Sigh huh, after tick tock 'Time' historic past centuries-2 date have gone by - in discussion reference 2-of that Devil BROUGHT this Holy War 2 us AFTER B-ing defeated by Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & was (Devil) 86-ed outta Heaven & STILL 2date that day in Age upon the Time line (year) AD that U created in LESS than a day (& having been given ie: embedded internally within ALL we'd EVER need 2 say, exhibit likewise Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's B4 God-Heaven) all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity instead has STILL continued repeatedly "EH" - who-NONE cares right?! NOT B-ing like (above) & literally CEASING immediately onsite - NO words - NO courts - NO prisons THAT of evil-unholy adult dust & ash corpse weed's of garden & send THEM on knees B4 Jesus 4 THEIR pre judgment day processing instead of having innocent human's having their lives cut short = NOT doing OUR deemed non voluntary-non optional job-responsibility sole reason 4 B-ing created-existing 2 SELF deny care take of each other & Earth, NOTHING off (Earth) & ALLOWING all opposite of God, breaking HIS set 4th moral codes', hence, NOT housecleaning!