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Make no literal mistake, THEY - Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) R NOT playing around, regardless whether THEY do 4 Devil or just cuz THEY can - WHY, cuz we've ALL USA-globally past historically-2 date been ALLOWING THEM! U ALL want THEM 2 STOP? THEN FORCE STOP THEM & I mean LITERALLY ie: weeds of garden - Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's defeating Devil & 86-ing outta Heaven, with ALL God's given us capable adult's individually, hunt THEM down & cease THEM immediately onsite & send THEM B4 Jesus 2 handle & deal with via THEIR pre judgment day processing, NOT allowing THEM, misc (fill in blank's locally) 2 cease the innocent, hence, lives cut short! THEY no stopping nothing NOR will God as Book of Revelations Time is NOT yet SO, WHY R U masses STILL no exhibiting B4 God what we were suppose 2 past-2 date or U ALL R going 2 Hell after last breath ie: death, YO choice!

I NO care what the-ANY so called church or Vatican says, they got blood on their hands 4 ALLOWING ALL past-2 date despite Author: Paul L. Williams book, Killing the Planet (Earth) & Paul did work on uncovering Vatican having ties to & with the Mafia, "The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder, and the Mafia". So SAVE IT! U USA-globally want this ALL (evil-unholy ugh) 2 STOP? THEN MAKE IT STOP - by SELF deny Warrior stepping up & hunting down the evil-unholy adult dust & ash corpse weed's of garden & send them on knees B4 Jesus 4 their PRE judgment day processing where they belong & STOP ALLOWING the innocent 2 B ceased, WE CLEAR?! Or Coming we're ALL DEAD - THEN themselves of TOP Power do same 2 themselves = eventual "EH" SELF extinct humanity, GET it? Understand?

& though those like terrorist group's out there DO 4 evil, WE ALL who CLAIM 2 B in-of Jesus, STILL NO do NOTHING like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's DID un2 Devil long ago though (Devil) brought us this Holy War & YEAH, God DID The Flood - CEASED LGBTQiA via Holy Bible's Genesis 19, hence, setting the example & U ALL since ALLOW them existence ie: dust & ash corpse human weed's of garden which is evil-unholy opposite 2 God &-but like Jesus said, 'MORE B in Hell than Heaven' after YO last breath ie: death, U R ALL individually walking a dangerous unholy-evil life path & playing a dangerous unholy-evil game only 2 have it led U 2 B sent by Jesus 2 Hell after last breath ie: death; huh U gonna go 2 Hell 4 THEM around U? Then B gone, I - Jesus-Holy Trinity NEVER knew U!


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Make no literal mistake, THEY - Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) R NOT playing around, regardless whether THEY do 4 Devil or just cuz THEY can - WHY, cuz we've ALL USA-globally past historically-2 date been ALLOWING THEM! U ALL want THEM 2 STOP? THEN FORCE STOP THEM & I mean LITERALLY ie: weeds of garden - Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's defeating Devil & 86-ing outta Heaven, with ALL God's given us capable adult's individually, hunt THEM down & cease THEM immediately onsite & send THEM B4 Jesus 2 handle & deal with via THEIR pre judgment day processing, NOT allowing THEM, misc (fill in blank's locally) 2 cease the innocent, hence, lives cut short! THEY no stopping nothing NOR will God as Book of Revelations Time is NOT yet SO, WHY R U masses STILL no exhibiting B4 God what we were suppose 2 past-2 date or U ALL R going 2 Hell after last breath ie: death, YO choice!

I NO care what the-ANY so called church or Vatican says, they got blood on their hands 4 ALLOWING ALL past-2 date despite Author: Paul L. Williams book, Killing the Planet (Earth) & Paul did work on uncovering Vatican having ties to & with the Mafia, "The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder, and the Mafia". So SAVE IT! U USA-globally want this ALL (evil-unholy ugh) 2 STOP? THEN MAKE IT STOP - by SELF deny Warrior stepping up & hunting down the evil-unholy adult dust & ash corpse weed's of garden & send them on knees B4 Jesus 4 their PRE judgment day processing where they belong & STOP ALLOWING the innocent 2 B ceased, WE CLEAR?! Or Coming we're ALL DEAD - THEN themselves of TOP Power do same 2 themselves = eventual "EH" SELF extinct humanity, GET it? Understand?

& though those like terrorist group's out there DO 4 evil, WE ALL who CLAIM 2 B in-of Jesus, STILL NO do NOTHING like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's DID un2 Devil long ago though (Devil) brought us this Holy War & YEAH, God DID The Flood - CEASED LGBTQiA via Holy Bible's Genesis 19, hence, setting the example & U ALL since ALLOW them existence ie: dust & ash corpse human weed's of garden which is evil-unholy opposite 2 God &-but like Jesus said, 'MORE B in Hell than Heaven' after YO last breath ie: death, U R ALL individually walking a dangerous unholy-evil life path & playing a dangerous unholy-evil game only 2 have it led U 2 B sent by Jesus 2 Hell after last breath ie: death; huh U gonna go 2 Hell 4 THEM around U? Then B gone, I - Jesus-Holy Trinity NEVER knew U!

Sigh huh, after tick tock 'Time' historic past centuries-2 date have gone by - in discussion reference 2-of that Devil BROUGHT this Holy War 2 us AFTER B-ing defeated by Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & was (Devil) 86-ed outta Heaven & STILL 2date that day in Age upon the Time line (year) AD that U created in LESS than a day (& having been given ie: embedded internally within ALL we'd EVER need 2 say, exhibit likewise Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's B4 God-Heaven) all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity instead has STILL continued repeatedly "EH" - who-NONE cares right?! NOT B-ing like (above) & literally CEASING immediately onsite - NO words - NO courts - NO prisons THAT of evil-unholy adult dust & ash corpse weed's of garden & send THEM on knees B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing instead of having innocent human's having their lives cut short = NOT doing OUR deemed non voluntary-non optional job-responsibility sole reason 4 B-ing created-existing 2 SELF deny care take of each other & Earth, NOTHING off (Earth) & ALLOWING all opposite of God, breaking HIS set 4th moral codes', hence, NOT housecleaning!

Sigh huh, past historically-tick tock 'Time' 2 date USA-globally, evil-unholy, dust & ash bleedable, weed of garden, CAN B touched-handled-ceased, THEM-THEY of Power (fill in blank's, name THEM) almost have what THEY want-need-demand, ABSOLUTE CONTROL! THEY (ie: have done-did via Jeremy Lee Renner's 'CAN'T B UNDONE' & R gonna STILL continue doing) & it WON'T stop there! The $, etc price of USA-global God given-allowed-privilege of freedom is HIGH, it always has been & it's a price I'm (dying tired frail old man, straight-hetrosexual, celibate, alpha male) SELF denyingly (& Holy Trinity WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM) via Luke 17:21-22 ie: kingdom of God is embedded internally within FEW, NOT ALL, willing 2 pay (do or die trying, 'WHATEVER it takes' cuz I 'GET'-realize what's solely alone at stake = angering-pissing off God BUT me NO lone wolf-ing) & if I'm R-the ONLY 1 (& above), then so B it! via my WHEN IN temporary human, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24) LIFE assigned Heaven Life Record!