& STILL 2 date U all grasp on2 & think that somehow politics is gonna save ANY of us? Which is just AGAIN, like ugh sick past history, trying 2 deem some other-another as maid-janitor as oppose 2 God via past ie: Holy Bible when U no 'GET'-understand it was a different time centuries ago when God chose 2 intervene via The Flood ie: Noah & even CEASING S & G via Holy Bible's Genesis 19 but past since-2 date, uh NO, there is NO excuse's, misc of & with why we so called MORE OF (than THEM, fill in the blank's) could have SELF denied Warrior risen up like Heaven's Warrior angels DID (their job against Devil B4 it was 86-ed outta Heaven BUT in doing so, BROUGHT this Holy War 2 us) again like a test as with notion: NOTHING unclean can enter Heaven thus must B tested B4 eventually B-ing allowed into eternity.