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G. Edward Griffin's
Need To Know
News & Analysis 2024 April 24 Edition

Japanese Research Finds “Significant Increases” in Cancer Deaths Linked to 3rd Covid Shot
Some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second…
April 24, 2024

Video Claims US Ice Cream Treat Takes 22 Hours to Melt. Some US Foods Are Outlawed in Europe
Many of the chemical additives used in food in the US are banned in Europe due to research indicating…
April 24, 2024

Three Studies Examine Health of Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated
99.97% of Americans are vaccinated - only one quarter of 1%, less than one million people, have never…
April 24, 2024

UN ‘Horrified’ by Reports of Mass Graves at Two Gaza Hospitals
The UN human rights chief said he was “horrified” by reports of mass graves following sieges by the…
April 24, 2024

Gavin Newsom’s California “Loses” Over 24 BILLION Dollars for the Homeless
Over the last five years, California used $24 billion to address homelessness. A state audit revealed…
April 24, 2024


#Biology is #outlawed in #Scotland #male #man #HateCrime

In a few short weeks, it will no longer be legal for people in Scotland to refer to males as “men,” thanks to the passage of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill. Said bill was passed three years ago, but will only just now come into effect on April 1, 2024, also known […]


Oppenheimer , a film about the origins of the atomic bomb and the life of the man who helped instrument it to kill as many humans as is possible. No doubt in my mind the idiots who control the world will set off a few of these before the second revolution takes them out. War will soon be outlawed across the planet. That being said, the eventual persecution of Oppenheimer because he was no longer going with what the wealthy wanted is told very well in this story.
10/10 "go sees" #Oppenheimer #filmreview #moviereview

Oppenheimer - In Theaters 7 21 23Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX®-shot epic thriller that thrusts audiences into the pulse-...


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G. Edward Griffin's
Need To Know
News & Analysis 2024 April 24 Edition

Japanese Research Finds “Significant Increases” in Cancer Deaths Linked to 3rd Covid Shot
Some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second…
April 24, 2024

Video Claims US Ice Cream Treat Takes 22 Hours to Melt. Some US Foods Are Outlawed in Europe
Many of the chemical additives used in food in the US are banned in Europe due to research indicating…
April 24, 2024

Three Studies Examine Health of Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated
99.97% of Americans are vaccinated - only one quarter of 1%, less than one million people, have never…
April 24, 2024

UN ‘Horrified’ by Reports of Mass Graves at Two Gaza Hospitals
The UN human rights chief said he was “horrified” by reports of mass graves following sieges by the…
April 24, 2024

Gavin Newsom’s California “Loses” Over 24 BILLION Dollars for the Homeless
Over the last five years, California used $24 billion to address homelessness. A state audit revealed…
April 24, 2024


#Biology is #outlawed in #Scotland #male #man #HateCrime

In a few short weeks, it will no longer be legal for people in Scotland to refer to males as “men,” thanks to the passage of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill. Said bill was passed three years ago, but will only just now come into effect on April 1, 2024, also known […]


Oppenheimer , a film about the origins of the atomic bomb and the life of the man who helped instrument it to kill as many humans as is possible. No doubt in my mind the idiots who control the world will set off a few of these before the second revolution takes them out. War will soon be outlawed across the planet. That being said, the eventual persecution of Oppenheimer because he was no longer going with what the wealthy wanted is told very well in this story.
10/10 "go sees" #Oppenheimer #filmreview #moviereview

Oppenheimer - In Theaters 7 21 23Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX®-shot epic thriller that thrusts audiences into the pulse-...


International Public Notice: Identity Theft Via Substitution (Part 3)
By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals

It may seem like there couldn't possibly be more to this stinking onion, but there is, and if possible, it's even worse and more demoralizing, because it involves a religious institution famous for preserving and preaching the Gospel: the Roman Catholic Church.

What we have described thus far is the creation of a Public Trust Interest in private property by a foreign government -- an Ownership Interest which is used to pillage, plunder, coerce, and defraud the actual owner under color of law.

That is bad enough.

What we have to deal with next in reference to the Roman Catholic Church is the creation of a Private Trust Interest in private American property by a foreign government known as Vatican City.

In some ways, it is much the same spiel.

The British Territorial United States Government claims a public interest in "abandoned" American Estate property using the mechanism of undisclosed and unconscionable registration of American babies as chattel assets.

The Vatican City operatives claim a private trust interest in the estates of purportedly dead American babies that they consistently describe as stillborn fraternal twins.

It turns out that the "stillborn fraternal twin" amounts to the placenta and Afterbirth material, and that this whole "tradition" goes back to the time of St. Thomas Aquinas, when people were superstitious and didn't know or understand what all this extra material was.

This "twin" described by Pope Boniface VIII as a "human creature" always arrived with a baby. It started out with a heartbeat and shortly after delivery, it died. So they attached whatever name the parents gave to this "baby" and gave it a Baptism while the heartbeat was still present (if possible) and then almost immediately after, performed Last Rites.

And they set up an infant decedent estate in the name of the "lost" fraternal twin, which also happened to be the name of the surviving twin brother.

Sound familiar?

The government charlatans just adapted their version of the Roman Catholic playbook, which the church had been using for several hundred years.

This accounts for the incredible alacrity with which the placenta and Afterbirth material was always removed and shuttled away from the Mother in Catholic hospitals, such that most women never even saw the placenta -- at least that's how it started out.

Now, we know what a placenta is and what the Afterbirth materials are, so there is really no excuse to carry this tradition on; the most recent testimony and evidence suggests that this stopped being the practice in the 1970's in this country.

Instead, even worse things happened. They seized upon the DNA of the "stillborn fraternal twin" that has the same name as the surviving brother or sister, started selling the placenta, umbilical cord, and other Afterbirth material for scientific research, stem cell culture, food "additives", and even dog food.

Remember the Municipal CORPORATIONS named after the U.S. Citizens ---which were named after the American babies? The slaves?

All those slaves represented as Municipal CORPORATIONS were bonded at "birth" by the Roman Pontiff, who issued a gold-backed bond on the estimated lifetime value of the "child's" labor which was securitized as an asset backing these performance bonds.

These CORPORATIONS representing slaves were created by the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE and then permanently domiciled in Puerto Rico, where the British Commonwealth of Puerto Rico still provided access to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

The Income Tax started out in the early 1100's as a special collection offering of the Roman Catholic Church called "Peter's Pence". It was used to pay the cost of the Crusades. It was collected once a year on April 15th by members of the Dominican Order --- the Inquisition, under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

That's why they domiciled all these CORPORATIONS named after U.S. Citizens who were named after American babies, in Puerto Rico, so they could continue to access the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

This is the mechanism underlying the Federal Income Tax, which started in this country as a kickback tax imposed on the slaves for the privilege of Federal Employment.

The Roman Pontiff wanted his fair share of the value of his slave's labor, and the British Territorial Government running Puerto Rico wanted it's share, so to collect this they had two Federal Agencies, the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service, both, deliberately misaddressing the American victims of this identity theft, impersonation, and substitution fraud scheme.

To this day, Internal Revenue Service billing statements are sent to clueless Americans via the Royal Mail Service, and IRS billing statements are sent via the USPS -- and all of this is deliberately misaddressed to us as U.S. Citizens or US CITIZENS known to be citizens of the United States under the Diversity of Citizenship Clause -- who just happen to have the same -- or what appears to be the same-- name as we do.

These schemes run in tandem.

If you don't answer the correspondence from the IRS, they'll send you a bill from the Internal Revenue Service, and once again, all of this is based on the fraudulent securitization of an asset -- your labor -- which belongs to you, but which has been secretly "attributed" as belonging to the estate of your "dead" brother or sister.

No matter which agency, IRS or Internal Revenue Service, makes the score, the split is the same: 60% to the Vatican, 40% to the British Monarch.

It's the same thing with the Birth Certificate Fraud and the Baptismal Certificate Fraud (which claims to own, buy, and sell your soul as an asset pledged to the Roman Catholic Church) -- a 60:40 split.

These "clearinghouse certificates" are issued each time another registration and assignment of ownership interest and change of jurisdiction occurs, and they are given to your parents like a "coat check" to legalize what the Vermin have done.

As Americans are never given any disclosure about any of this, they think the "Birth Certificate" is just a harmless public record of the event of a baby being born. They don't know that it represents a purloined interest in their assets and the assumption of debts related to foreign citizenship obligations and pledges that were made "in their names" by Third Parties or contracts owed by foreign Legal Fiction Entities that have been named after them for purposes of impersonation.

All these are "private contracts" with Legal Fiction Entities named after you, Legal Fictions which are used to impersonate you without your knowledge or consent.

You never knew about the U.S. Citizen named after you, because that was a totally unconscionable contract, so, you never knew about "his" ESTATE contracts with the Roman Pontiff, either.

The whole scheme was designed as a black box within a black box, with deliberate misidentification and impersonation at the heart of it.

At every step, Joe Average American has been nailed down to suffer and slave for the obligations of all these foreign "citizens" named after him, all Legal Fictions that don't even exist.

It's a completely evil and vacuous system built of lies, paper, and hot air, yet this "System" has continued to exist behind the scenes ever since the First Crusades, when Roman Catholics lost their minds and actually believed that "Killing for Jesus" made sense.

So expert and pernicious are these identity thieves and "human" traffickers, so slickly efficient are their bill collectors, they put on a show in courtrooms to make it look like all this is "official" and yet, they are operating under color of law and conditions of deceit and the characters they address aren't real.

It is all designed purely and simply to defraud the living people, to purloin or outright steal their assets and their credit for the benefit and use of Third Parties. These are, whether we like it or not, the practices of organized crime syndicates.

And once again, the BAR Attorneys are smack dab in the center of it, playing the games and committing the personage necessary to defraud and steal the assets and the credit belonging to the living people.

Now that this has become common knowledge, the Corporate Vermin responsible have tried one more desperate, vile, criminal gambit.

First, they "redefined" us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, next they "redefined" the U.S. Citizens as Roman Catholic-owned Municipal CORPORATIONS, and now, they have tried to redefine everyone who got a Covid 19 injection as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) owned by DARPA under patent, and licensed to Microsoft, Inc.

We don't need to tell you what we think, because we already published and issued the first new Public Law in America in over a hundred years. Our States, the actual unincorporated and sovereign States of the Union, outlawed all such claims and patents, by Roll Call Vote of our State Assemblies.

We, individually and collectively, are owed all right, title, and interest in our names and our natural estates, all vested and physical interest in our assets, and we hold the unique survivorship interest in our named estates and country, our Union States and our States of the Union, our public and private property and assets of all kinds, including but not limited to our credit.

Our courts hold superior concurrent General Jurisdiction over all Americans and all American assets, so it's time for our foreign public employees to wake up and drop the false patent claims, the false registrations and all the rest of it.

We are not the Enemy; we are their employers. We are the source of their job security, their pensions, their homes and everything they own. We are the source of the credit they use in place of money. We are and we own the assets that they depend upon.

These are circumstances with which we must contend and the claims we must advance in every jurisdiction and at every level, until we regain recoupment and restitution for everyone who has been harmed by these fraud schemes and usurpations by foreign corporations masquerading as our government and acting in their private interest under color of law.

We, the living people, are the actual owners of the gold, silver, land, cash, and corporate assets held in the Global Collateral Accounts; we are also the source and owners of the labor asset resources, patents, trademarks, copyrights, performances and intellectual assets.

We are done with evil. We are done with being bullied and misrepresented by our public employees. And we are definitely done with the disservice of the Maritime Commercial Banks -- especially when we own the superior claim on everything they pretend to own.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: You Ask How Did She Know?
By Anna Von Reitz

I ran across this film clip of Ayn Rand, the Author of Atlas Shrugged, and the young man asking --- how did she know this in 1959? The same way we know it in 2024. She looked. She saw.

Please note the young Mike Wallace, too, trolling the media line and the socialist mindset.

Please also be aware that this interview is taking place eighteen (18) years after the money had been put in place as of 1941, to pay for all the expenses of the governments --- all social programs, all infrastructure --- in every country worldwide, so there was no need or reason to tax anyone, except that in the meantime, the Vermin had started another World War.

So the Generals stole the money intended to be an endowment covering all government expenses and doing away with any need for taxation. They commandeered it under the Marshall Plan and various other initiatives and slush funds. They used it to rebuild all the damage that they had caused and to buy entire governments and economic sectors in countries all over the world.

They are still trying to steal and control and contrive to keep hold of money meant to free you all from taxation forever.

They have tried to deny its existence.

Then they have tried to pretend that they don't know whose money it is.

Then they have tried to pretend that it came from criminal sources.

Then they have tried to pretend that it came from a man who is a slave in their three-tiered slave system.

And none of this is true. They know and we know exactly where that money came from and what it is supposed to do.

It is supposed to forever end taxation.

It is supposed to provide everything everyone needs in terms of government services and infrastructure without taxing people.

But taxation is a power to destroy that can be used to coerce and bully and terrify and the slimebags don't want to give it up.

They don't want to honor the wishes of the people who actually produced the wealth in the first place.

No, they want to use it to buy people off and create more conflicts and more oppression and more ways to kill people, because that is how twisted, small-minded, crooked, and grasping these men really are.

Here is Ayn Rand telling you the truth about taxation -- but she told people a lot more than this.

She explained how the Generals used this money to buy controlling interests in all the Fortune 500 Companies, how they gobbled up entire market sectors, how they turned the stock market into a rigged casino, how they terrorized the captains of industry, how they stole and coerced and still do.

Atlas Shrugged is really the simple truth presented as a fictional story. It was the only way that Ayn Rand could get the truth to you. This is what she personally witnessed in the 1930's, 40's and 50's.

Like the Wizard of Oz and The Lord of the Rings, Atlas Shrugged is a form of disclosure that exposes one whole segment of the destruction of our world at the hands of crooked generals and government bureaucrats --- the take over of our productive private sector corporations and inevitably, the death of our industrial base.

Don't wonder how she knew. Wonder why you didn't.

The recent lesson in economics given to the members of the World Economic Forum by the President of Argentina is a lesson that Argentina, Russia, China, and every other Socialist -Communist- Fascist country has learned.

These failed socialist political theories have led to poverty and social misery every time and everywhere they have been adopted. No exceptions.

If we let the criminals get away with it, they will force these failed ideas onto us and we will be a Third World country; indeed, to the extent that the colluding generals have succeeded, we already are.

Look at American Standardized Test Scores since Jimmy Carter's Federal Department of Education came into existence in 1976.

Look at our standard of living plummeting.

Look at the value of the Federal Reserve Notes being eaten up like bon-bons by engineered inflation.

Look at America, once loved and respected, being trashed and hated.

Look at what these political parties and lobbyists have done to this country and ask yourselves, why aren't these special interest groups outlawed?

Why are corporations able to give almost unlimited amounts of money to political candidates so as to literally buy the government?

Until the rest of the world recognizes that this thing occupying the Federal Capitol isn't our American Government, that it is the usurping Roman Catholic Municipal "United States, Inc." and the usurping British Territorial "United States of America, Inc." that they are dealing with, the entire world will suffer.

Likewise, until the world recognizes the difference between the United Nations organization and the UN CORPORATION, there will be no peace, no honesty, no safety for anyone.

These evil corporate conglomerates will continue to promote war, war, and more war for profit and the corrupt generals will continue to evade and abuse civilian authority, until the banks are cut off at the knees for funding them and hiding their dirt.

And this is what Ayn Rand knew, too.

What we are telling you is nothing new; we are simply putting it together in a different way, and shoving it in your faces until you must choke on it.

In case you missed it, be sure to catch this similarly insightful summation of what happens when for-profit corporations masquerade as governments.

They kill people and terrorize them for profit.

To them, it's just another kind of war.
To them, it's just another "theater".
To them, it's all for fun -- until they are caught.

Pay special attention to all the captured film footage of the crazy hospital, nurse, and death/ demon display that was actually part of the London Olympics years prior to the so-called pandemic.

These are the enemies of mankind, right here on public display, in our faces, dramatizing how they intended to kill us and our children and our elders. And did so, too, using their "Uniformed Officers" -- the licensed Health Professionals, who took the kickbacks and injected everyone with poisons and parasites and experimental gunk.

Don't forget and don't forgive the corporations and the men and women who did this.

They killed indiscriminately. They killed young and old, rich and poor, black and white. They killed for the sake of profit and cashed out the "Life Force Value Annuities" they took out on our lives, in a bizarre reprise of the Bottomry Bonds Scandal.

So it is time to "kill" them. Yank their charters and contracts. Sever their licenses. Remove the corporate veil. Void their registrations, copyrights, and patents. Boycott them. And don't believe a word of their narratives. Don't support them in any way. Treat them as you would a plague of rats.
Quit working for them. Join organizations that will put an end to them once and for all.

Explain to everyone why this is the right, proper, and lawful response.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652