
Joe Pesci, Constitution speech in movie-film, "With Honors": "The genius of the Constitution is that it can always be changed & makes no permanent rule other than it's faith in the wisdom of ordinary people to govern themselves. Our founding parents (USA's Founding Fathers) were pompous middle-aged white farmers & great men cuz they knew 1 thing, they didn’t know everything. They knew they were going to make mistakes & thus leave a way to correct them. They didn’t think of themselves as leaders. They wanted a government of citizens — not royalty. A government of listeners — not lecturers. A government that could change — not stand still. The President isn’t an elected King, & the Constitution doesn’t trust the President. The President's a servant of the people.”

14 hrs ago

****[PART TIME JOBS for USA]****
Google is paying 90 to 100$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family. On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $10,000 this last four weeks. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself If you don’t :-

CHECK IT**********

16 hrs ago

Whether you are running a business or just deciding to travel in the outback regions of Canada and you need to stay connected to the business or family, STARLINK is your best answer. An amazing stay connected satellite system with a great price. #STARLINK will keep you online and connected while travelling anywhere in Canada or while exploring its vast shoreline. We recommend this system to those of you living in campers and vans.
More info:
#rural #internet #connected #family #business #fun #travel #vacation #outback #living

Reliable high-speed internet, wherever you live. $120/mo, with a hardware cost of $599.


This clip is right out of Episode 5 of our Great Taking series. If you missed it, you can watch the whole episode here FREE:
Early bird access ends today! Get access for $99, less if you are a member. Protect you and your family today with the knowledge from our upcoming WEBINAR: "How To Protect Your Wealth from The Great Taking". Join us along with David Rodgers Webb, Dr. Susanne Trimbath and more to learn how to protect your wealth. Learn more here:


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez looks at the state of crime and filth in the American city, particularly the once-grand San Francisco. Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss how the home of the Golden Gate Bridge has devolved into a cesspit of disease, homeless people, and crime to the point where stores are closing down and people are fleeing; a Congressman was even robbed. Then Rick and Manila discuss how US Christian fundamentalists are working to the detriment of some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, in Palestine, and throughout the rest of the Middle East through their support for Israel. Then Craig Jardula joins Rick to talk about all of this and more. Don’t miss it.

Today we’re diving into the nitty-gritty details of those elusive ‘senior claims’. Remember how in part one we discussed the shocking revelation that you don’t actually own your stocks and bonds?
Yeah, that was a shocker for me too.

Instead, you’re just a subordinated claimant with a neutered position as the holder of a ‘security entitlement.’ It’s like you’re forced to play blackjack because the Federal Reserve has made it its mission to slowly destroy the value of your savings via inflation, but there are other people seated at your table who can bet massive amounts secure in the knowledge that if they lose their chips tey can always reach over and help themselves to yours. Bizarre, right?

But hang on, it gets even more intriguing. Those senior claims? They’re mostly held by the big boys – the major banks and financial institutions.

Join the Conversation:

Continuation to part 2 found here:

Miss part 1? Still need the audio book? Click here (Free):

Continuation to Part 1 found here:

Original David Webb interview that kicked this research off found here:

Part 1 (Free):
Part 2 (Free):

For more information on our amazing new webinar series - Prospering With Integrity with Bret Weinstein, Ed Dowd and Peter St Onge, click here:

? NOTE: Annual members to get all episodes of Prospering with Integrity (and much more!) as a perk of the subscription. Watch more of our videos here to find hidden codes to use on our membership! ?️‍♂️?

Join the #1 resilience community today! -- GT20 gets 20% of a monthly, GT35 gets 35% off an annual


Wanna buy me a coffee?


Twitter: @Chris_martenson

Truth @PeakProsperity

Gettr @PeakProsperity


This clip is right out of Episode 5 of our Great Taking series. If you missed it, you can watch the whole episode here FREE:
Early bird access ends today! Get access for $99, less if you are a member. Protect you and your family today with the knowledge from our upcoming WEBINAR: "How To Protect Your Wealth from The Great Taking". Join us along with David Rodgers Webb, Dr. Susanne Trimbath and more to learn how to protect your wealth. Learn more here:


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez looks at the state of crime and filth in the American city, particularly the once-grand San Francisco. Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss how the home of the Golden Gate Bridge has devolved into a cesspit of disease, homeless people, and crime to the point where stores are closing down and people are fleeing; a Congressman was even robbed. Then Rick and Manila discuss how US Christian fundamentalists are working to the detriment of some of the oldest Christian communities in the world, in Palestine, and throughout the rest of the Middle East through their support for Israel. Then Craig Jardula joins Rick to talk about all of this and more. Don’t miss it.

Today we’re diving into the nitty-gritty details of those elusive ‘senior claims’. Remember how in part one we discussed the shocking revelation that you don’t actually own your stocks and bonds?
Yeah, that was a shocker for me too.

Instead, you’re just a subordinated claimant with a neutered position as the holder of a ‘security entitlement.’ It’s like you’re forced to play blackjack because the Federal Reserve has made it its mission to slowly destroy the value of your savings via inflation, but there are other people seated at your table who can bet massive amounts secure in the knowledge that if they lose their chips tey can always reach over and help themselves to yours. Bizarre, right?

But hang on, it gets even more intriguing. Those senior claims? They’re mostly held by the big boys – the major banks and financial institutions.

Join the Conversation:

Continuation to part 2 found here:

Miss part 1? Still need the audio book? Click here (Free):

Continuation to Part 1 found here:

Original David Webb interview that kicked this research off found here:

Part 1 (Free):
Part 2 (Free):

For more information on our amazing new webinar series - Prospering With Integrity with Bret Weinstein, Ed Dowd and Peter St Onge, click here:

? NOTE: Annual members to get all episodes of Prospering with Integrity (and much more!) as a perk of the subscription. Watch more of our videos here to find hidden codes to use on our membership! ?️‍♂️?

Join the #1 resilience community today! -- GT20 gets 20% of a monthly, GT35 gets 35% off an annual


Wanna buy me a coffee?


Twitter: @Chris_martenson

Truth @PeakProsperity

Gettr @PeakProsperity

The global economic system is being manipulated by hidden individuals and institutions, leading to a concentration of wealth and power, intentional induced financial crises, and the dematerialization of securities, and that this system must be dismantled non-violently.

It’s important because it answers the question, “How exactly will I end up owning nothing as the WEF has prognosticated?”

If you’d rather not lose all your wealth to a bunch of amoral Wall Street crooks in a legalized transfer of wealth, then this series is for you.

Join the Conversation (and download the audio book) here (Free):

Continuation to Part 1 found here:

Original David Webb interview that kicked this research off found here:

Part 1 (Free):
Part 2 (Free):

For more information on our amazing new webinar series - Prospering With Integrity with Bret Weinstein, Ed Dowd and Peter St Onge, click here:
? NOTE: Annual members to get all episodes of Prospering with Integrity (and much more!) as a perk of the subscription. Watch more of our videos here to find hidden codes to use on our membership! ?️‍♂️?

Join the #1 resilience community today! -- GT20 gets 20% of a monthly, GT35 gets 35% off an annual


Twitter: @Chris_martenson

Truth @PeakProsperity

Gettr @PeakProsperity


Culdesac is a new neighborhood development in Tempe, Arizona designed around "car free" living. Praised for being environmentally friendly and its walking distance convenience, is this essentially the nations first "15 minute city?"


Joe Pesci, Constitution speech in movie-film, "With Honors": "The genius of the Constitution is that it can always be changed & makes no permanent rule other than it's faith in the wisdom of ordinary people to govern themselves. Our founding parents (USA's Founding Fathers) were pompous middle-aged white farmers & great men cuz they knew 1 thing, they didn’t know everything. They knew they were going to make mistakes & thus leave a way to correct them. They didn’t think of themselves as leaders. They wanted a government of citizens — not royalty. A government of listeners — not lecturers. A government that could change — not stand still. The President isn’t an elected King, & the Constitution doesn’t trust the President. The President's a servant of the people.”

14 hrs ago

****[PART TIME JOBS for USA]****
Google is paying 90 to 100$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family. On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $10,000 this last four weeks. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself If you don’t :-

CHECK IT**********

16 hrs ago

Whether you are running a business or just deciding to travel in the outback regions of Canada and you need to stay connected to the business or family, STARLINK is your best answer. An amazing stay connected satellite system with a great price. #STARLINK will keep you online and connected while travelling anywhere in Canada or while exploring its vast shoreline. We recommend this system to those of you living in campers and vans.
More info:
#rural #internet #connected #family #business #fun #travel #vacation #outback #living

Reliable high-speed internet, wherever you live. $120/mo, with a hardware cost of $599.


Daphne Moon May 15, 2024 1 1 min read

The only mainstream outlet to cover the story at all was NBC News Now, on Tom Llamas’ show. Llamas didn’t hold back his condemnation, beginning his report by highlighting Adams’ comments about migrants making great lifeguards due to being “excellent swimmers.” He then questioned the factual basis for Adams’ statement, wondering if it was based on the migrants’ swim across the Rio Grande or the Florida Strait. Llamas also pointed out the lack of outrage over Adams’ remarks in a supposedly “progressive” city like New York.
During the report, Llamas interviewed a local migrant advocate who criticized Adams for his dual discourse when it comes to migrants, as well as his view that the migrant crisis will destroy New York City. Llamas echoed this sentiment, stating that Adams’ comment is incredibly racist and he is shocked and upset that there hasn’t been more outrage, especially in a city that claims to be progressive and inclusive.

Basic Doctrine's of the True Christian Faith - Even the last remaining remnant (small remaining quantity of churches) from the far East have doctrinally erred (be mistaken or incorrect, fail to adhere to the proper or accepted standards; do wrong), fallen away & LOST the Holy Spirit. ONLY the FEW survive the Coming tribulation (a cause or state of great trouble or suffering) & desolation (a state of anguished misery or loneliness & complete emptiness or destruction) via the churches of the world who R SELF deeming 2 know better & exhibit what THEY past historically have & sadly STILL do USA-globally which is leading masses of this all connected as a whole NECLEUS species (humanity itself) away from, misc Holy Bible as THEY nevertheless & literally exhibit in secret using Holy Bible as a means & way 2 further control & commoditize 4 $ profit money.