Make no literal mistake, THEY - Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) R NOT playing around, regardless whether THEY do 4 Devil or just cuz THEY can - WHY, cuz we've ALL USA-globally past historically-2 date been ALLOWING THEM! U ALL want THEM 2 STOP? THEN FORCE STOP THEM & I mean LITERALLY ie: weeds of garden - Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's defeating Devil & 86-ing outta Heaven, with ALL God's given us capable adult's individually, hunt THEM down & cease THEM immediately onsite & send THEM B4 Jesus 2 handle & deal with via THEIR pre judgment day processing, NOT allowing THEM, misc (fill in blank's locally) 2 cease the innocent, hence, lives cut short! THEY no stopping nothing NOR will God as Book of Revelations Time is NOT yet SO, WHY R U masses STILL no exhibiting B4 God what we were suppose 2 past-2 date or U ALL R going 2 Hell after last breath ie: death, YO choice!