most of the Baja California peninsula and much of the state of Sonora – which lends its name to the region. (h/t […]


From Simian Virus 40 in polio jabs to spike proteins in mRNA, VACCINE-INDUCED CANCER is nothing new to the insidious medical industrial complex

Oh, the insidious cancer industrial complex of America. Do not put anything past it. Vaccines have been dirty, adulterated and contaminated since the onset. You can’t even say the word ‘vaccines’ without some pro-vax-zealot/historian spitting up the name Jonas Salk and that supposed “medical triumph.” The highly-uncontrolled Polio vaccine experiment, and that’s what it was, […]


Vaccines Can and Do Kill Babies:

Alexander Locke Johnson suffered a seizure and cardiac arrest on April 29, 2005, three and a half days after receiving his first set of vaccines. The vaccines he received were the DTaP, HiB and Hepatitis B combo (Comvax), inactivated polio, and Prevnar. He died as a result of seizure and encephalopathy that resulted from his two-month vaccinations on April 25, 2005.

“The day of his vaccines, he screamed for hours after receiving them.”

Through an independent autopsy, expert medical and legal testimonies, and years battling the Vaccine Injury Compensation Court, their case was proven true and they were awarded $250,000.

Watch the full story as Polly Tommey tapes Alexander’s photograph to the inside of the #CHDBUS in loving memory

In light of #RSV making recent headlines, it’s important to note that the disease arose only in 1956 + is attributed to an artifact of research on polio vaccines. ‘What an irony that there is a vaccine created for a vaccine created disease.’ #CHDTV

When doctor Andrew Kaufman began reading the first virology papers out of Wuhan in December 2019, he was shocked to discover that the scientists had come nowhere close to proving that a new virus had emerged… yet saw the media and authorities already claiming a viral pandemic was on its way.

In this extraordinarily revealing opening episode, a group of biologists, chemists, doctors and journalists take apart the SARS-CoV-2 narrative piece by piece - from the non-isolation of the virus, to the hidden problems with purported photographs of the virus, to the claims that it has been genetically sequenced, to the invalidity of the PCR "covid-test." From the treatment protocols for COVID to the assumption of its transmission, Episode One unpacks the science of the claims that changed the world - in which these doctors and scientists make the case that every single claim the authorities made about the so-called SARS-CoV-2 virus has been based not on evidence, but pseudoscience.

The Viral Delusion Episode 1 is free to watch; Episodes 2-5 are available for purchase.

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:


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Vaccines Can and Do Kill Babies:

Alexander Locke Johnson suffered a seizure and cardiac arrest on April 29, 2005, three and a half days after receiving his first set of vaccines. The vaccines he received were the DTaP, HiB and Hepatitis B combo (Comvax), inactivated polio, and Prevnar. He died as a result of seizure and encephalopathy that resulted from his two-month vaccinations on April 25, 2005.

“The day of his vaccines, he screamed for hours after receiving them.”

Through an independent autopsy, expert medical and legal testimonies, and years battling the Vaccine Injury Compensation Court, their case was proven true and they were awarded $250,000.

Watch the full story as Polly Tommey tapes Alexander’s photograph to the inside of the #CHDBUS in loving memory

In light of #RSV making recent headlines, it’s important to note that the disease arose only in 1956 + is attributed to an artifact of research on polio vaccines. ‘What an irony that there is a vaccine created for a vaccine created disease.’ #CHDTV

When doctor Andrew Kaufman began reading the first virology papers out of Wuhan in December 2019, he was shocked to discover that the scientists had come nowhere close to proving that a new virus had emerged… yet saw the media and authorities already claiming a viral pandemic was on its way.

In this extraordinarily revealing opening episode, a group of biologists, chemists, doctors and journalists take apart the SARS-CoV-2 narrative piece by piece - from the non-isolation of the virus, to the hidden problems with purported photographs of the virus, to the claims that it has been genetically sequenced, to the invalidity of the PCR "covid-test." From the treatment protocols for COVID to the assumption of its transmission, Episode One unpacks the science of the claims that changed the world - in which these doctors and scientists make the case that every single claim the authorities made about the so-called SARS-CoV-2 virus has been based not on evidence, but pseudoscience.

The Viral Delusion Episode 1 is free to watch; Episodes 2-5 are available for purchase.

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

How did it all begin? How could the scientific establishment have possibly gotten so big a story so wrong? Everyone knows the story of Polio...or do they? What from that story is actual history and what is medical marketing? How did a small branch of the scientific establishment come to convince the world polio was the result of a virus and not from environmental toxins? Learn what the actual experiments were upon which this theory was based - and how shockingly unconvincing they are. Discover too how the medical establishment’s efforts to squeeze the symptoms of polio into a virus model formed the very foundation of modern virology, and how that commercially successful model has steered modern science ever since, evidence be damned.

The Viral Delusion Episode 1 is free to watch; Episodes 2-5 are available for purchase.

Episode 1:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

What about Smallpox? The Spanish Flu? The Black Plague? Go back, back, back in time to examine the claims and counter-claims as to what truly caused these deadly epidemics. Are the rats of Europe innocent? Turns out they have to be… And in that discovery we see how the superstitions of our time have clouded the eyes of “science” to avoid the most obvious of insights about disease.

The Viral Delusion Episode 1 is free to watch; Episodes 2-5 are available for purchase.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:



Looming health disaster: Infectious POLIO virus found in Gaza sewage

The Gaza Health Ministry revealed that variant type 2 poliovirus (cVDPV) was present in sewage water samples from different collection sites in two sub-regions devastated by Israeli military offensives. The tests were carried out in cooperation with the United Nations Children’s Fund. The said findings may inflict a potential health disaster as the risk of contracting […]


From Simian Virus 40 in polio jabs to spike proteins in mRNA, VACCINE-INDUCED CANCER is nothing new to the insidious medical industrial complex

The Sonoran Desert region covers approximately 100,000 square miles. It covers most of the southern half of Arizona and southeastern California in the United States. The desert also covers parts of Mexico, including most of the Baja California peninsula and much of the state of Sonora – which lends its name to the region. (h/t […]


From Simian Virus 40 in polio jabs to spike proteins in mRNA, VACCINE-INDUCED CANCER is nothing new to the insidious medical industrial complex

Oh, the insidious cancer industrial complex of America. Do not put anything past it. Vaccines have been dirty, adulterated and contaminated since the onset. You can’t even say the word ‘vaccines’ without some pro-vax-zealot/historian spitting up the name Jonas Salk and that supposed “medical triumph.” The highly-uncontrolled Polio vaccine experiment, and that’s what it was, […]


G. Edward Griffin's
Need To Know
News & Analysis 2024 May 1 Edition

The Secret History of Vaccines in 4 Minutes + The Untold Story of Polio
Author and medical historian Forrest Maready explains in a recent interview the history of vaccines…
May 01, 2024

$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill To ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’
Tucked away in the $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is a $3.5 billion…
May 01, 2024

Bill Proposes “Antisemitism Monitors” for Colleges that Would Limit First Amendment
The COLUMBIA Act would create federally sanctioned "antisemitism monitors" for some college campuses.…
May 01, 2024

George Soros and Rockefeller Funding Student Protests Erupting at Universities
The NY Post says that the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a…
May 01, 2024

Thousands of Irish Protesters March Against Globalist Replacement Migration Agenda
Irish citizens peacefully marched in protest of the mass migration policy. Banners carried by the…
May 01, 2024

Columbia University: Dozens of Student Protesters Arrested, Professional Agitators Spotted
Columbia University protesters broke a window to enter Hamilton Hall and they occupied it on Monday…
May 01, 2024


The Secret History of Vaccines in 4 Minutes + The Untold Story of Polio