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& with landfill's & just "EH" further trashing up (CLEARLY opposite of maintaining tight ie: housecleaning) dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth though Earth tries 2 heal but VAST deem, 'the heck U will heck', no matter & is everywhere USA-globally, R literally a external (from & of 1 individually) & (overall past historically-2 date) witnessed Behavioral Analysis profiled, exhibited sight (a landfill itself) of OUR ALL connected as a whole NECLEUS species-humanity FAILURES in the sense of NOT recycling & re-using material's, misc like when say a building or home has 2 B bye - byed, like 1st when constructing, likewise should B done with DE - constructing, meaning gently - carefully - safely remove good material's & send them 2 local, misc place's where & that they (the material's) CAN B re-used, cleaned up alittle bit & resold or donated via good cause's.

Sigh huh ALL got a WHEN IN LIFE assigned Heaven Life convictable Record thus KNOW THIS = humanity created in LESS than day NOT 4 living 4 SELF NOR 2 B happy but 2 do a non voluntarily-non optional SELF deny daily job-responsibility via-ie: like Jesus once as a child telling HIS Earthly father & mother Joseph & Mary, 'gotta B about doing my Father's work', you know what I mean so LIKEWISE B it daily 4 us all that claim 2 B in-of Jesus as Tomorrow is NOT promised 2 NO 1 & via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24. JUST LIKE Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King of Kings Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God literally said upon the old wooden Cross HE was nailed unto, "We (humanity, EVER) know NOT (literally) what (ALL) we have done" (if even future past tense since Time in & of itself is of no consequence to HIM)!

Just One once said 2 Yahweh Jehovah Father God, "How have I let U down? I curse the day I was born!" Having witnessed MUCH 2 last 10 lifetimes despite I couldn't NEVER have known just what I had been born in2 ie: this STILL Holy War that Devil literally brought 2 us humanity after B-ing 86-ed outta Heaven & STILL we humanity as a whole NECLEUS on one way street in the WRONG direction & it's NOT God permitting anything-nothing, it's humanity that's forced AWAY HIS Holy hand 2 & from doing anything, 4get this verbal garbage of "Well HE no done nothing SO HE must B okay with ALL", uh NO! WRONG! Genesis 19 is just 1 example 2 us all TO DO, as HE NEVER need do anything NOR Jesus 2 come & die = we R FAILED idea!


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& with landfill's & just "EH" further trashing up (CLEARLY opposite of maintaining tight ie: housecleaning) dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth though Earth tries 2 heal but VAST deem, 'the heck U will heck', no matter & is everywhere USA-globally, R literally a external (from & of 1 individually) & (overall past historically-2 date) witnessed Behavioral Analysis profiled, exhibited sight (a landfill itself) of OUR ALL connected as a whole NECLEUS species-humanity FAILURES in the sense of NOT recycling & re-using material's, misc like when say a building or home has 2 B bye - byed, like 1st when constructing, likewise should B done with DE - constructing, meaning gently - carefully - safely remove good material's & send them 2 local, misc place's where & that they (the material's) CAN B re-used, cleaned up alittle bit & resold or donated via good cause's.

Sigh huh ALL got a WHEN IN LIFE assigned Heaven Life convictable Record thus KNOW THIS = humanity created in LESS than day NOT 4 living 4 SELF NOR 2 B happy but 2 do a non voluntarily-non optional SELF deny daily job-responsibility via-ie: like Jesus once as a child telling HIS Earthly father & mother Joseph & Mary, 'gotta B about doing my Father's work', you know what I mean so LIKEWISE B it daily 4 us all that claim 2 B in-of Jesus as Tomorrow is NOT promised 2 NO 1 & via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24. JUST LIKE Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King of Kings Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God literally said upon the old wooden Cross HE was nailed unto, "We (humanity, EVER) know NOT (literally) what (ALL) we have done" (if even future past tense since Time in & of itself is of no consequence to HIM)!

Just One once said 2 Yahweh Jehovah Father God, "How have I let U down? I curse the day I was born!" Having witnessed MUCH 2 last 10 lifetimes despite I couldn't NEVER have known just what I had been born in2 ie: this STILL Holy War that Devil literally brought 2 us humanity after B-ing 86-ed outta Heaven & STILL we humanity as a whole NECLEUS on one way street in the WRONG direction & it's NOT God permitting anything-nothing, it's humanity that's forced AWAY HIS Holy hand 2 & from doing anything, 4get this verbal garbage of "Well HE no done nothing SO HE must B okay with ALL", uh NO! WRONG! Genesis 19 is just 1 example 2 us all TO DO, as HE NEVER need do anything NOR Jesus 2 come & die = we R FAILED idea!

& why me SELF choose 2 B celibate = (NO shacking up NOR breeding ie: NO sexual relation's SELF focus NOR involvement) is cuz I simply have SELF chosen 2 EXCHANGE 1 set of (temporary human NON SELF owned life (via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24: NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul) complication's (ALL that U USA-global adult humanity past historically done - 2 date SELF choose 2 daily do, 4 ANOTHER = SELF denied daily & relentlessly Hard core SELF denying, Luke 9:24-Hebrews 11:1-Luke 17:21-22 & Luke 12:51, Warrior allegiance, Christian Caliphate-Jihadism, wrath of Achilles 2 & 4 Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty - King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God via-ie: Holy Trinity.

Talk about adult (denied) juvenile (behavior) feeble minded, naive, misc etc exhibited internal within denial SELF gripping on2 bad security blanket 2 Coming = ALL USA-global majority of 8 billion plus or so exhibitedly turning against each other & upon (humanity itself) THEN USA-global TOP Power does SAME 2 THEMSELVES = humanity extinct, exactly what THEY want more so like Devil deeming: humanity has done & is doing Devil's job 4 it against God while Devil laughs at us all & spites God with: "LOOK AT THEM ALL, YOU'RE SO CALLED DEFINING PRIDE & JOY, THEIR SUPPOSE TO REPRESENT YOU?!"