Sigh huh ALL got a WHEN IN LIFE assigned Heaven Life convictable Record thus KNOW THIS = humanity created in LESS than day NOT 4 living 4 SELF NOR 2 B happy but 2 do a non voluntarily-non optional SELF deny daily job-responsibility via-ie: like Jesus once as a child telling HIS Earthly father & mother Joseph & Mary, 'gotta B about doing my Father's work', you know what I mean so LIKEWISE B it daily 4 us all that claim 2 B in-of Jesus as Tomorrow is NOT promised 2 NO 1 & via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24. JUST LIKE Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King of Kings Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God literally said upon the old wooden Cross HE was nailed unto, "We (humanity, EVER) know NOT (literally) what (ALL) we have done" (if even future past tense since Time in & of itself is of no consequence to HIM)!