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12 hrs ago

Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Finances? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my finances? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

Jesus and I are in a field and I see sunflowers. Jesus is holding a bubble wand and starts blowing it and the bubbles start flowing into the air. I see Jesus relaxed and smiling and enjoying His time. Suddenly, I see myself as a little girl and Jesus is carrying me and holding me while we stand in the field. He reassuringly pats my back, as if I am concerned.

Jesus: Cathy, My beloved, do not worry. Look at the field around you. It is mostly empty, but the grass is green and growing. The whole land has room and potential for growth to occur. You both are still at the beginning of your marriage. I know there are financial concerns and debts, but just like the field, green and ready to receive the harvest, so is your financial state. There is still time and potential for financial blessings. You just have to trust My timings and ways. I have a plan and I see all your plans. Surrender them to Me and enjoy and relax in the process. Take it easy and enjoy. I have blessed you enough, financially, to provide for your needs and debts, along with some room for enjoyment. Receive it. Do not look at the tasks. Do not let your present moments of enjoyment be robbed because of debt. From this debt, you have a home, along with other things. So, continue to look at it with appreciation and not burden. Enjoy what I have given. And in My ways and time, you will see gradually My blessings pour out. You will not be in need. There is no poverty, there are blessings because I see your hearts.

Guard your hearts, for the enemy will try to distract you with materialistic things or discontentment, but refuse. Keep your hearts connected to Me. I am Your true source of provision. Learn to be content in little and much. For that is the power and secret of godliness, to be content in all situations. For you are not of this world, you are just living in it for a moment, until eternity’s call. Keep your eyes and hearts on Me and My kingdom and I will bring forth blessings. And even in trials, do not let your hearts be burdened or troubled. For I will bring peace, contentment, and provision in its time. In the meantime, know that I am preparing your hearts and refining you both. Receive My blessings, be grateful, be content, and I will work in your lives.

Cathy: Amen, Lord we receive. Continue to keep our hearts free from greed. We want to rely on You for our source of provision and be faithful and generous in what You have blessed us with. Thank You, Lord, for Your provision. We cast our concerns unto You, and receive Your peace and joy.

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A chapter carrying exceptional beauty, Love. No matter how cliche it sounds, we all have encountered the agony and suffering brought upon us in the name of love. Maybe in the form of a breakup, the most common source of aching heart. Heart-wrenching loss of your dearest pet you cherished more than your life. Losing your significant other or your caregivers.

Losing endures for an eternity, but so does gaining.

Love, the profound emotion, reigns as the supreme emotion that bears the power to ignite the fire within us of which we were unaware. The overwhelming emotions brought upon us by it can be perceived, witnessed and sensed in numerous ways, echos the chambers of hearts and leaves with moist eyes handing us the bittersweet memories we may find ourselves cherishing and preserving and sometimes yearning to set them ablaze. Potential enough to fill the darkness within the extreme corners of hearts and lives, allowing us to feel emotions like never before. As if our world, has suddenly turned into a Terrestrial Paradise or a canvas of Piccaso stroking each day with beautiful, bright colours. Its beauty is so fragile, like a newly born bud, turning into a delicate flower that desires utter nurturing, blooming with tender care and plenty of love; thriving on respect, concern, compassion and will, breaking the boundaries and setting the expectations like never before.


Moments of beauty are often fleeting, giving us a second of pure joy and leaving behind a void. The pain of losing can be irreversible, leaving a deep stab within the heart. Those moments can be suffocating as if all the air from the earth is being taken away, leaving you grasping for each breath. Drowning in the sea of emotions, existence feels nothing but a burden. Unfortunately, encountering lost love isn’t the end of life. Only if it could! While the mind sits braced for the gloomy days ahead, the heart… cannot seem to follow suit.

If granted a chance, what would be the one last thing you would say to your lost beloved?


From the moment of first sight, abundant emotions captured the heart engulfing every existing emotion and turning into immense beauty. But now, a mere thought of them sends a shiver down the spine leaving a strong yearning for their sight, touch, warmth and love. Weighing over the shoulders, only if we could change the stars, only if we could rewrite the destiny.

Every beat that keeps the heart alive becomes a dreading reminder of loss. Painful beyond the words, as if the heart isn’t beating, it is slicing through the soul until it gives up. Now we stand afar, watching them find solace in the embrace of someone else or maybe in the warmth of eternal end. Reality is cruel. The Garden of Eden is no longer as it was before and Picasso’s mastery escaped from him. Our days, are now over. Each passing day becomes more challenging than before, and then arrives turn where each day, gets better than before. It is the point when we know, healing has begun. After shedding enough tears to fill the ocean, and spending days in agony and regrets, the sun shines again. Not as brighter as it was with them but bright enough to let us live. We survived. But, what else could we do?

Amidst the wrenching heart and overflown emotions, there were lessons to be learned. Were you aware of your strength until you were left alone by your dearest? It was a cruel testament which either cultivated your future with a hopeful future and stronger bonds or sabotaged the love for you. Remember to choose wisely among those two. Though the love slipped through our fingers like the smooth sand of a warm beach but the memories and impact will linger on us forever, certain fragments will haunt us while the others, make us feel alive once again and revive the scent of our love. The beautiful legacy left behind will be forever captured in our wounded hearts. The echoes of laughter, the sparkle of hopeful eyes, the comforting warmth of passionate touch and the truest sense of care coming from the core of the heart. It can be forgotten, it won’t be forgiven. Even after ages, the tremble of lips remains unchanged. Who knew we could withstand that pure bliss and profound sorrow? Emerging from intense ache, granted us a brand new life.

MUSIC Reference :

While the pain of loss may never fully fade, it is essential to get on our feet and welcome the new opportunities that life has to offer hoping that one day, the wounds will be healed. Lessons are learned, and strength is gained. Some parts of the heart still hold onto the lost love, serving as a reminder of how fragile life is, how precious the gift of love is and its every moment, every delight should be cherished because soon, it will be gone in a fleeting second.

Let’s hold the memories in our hearts, scars of bittersweet love that was never meant to be, holding onto the shattered pieces of heart and embracing the journey ahead.

Otherwise the worst is feared for their eternity, ESPECIALLY since Father God has NEVER, EVER, given ANYONE, more than they can handle, given us all/each 'Free Will' though, thus, no one has any excuse, ever. Thus, the Two Judgment Day periods, WILL BE, swift, clear and final. Tomorrow is not promised unto no one, hence again, no excuse's will be heard, nor tolerated (later). When all father God wanted to do was, just create something, HE, is not playing around, no one to cross, etc/misc, ALL LOVE He BE, but = zero - tolerance.


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12 hrs ago

Lord, What Are Your Dreams for My Finances? by Cathy Kawar

“Lord, what are the desires and dreams You have for my finances? Am I seeing them, pondering them, speaking them, and acting on them as You desire me to?”

Jesus and I are in a field and I see sunflowers. Jesus is holding a bubble wand and starts blowing it and the bubbles start flowing into the air. I see Jesus relaxed and smiling and enjoying His time. Suddenly, I see myself as a little girl and Jesus is carrying me and holding me while we stand in the field. He reassuringly pats my back, as if I am concerned.

Jesus: Cathy, My beloved, do not worry. Look at the field around you. It is mostly empty, but the grass is green and growing. The whole land has room and potential for growth to occur. You both are still at the beginning of your marriage. I know there are financial concerns and debts, but just like the field, green and ready to receive the harvest, so is your financial state. There is still time and potential for financial blessings. You just have to trust My timings and ways. I have a plan and I see all your plans. Surrender them to Me and enjoy and relax in the process. Take it easy and enjoy. I have blessed you enough, financially, to provide for your needs and debts, along with some room for enjoyment. Receive it. Do not look at the tasks. Do not let your present moments of enjoyment be robbed because of debt. From this debt, you have a home, along with other things. So, continue to look at it with appreciation and not burden. Enjoy what I have given. And in My ways and time, you will see gradually My blessings pour out. You will not be in need. There is no poverty, there are blessings because I see your hearts.

Guard your hearts, for the enemy will try to distract you with materialistic things or discontentment, but refuse. Keep your hearts connected to Me. I am Your true source of provision. Learn to be content in little and much. For that is the power and secret of godliness, to be content in all situations. For you are not of this world, you are just living in it for a moment, until eternity’s call. Keep your eyes and hearts on Me and My kingdom and I will bring forth blessings. And even in trials, do not let your hearts be burdened or troubled. For I will bring peace, contentment, and provision in its time. In the meantime, know that I am preparing your hearts and refining you both. Receive My blessings, be grateful, be content, and I will work in your lives.

Cathy: Amen, Lord we receive. Continue to keep our hearts free from greed. We want to rely on You for our source of provision and be faithful and generous in what You have blessed us with. Thank You, Lord, for Your provision. We cast our concerns unto You, and receive Your peace and joy.

10th Anniversary Sale on all Spirit-life e-learning modules during July 2024
Use coupon code 10YEARS and save 50% off!

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Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice!


A chapter carrying exceptional beauty, Love. No matter how cliche it sounds, we all have encountered the agony and suffering brought upon us in the name of love. Maybe in the form of a breakup, the most common source of aching heart. Heart-wrenching loss of your dearest pet you cherished more than your life. Losing your significant other or your caregivers.

Losing endures for an eternity, but so does gaining.

Love, the profound emotion, reigns as the supreme emotion that bears the power to ignite the fire within us of which we were unaware. The overwhelming emotions brought upon us by it can be perceived, witnessed and sensed in numerous ways, echos the chambers of hearts and leaves with moist eyes handing us the bittersweet memories we may find ourselves cherishing and preserving and sometimes yearning to set them ablaze. Potential enough to fill the darkness within the extreme corners of hearts and lives, allowing us to feel emotions like never before. As if our world, has suddenly turned into a Terrestrial Paradise or a canvas of Piccaso stroking each day with beautiful, bright colours. Its beauty is so fragile, like a newly born bud, turning into a delicate flower that desires utter nurturing, blooming with tender care and plenty of love; thriving on respect, concern, compassion and will, breaking the boundaries and setting the expectations like never before.


Moments of beauty are often fleeting, giving us a second of pure joy and leaving behind a void. The pain of losing can be irreversible, leaving a deep stab within the heart. Those moments can be suffocating as if all the air from the earth is being taken away, leaving you grasping for each breath. Drowning in the sea of emotions, existence feels nothing but a burden. Unfortunately, encountering lost love isn’t the end of life. Only if it could! While the mind sits braced for the gloomy days ahead, the heart… cannot seem to follow suit.

If granted a chance, what would be the one last thing you would say to your lost beloved?


From the moment of first sight, abundant emotions captured the heart engulfing every existing emotion and turning into immense beauty. But now, a mere thought of them sends a shiver down the spine leaving a strong yearning for their sight, touch, warmth and love. Weighing over the shoulders, only if we could change the stars, only if we could rewrite the destiny.

Every beat that keeps the heart alive becomes a dreading reminder of loss. Painful beyond the words, as if the heart isn’t beating, it is slicing through the soul until it gives up. Now we stand afar, watching them find solace in the embrace of someone else or maybe in the warmth of eternal end. Reality is cruel. The Garden of Eden is no longer as it was before and Picasso’s mastery escaped from him. Our days, are now over. Each passing day becomes more challenging than before, and then arrives turn where each day, gets better than before. It is the point when we know, healing has begun. After shedding enough tears to fill the ocean, and spending days in agony and regrets, the sun shines again. Not as brighter as it was with them but bright enough to let us live. We survived. But, what else could we do?

Amidst the wrenching heart and overflown emotions, there were lessons to be learned. Were you aware of your strength until you were left alone by your dearest? It was a cruel testament which either cultivated your future with a hopeful future and stronger bonds or sabotaged the love for you. Remember to choose wisely among those two. Though the love slipped through our fingers like the smooth sand of a warm beach but the memories and impact will linger on us forever, certain fragments will haunt us while the others, make us feel alive once again and revive the scent of our love. The beautiful legacy left behind will be forever captured in our wounded hearts. The echoes of laughter, the sparkle of hopeful eyes, the comforting warmth of passionate touch and the truest sense of care coming from the core of the heart. It can be forgotten, it won’t be forgiven. Even after ages, the tremble of lips remains unchanged. Who knew we could withstand that pure bliss and profound sorrow? Emerging from intense ache, granted us a brand new life.

MUSIC Reference :

While the pain of loss may never fully fade, it is essential to get on our feet and welcome the new opportunities that life has to offer hoping that one day, the wounds will be healed. Lessons are learned, and strength is gained. Some parts of the heart still hold onto the lost love, serving as a reminder of how fragile life is, how precious the gift of love is and its every moment, every delight should be cherished because soon, it will be gone in a fleeting second.

Let’s hold the memories in our hearts, scars of bittersweet love that was never meant to be, holding onto the shattered pieces of heart and embracing the journey ahead.

Otherwise the worst is feared for their eternity, ESPECIALLY since Father God has NEVER, EVER, given ANYONE, more than they can handle, given us all/each 'Free Will' though, thus, no one has any excuse, ever. Thus, the Two Judgment Day periods, WILL BE, swift, clear and final. Tomorrow is not promised unto no one, hence again, no excuse's will be heard, nor tolerated (later). When all father God wanted to do was, just create something, HE, is not playing around, no one to cross, etc/misc, ALL LOVE He BE, but = zero - tolerance.

& STILL 2 date U all grasp on2 & think that somehow politics is gonna save ANY of us? Which is just AGAIN, like ugh sick past history, trying 2 deem some other-another as maid-janitor as oppose 2 God via past ie: Holy Bible when U no 'GET'-understand it was a different time centuries ago when God chose 2 intervene via The Flood ie: Noah & even CEASING S & G via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 but past since-2 date, uh NO, there is NO excuse's, misc of & with why we so called MORE OF (than THEM, fill in the blank's) could have SELF denied Warrior risen up like Heaven's Warrior angels DID (their job against Devil B4 it was 86-ed outta Heaven BUT in doing so, BROUGHT this Holy War 2 us) again like a test as with notion: NOTHING unclean can enter Heaven thus must B tested B4 eventually B-ing allowed into eternity.


It’s as Simple as a Choice – Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda – O Jesus, precious Lord, Holy One, how you continue to reveal yourself to me! O Thank you, Jesus. Your word to me is so full of life, Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Jesus, how do I see you today? O Lord, I’m at your feet again. I think this is my favorite place to be, Lord. At your feet with my head on your thigh. O how sweet is time spent here in your presence. Resting upon this Rock of my Salvation. Calling out to Him, praising Him. Touching Him. Having your hand on me, Lord, imparting ALL that I need…to do what you have called me to do. Even as I rest here, Lord, keep me conscious of you today, Lord, and impart to me now all I need to give you glory. Help me to do this, Lord. It is my heart’s desire.

Jesus – O My dear LaWanda, My precious one, you will be conscious today. As I said yesterday, I am breathing My breath into you and it IS changing you, bringing to mind ALL that you need, exactly when you need it. All to glorify Me, to keep you in fellowship with Me. Confessing your sin is good but better to not even go there in the first place. Simply make a choice in that moment and choose Me. And as you do, you will find more and more opportunities to do so every day. Not that you are constantly sinning. No, but Satan is constantly poking at you, trying to find a place where you will succumb. And when he finds one, LaWanda, it’s as simple as a choice. Just say My name. Just say “Jesus.” Quietly in your mind say, “NO, I am choosing Jesus in this moment. I may be weak in the next one, but in THIS one – in THIS moment – I am choosing Him.”

Submit yourself to Me in this moment. Resist the devil and he WILL flee. He MUST. My word says it. He MUST go! Then thank Me for the grace that you have just been given and go on about your day. Remember, dear one, that I am with you…ALWAYS. So there is NEVER a time when you are without Me. I abide in you forever and you in Me…for ETERNITY!!!

Rest in these thoughts, LaWanda. The Spirit of Him who raised Me for the dead abides in you and gives life to you. What a glorious thought this is! Do you realize just how powerful you are, LaWanda with a capital “W”? Ponder these thoughts, dear one. Meditate on these verses. Let them strengthen you deep within your soul, as I breathe fresh courage for this day into you. Let it bring your faith to life, dear one, as you choose Me again and again!

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7

“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you.” Romans 8:11
“At the very moment I called out to you, you answered me! You strengthened me deep within my soul and breathed fresh courage into me.” Psalm 138:3 TPT
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