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Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Marriage? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my marriage? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

I am in a large building and I am walking down the wide hallway throwing flowers as if I was a flower girl. Then I reach a place where there is a chair and I see myself put on heels. Then Johnny comes along and I take his hand and start twirling around and as I am twirling, I see Jesus step in and I start twirling with Him.

It seems as if it’s a mansion with antique things. I see long stairs that I go down and then Johnny and I are sitting near the fireplace, talking with each other. Then Jesus comes and joins us.

The scenery changes to what seems like a library within the mansion, and I take out some kind of map or blueprint and lay it on the table then I start walking with Jesus. We find a place on the floor and sit down and talk.

Jesus: Cathy, you see all this. I want you and Johnny to have a blessed time together. I want you to enjoy your moments together. To find moments of rest and joy.

Vision: I see myself go near a library and start looking at books to see which one to read.

Jesus: I have chosen you both to be husband and wife for a purpose. I want to expand through both of you. I want to pour out My wisdom and knowledge upon your lives and lead you into My will. You both, together in harmony, will advance My kingdom. I have great plans for your marriage. You both love Me and desire to serve Me. That is what I will do. I am looking for available hearts. You are one of the marriages that I have found who want to serve Me genuinely. Who desires to make Me a focus and priority in their marriage life. Do not lose focus. Keep your eyes on Me. I will bless your marriage. I will bring forth joy, peace, and laughter.

Enjoy each moment. Live in the present. Do not worry about anything in the future. I am the rock upon which your marriage stands. I am the living water that restores and refreshes your marriage. I am the laughter and warmth that changes the mood in your marriage. I am the hope and source of life in your marriage. No matter what comes, trust in Me. My plans are not to harm you. They are to strengthen and refine you. To make your marriage a godly example to the generation you are in. Come to Me, and I will fill you up. I will fill up your marriage. Seek Me and I will show you My ways and lead you into My will. Rest in Me, and I will carry you both in trials. Keep your eyes on Me, and I will show you My strength and power and fill your storehouse with goods.

Do not get caught up with the world or its patterns. The world and materialistic things will try to distract you. But continue to keep your hearts and minds set on Me. Your marriage will thrive as you continue to keep Me the rock on which your house stands. Your marriage will thrive when you continue to live with the conviction that “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” I have consecrated you both and joined you together for a higher purpose. Make more room for Me. Prioritize me in Your marriage, and I will do wonders. You are a power couple that will advance the kingdom, My kingdom. Seek first My kingdom, and the rest will be added. Do not worry, just trust. I will bless and provide for all your needs. I love you, My children. When you show love and respect to each other, you are honoring Me and the holy covenant that I have made for a marriage. To love is to have each other’s best interest in mind, without wanting to harm. So, continue to love, even in weaknesses, just as I have loved the Church. And watch how I will move in and through your marriage.

Cathy: Amen, Lord. Thank You for your leading and blessings upon our marriage. Yes, we look to You and seek You as a priority in our hearts. Remove any idols, Lord. We want room only for You. We love You and thank You for all You will do. Amen.

10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024.
Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

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Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Business? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my business? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

Jesus and I are standing someplace outdoors, surrounded by natural scenery. There are rocks all around, and there is a cliff in our view that has waterfalls flowing from it. Jesus is pointing around, especially towards the waterfalls. It seems He is carrying a baby over His shoulders. Then Jesus takes a pebble and skips it in the water. I see myself then carrying a bunch of lettuce. And I am laying it down, in an orderly fashion, next to the tomatoes. It seems as if I am gardening...

Jesus: Cathy, I have given you a home to take care of. You may not work outside in a building and get paid, but your work is just as important. I have called you to be a homemaker. To manage and take care of what is given to you and your surroundings. It is a hard job, but it is a holy one. Do not look at it in frustration, but be glad. For whatever you do, you do it unto Me, not unto man. That should be your heart. This heart attitude will change the moments of tiredness and routine, into a higher purpose, when you do it for Me. Be cheerful and enjoy the work around you. Do not burden yourself with it, but find ways to manage your time. Find excitement in the mundane, in the routine. Understand that you are building small habits that will lead to great results for your sake and for your husband and the home environment, as well as all who enter. Let your house be a home of peace. Let your home be a place of comfort, hope, and joy.

My Spirit dwells all around. I am with you. I rest in your home. I dwell with you and your husband, for you are My children. I am the One who brings comfort and peace. I am the One who brings love and understanding. I am the One who brings laughter healing and grace. I am the One who provides and blesses. Enjoy. And continue to be faithful in what you are given. It is not a burden, and it is not less fruitful. For out of this will come much fruit. In a generation that has lost its submission, love, and faithfulness to their duties as wives, be the one who makes a difference. Be an example, that a homemaker is just as important, and that it is holy with a higher purpose.

Do not be focused on materialistic things. Do not let the world and its ways drag you. But find contentment in Me. I will teach you skills and principles. You are preparing a home, each day, for a place of rest and order. For a place of hospitality. A place of safe haven. A place to raise a generation. Look to Me, when you are tired or lose focus. I will give you rest, strength, and joy in your works and purpose. I will bless your husband and home. I will bless the works of your hands.

Continue to be faithful and cheerful. Do not let anxiety and stress take over. But control your thoughts and patterns so that you can find rest. Your performance doesn’t affect your worth. Your worth is found in Me. Do not be deceived and condemned by the burdens and judgments of others. Receive My yoke, for it is light. No one is worth robbing your peace or patience. You are capable and are blessed and are doing it all for My glory. You honor Me when you do everything for Me. You honor the blessings that I have given you when you choose to be faithful and thankful. I love you, My child.

Cathy: Thank You, Lord, for speaking with me. Thank You because my worth is found in You and not in my performance or in how much I accomplish on my to-do list. Thank You because of the blessing and privilege You have given and chosen for me to be a housewife, and homemaker. I receive and will do it cheerfully and faithfully for Your name’s sake. I love You too!

10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024.
Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!


A chapter carrying exceptional beauty, Love. No matter how cliche it sounds, we all have encountered the agony and suffering brought upon us in the name of love. Maybe in the form of a breakup, the most common source of aching heart. Heart-wrenching loss of your dearest pet you cherished more than your life. Losing your significant other or your caregivers.

Losing endures for an eternity, but so does gaining.

Love, the profound emotion, reigns as the supreme emotion that bears the power to ignite the fire within us of which we were unaware. The overwhelming emotions brought upon us by it can be perceived, witnessed and sensed in numerous ways, echos the chambers of hearts and leaves with moist eyes handing us the bittersweet memories we may find ourselves cherishing and preserving and sometimes yearning to set them ablaze. Potential enough to fill the darkness within the extreme corners of hearts and lives, allowing us to feel emotions like never before. As if our world, has suddenly turned into a Terrestrial Paradise or a canvas of Piccaso stroking each day with beautiful, bright colours. Its beauty is so fragile, like a newly born bud, turning into a delicate flower that desires utter nurturing, blooming with tender care and plenty of love; thriving on respect, concern, compassion and will, breaking the boundaries and setting the expectations like never before.


Moments of beauty are often fleeting, giving us a second of pure joy and leaving behind a void. The pain of losing can be irreversible, leaving a deep stab within the heart. Those moments can be suffocating as if all the air from the earth is being taken away, leaving you grasping for each breath. Drowning in the sea of emotions, existence feels nothing but a burden. Unfortunately, encountering lost love isn’t the end of life. Only if it could! While the mind sits braced for the gloomy days ahead, the heart… cannot seem to follow suit.

If granted a chance, what would be the one last thing you would say to your lost beloved?


From the moment of first sight, abundant emotions captured the heart engulfing every existing emotion and turning into immense beauty. But now, a mere thought of them sends a shiver down the spine leaving a strong yearning for their sight, touch, warmth and love. Weighing over the shoulders, only if we could change the stars, only if we could rewrite the destiny.

Every beat that keeps the heart alive becomes a dreading reminder of loss. Painful beyond the words, as if the heart isn’t beating, it is slicing through the soul until it gives up. Now we stand afar, watching them find solace in the embrace of someone else or maybe in the warmth of eternal end. Reality is cruel. The Garden of Eden is no longer as it was before and Picasso’s mastery escaped from him. Our days, are now over. Each passing day becomes more challenging than before, and then arrives turn where each day, gets better than before. It is the point when we know, healing has begun. After shedding enough tears to fill the ocean, and spending days in agony and regrets, the sun shines again. Not as brighter as it was with them but bright enough to let us live. We survived. But, what else could we do?

Amidst the wrenching heart and overflown emotions, there were lessons to be learned. Were you aware of your strength until you were left alone by your dearest? It was a cruel testament which either cultivated your future with a hopeful future and stronger bonds or sabotaged the love for you. Remember to choose wisely among those two. Though the love slipped through our fingers like the smooth sand of a warm beach but the memories and impact will linger on us forever, certain fragments will haunt us while the others, make us feel alive once again and revive the scent of our love. The beautiful legacy left behind will be forever captured in our wounded hearts. The echoes of laughter, the sparkle of hopeful eyes, the comforting warmth of passionate touch and the truest sense of care coming from the core of the heart. It can be forgotten, it won’t be forgiven. Even after ages, the tremble of lips remains unchanged. Who knew we could withstand that pure bliss and profound sorrow? Emerging from intense ache, granted us a brand new life.

MUSIC Reference :

While the pain of loss may never fully fade, it is essential to get on our feet and welcome the new opportunities that life has to offer hoping that one day, the wounds will be healed. Lessons are learned, and strength is gained. Some parts of the heart still hold onto the lost love, serving as a reminder of how fragile life is, how precious the gift of love is and its every moment, every delight should be cherished because soon, it will be gone in a fleeting second.

Let’s hold the memories in our hearts, scars of bittersweet love that was never meant to be, holding onto the shattered pieces of heart and embracing the journey ahead.


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Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Marriage? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my marriage? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

I am in a large building and I am walking down the wide hallway throwing flowers as if I was a flower girl. Then I reach a place where there is a chair and I see myself put on heels. Then Johnny comes along and I take his hand and start twirling around and as I am twirling, I see Jesus step in and I start twirling with Him.

It seems as if it’s a mansion with antique things. I see long stairs that I go down and then Johnny and I are sitting near the fireplace, talking with each other. Then Jesus comes and joins us.

The scenery changes to what seems like a library within the mansion, and I take out some kind of map or blueprint and lay it on the table then I start walking with Jesus. We find a place on the floor and sit down and talk.

Jesus: Cathy, you see all this. I want you and Johnny to have a blessed time together. I want you to enjoy your moments together. To find moments of rest and joy.

Vision: I see myself go near a library and start looking at books to see which one to read.

Jesus: I have chosen you both to be husband and wife for a purpose. I want to expand through both of you. I want to pour out My wisdom and knowledge upon your lives and lead you into My will. You both, together in harmony, will advance My kingdom. I have great plans for your marriage. You both love Me and desire to serve Me. That is what I will do. I am looking for available hearts. You are one of the marriages that I have found who want to serve Me genuinely. Who desires to make Me a focus and priority in their marriage life. Do not lose focus. Keep your eyes on Me. I will bless your marriage. I will bring forth joy, peace, and laughter.

Enjoy each moment. Live in the present. Do not worry about anything in the future. I am the rock upon which your marriage stands. I am the living water that restores and refreshes your marriage. I am the laughter and warmth that changes the mood in your marriage. I am the hope and source of life in your marriage. No matter what comes, trust in Me. My plans are not to harm you. They are to strengthen and refine you. To make your marriage a godly example to the generation you are in. Come to Me, and I will fill you up. I will fill up your marriage. Seek Me and I will show you My ways and lead you into My will. Rest in Me, and I will carry you both in trials. Keep your eyes on Me, and I will show you My strength and power and fill your storehouse with goods.

Do not get caught up with the world or its patterns. The world and materialistic things will try to distract you. But continue to keep your hearts and minds set on Me. Your marriage will thrive as you continue to keep Me the rock on which your house stands. Your marriage will thrive when you continue to live with the conviction that “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” I have consecrated you both and joined you together for a higher purpose. Make more room for Me. Prioritize me in Your marriage, and I will do wonders. You are a power couple that will advance the kingdom, My kingdom. Seek first My kingdom, and the rest will be added. Do not worry, just trust. I will bless and provide for all your needs. I love you, My children. When you show love and respect to each other, you are honoring Me and the holy covenant that I have made for a marriage. To love is to have each other’s best interest in mind, without wanting to harm. So, continue to love, even in weaknesses, just as I have loved the Church. And watch how I will move in and through your marriage.

Cathy: Amen, Lord. Thank You for your leading and blessings upon our marriage. Yes, we look to You and seek You as a priority in our hearts. Remove any idols, Lord. We want room only for You. We love You and thank You for all You will do. Amen.

10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024.
Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!


Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Business? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my business? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

Jesus and I are standing someplace outdoors, surrounded by natural scenery. There are rocks all around, and there is a cliff in our view that has waterfalls flowing from it. Jesus is pointing around, especially towards the waterfalls. It seems He is carrying a baby over His shoulders. Then Jesus takes a pebble and skips it in the water. I see myself then carrying a bunch of lettuce. And I am laying it down, in an orderly fashion, next to the tomatoes. It seems as if I am gardening...

Jesus: Cathy, I have given you a home to take care of. You may not work outside in a building and get paid, but your work is just as important. I have called you to be a homemaker. To manage and take care of what is given to you and your surroundings. It is a hard job, but it is a holy one. Do not look at it in frustration, but be glad. For whatever you do, you do it unto Me, not unto man. That should be your heart. This heart attitude will change the moments of tiredness and routine, into a higher purpose, when you do it for Me. Be cheerful and enjoy the work around you. Do not burden yourself with it, but find ways to manage your time. Find excitement in the mundane, in the routine. Understand that you are building small habits that will lead to great results for your sake and for your husband and the home environment, as well as all who enter. Let your house be a home of peace. Let your home be a place of comfort, hope, and joy.

My Spirit dwells all around. I am with you. I rest in your home. I dwell with you and your husband, for you are My children. I am the One who brings comfort and peace. I am the One who brings love and understanding. I am the One who brings laughter healing and grace. I am the One who provides and blesses. Enjoy. And continue to be faithful in what you are given. It is not a burden, and it is not less fruitful. For out of this will come much fruit. In a generation that has lost its submission, love, and faithfulness to their duties as wives, be the one who makes a difference. Be an example, that a homemaker is just as important, and that it is holy with a higher purpose.

Do not be focused on materialistic things. Do not let the world and its ways drag you. But find contentment in Me. I will teach you skills and principles. You are preparing a home, each day, for a place of rest and order. For a place of hospitality. A place of safe haven. A place to raise a generation. Look to Me, when you are tired or lose focus. I will give you rest, strength, and joy in your works and purpose. I will bless your husband and home. I will bless the works of your hands.

Continue to be faithful and cheerful. Do not let anxiety and stress take over. But control your thoughts and patterns so that you can find rest. Your performance doesn’t affect your worth. Your worth is found in Me. Do not be deceived and condemned by the burdens and judgments of others. Receive My yoke, for it is light. No one is worth robbing your peace or patience. You are capable and are blessed and are doing it all for My glory. You honor Me when you do everything for Me. You honor the blessings that I have given you when you choose to be faithful and thankful. I love you, My child.

Cathy: Thank You, Lord, for speaking with me. Thank You because my worth is found in You and not in my performance or in how much I accomplish on my to-do list. Thank You because of the blessing and privilege You have given and chosen for me to be a housewife, and homemaker. I receive and will do it cheerfully and faithfully for Your name’s sake. I love You too!

10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024.
Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!


A chapter carrying exceptional beauty, Love. No matter how cliche it sounds, we all have encountered the agony and suffering brought upon us in the name of love. Maybe in the form of a breakup, the most common source of aching heart. Heart-wrenching loss of your dearest pet you cherished more than your life. Losing your significant other or your caregivers.

Losing endures for an eternity, but so does gaining.

Love, the profound emotion, reigns as the supreme emotion that bears the power to ignite the fire within us of which we were unaware. The overwhelming emotions brought upon us by it can be perceived, witnessed and sensed in numerous ways, echos the chambers of hearts and leaves with moist eyes handing us the bittersweet memories we may find ourselves cherishing and preserving and sometimes yearning to set them ablaze. Potential enough to fill the darkness within the extreme corners of hearts and lives, allowing us to feel emotions like never before. As if our world, has suddenly turned into a Terrestrial Paradise or a canvas of Piccaso stroking each day with beautiful, bright colours. Its beauty is so fragile, like a newly born bud, turning into a delicate flower that desires utter nurturing, blooming with tender care and plenty of love; thriving on respect, concern, compassion and will, breaking the boundaries and setting the expectations like never before.


Moments of beauty are often fleeting, giving us a second of pure joy and leaving behind a void. The pain of losing can be irreversible, leaving a deep stab within the heart. Those moments can be suffocating as if all the air from the earth is being taken away, leaving you grasping for each breath. Drowning in the sea of emotions, existence feels nothing but a burden. Unfortunately, encountering lost love isn’t the end of life. Only if it could! While the mind sits braced for the gloomy days ahead, the heart… cannot seem to follow suit.

If granted a chance, what would be the one last thing you would say to your lost beloved?


From the moment of first sight, abundant emotions captured the heart engulfing every existing emotion and turning into immense beauty. But now, a mere thought of them sends a shiver down the spine leaving a strong yearning for their sight, touch, warmth and love. Weighing over the shoulders, only if we could change the stars, only if we could rewrite the destiny.

Every beat that keeps the heart alive becomes a dreading reminder of loss. Painful beyond the words, as if the heart isn’t beating, it is slicing through the soul until it gives up. Now we stand afar, watching them find solace in the embrace of someone else or maybe in the warmth of eternal end. Reality is cruel. The Garden of Eden is no longer as it was before and Picasso’s mastery escaped from him. Our days, are now over. Each passing day becomes more challenging than before, and then arrives turn where each day, gets better than before. It is the point when we know, healing has begun. After shedding enough tears to fill the ocean, and spending days in agony and regrets, the sun shines again. Not as brighter as it was with them but bright enough to let us live. We survived. But, what else could we do?

Amidst the wrenching heart and overflown emotions, there were lessons to be learned. Were you aware of your strength until you were left alone by your dearest? It was a cruel testament which either cultivated your future with a hopeful future and stronger bonds or sabotaged the love for you. Remember to choose wisely among those two. Though the love slipped through our fingers like the smooth sand of a warm beach but the memories and impact will linger on us forever, certain fragments will haunt us while the others, make us feel alive once again and revive the scent of our love. The beautiful legacy left behind will be forever captured in our wounded hearts. The echoes of laughter, the sparkle of hopeful eyes, the comforting warmth of passionate touch and the truest sense of care coming from the core of the heart. It can be forgotten, it won’t be forgiven. Even after ages, the tremble of lips remains unchanged. Who knew we could withstand that pure bliss and profound sorrow? Emerging from intense ache, granted us a brand new life.

MUSIC Reference :

While the pain of loss may never fully fade, it is essential to get on our feet and welcome the new opportunities that life has to offer hoping that one day, the wounds will be healed. Lessons are learned, and strength is gained. Some parts of the heart still hold onto the lost love, serving as a reminder of how fragile life is, how precious the gift of love is and its every moment, every delight should be cherished because soon, it will be gone in a fleeting second.

Let’s hold the memories in our hearts, scars of bittersweet love that was never meant to be, holding onto the shattered pieces of heart and embracing the journey ahead.


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